import numpy as np import os import matplotlib as mpl mpl.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Parameters FWHM = 2.5 # Full width half maximum Emin=-16. # Starting energy Emax= 4. # ----- DE = 0.01 # Fineness of the energies to convolve to dE=np.arange(Emin,Emax,DE) E_shift = 0 filename = 'liquid_water-k1-1.pdos' def plot_pdos(txtfile): if not os.path.isfile(txtfile): print("Warning: File does not exist!") return np.zeros(np.shape(dE)[0]) PDOS = np.asarray(open(txtfile).read().split()) if 'f' in PDOS: start = 26 Norb = 4+3 elif 'd' in PDOS: start = 25 Norb = 3+3 elif 'p' in PDOS: start = 24 Norb = 2+3 else: start = 23 Norb = 1+3 L = int(PDOS[-Norb]) pdos = PDOS[start:] pdos = np.asarray(np.split(pdos,L)) E = pdos[:,1].astype(np.float)*27.2114 #a.u. -> eV pdos = pdos[:,3:].astype(float) s, p = convolve(E,pdos) plt.plot(dE+E_shift,s, c='blue',linestyle='-',linewidth=2., label='O s') plt.plot(dE+E_shift,p, c='red',linestyle='-',linewidth=2., label = 'O p') plt.yticks([]) plt.ylabel('PDOS (arbitrary units)') plt.xlabel('Binding energy (eV)') plt.xticks(np.arange(-15,5,5),-np.arange(-15,5,5)) plt.xlim([-16,3]) plt.title('FWHM = ' + str(FWHM) + ' eV') plt.legend(loc = 1) plt.savefig('pdos.png') def convolve(E,PDOS): sigma = 1 / (2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2) ) ) * FWHM conv = np.zeros((len(dE),2)) for j in range(conv.shape[1]): W = PDOS[:,j] for i,e in enumerate(E): conv[:,j] += np.exp(-(dE-e)**2 / (2 * sigma**2))*W[i] return conv[:,0], conv[:,1] plot_pdos(filename)