====== Error Handling ====== In CP2K there exist three convenient macros for error handling. They are defined in [[src>src/base/base_uses.f90]], and are therefore always available. However, these macros can only be used for **short messages** (approximately less than 7 words), because of Fortran's line length limitation. CPWARN("A short warning message") CPABORT("A short error message") CPASSERT(2 > 1) ! For sanity checks only, not for user errors. For longer messages one can use these two routines: CALL cp_warn(__LOCATION__,"A long warning message "//& "which can span multiple lines and contains "//& "some valuable advice for the user.") CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__,"A long error message "//& "with even more valuable advice.") Messages from ''CPWARN'' and ''cp_warn'' are only printed on the first MPI-rank.\\ Warnings issued on other ranks are ignored. ===== Cheat Sheet ===== If you want to... * print a **short warning** message, then you should use: CPWARN("your short message") * print a **longer warning** message, then you should use: CALL cp_warn(__LOCATION__,"your lengthy message, "//& "which can even span multiple lines") * **stop** the program with a **short** error message, then you should use: CPABORT("your short message") * **stop** the program with a **longer** error message, then you should use: CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__,"your lengthy message, "//& "which can even span multiple lines") * have a **simple assertion** without a custom error message, then you should use: CPASSERT(your_logical_expression) * have a **simple assertion** with a **short** error message, then you should use: IF(.NOT.your_logical_expression) CPABORT("your short message") * have a **complex assertion** with a **short** error message, then you should use: IF(.NOT.your_super_complicated_logical_expression_that_takes_alot_of_space)& CPABORT("your short message") * have a **lengthy assertion** with a **longer** error message, then you should use: IF(.NOT.your_super_long_logical_expression_that_takes_alot_of_space)& CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__,"your lengthy message"//& "which again can even span multiple lines")