=====Simulation of STM and AFM images for two short graphene nanoribbons with different chemical termination=====
In case you do not want to use the quantum-mobile VM, you will need to install the asetk and ProbeParticle packages:
git clone https://github.com/ltalirz/asetk
pip install -e asetk
git clone https://github.com/ProkopHapala/ProbeParticleModel.git
cd ProbeParticleModel/
git checkout dev
download from [[https://polybox.ethz.ch/index.php/s/CH5VdcI40YdELez|here]] the tar file exercise_10.tar, move the file to your exercise directory, and extract the content
tar -xvf exercise_10.tar
cd exercise_10
We consider two possible chemical terminations for a finite size 7-AGNR.
In TASK_1 the ribbon is terminated with a C-H2 bonding while in TASK_2 the termination is C-H
The additional H atom present at the termini of the ribbon of TASK_1 will suppress the spin polarized
edge states that are evident in the ribbon of TASK_2
cd TASK_1
Have a look to the cp2k input file cp2k.inp
used to obtain quickly the optimized geometry of a ribbon adsorbed on a Au substrate.
The ribbon is modelled within DFTB (similar to tight binding) while the substrate is modelled
via Embedded Atom Model.
An empirical potential in the form of C6/R^6 plus a Pauli repulsion term
are added to couple the adsorbate/substrate systems.
Two geometry fiels are present: mol.xyz and all.xyz
The cp2k program will need both of them.
Have a look at the geometry of the system using ASE or vmd
for both all.xyz and mol.xyz:
In [1]: from ase.io import read
In [2]: from ase.visualize import view
In [3]: s=read("all.xyz")
In [4]: view(s)
In [5]: exit()
submit the geometry optimisation run
Have a look at the final geometry optained (you can extract the last frame from
the file PROJ-pos-1.xyz)
After completion of the optimization you should extract the final coordinates of the molecule
(first 80 atoms) and copy them in the STM directory (call them p.xyz) to compute the KS orbitals
and to compute the STM images
tail -442 PROJ-pos-1.xyz | head -82 > p.xyz
mv p.xyz STM
Now go to the directorySTM
cd STM
and have a look to the input file cp2k.inp used to converge the
wavefunction of the system and to plot the cube files for the KS orbitals.
Execute the program
cd STM
The program will compute the 4 highest occupied and 4 lowest unoccupied KS orbitals.
Visualize the orbitals with VMD (remember **+** and **-**)
To obtain the STM images you have to combine different KS orbitals (depending on the bias voltage applied)
into a single cube file:
you will then obtain a cube file for each desired bias voltage (see the script run_sumbias)
Now you can compute a constant current STM image running the script
Please note that we are simulating a molecule, we do not include the electrons of the substrate
thus we have a discrete spectrum of energies
why some of the STM images look empty?
Now we can simulate for the same ribbon a nc-AFM image:
Go the the AFM directory of TASK_1 (and have a look to the parameter file params.ini)
copy there the p.xyz file that you havein the STM directory
and execute:
It will take ~ 5 minutes, then you will find a dir containing the AFM simulated image.
Modify the geometry of TASK_1 removing one H atom from each C-H2 at the termini of the ribbon (remove two H atoms in total).
Create the corresponding mol.xyz and all.xyz files, optimize the geometry, compute STM and nc-AFM images
repeating all the instructions of TASK_1 for the scripts present in the dir TASK_2
Be careful: here we do a spin polarised simulation. **When doing the STM simulation (ONLY for the STM)**
we have to distinguish the three C atoms of one terminus of the ribbon from the
three of the opposite terminus calling them C1 and C2. For these atoms
we will define a guess electronic configuration with spin up on one side and spin down on the opposite side.
This is achieved defining a occupation unbalance in the alpha and beta orbitals (try to identify this section of the input
and note that the calculation is performed for a spin multiplicity of 1)
The file p.xyz in teh STM directory should look similar to:
i = 49, E = -140.2738100175
H 4.2914607718 10.2130614763 21.2815435017
H 4.2778729017 7.7509218987 21.2954986738
H 4.2782723704 12.6751364096 21.2955091278
C 7.4704758534 6.5236639413 21.2352922076
C1 5.3788157746 7.7465647443 21.2687198580
C1 5.3936844253 10.2129317839 21.2797918647
C1 5.3792136407 12.6792819903 21.2687263656
C2 21.1530397078 7.7456205579 21.2687376504
C2 21.1385072480 10.2118877383 21.2797955201
C2 21.1533012965 12.6781430186 21.2687326678
Look at the KS orbitals (especially HOMO and LUMO) for both spin UP and DOWN
Notice the difference between the images in TASK_2 and the images in TASK_1
In TASK_2 we have KS states localised at the termini of the ribbon.
These states are suppressed by the addiitonal H atoms in TASK_1
why some STM images are remarkably asymmetric? Is this correct?