~~NOCACHE~~ ====== HOWTOs ====== Most howtos have been moved to https://manual.cp2k.org. ===== Installation ===== * [[https://github.com/cp2k/cp2k/blob/master/INSTALL.md|How to Compile CP2K]] * [[howto:compile_with_cuda|How to Compile CP2K with CUDA Support]] * [[howto:install_with_plumed|How to Compile and Install CP2K with PLUMED]] * [[howto:compile_on_windows_with_cygwin|How to Compile and Install CP2K on Windows with Cygwin]] * [[howto:compile_on_windows|How to Compile CP2K on Windows]] * [[howto:compile_on_macos|How to Compile CP2K on macOS]] * [[howto:compile_on_cray_cscs|How to Compile CP2K on CRAY XC40/50 at CSCS]] * [[howto:build and run CP2K containers|How to build and run CP2K containers]] ===== Basic Topics ===== * [[howto:wiki|How to use the Wiki]] * [[howto:static_calculation|How to Calculate Energy and Forces]] * [[howto::running_qe_computation| How to run QE types of calculations with CP2K and SIRIUS]] * [[howto:gethelp|How to ask a question on Google groups]] * [[howto:dft+u|How to run a DFT+U calculation]] ===== Advanced Topics ===== * [[https://brehm-research.de/spectroscopy|How to calculate vibrational spectra from AIMD]] with CP2K and [[http://www.travis-analyzer.de/|TRAVIS]] (Updated 2018). * [[https://brehm-research.de/bqb|Lossless compression of trajectories and Cube files - the bqb format]]. * [[howto:pgo | How to build with profile guided optimization]] * [[howto:stm | How to generate STM images from CP2K simulation]] * [[howto:cp2k_omen | How to perform DFT+NEGF transport calculations with CP2K and OMEN]] * [[howto:shifter|How run with Shifter / Docker]] ===== Applications / Case Studies ===== * [[ science | Example published work using CP2K ]]