In this exercise, you are requested to start from the results of exercise 2, and perform the following steps
Check with vmd the final psi and phi angles, in the file a_opt-pos-1.pdb. Note these angles on a piece of paper.
Do the same with inp.b, run the code in a similar way, and measure the b angles b_opt-pos-1.pdb.
Check the final energies (grep 'E =' b_opt-pos-1.pdb )
copy the optimized a configuration into aopt.pdb.
Substitute the values of the angles in the line_ij script, and generate a line (again using restraints to fix the dihedrals along this line). Again, this time you will have an output line with three columns (file eneline): the restrained phi, psi, and the energy in Hartree.
<note important>1 Hartree=27.2116 eV=627.509 kcal/mol</note>
In this way you will obtain an energy profile joining the two minima (would it be an idea to do a nudged elastic band?).
Now, you can create a new directory, and use a different potential file where a dihedral angle is increased or decreased. This task is performed by the ff_multiply_ij script file, where you need again to substitute the values of the A and B pairs of angles to interpolate.
This time different enemol* files will be generated, each for a modified strength of the bond parameters.
Similarly, the ff_divide_ij will generate profiles with the strength divided by 2,3,4… in the files enediv.2, enediv.3, enediv.4…
The mod_ff.gnu file will plot all that, and the shape of the harmonic dihedral potential.
How will the line profile change? Why?