Under the name of “CP2K Foundation” there exists an association according to Art. 60 ff. ZGB, located in Zürich.
The association is politically and confessionally independent.
The purpose of the association is to promote the CP2K software project and to protect its open nature.
In order to achieve its purpose, the association disposes of the following funds:
The membership fees are determined annually through the general assembly.
The business year corresponds to the calendar year.
All natural and legal persons, who support the purpose of the association, can become members. Membership requests are to be directed to the board; the board will decide whether to approve the request.
The membership is terminated
Withdrawal from the association is possible at any time. The withdrawal request must be directed in writing to the board. Requests via Email are valid.
A member can be expelled from the association at any time without the necessity to state reasons. The board will decide on the expulsion; the member may pass on the decision on the expulsion to the general assembly.
The association bodies are:
The general assembly is the supreme body of the association. An ordinary general assembly takes place at least once per year.
The members are invited to the general assembly 20 days ahead of time in writing, with a list of agenda items enclosed. Inviations via Email are valid.
The board or 1/5 of the members can at any time, indicating the reasons, request to convene an extraordinary general assembly.
The general assembly has the following irrevocable obligations:
Any properly convened general assembly is a quorum independent of the number of participating members.
Each member has one vote at the general assembly; decisions are reached through a simple majority.
Changing the existing statutes requires a 2/3 majority.
Minutes shall be taken about the made decisions.
The board comprises at least 3 persons and is self-constituting. The term lasts one year; re-election is possible.
The board represents the association to the outside and executes the descisions of the general assembly.
The general assembly annually elects one auditor who checks the bookkeeping and conducts spot controls at least once a year.
The association becomes obligated through the collective signature of two board members.
The debts of the association only extend to the association’s own funds. Personal liability of members is excluded.
The dissolution of the association can be decided on by the general assembly with a majority of 2/3, if at least 90% of the members participate.
If less than 90% of all members take part in the general assembly, a second assembly is to be held within a month. During this assembly, the association can be dissolved by a simple majority agreement if fewer than three fourths of all members participate.
In case of dissolution of the association, its available funds will go to an tax-exempt institution with the same or similar goals.
The official language of the association is English.
The board must ensure, that all members can participate fully in the democratic processes without being physically present.
These statutes have been accepted at the founders’ meeting of 30th November 2015 and came into effect on that date.