CP2K Input File

Documentation of cp2k can be found on the website http://manual.cp2k.org and can also be generated by the cp2k executable itself using the flag –html or –xml (followed by xml2htm if you want an html documentation). The documentation generated by the executable is always consistent with its version, whereas the one on the website refers to the latest version.

Input Syntax


activates the OT method and


(or the absence of the OT section) deactivates it.

Input Structure

The basic idea of the input is to define the options for the method that you want to use to calculate the forces/energy in the FORCE_EVAL section. If you use the ab-initio DFT part then the DFT and QS subsections will probabily be of interest for you. The method to use is choosen with FORCE_EVAL%METHOD keyword, i.e. the keyword METHOD in the FORCE_EVAL section. So you can easily switch from one method to the another if you gave meaningful parameters to both.

Then parameters for the kind of calculation (run type) to do using that method (energy,force,molecular dynamics,langevin,…) are defined in the MOTION section

Finally in the GLOBAL section you can choose the run type to perform with the keyword RUN_TYPE, the name of the project (PROJECT), used to generate most of the output files, the PRINT_LEVEL keyword that controls the general level of output, and other general flags. The GLOBAL%PRINT%PHYSCON keyword enables a printout of the physical constants used by cp2k.

See also