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Glossary of Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronym Meaning
ADMM Auxiliary Density Matrix Method
AMBER Assisted Model Building and Energy Refinement
BFGS Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno algorithm
BSSE Basis Set Superposition Error
CG Conjugated Gradients algorithm
CHARMM Chemistry at HARvard Molecular Mechanics
COLVAR COLlective VARiable
CP Car–Parrinello method
CSVR Canonical Sampling through Velocity Rescaling
CUDA Compute Unified Device Architecture
DBCSR Distributed Block Compressed Sparse Row library
DFTB Density Functional Tight Binding
DFT Density Functional Theory
DIIS Direct Inversion of the Iterative Subspace
DOS Density Of States
EAM Embedded-Atom Method
EIP Empirical Interatomic Potential
EPR Electron Paramagnetic Resonance
FCC Face-Centered Cubic crystal structure
FIST Frontiers In Simulation Technology (cp2k's force field implementation)
GAPW Gaussian Augmented-Plane Waves method
GEEP Gaussian Expansion of the Electrostatic Potential
GGA Generalized Gradient Approximations
GLE Generalized Langevin Thermostat
GPW Gaussian Plane Wave method
GROMOS GROningen MOlecular Simulation
GTH Goedecker-Teter-Hutter pseudopotentials
GTO Gaussian Type Orbitals
HF Hartree Fock
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
LCAO Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals
LDA Local-Density Approximation
LDOS Local Density of States.
LRIGPW Local Resolution-of-Identity Projector Augmented Wave method
MC Monte Carlo method
MD Molecular Dynamics
MM Molecular Mechanics
MNDO Modified Neglect of Diatomic Overlap
MO Molecular Orbitals
MP2 Møller–Plesset perturbation theory to 2nd Order
MPI Message Passing Interface
MSST Multi-Scale Shock Technique
NDDO Neglect of Diatomic Differential Overlap
NEB Nudged Elastic Band
NMR Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
OF Orbital Free
OpenCL Open Computing Language
OpenMP Open Multi-Processing
OT Orbital Transformation method
PBC Periodic Boundary Conditions
PEXSI Pole EXpansion and Selected Inversion method
PINT Path INTegral
PP Pseudo-Potential
QMMM Quantum Mechanics / Molecular Mechanics
QM Quantum Mechanics
QS Quick Step (cp2k's quantum methods implementation)
QUIP QUantum mechanics and Interatomic Potentials library
RMSD Root-Mean-Square Deviation
RPA Random-Phase Approximation
SCCS Self-Consistent Continuum Solvation model
SCF Self Consistent Field algorithm
SCPTB Self-Consistent-Polarization Tight-Binding
SE Semi-Empirical methods
SIC Self Interaction Correction
STM Scanning Tunneling Microscope
TDDFPT Time Dependent Density Field Perturbation Theory
TMC Tree Monte Carlo algorithm
XC eXchange and Correlation functional
ZMP Zhao-Morrison-Parr potential
acronyms.1441352033.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/08/21 10:15 (external edit)