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# Matt Watkins for the CP2K-UK summer school 2016

Multiscale modelling - mixed hamiltonians and external fields in CP2K

Matt Watkins

School of Mathematics and Physics, University of Lincoln, UK


Flexible modelling

It is a very common problem that we need to describe an imhomogeneous system, and we may be more interested in some parts than others. However, the rest of the system is still important.

MgO cluster on bulk Ag

We could consider

  • QM/MM a Quantum Mechanical system (Quantum, probably DFT) is coupled to a Molecular Mechanics (classical force field)
  • QM/QM a Quantum Mechanical system embedded into a larger Quantum mechanical system described using a cheaper method (smaller basis set, non-hybrid functional, orbital free DFT …)
  • External fields, perhaps the influence of the outside world can just be approximated as an external electric field?

Also, we might need to collect a lot of data when dealing with amorphous or disordered systems. Within CP2K there is quite reasonable task farming capability allowing complex jobs to be automated internally. Practically this can mean only a single job being submitted into a queue, rather than thousands…

events/2016_summer_school/qmmm.1472117558.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/08/21 10:14 (external edit)