LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/aobasis - ai_spin_orbit.F (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: CP2K Regtests (git:96bff0e) Lines: 78 78 100.0 %
Date: 2024-07-27 06:51:10 Functions: 1 1 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
       2             : !   CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations                              !
       3             : !   Copyright 2000-2024 CP2K developers group <>                                   !
       4             : !                                                                                                  !
       5             : !   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later                                                      !
       6             : !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
       7             : 
       8             : ! **************************************************************************************************
       9             : !> \brief Calculation of spin orbit integrals over Cartesian Gaussian-type functions
      10             : !> \par Literature
      11             : !>      S. Obara and A. Saika, J. Chem. Phys. 84, 3963 (1986)
      12             : !> \par History
      13             : !>      none
      14             : !> \par Parameters
      15             : !>       - ax,ay,az    : Angular momentum index numbers of orbital a.
      16             : !>       - bx,by,bz    : Angular momentum index numbers of orbital b.
      17             : !>       - coset       : Cartesian orbital set pointer.
      18             : !>       - dab         : Distance between the atomic centers a and b.
      19             : !>       - dac         : Distance between the atomic centers a and c.
      20             : !>       - dbc         : Distance between the atomic centers b and c.
      21             : !>       - l{a,b,c}    : Angular momentum quantum number of shell a, b or c.
      22             : !>       - l{a,b,c}_max: Maximum angular momentum quantum number of shell a, b or c.
      23             : !>       - l{a,b,c}_min: Minimum angular momentum quantum number of shell a, b or c.
      24             : !>       - ncoset      : Number of orbitals in a Cartesian orbital set.
      25             : !>       - npgf{a,b}   : Degree of contraction of shell a or b.
      26             : !>       - rab         : Distance vector between the atomic centers a and b.
      27             : !>       - rab2        : Square of the distance between the atomic centers a and b.
      28             : !>       - rac         : Distance vector between the atomic centers a and c.
      29             : !>       - rac2        : Square of the distance between the atomic centers a and c.
      30             : !>       - rbc         : Distance vector between the atomic centers b and c.
      31             : !>       - rbc2        : Square of the distance between the atomic centers b and c.
      32             : !>       - rpgf{a,b,c} : Radius of the primitive Gaussian-type function a, b or c.
      33             : !>       - zet{a,b,c}  : Exponents of the Gaussian-type functions a, b or c.
      34             : !>       - zetp        : Reciprocal of the sum of the exponents of orbital a and b.
      35             : !> \author VW
      36             : ! **************************************************************************************************
      37             : MODULE ai_spin_orbit
      38             :    USE ai_os_rr,                        ONLY: os_rr_coul
      39             :    USE kinds,                           ONLY: dp
      40             :    USE mathconstants,                   ONLY: pi
      41             :    USE orbital_pointers,                ONLY: coset,&
      42             :                                               ncoset
      43             : #include "../base/base_uses.f90"
      44             : 
      45             :    IMPLICIT NONE
      46             :    CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'ai_spin_orbit'
      47             :    PRIVATE
      48             : 
      49             :    ! *** Public subroutines ***
      50             : 
      51             :    PUBLIC :: pso
      52             : 
      53             : CONTAINS
      54             : 
      55             : ! **************************************************************************************************
      56             : !> \brief   Calculation of the primitive paramagnetic spin orbit integrals over
      57             : !>          Cartesian Gaussian-type functions.
      58             : !> \param la_max ...
      59             : !> \param la_min ...
      60             : !> \param npgfa ...
      61             : !> \param rpgfa ...
      62             : !> \param zeta ...
      63             : !> \param lb_max ...
      64             : !> \param lb_min ...
      65             : !> \param npgfb ...
      66             : !> \param rpgfb ...
      67             : !> \param zetb ...
      68             : !> \param rac ...
      69             : !> \param rbc ...
      70             : !> \param rab ...
      71             : !> \param vab ...
      72             : !> \param ldrr1 ...
      73             : !> \param ldrr2 ...
      74             : !> \param rr ...
      75             : !> \date    02.03.2009
      76             : !> \author  VW
      77             : !> \version 1.0
      78             : ! **************************************************************************************************
      79       81476 :    SUBROUTINE pso(la_max, la_min, npgfa, rpgfa, zeta, lb_max, lb_min, npgfb, rpgfb, zetb, &
      80       40738 :                   rac, rbc, rab, vab, ldrr1, ldrr2, rr)
      81             :       INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: la_max, la_min, npgfa
      82             :       REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN)            :: rpgfa, zeta
      83             :       INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: lb_max, lb_min, npgfb
      84             :       REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN)            :: rpgfb, zetb
      85             :       REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(3), INTENT(IN)            :: rac, rbc, rab
      86             :       REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:, :, :), INTENT(INOUT)   :: vab
      87             :       INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: ldrr1, ldrr2
      88             :       REAL(dp), DIMENSION(0:ldrr1-1, ldrr2, *), &
      89             :          INTENT(INOUT)                                   :: rr
      90             : 
      91             :       INTEGER :: ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, coa, coam1x, coam1y, coam1z, coap1x, coap1y, coap1z, cob, &
      92             :          cobm1x, cobm1y, cobm1z, cobp1x, cobp1y, cobp1z, i, ipgf, j, jpgf, la, lb, ma, mb, na, nb
      93             :       REAL(dp)                                           :: dab, dum1, dum2, f0, rab2, xhi, zet, &
      94             :                                                             zetab
      95             :       REAL(dp), DIMENSION(3)                             :: rap, rbp, rcp
      96             : 
      97             : ! *** Calculate the distance of the centers a and c ***
      98             : 
      99       40738 :       rab2 = rab(1)**2 + rab(2)**2 + rab(3)**2
     100       40738 :       dab = SQRT(rab2)
     101             : 
     102             :       ! *** Loop over all pairs of primitive Gaussian-type functions ***
     103             : 
     104       40738 :       na = 0
     105             : 
     106       92858 :       DO ipgf = 1, npgfa
     107             : 
     108       52120 :          nb = 0
     109             : 
     110      118782 :          DO jpgf = 1, npgfb
     111             : 
     112             :             ! *** Screening ***
     113             : 
     114       66662 :             IF (rpgfa(ipgf) + rpgfb(jpgf) < dab) THEN
     115       29344 :                DO j = nb + 1, nb + ncoset(lb_max)
     116       52413 :                   DO i = na + 1, na + ncoset(la_max)
     117       23069 :                      vab(i, j, 1) = 0.0_dp
     118       23069 :                      vab(i, j, 2) = 0.0_dp
     119       40267 :                      vab(i, j, 3) = 0.0_dp
     120             :                   END DO
     121             :                END DO
     122       12146 :                nb = nb + ncoset(lb_max)
     123       12146 :                CYCLE
     124             :             END IF
     125             : 
     126             :             ! *** Calculate some prefactors ***
     127             : 
     128       54516 :             zetab = zeta(ipgf)*zetb(jpgf)
     129       54516 :             zet = zeta(ipgf) + zetb(jpgf)
     130       54516 :             xhi = zetab/zet
     131      218064 :             rap = zetb(jpgf)*rab/zet
     132      218064 :             rbp = -zeta(ipgf)*rab/zet
     133      218064 :             rcp = -(zeta(ipgf)*rac + zetb(jpgf)*rbc)/zet
     134             : 
     135       54516 :             f0 = 2.0_dp*SQRT(zet/pi)*(pi/zet)**(1.5_dp)*EXP(-xhi*rab2)
     136             : 
     137             :             ! *** Calculate the recurrence relation ***
     138             : 
     139       54516 :             CALL os_rr_coul(rap, la_max + 1, rbp, lb_max + 1, rcp, zet, ldrr1, ldrr2, rr)
     140             : 
     141             :             ! *** Calculate the primitive Fermi contact integrals ***
     142             : 
     143      121388 :             DO lb = lb_min, lb_max
     144      200627 :             DO bx = 0, lb
     145      237717 :             DO by = 0, lb - bx
     146       91606 :                bz = lb - bx - by
     147       91606 :                cob = coset(bx, by, bz)
     148       91606 :                cobm1x = coset(MAX(bx - 1, 0), by, bz)
     149       91606 :                cobm1y = coset(bx, MAX(by - 1, 0), bz)
     150       91606 :                cobm1z = coset(bx, by, MAX(bz - 1, 0))
     151       91606 :                cobp1x = coset(bx + 1, by, bz)
     152       91606 :                cobp1y = coset(bx, by + 1, bz)
     153       91606 :                cobp1z = coset(bx, by, bz + 1)
     154       91606 :                mb = nb + cob
     155      287413 :                DO la = la_min, la_max
     156      349717 :                DO ax = 0, la
     157      424629 :                DO ay = 0, la - ax
     158      166518 :                   az = la - ax - ay
     159      166518 :                   coa = coset(ax, ay, az)
     160      166518 :                   coam1x = coset(MAX(ax - 1, 0), ay, az)
     161      166518 :                   coam1y = coset(ax, MAX(ay - 1, 0), az)
     162      166518 :                   coam1z = coset(ax, ay, MAX(az - 1, 0))
     163      166518 :                   coap1x = coset(ax + 1, ay, az)
     164      166518 :                   coap1y = coset(ax, ay + 1, az)
     165      166518 :                   coap1z = coset(ax, ay, az + 1)
     166      166518 :                   ma = na + coa
     167             :                   !
     168             :                   !
     169             :                   ! (a|pso_x|b) = (4*zeta*zetb*(a+y||b+z)
     170             :                   !               -2*zeta*Nz(b)*(a+y||b-z)-2*zetb*Ny(a)*(a-y||b+z)
     171             :                   !               +Ny(a)*Nz(b)*(a-y||b-z))
     172             :                   !              -(4*zeta*zetb*(a+z||b+y)
     173             :                   !               -2*zeta*Ny(b)*(a+z||b-y)-2*zetb*Nz(a)*(a-z||b+y)
     174             :                   !               +Nz(a)*Ny(b)*(a-z||b-y))
     175      166518 :                   dum1 = 4.0_dp*zeta(ipgf)*zetb(jpgf)*rr(0, coap1y, cobp1z)
     176      166518 :                   IF (bz .GT. 0) dum1 = dum1 - 2.0_dp*zeta(ipgf)*REAL(bz, dp)*rr(0, coap1y, cobm1z)
     177      166518 :                   IF (ay .GT. 0) dum1 = dum1 - 2.0_dp*zetb(jpgf)*REAL(ay, dp)*rr(0, coam1y, cobp1z)
     178      166518 :                   IF (ay .GT. 0 .AND. bz .GT. 0) dum1 = dum1 + REAL(ay, dp)*REAL(bz, dp)*rr(0, coam1y, cobm1z)
     179             :                   !
     180      166518 :                   dum2 = 4.0_dp*zeta(ipgf)*zetb(jpgf)*rr(0, coap1z, cobp1y)
     181      166518 :                   IF (by .GT. 0) dum2 = dum2 - 2.0_dp*zeta(ipgf)*REAL(by, dp)*rr(0, coap1z, cobm1y)
     182      166518 :                   IF (az .GT. 0) dum2 = dum2 - 2.0_dp*zetb(jpgf)*REAL(az, dp)*rr(0, coam1z, cobp1y)
     183      166518 :                   IF (az .GT. 0 .AND. by .GT. 0) dum2 = dum2 + REAL(az, dp)*REAL(by, dp)*rr(0, coam1z, cobm1y)
     184      166518 :                   vab(ma, mb, 1) = f0*(dum1 - dum2)
     185             :                   !
     186             :                   !
     187             :                   ! (a|pso_y|b) = (4*zeta*zetb*(a+z||b+x)
     188             :                   !               -2*zeta*Nx(b)*(a+z||b-x)-2*zetb*Nz(a)*(a-z||b+x)
     189             :                   !               +Nz(a)*Nx(b)*(a-z||b-x))
     190             :                   !              -(4*zeta*zetb*(a+x||b+z)
     191             :                   !               -2*zeta*Nz(b)*(a+x||b-z)-2*zetb*Nx(a)*(a-x||b+z)
     192             :                   !               +Nx(a)*Nz(b)*(a-x||b-z))
     193      166518 :                   dum1 = 4.0_dp*zeta(ipgf)*zetb(jpgf)*rr(0, coap1z, cobp1x)
     194      166518 :                   IF (bx .GT. 0) dum1 = dum1 - 2.0_dp*zeta(ipgf)*REAL(bx, dp)*rr(0, coap1z, cobm1x)
     195      166518 :                   IF (az .GT. 0) dum1 = dum1 - 2.0_dp*zetb(jpgf)*REAL(az, dp)*rr(0, coam1z, cobp1x)
     196      166518 :                   IF (az .GT. 0 .AND. bx .GT. 0) dum1 = dum1 + REAL(az, dp)*REAL(bx, dp)*rr(0, coam1z, cobm1x)
     197             :                   !
     198      166518 :                   dum2 = 4.0_dp*zeta(ipgf)*zetb(jpgf)*rr(0, coap1x, cobp1z)
     199      166518 :                   IF (bz .GT. 0) dum2 = dum2 - 2.0_dp*zeta(ipgf)*REAL(bz, dp)*rr(0, coap1x, cobm1z)
     200      166518 :                   IF (ax .GT. 0) dum2 = dum2 - 2.0_dp*zetb(jpgf)*REAL(ax, dp)*rr(0, coam1x, cobp1z)
     201      166518 :                   IF (ax .GT. 0 .AND. bz .GT. 0) dum2 = dum2 + REAL(ax, dp)*REAL(bz, dp)*rr(0, coam1x, cobm1z)
     202      166518 :                   vab(ma, mb, 2) = f0*(dum1 - dum2)
     203             :                   !
     204             :                   !
     205             :                   ! (a|pso_z|b) = (4*zeta*zetb*(a+x||b+y)
     206             :                   !               -2*zeta*Ny(b)*(a+x||b-y)-2*zetb*Nx(a)*(a-x||b+y)
     207             :                   !               +Nx(a)*Ny(b)*(a-x||b-y))
     208             :                   !              -(4*zeta*zetb*(a+y||b+x)
     209             :                   !               -2*zeta*Nx(b)*(a+y||b-x)-2*zetb*Ny(a)*(a-y||b+x)
     210             :                   !               +Ny(a)*Nx(b)*(a-y||b-x))
     211      166518 :                   dum1 = 4.0_dp*zeta(ipgf)*zetb(jpgf)*rr(0, coap1x, cobp1y)
     212      166518 :                   IF (by .GT. 0) dum1 = dum1 - 2.0_dp*zeta(ipgf)*REAL(by, dp)*rr(0, coap1x, cobm1y)
     213      166518 :                   IF (ax .GT. 0) dum1 = dum1 - 2.0_dp*zetb(jpgf)*REAL(ax, dp)*rr(0, coam1x, cobp1y)
     214      166518 :                   IF (ax .GT. 0 .AND. by .GT. 0) dum1 = dum1 + REAL(ax, dp)*REAL(by, dp)*rr(0, coam1x, cobm1y)
     215             :                   !
     216      166518 :                   dum2 = 4.0_dp*zeta(ipgf)*zetb(jpgf)*rr(0, coap1y, cobp1x)
     217      166518 :                   IF (bx .GT. 0) dum2 = dum2 - 2.0_dp*zeta(ipgf)*REAL(bx, dp)*rr(0, coap1y, cobm1x)
     218      166518 :                   IF (ay .GT. 0) dum2 = dum2 - 2.0_dp*zetb(jpgf)*REAL(ay, dp)*rr(0, coam1y, cobp1x)
     219      166518 :                   IF (ay .GT. 0 .AND. bx .GT. 0) dum2 = dum2 + REAL(ay, dp)*REAL(bx, dp)*rr(0, coam1y, cobm1x)
     220      308061 :                   vab(ma, mb, 3) = f0*(dum1 - dum2)
     221             :                   !
     222             :                END DO
     223             :                END DO
     224             :                END DO !la
     225             : 
     226             :             END DO
     227             :             END DO
     228             :             END DO !lb
     229             : 
     230      106636 :             nb = nb + ncoset(lb_max)
     231             : 
     232             :          END DO
     233             : 
     234       92858 :          na = na + ncoset(la_max)
     235             : 
     236             :       END DO
     237             : 
     238       40738 :    END SUBROUTINE pso
     239             : 
     240             : END MODULE ai_spin_orbit

Generated by: LCOV version 1.15