LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/arnoldi - arnoldi_data_methods.F (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: CP2K Regtests (git:b8e0b09) Lines: 191 218 87.6 %
Date: 2024-08-31 06:31:37 Functions: 19 29 65.5 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
       2             : !   CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations                              !
       3             : !   Copyright 2000-2024 CP2K developers group <>                                   !
       4             : !                                                                                                  !
       5             : !   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later                                                      !
       6             : !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
       7             : 
       8             : ! **************************************************************************************************
       9             : !> \brief The methods which allow to analyze and manipulate the arnoldi procedure
      10             : !>        The main routine and this should eb the only public access point for the
      11             : !>        method
      12             : !> \par History
      13             : !>       2014.09 created [Florian Schiffmann]
      14             : !> \author Florian Schiffmann
      15             : ! **************************************************************************************************
      16             : 
      17             : MODULE arnoldi_data_methods
      18             :    USE arnoldi_types, ONLY: &
      19             :       arnoldi_control_type, arnoldi_data_c_type, arnoldi_data_d_type, arnoldi_data_s_type, &
      20             :       arnoldi_data_type, arnoldi_data_z_type, get_control, get_data_c, get_data_d, get_data_s, &
      21             :       get_data_z, get_evals_c, get_evals_d, get_evals_s, get_evals_z, get_sel_ind, has_d_cmplx, &
      22             :       has_d_real, set_control, set_data_c, set_data_d, set_data_s, &
      23             :       set_data_z
      24             :    USE cp_dbcsr_api, ONLY: &
      25             :       dbcsr_distribution_get, dbcsr_distribution_type, dbcsr_get_data_p, dbcsr_get_data_type, &
      26             :       dbcsr_get_info, dbcsr_get_matrix_type, dbcsr_mp_grid_setup, dbcsr_p_type, dbcsr_release, &
      27             :       dbcsr_type, dbcsr_type_complex_8, dbcsr_type_real_8, dbcsr_type_symmetric
      28             :    USE dbcsr_vector, ONLY: create_col_vec_from_matrix
      29             :    USE kinds, ONLY: real_8
      30             :    USE util, ONLY: sort
      31             : #include "../base/base_uses.f90"
      32             : 
      33             :    IMPLICIT NONE
      34             : 
      35             :    PRIVATE
      36             : 
      37             :    PUBLIC :: select_evals, get_selected_ritz_val, arnoldi_is_converged, &
      38             :              arnoldi_data_type, get_nrestart, set_arnoldi_initial_vector, &
      39             :              setup_arnoldi_data, deallocate_arnoldi_data, get_selected_ritz_vector
      40             : 
      41             : CONTAINS
      42             : 
      43             : ! **************************************************************************************************
      44             : !> \brief This routine sets the environment for the arnoldi iteration and
      45             : !>        the krylov subspace creation. All simulation parameters have to be given
      46             : !>        at this stage so the rest can run fully automated
      47             : !>        In addition, this routine allocates the data necessary for
      48             : !> \param arnoldi_data this type which gets filled with information and
      49             : !>        on output contains all information necessary to extract
      50             : !>        whatever the user desires
      51             : !> \param matrix vector of matrices, only the first gets used to get some dimensions
      52             : !>        and parallel information needed later on
      53             : !> \param max_iter maximum dimension of the krylov subspace
      54             : !> \param threshold convergence threshold, this is used for both subspace and eigenval
      55             : !> \param selection_crit integer defining according to which criterion the
      56             : !>        eigenvalues are selected for the subspace
      57             : !> \param nval_request for some sel_crit useful, how many eV to select
      58             : !> \param nrestarts ...
      59             : !> \param generalized_ev ...
      60             : !> \param iram ...
      61             : ! **************************************************************************************************
      62      130233 :    SUBROUTINE setup_arnoldi_data(arnoldi_data, matrix, max_iter, threshold, selection_crit, &
      63             :                                  nval_request, nrestarts, generalized_ev, iram)
      64             :       TYPE(arnoldi_data_type)                            :: arnoldi_data
      65             :       TYPE(dbcsr_p_type), DIMENSION(:)                   :: matrix
      66             :       INTEGER                                            :: max_iter
      67             :       REAL(real_8)                                       :: threshold
      68             :       INTEGER                                            :: selection_crit, nval_request, nrestarts
      69             :       LOGICAL                                            :: generalized_ev, iram
      70             : 
      71             :       CALL setup_arnoldi_control(arnoldi_data, matrix, max_iter, threshold, selection_crit, &
      72      130233 :                                  nval_request, nrestarts, generalized_ev, iram)
      73             : 
      74      130233 :       SELECT CASE (dbcsr_get_data_type(matrix(1)%matrix))
      75             :       CASE (dbcsr_type_real_8)
      76      130233 :          CALL setup_arnoldi_data_d(arnoldi_data, matrix, max_iter)
      77             :       CASE (dbcsr_type_complex_8)
      78      130233 :          CALL setup_arnoldi_data_z(arnoldi_data, matrix, max_iter)
      79             :       END SELECT
      80             : 
      81      130233 :    END SUBROUTINE setup_arnoldi_data
      82             : 
      83             : ! **************************************************************************************************
      84             : !> \brief Creates the control type for arnoldi, see above for details
      85             : !> \param arnoldi_data ...
      86             : !> \param matrix ...
      87             : !> \param max_iter ...
      88             : !> \param threshold ...
      89             : !> \param selection_crit ...
      90             : !> \param nval_request ...
      91             : !> \param nrestarts ...
      92             : !> \param generalized_ev ...
      93             : !> \param iram ...
      94             : ! **************************************************************************************************
      95      130233 :    SUBROUTINE setup_arnoldi_control(arnoldi_data, matrix, max_iter, threshold, selection_crit, nval_request, &
      96             :                                     nrestarts, generalized_ev, iram)
      97             :       TYPE(arnoldi_data_type)                            :: arnoldi_data
      98             :       TYPE(dbcsr_p_type), DIMENSION(:)                   :: matrix
      99             :       INTEGER                                            :: max_iter
     100             :       REAL(real_8)                                       :: threshold
     101             :       INTEGER                                            :: selection_crit, nval_request, nrestarts
     102             :       LOGICAL                                            :: generalized_ev, iram
     103             : 
     104             :       INTEGER :: pcol_handle, group_handle
     105             :       LOGICAL                                            :: subgroups_defined
     106             :       TYPE(arnoldi_control_type), POINTER                :: control
     107             :       TYPE(dbcsr_distribution_type)                      :: distri
     108             : 
     109           0 :       ALLOCATE (control)
     110             : ! Fill the information which will later on control the behavior of the arnoldi method and allow synchronization
     111      130233 :       CALL dbcsr_get_info(matrix=matrix(1)%matrix, distribution=distri)
     112      130233 :       CALL dbcsr_mp_grid_setup(distri)
     113             :       CALL dbcsr_distribution_get(distri, &
     114             :                                   group=group_handle, &
     115             :                                   mynode=control%myproc, &
     116             :                                   subgroups_defined=subgroups_defined, &
     117      130233 :                                   pcol_group=pcol_handle)
     118             : 
     119      130233 :       CALL control%mp_group%set_handle(group_handle)
     120      130233 :       CALL control%pcol_group%set_handle(pcol_handle)
     121             : 
     122      130233 :       IF (.NOT. subgroups_defined) &
     123           0 :          CPABORT("arnoldi only with subgroups")
     124             : 
     125      130233 :       control%symmetric = .FALSE.
     126             : ! Will need a fix for complex because there it has to be hermitian
     127      130233 :       IF (SIZE(matrix) == 1) &
     128      126345 :          control%symmetric = dbcsr_get_matrix_type(matrix(1)%matrix) == dbcsr_type_symmetric
     129             : 
     130             : ! Set the control parameters
     131      130233 :       control%max_iter = max_iter
     132      130233 :       control%current_step = 0
     133      130233 :       control%selection_crit = selection_crit
     134      130233 :       control%nval_req = nval_request
     135      130233 :       control%threshold = threshold
     136      130233 :       control%converged = .FALSE.
     137      130233 :       control%has_initial_vector = .FALSE.
     138      130233 :       control%iram = iram
     139      130233 :       control%nrestart = nrestarts
     140      130233 :       control%generalized_ev = generalized_ev
     141             : 
     142      130233 :       IF (control%nval_req > 1 .AND. control%nrestart > 0 .AND. .NOT. control%iram) &
     143             :          CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, 'with more than one eigenvalue requested '// &
     144           0 :                        'internal restarting with a previous EVEC is a bad idea, set IRAM or nrestsart=0')
     145             : 
     146             : ! some checks for the generalized EV mode
     147      130233 :       IF (control%generalized_ev .AND. selection_crit == 1) &
     148             :          CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, &
     149           0 :                        'generalized ev can only highest OR lowest EV')
     150      130233 :       IF (control%generalized_ev .AND. nval_request .NE. 1) &
     151             :          CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, &
     152           0 :                        'generalized ev can only compute one EV at the time')
     153      130233 :       IF (control%generalized_ev .AND. control%nrestart == 0) &
     154             :          CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, &
     155           0 :                        'outer loops are mandatory for generalized EV, set nrestart appropriatly')
     156      130233 :       IF (SIZE(matrix) .NE. 2 .AND. control%generalized_ev) &
     157             :          CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, &
     158           0 :                        'generalized ev needs exactly two matrices as input (2nd is the metric)')
     159             : 
     160      390699 :       ALLOCATE (control%selected_ind(max_iter))
     161      130233 :       CALL set_control(arnoldi_data, control)
     162             : 
     163      260466 :    END SUBROUTINE setup_arnoldi_control
     164             : 
     165             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     166             : !> \brief Deallocate the data in arnoldi_data
     167             : !> \param arnoldi_data ...
     168             : !> \param ind ...
     169             : !> \param matrix ...
     170             : !> \param vector ...
     171             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     172      134741 :    SUBROUTINE get_selected_ritz_vector(arnoldi_data, ind, matrix, vector)
     173             :       TYPE(arnoldi_data_type)                            :: arnoldi_data
     174             :       INTEGER                                            :: ind
     175             :       TYPE(dbcsr_type)                                   :: matrix, vector
     176             : 
     177      134741 :       IF (has_d_real(arnoldi_data)) CALL get_selected_ritz_vector_d(arnoldi_data, ind, matrix, vector)
     178      134741 :       IF (has_d_cmplx(arnoldi_data)) CALL get_selected_ritz_vector_z(arnoldi_data, ind, matrix, vector)
     179             : 
     180      134741 :    END SUBROUTINE get_selected_ritz_vector
     181             : 
     182             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     183             : !> \brief Deallocate the data in arnoldi_data
     184             : !> \param arnoldi_data ...
     185             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     186      130233 :    SUBROUTINE deallocate_arnoldi_data(arnoldi_data)
     187             :       TYPE(arnoldi_data_type)                            :: arnoldi_data
     188             : 
     189             :       TYPE(arnoldi_control_type), POINTER                :: control
     190             : 
     191      130233 :       IF (has_d_real(arnoldi_data)) CALL deallocate_arnoldi_data_d(arnoldi_data)
     192      130233 :       IF (has_d_cmplx(arnoldi_data)) CALL deallocate_arnoldi_data_z(arnoldi_data)
     193             : 
     194      130233 :       control => get_control(arnoldi_data)
     195      130233 :       DEALLOCATE (control%selected_ind)
     196      130233 :       DEALLOCATE (control)
     197             : 
     198      130233 :    END SUBROUTINE deallocate_arnoldi_data
     199             : 
     200             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     201             : !> \brief perform the selection of eigenvalues, fills the selected_ind array
     202             : !> \param arnoldi_data ...
     203             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     204      131234 :    SUBROUTINE select_evals(arnoldi_data)
     205             :       TYPE(arnoldi_data_type)                            :: arnoldi_data
     206             : 
     207      131234 :       IF (has_d_real(arnoldi_data)) CALL select_evals_d(arnoldi_data)
     208      131234 :       IF (has_d_cmplx(arnoldi_data)) CALL select_evals_z(arnoldi_data)
     209             : 
     210      131234 :    END SUBROUTINE select_evals
     211             : 
     212             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     213             : !> \brief set a new selection type, if you notice you didn't like the initial one
     214             : !> \param ar_data ...
     215             : !> \param itype ...
     216             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     217           0 :    SUBROUTINE set_eval_selection(ar_data, itype)
     218             :       TYPE(arnoldi_data_type)                            :: ar_data
     219             :       INTEGER                                            :: itype
     220             : 
     221             :       TYPE(arnoldi_control_type), POINTER                :: control
     222             : 
     223           0 :       control => get_control(ar_data)
     224           0 :       control%selection_crit = itype
     225           0 :    END SUBROUTINE set_eval_selection
     226             : 
     227             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     228             : !> \brief returns the number of restarts allowed for arnoldi
     229             : !> \param arnoldi_data ...
     230             : !> \return ...
     231             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     232      130037 :    FUNCTION get_nrestart(arnoldi_data) RESULT(nrestart)
     233             :       TYPE(arnoldi_data_type)                            :: arnoldi_data
     234             :       INTEGER                                            :: nrestart
     235             : 
     236             :       TYPE(arnoldi_control_type), POINTER                :: control
     237             : 
     238      130037 :       control => get_control(arnoldi_data)
     239      130037 :       nrestart = control%nrestart
     240             : 
     241      130037 :    END FUNCTION get_nrestart
     242             : 
     243             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     244             : !> \brief get the number of eigenvalues matching the search criterion
     245             : !> \param ar_data ...
     246             : !> \return ...
     247             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     248      251996 :    FUNCTION get_nval_out(ar_data) RESULT(nval_out)
     249             :       TYPE(arnoldi_data_type)                            :: ar_data
     250             :       INTEGER                                            :: nval_out
     251             : 
     252             :       TYPE(arnoldi_control_type), POINTER                :: control
     253             : 
     254      251996 :       control => get_control(ar_data)
     255      251996 :       nval_out = control%nval_out
     256             : 
     257      251996 :    END FUNCTION get_nval_out
     258             : 
     259             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     260             : !> \brief get the dimension of the krylov space. Can be less than max_iter
     261             : !>        if subspace converged early
     262             : !> \param ar_data ...
     263             : !> \return ...
     264             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     265      134741 :    FUNCTION get_subsp_size(ar_data) RESULT(current_step)
     266             :       TYPE(arnoldi_data_type)                            :: ar_data
     267             :       INTEGER                                            :: current_step
     268             : 
     269             :       TYPE(arnoldi_control_type), POINTER                :: control
     270             : 
     271      134741 :       control => get_control(ar_data)
     272      134741 :       current_step = control%current_step
     273             : 
     274      134741 :    END FUNCTION get_subsp_size
     275             : 
     276             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     277             : !> \brief Find out whether the method with the current search criterion is converged
     278             : !> \param ar_data ...
     279             : !> \return ...
     280             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     281      122155 :    FUNCTION arnoldi_is_converged(ar_data) RESULT(converged)
     282             :       TYPE(arnoldi_data_type)                            :: ar_data
     283             :       LOGICAL                                            :: converged
     284             : 
     285             :       TYPE(arnoldi_control_type), POINTER                :: control
     286             : 
     287      122155 :       control => get_control(ar_data)
     288      122155 :       converged = control%converged
     289             : 
     290      122155 :    END FUNCTION
     291             : 
     292             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     293             : !> \brief get a single specific Ritz value from the set of selected
     294             : !> \param ar_data ...
     295             : !> \param ind ...
     296             : !> \return ...
     297             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     298      251996 :    FUNCTION get_selected_ritz_val(ar_data, ind) RESULT(eval_out)
     299             :       TYPE(arnoldi_data_type)                            :: ar_data
     300             :       INTEGER                                            :: ind
     301             :       COMPLEX(real_8)                                    :: eval_out
     302             : 
     303      251996 :       COMPLEX(real_8), DIMENSION(:), POINTER             :: evals_d
     304             :       INTEGER                                            :: ev_ind
     305      251996 :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                     :: selected_ind
     306             : 
     307      251996 :       IF (ind .GT. get_nval_out(ar_data)) &
     308           0 :          CPABORT('outside range of indexed evals')
     309             : 
     310      251996 :       selected_ind => get_sel_ind(ar_data)
     311      251996 :       ev_ind = selected_ind(ind)
     312      251996 :       IF (has_d_real(ar_data)) THEN
     313      251996 :          evals_d => get_evals_d(ar_data); eval_out = evals_d(ev_ind)
     314           0 :       ELSE IF (has_d_cmplx(ar_data)) THEN
     315           0 :          evals_d => get_evals_z(ar_data); eval_out = evals_d(ev_ind)
     316             :       END IF
     317             : 
     318      251996 :    END FUNCTION get_selected_ritz_val
     319             : 
     320             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     321             : !> \brief Get all Ritz values of the selected set. eval_out has to be allocated
     322             : !>        at least the size of get_neval_out()
     323             : !> \param ar_data ...
     324             : !> \param eval_out ...
     325             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     326           0 :    SUBROUTINE get_all_selected_ritz_val(ar_data, eval_out)
     327             :       TYPE(arnoldi_data_type)                            :: ar_data
     328             :       COMPLEX(real_8), DIMENSION(:)                      :: eval_out
     329             : 
     330           0 :       COMPLEX(real_8), DIMENSION(:), POINTER             :: evals_d
     331             :       INTEGER                                            :: ev_ind, ind
     332           0 :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                     :: selected_ind
     333             : 
     334           0 :       NULLIFY (evals_d)
     335           0 :       IF (SIZE(eval_out) .LT. get_nval_out(ar_data)) &
     336           0 :          CPABORT('array for eval output too small')
     337           0 :       selected_ind => get_sel_ind(ar_data)
     338             : 
     339           0 :       IF (has_d_real(ar_data)) evals_d => get_evals_d(ar_data)
     340           0 :       IF (has_d_cmplx(ar_data)) evals_d => get_evals_d(ar_data)
     341             : 
     342           0 :       DO ind = 1, get_nval_out(ar_data)
     343           0 :          ev_ind = selected_ind(ind)
     344           0 :          IF (ASSOCIATED(evals_d)) eval_out(ind) = evals_d(ev_ind)
     345             :       END DO
     346             : 
     347           0 :    END SUBROUTINE get_all_selected_ritz_val
     348             : 
     349             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     350             : !> \brief ...
     351             : !> \param ar_data ...
     352             : !> \param vector ...
     353             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     354        4766 :    SUBROUTINE set_arnoldi_initial_vector(ar_data, vector)
     355             :       TYPE(arnoldi_data_type)                            :: ar_data
     356             :       TYPE(dbcsr_type)                                   :: vector
     357             : 
     358             :       TYPE(arnoldi_control_type), POINTER                :: control
     359             : 
     360        4766 :       control => get_control(ar_data)
     361        4766 :       control%has_initial_vector = .TRUE.
     362             : 
     363        4766 :       IF (has_d_real(ar_data)) CALL set_initial_vector_d(ar_data, vector)
     364        4766 :       IF (has_d_cmplx(ar_data)) CALL set_initial_vector_z(ar_data, vector)
     365             : 
     366        4766 :    END SUBROUTINE set_arnoldi_initial_vector
     367             : 
     368             : !!! Here come the methods handling the selection of eigenvalues and eigenvectors !!!
     369             : !!! If you want a personal method, simply created a Subroutine returning the index
     370             : !!! array selected ind which contains as the first nval_out entries the index of the evals
     371             : 
     372             :    #:include 'arnoldi.fypp'
     373             :    #:for nametype1, type_prec, real_zero, nametype_zero, type_nametype1, vartype in inst_params_1
     374             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     375             : !> \brief ...
     376             : !> \param arnoldi_data ...
     377             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     378      131234 :       SUBROUTINE select_evals_${nametype1}$ (arnoldi_data)
     379             :          TYPE(arnoldi_data_type)                :: arnoldi_data
     380             : 
     381             :          INTEGER                                  :: my_crit, last_el, my_ind, i
     382             :          REAL(${type_prec}$)                        :: convergence
     383             :          TYPE(arnoldi_data_${nametype1}$_type), POINTER   :: ar_data
     384             :          TYPE(arnoldi_control_type), POINTER           :: control
     385             : 
     386      131234 :          control => get_control(arnoldi_data)
     387      131234 :          ar_data => get_data_${nametype1}$ (arnoldi_data)
     388             : 
     389      131234 :          last_el = control%current_step
     390      131234 :          convergence = REAL(0.0, ${type_prec}$)
     391      131234 :          my_crit = control%selection_crit
     392      131234 :          control%nval_out = MIN(control%nval_req, control%current_step)
     393      122209 :          SELECT CASE (my_crit)
     394             :             ! minimum and maximum real eval
     395             :          CASE (1)
     396      122209 :             CALL index_min_max_real_eval_${nametype1}$ (ar_data%evals, control%current_step, control%selected_ind, control%nval_out)
     397             :             ! n maximum real eval
     398             :          CASE (2)
     399        4200 :             CALL index_nmax_real_eval_${nametype1}$ (ar_data%evals, control%current_step, control%selected_ind, control%nval_out)
     400             :             ! n minimum real eval
     401             :          CASE (3)
     402        4825 :             CALL index_nmin_real_eval_${nametype1}$ (ar_data%evals, control%current_step, control%selected_ind, control%nval_out)
     403             :          CASE DEFAULT
     404      131234 :             CPABORT("unknown selection index")
     405             :          END SELECT
     406             :          ! test whether we are converged
     407      384677 :          DO i = 1, control%nval_out
     408      253443 :             my_ind = control%selected_ind(i)
     409             :             convergence = MAX(convergence, &
     410      384677 :                               ABS(ar_data%revec(last_el, my_ind)*ar_data%Hessenberg(last_el + 1, last_el)))
     411             :          END DO
     412      131234 :          control%converged = convergence .LT. control%threshold
     413             : 
     414      131234 :       END SUBROUTINE select_evals_${nametype1}$
     415             : 
     416             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     417             : !> \brief ...
     418             : !> \param evals ...
     419             : !> \param current_step ...
     420             : !> \param selected_ind ...
     421             : !> \param neval ...
     422             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     423      122209 :       SUBROUTINE index_min_max_real_eval_${nametype1}$ (evals, current_step, selected_ind, neval)
     424             :          COMPLEX(${type_prec}$), DIMENSION(:)       :: evals
     425             :          INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                      :: current_step
     426             :          INTEGER, DIMENSION(:)                    :: selected_ind
     427             :          INTEGER                                  :: neval
     428             : 
     429      244418 :          INTEGER, DIMENSION(current_step)         :: indexing
     430      244418 :          REAL(${type_prec}$), DIMENSION(current_step)        :: tmp_array
     431             :          INTEGER                                   :: i
     432             : 
     433      122209 :          neval = 0
     434     4047105 :          selected_ind = 0
     435      693458 :          tmp_array(1:current_step) = REAL(evals(1:current_step), ${type_prec}$)
     436      122209 :          CALL sort(tmp_array, current_step, indexing)
     437      122209 :          DO i = 1, current_step
     438      122209 :             IF (ABS(AIMAG(evals(indexing(i)))) < EPSILON(${real_zero}$)) THEN
     439      122209 :                selected_ind(1) = indexing(i)
     440      122209 :                neval = neval + 1
     441      122209 :                EXIT
     442             :             END IF
     443             :          END DO
     444      122209 :          DO i = current_step, 1, -1
     445      122209 :             IF (ABS(AIMAG(evals(indexing(i)))) < EPSILON(${real_zero}$)) THEN
     446      122209 :                selected_ind(2) = indexing(i)
     447      122209 :                neval = neval + 1
     448      122209 :                EXIT
     449             :             END IF
     450             :          END DO
     451             : 
     452      122209 :       END SUBROUTINE index_min_max_real_eval_${nametype1}$
     453             : 
     454             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     455             : !> \brief ...
     456             : !> \param evals ...
     457             : !> \param current_step ...
     458             : !> \param selected_ind ...
     459             : !> \param neval ...
     460             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     461        4200 :       SUBROUTINE index_nmax_real_eval_${nametype1}$ (evals, current_step, selected_ind, neval)
     462             :          COMPLEX(${type_prec}$), DIMENSION(:)       :: evals
     463             :          INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                      :: current_step
     464             :          INTEGER, DIMENSION(:)                    :: selected_ind
     465             :          INTEGER                                  :: neval
     466             : 
     467             :          INTEGER                                  :: i, nlimit
     468        8400 :          INTEGER, DIMENSION(current_step)         :: indexing
     469        8400 :          REAL(${type_prec}$), DIMENSION(current_step)        :: tmp_array
     470             : 
     471        4200 :          nlimit = neval; neval = 0
     472       88200 :          selected_ind = 0
     473       24509 :          tmp_array(1:current_step) = REAL(evals(1:current_step), ${type_prec}$)
     474        4200 :          CALL sort(tmp_array, current_step, indexing)
     475        4200 :          DO i = 1, current_step
     476        8400 :             IF (ABS(AIMAG(evals(indexing(current_step + 1 - i)))) < EPSILON(${real_zero}$)) THEN
     477        4200 :                selected_ind(i) = indexing(current_step + 1 - i)
     478        4200 :                neval = neval + 1
     479        4200 :                IF (neval == nlimit) EXIT
     480             :             END IF
     481             :          END DO
     482             : 
     483        4200 :       END SUBROUTINE index_nmax_real_eval_${nametype1}$
     484             : 
     485             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     486             : !> \brief ...
     487             : !> \param evals ...
     488             : !> \param current_step ...
     489             : !> \param selected_ind ...
     490             : !> \param neval ...
     491             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     492        4825 :       SUBROUTINE index_nmin_real_eval_${nametype1}$ (evals, current_step, selected_ind, neval)
     493             :          COMPLEX(${type_prec}$), DIMENSION(:)       :: evals
     494             :          INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                      :: current_step
     495             :          INTEGER, DIMENSION(:)                    :: selected_ind
     496             :          INTEGER                                  :: neval, nlimit
     497             : 
     498             :          INTEGER                                  :: i
     499        9650 :          INTEGER, DIMENSION(current_step)         :: indexing
     500        9650 :          REAL(${type_prec}$), DIMENSION(current_step)        :: tmp_array
     501             : 
     502        4825 :          nlimit = neval; neval = 0
     503      101325 :          selected_ind = 0
     504       81574 :          tmp_array(1:current_step) = REAL(evals(1:current_step), ${type_prec}$)
     505        4825 :          CALL sort(tmp_array, current_step, indexing)
     506        4825 :          DO i = 1, current_step
     507        9650 :             IF (ABS(AIMAG(evals(indexing(i)))) < EPSILON(${real_zero}$)) THEN
     508        4825 :                selected_ind(i) = indexing(i)
     509        4825 :                neval = neval + 1
     510        4825 :                IF (neval == nlimit) EXIT
     511             :             END IF
     512             :          END DO
     513             : 
     514        4825 :       END SUBROUTINE index_nmin_real_eval_${nametype1}$
     515             : 
     516             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     517             : !> \brief ...
     518             : !> \param arnoldi_data ...
     519             : !> \param matrix ...
     520             : !> \param max_iter ...
     521             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     522      130233 :       SUBROUTINE setup_arnoldi_data_${nametype1}$ (arnoldi_data, matrix, max_iter)
     523             :          TYPE(arnoldi_data_type)                 :: arnoldi_data
     524             :          TYPE(dbcsr_p_type), DIMENSION(:)     :: matrix
     525             :          INTEGER                                 :: max_iter
     526             : 
     527             :          INTEGER                                           :: nrow_local
     528             :          TYPE(arnoldi_data_${nametype1}$_type), POINTER      :: ar_data
     529             : 
     530      130233 :          ALLOCATE (ar_data)
     531      130233 :          CALL dbcsr_get_info(matrix=matrix(1)%matrix, nfullrows_local=nrow_local)
     532      346216 :          ALLOCATE (ar_data%f_vec(nrow_local))
     533      215983 :          ALLOCATE (ar_data%x_vec(nrow_local))
     534      520932 :          ALLOCATE (ar_data%Hessenberg(max_iter + 1, max_iter))
     535      476449 :          ALLOCATE (ar_data%local_history(nrow_local, max_iter))
     536             : 
     537      390699 :          ALLOCATE (ar_data%evals(max_iter))
     538      520932 :          ALLOCATE (ar_data%revec(max_iter, max_iter))
     539             : 
     540      130233 :          CALL set_data_${nametype1}$ (arnoldi_data, ar_data)
     541             : 
     542      130233 :       END SUBROUTINE setup_arnoldi_data_${nametype1}$
     543             : 
     544             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     545             : !> \brief ...
     546             : !> \param arnoldi_data ...
     547             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     548      130233 :       SUBROUTINE deallocate_arnoldi_data_${nametype1}$ (arnoldi_data)
     549             :          TYPE(arnoldi_data_type)                     :: arnoldi_data
     550             : 
     551             :          TYPE(arnoldi_data_${nametype1}$_type), POINTER            :: ar_data
     552             : 
     553      130233 :          ar_data => get_data_${nametype1}$ (arnoldi_data)
     554      130233 :          IF (ASSOCIATED(ar_data%f_vec)) DEALLOCATE (ar_data%f_vec)
     555      130233 :          IF (ASSOCIATED(ar_data%x_vec)) DEALLOCATE (ar_data%x_vec)
     556      130233 :          IF (ASSOCIATED(ar_data%Hessenberg)) DEALLOCATE (ar_data%Hessenberg)
     557      130233 :          IF (ASSOCIATED(ar_data%local_history)) DEALLOCATE (ar_data%local_history)
     558      130233 :          IF (ASSOCIATED(ar_data%evals)) DEALLOCATE (ar_data%evals)
     559      130233 :          IF (ASSOCIATED(ar_data%revec)) DEALLOCATE (ar_data%revec)
     560      130233 :          DEALLOCATE (ar_data)
     561             : 
     562      130233 :       END SUBROUTINE deallocate_arnoldi_data_${nametype1}$
     563             : 
     564             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     565             : !> \brief ...
     566             : !> \param arnoldi_data ...
     567             : !> \param ind ...
     568             : !> \param matrix ...
     569             : !> \param vector ...
     570             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     571      134741 :       SUBROUTINE get_selected_ritz_vector_${nametype1}$ (arnoldi_data, ind, matrix, vector)
     572             :          TYPE(arnoldi_data_type)                 :: arnoldi_data
     573             :          INTEGER                                  :: ind
     574             :          TYPE(dbcsr_type)                          :: matrix
     575             :          TYPE(dbcsr_type)                          :: vector
     576             : 
     577             :          TYPE(arnoldi_data_${nametype1}$_type), POINTER      :: ar_data
     578             :          INTEGER                                           :: vsize, myind, sspace_size, i
     579      134741 :          INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER           :: selected_ind
     580      134741 :          COMPLEX(${type_prec}$), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE       :: ritz_v
     581      134741 :          ${type_nametype1}$, DIMENSION(:), POINTER          :: data_vec
     582             :          TYPE(arnoldi_control_type), POINTER           :: control
     583             : 
     584      269482 :          control => get_control(arnoldi_data)
     585      134741 :          selected_ind => get_sel_ind(arnoldi_data)
     586      134741 :          ar_data => get_data_${nametype1}$ (arnoldi_data)
     587      134741 :          sspace_size = get_subsp_size(arnoldi_data)
     588      134741 :          vsize = SIZE(ar_data%f_vec)
     589      134741 :          myind = selected_ind(ind)
     590      358107 :          ALLOCATE (ritz_v(vsize))
     591      969421 :          ritz_v = CMPLX(0.0, 0.0, ${type_prec}$)
     592             : 
     593      134741 :          CALL dbcsr_release(vector)
     594      134741 :          CALL create_col_vec_from_matrix(vector, matrix, 1)
     595      134741 :          IF (control%local_comp) THEN
     596      625582 :             DO i = 1, sspace_size
     597     9034688 :                ritz_v(:) = ritz_v(:) + ar_data%local_history(:, i)*ar_data%revec(i, myind)
     598             :             END DO
     599       88625 :             data_vec => dbcsr_get_data_p(vector, select_data_type=${nametype_zero}$)
     600             :             ! is a bit odd but ritz_v is always complex and matrix type determines where it goes
     601             :             ! again I hope the user knows what is required
     602      923305 :             data_vec(1:vsize) = ${vartype}$ (ritz_v(1:vsize), KIND=${type_prec}$)
     603             :          END IF
     604             : 
     605      134741 :          DEALLOCATE (ritz_v)
     606             : 
     607      134741 :       END SUBROUTINE get_selected_ritz_vector_${nametype1}$
     608             : 
     609             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     610             : !> \brief ...
     611             : !> \param arnoldi_data ...
     612             : !> \param vector ...
     613             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     614        9532 :       SUBROUTINE set_initial_vector_${nametype1}$ (arnoldi_data, vector)
     615             :          TYPE(arnoldi_data_type)                 :: arnoldi_data
     616             :          TYPE(dbcsr_type)                          :: vector
     617             : 
     618             :          TYPE(arnoldi_data_${nametype1}$_type), POINTER     :: ar_data
     619        4766 :          ${type_nametype1}$, DIMENSION(:), POINTER          :: data_vec
     620             :          INTEGER                                           :: nrow_local, ncol_local
     621             :          TYPE(arnoldi_control_type), POINTER           :: control
     622             : 
     623        4766 :          control => get_control(arnoldi_data)
     624             : 
     625        4766 :          CALL dbcsr_get_info(matrix=vector, nfullrows_local=nrow_local, nfullcols_local=ncol_local)
     626        4766 :          ar_data => get_data_${nametype1}$ (arnoldi_data)
     627        4766 :          data_vec => dbcsr_get_data_p(vector, select_data_type=${nametype_zero}$)
     628      166810 :          IF (nrow_local*ncol_local > 0) ar_data%f_vec(1:nrow_local) = data_vec(1:nrow_local)
     629             : 
     630        4766 :       END SUBROUTINE set_initial_vector_${nametype1}$
     631             : 
     632             :    #:endfor
     633             : 
     634             : END MODULE arnoldi_data_methods
     635             : 

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