LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/common - cp_log_handling.F (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: CP2K Regtests (git:96bff0e) Lines: 170 236 72.0 %
Date: 2024-07-27 06:51:10 Functions: 15 20 75.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
       2             : !   CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations                              !
       3             : !   Copyright 2000-2024 CP2K developers group <>                                   !
       4             : !                                                                                                  !
       5             : !   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later                                                      !
       6             : !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
       7             : 
       8             : ! **************************************************************************************************
       9             : !> \brief various routines to log and control the output.
      10             : !>      The idea is that decisions about where to log should not be done in
      11             : !>      the code that generates the log, but should be globally changeable
      12             : !>      a central place.
      13             : !>      So some care has been taken to have enough information about the
      14             : !>      place from where the log comes so that in the future intelligent and
      15             : !>      flexible decisions can be taken by the logger, without having to change
      16             : !>      other code.
      17             : !> \note
      18             : !>      contains also routines to convert to a string.
      19             : !>      in my idea they should have been with variable length,
      20             : !>      (i.e. they should have returned a trim(adjustl(actual_result)))
      21             : !>      As a logger should be robust, at the moment I have given up.
      22             : !>
      23             : !>      At the moment logging and output refer to the same object
      24             : !>      (cp_logger_type)
      25             : !>      as these are actually different it might be better to separate them
      26             : !>      (they have already separate routines in a separate module
      27             : !>      @see cp_output_handling).
      28             : !>
      29             : !>      some practices (use of print *, no cp_error_type,
      30             : !>      manual retain release of some objects) are dictated by the need to
      31             : !>      have minimal dependency
      32             : !> \par History
      33             : !>      08.2002 major update: retain, release, printkeys, para_env,
      34             : !>              local logging [fawzi]
      35             : !>      02.2004 made a stack of default loggers [Joost VandeVondele]
      36             : !> \par
      37             : !>      @see cp_error_handling
      38             : !> \author Fawzi Mohamed
      39             : !>      @version 12.2001
      40             : ! **************************************************************************************************
      41             : MODULE cp_log_handling
      42             :    USE cp_files,                        ONLY: close_file,&
      43             :                                               open_file
      44             :    USE cp_iter_types,                   ONLY: cp_iteration_info_create,&
      45             :                                               cp_iteration_info_release,&
      46             :                                               cp_iteration_info_retain,&
      47             :                                               cp_iteration_info_type
      48             :    USE kinds,                           ONLY: default_path_length,&
      49             :                                               default_string_length,&
      50             :                                               dp
      51             :    USE machine,                         ONLY: default_output_unit,&
      52             :                                               m_getpid,&
      53             :                                               m_hostnm
      54             :    USE message_passing,                 ONLY: mp_para_env_release,&
      55             :                                               mp_para_env_type
      56             :    USE string_utilities,                ONLY: compress
      57             :    USE timings,                         ONLY: print_stack
      58             : #include "../base/base_uses.f90"
      59             : 
      60             :    IMPLICIT NONE
      61             :    PRIVATE
      62             : 
      63             :    !API types
      64             :    PUBLIC :: cp_logger_type, cp_logger_p_type
      65             :    !API parameter vars
      66             :    PUBLIC :: cp_note_level, cp_warning_level, cp_failure_level, cp_fatal_level
      67             :    !API default loggers
      68             :    PUBLIC :: cp_get_default_logger, cp_add_default_logger, cp_rm_default_logger, &
      69             :              cp_default_logger_stack_size
      70             :    !API logger routines
      71             :    PUBLIC :: cp_logger_create, cp_logger_retain, cp_logger_release, &
      72             :              cp_logger_would_log, cp_logger_set, cp_logger_get_default_unit_nr, &
      73             :              cp_logger_get_default_io_unit, cp_logger_get_unit_nr, &
      74             :              cp_logger_set_log_level, cp_logger_generate_filename, &
      75             :              cp_to_string
      76             : 
      77             :    CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'cp_log_handling'
      78             :    LOGICAL, PRIVATE, PARAMETER :: debug_this_module = .FALSE.
      79             : 
      80             :    !! level of an error
      81             :    INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: cp_fatal_level = 3
      82             :    !! level of a failure
      83             :    INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: cp_failure_level = 2
      84             :    !! level of a warning
      85             :    INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: cp_warning_level = 1
      86             :    !! level of a note
      87             :    INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: cp_note_level = 0
      88             : 
      89             :    !! a generic function to transform different types to strings
      90             :    INTERFACE cp_to_string
      91             :       MODULE PROCEDURE cp_int_to_string, cp_real_dp_to_string, cp_logical_to_string
      92             :    END INTERFACE
      93             : 
      94             : ! **************************************************************************************************
      95             : !> \brief type of a logger, at the moment it contains just a print level
      96             : !>      starting at which level it should be logged
      97             : !>      (0 note, 1 warning, 2 failure, 3 fatal)
      98             : !>      it could be expanded with the ability to focus on one or more
      99             : !>      module/object/thread/processor
     100             : !> \param ref_count reference count (see cp2k/doc/ReferenceCounting.html)
     101             : !> \param print_level the level starting at which something gets printed
     102             : !> \param default_local_unit_nr default unit for local logging (-1 if not
     103             : !>        yet initialized). Local logging guarantee to each task its own
     104             : !>        file.
     105             : !> \param default_global_unit_nr default unit for global logging
     106             : !>        (-1 if not yet initialized). This unit is valid only on the
     107             : !>        processor with %para_env%mepos==%para_env%source.
     108             : !> \param para_env the parallel environment for the output.
     109             : !>        this might be a super environment of your computation environment
     110             : !>        i.e. be very careful not to do global operations like broadcast
     111             : !>        with a subset of its processors (use your computation environment
     112             : !>        instead).
     113             : !> \param close_local_unit_on_dealloc if the local unit should be closed
     114             : !>        when this logger is deallocated
     115             : !> \param close_global_unit_on_dealloc whether the global unit should be
     116             : !>        closed when this logger is deallocated
     117             : !> \param suffix a short string that is used as suffix in all the filenames
     118             : !>        created by this logger. Can be used to guarantee the unicity of
     119             : !>        generated filename
     120             : !> \param local_filename the root of the name of the file used for local
     121             : !>        logging (can be different from the name of the file corresponding
     122             : !>        to default_local_unit_nr, only the one used if the unit needs to
     123             : !>        be opened)
     124             : !> \param global_filename the root of the name of the file used for
     125             : !>        global logging (can be different from the name of the file
     126             : !>        corresponding to default_global_unit_nr, only the one used if
     127             : !>        the unit needs to be opened)
     128             : !> \param print_keys print keys that tell what should be logged/outputted
     129             : !> \note
     130             : !>      This should be private, but as the output functions have been
     131             : !>      moved to another module and there is no "friend" keyword, they
     132             : !>      are public.
     133             : !>      DO NOT USE THE INTERNAL COMPONENTS DIRECTLY!!!
     134             : !> \par History
     135             : !>      04.2002 revised [fawzi]
     136             : !>      08.2002 major update: retain, release, printkeys, para_env,
     137             : !>              local logging [fawzi]
     138             : !> \author Fawzi Mohamed
     139             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     140             :    TYPE cp_logger_type
     141             :       INTEGER :: ref_count = -1
     142             :       INTEGER :: print_level = -1
     143             :       INTEGER :: default_local_unit_nr = -1
     144             :       INTEGER :: default_global_unit_nr = -1
     145             :       LOGICAL :: close_local_unit_on_dealloc = .FALSE., close_global_unit_on_dealloc = .FALSE.
     146             :       CHARACTER(len=default_string_length)  :: suffix = ""
     147             :       CHARACTER(len=default_path_length)    :: local_filename = "", global_filename = ""
     148             :       TYPE(mp_para_env_type), POINTER       :: para_env => NULL()
     149             :       TYPE(cp_iteration_info_type), POINTER :: iter_info => NULL()
     150             :    END TYPE cp_logger_type
     151             : 
     152             :    TYPE cp_logger_p_type
     153             :       TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER :: p => Null()
     154             :    END TYPE cp_logger_p_type
     155             : 
     156             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     157             :    TYPE default_logger_stack_type
     158             :       TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER :: cp_default_logger => Null()
     159             :    END TYPE default_logger_stack_type
     160             : 
     161             :    INTEGER, PRIVATE            :: stack_pointer = 0
     162             :    INTEGER, PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: max_stack_pointer = 10
     163             :    TYPE(default_logger_stack_type), SAVE, DIMENSION(max_stack_pointer) ::  default_logger_stack
     164             : 
     165             : CONTAINS
     166             : 
     167             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     168             : !> \brief ...
     169             : !> \return ...
     170             : !> \author fawzi
     171             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     172       26756 :    FUNCTION cp_default_logger_stack_size() RESULT(res)
     173             :       INTEGER                                            :: res
     174             : 
     175       26756 :       res = stack_pointer
     176       26756 :    END FUNCTION cp_default_logger_stack_size
     177             : 
     178             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     179             : !> \brief adds a default logger.
     180             : !>      MUST be called before logging occours
     181             : !> \param logger ...
     182             : !> \author Fawzi Mohamed
     183             : !> \note
     184             : !>      increments a stack of default loggers the latest one will be
     185             : !>      available within the program
     186             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     187      110801 :    SUBROUTINE cp_add_default_logger(logger)
     188             :       TYPE(cp_logger_type), INTENT(INOUT), TARGET        :: logger
     189             : 
     190             :       CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'cp_add_default_logger', &
     191             :          routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
     192             : 
     193      110801 :       IF (stack_pointer + 1 > max_stack_pointer) THEN
     194             :          CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, routineP// &
     195           0 :                        "too many default loggers, increase max_stack_pointer in "//moduleN)
     196             :       END IF
     197             : 
     198      110801 :       stack_pointer = stack_pointer + 1
     199      110801 :       NULLIFY (default_logger_stack(stack_pointer)%cp_default_logger)
     200             : 
     201      110801 :       default_logger_stack(stack_pointer)%cp_default_logger => logger
     202      110801 :       CALL cp_logger_retain(logger)
     203             : 
     204      110801 :    END SUBROUTINE cp_add_default_logger
     205             : 
     206             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     207             : !> \brief the cousin of cp_add_default_logger, decrements the stack, so that
     208             : !>      the default logger is what it has
     209             : !>      been
     210             : !> \author Joost VandeVondele
     211             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     212      110801 :    SUBROUTINE cp_rm_default_logger()
     213      110801 :       IF (stack_pointer - 1 < 0) THEN
     214             :          CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, moduleN//":cp_rm_default_logger "// &
     215           0 :                        "can not destroy default logger "//moduleN)
     216             :       END IF
     217             : 
     218      110801 :       CALL cp_logger_release(default_logger_stack(stack_pointer)%cp_default_logger)
     219      110801 :       NULLIFY (default_logger_stack(stack_pointer)%cp_default_logger)
     220      110801 :       stack_pointer = stack_pointer - 1
     221             : 
     222      110801 :    END SUBROUTINE cp_rm_default_logger
     223             : 
     224             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     225             : !> \brief returns the default logger
     226             : !> \return ...
     227             : !> \par History
     228             : !>      4.2002 created [fawzi]
     229             : !> \author Fawzi Mohamed
     230             : !> \note
     231             : !>      initializes the default loggers if necessary
     232             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     233    11684850 :    FUNCTION cp_get_default_logger() RESULT(res)
     234             :       TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER                      :: res
     235             : 
     236    11684850 :       IF (.NOT. stack_pointer > 0) THEN
     237             :          CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, "cp_log_handling:cp_get_default_logger "// &
     238           0 :                        "default logger not yet initialized (CALL cp_init_default_logger)")
     239             :       END IF
     240    11684850 :       res => default_logger_stack(stack_pointer)%cp_default_logger
     241    11684850 :       IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(res)) THEN
     242             :          CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, "cp_log_handling:cp_get_default_logger "// &
     243           0 :                        "default logger is null (released too much ?)")
     244             :       END IF
     245    11684850 :    END FUNCTION cp_get_default_logger
     246             : 
     247             : ! ================== log ==================
     248             : 
     249             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     250             : !> \brief initializes a logger
     251             : !> \param logger the logger to initialize
     252             : !> \param para_env the parallel environment (this is most likely the global
     253             : !>        parallel environment
     254             : !> \param print_level the level starting with which something is written
     255             : !>        (defaults to cp_note_level)
     256             : !> \param default_global_unit_nr the default unit_nr for output
     257             : !>        (if not given, and no file is given defaults to the standard output)
     258             : !> \param default_local_unit_nr the default unit number for local (i.e. task)
     259             : !>        output. If not given defaults to a out.taskid file created upon
     260             : !> \param global_filename a new file to open (can be given instread of the
     261             : !>        global_unit_nr)
     262             : !> \param local_filename a new file to open (with suffix and para_env%mepos
     263             : !>        appended). Can be given instread of the default_local_unit_nr).
     264             : !>        the file is created only upon the first local logging request
     265             : !> \param close_global_unit_on_dealloc if the unit should be closed when the
     266             : !>        logger is deallocated (defaults to true if a local_filename is given,
     267             : !>        to false otherwise)
     268             : !> \param iter_info ...
     269             : !> \param close_local_unit_on_dealloc if the unit should be closed when the
     270             : !>        logger is deallocated (defaults to true)
     271             : !> \param suffix the suffix that should be added to all the generated filenames
     272             : !> \param template_logger a logger from where to take the unspecified things
     273             : !> \par History
     274             : !>      4.2002 created [fawzi]
     275             : !> \author Fawzi Mohamed
     276             : !> \note
     277             : !>      the handling of *_filename, default_*_unit_nr, close_*_unit_on_dealloc
     278             : !>      tries to take the right decision with different inputs, and thus is a
     279             : !>      little complex.
     280             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     281       19405 :    SUBROUTINE cp_logger_create(logger, para_env, print_level, &
     282             :                                default_global_unit_nr, default_local_unit_nr, global_filename, &
     283             :                                local_filename, close_global_unit_on_dealloc, iter_info, &
     284             :                                close_local_unit_on_dealloc, suffix, template_logger)
     285             :       TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER                      :: logger
     286             :       TYPE(mp_para_env_type), OPTIONAL, POINTER          :: para_env
     287             :       INTEGER, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL                      :: print_level, default_global_unit_nr, &
     288             :                                                             default_local_unit_nr
     289             :       CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL             :: global_filename, local_filename
     290             :       LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL                      :: close_global_unit_on_dealloc
     291             :       TYPE(cp_iteration_info_type), OPTIONAL, POINTER    :: iter_info
     292             :       LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL                      :: close_local_unit_on_dealloc
     293             :       CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL             :: suffix
     294             :       TYPE(cp_logger_type), OPTIONAL, POINTER            :: template_logger
     295             : 
     296             :       CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'cp_logger_create', &
     297             :          routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
     298             : 
     299           0 :       ALLOCATE (logger)
     300             : 
     301             :       NULLIFY (logger%para_env)
     302             :       NULLIFY (logger%iter_info)
     303       19405 :       logger%ref_count = 1
     304             : 
     305       19405 :       IF (PRESENT(template_logger)) THEN
     306         124 :          IF (template_logger%ref_count < 1) &
     307           0 :             CPABORT(routineP//" template_logger%ref_count<1")
     308         124 :          logger%print_level = template_logger%print_level
     309         124 :          logger%default_global_unit_nr = template_logger%default_global_unit_nr
     310         124 :          logger%close_local_unit_on_dealloc = template_logger%close_local_unit_on_dealloc
     311         124 :          IF (logger%close_local_unit_on_dealloc) THEN
     312          59 :             logger%default_local_unit_nr = -1
     313             :          ELSE
     314          65 :             logger%default_local_unit_nr = template_logger%default_local_unit_nr
     315             :          END IF
     316         124 :          logger%close_global_unit_on_dealloc = template_logger%close_global_unit_on_dealloc
     317         124 :          IF (logger%close_global_unit_on_dealloc) THEN
     318           0 :             logger%default_global_unit_nr = -1
     319             :          ELSE
     320         124 :             logger%default_global_unit_nr = template_logger%default_global_unit_nr
     321             :          END IF
     322         124 :          logger%local_filename = template_logger%local_filename
     323         124 :          logger%global_filename = template_logger%global_filename
     324         124 :          logger%para_env => template_logger%para_env
     325         124 :          logger%suffix = template_logger%suffix
     326         124 :          logger%iter_info => template_logger%iter_info
     327             :       ELSE
     328             :          ! create a file if nothing is specified, one can also get the unit from the default logger
     329             :          ! which should have something reasonable as the argument is required in that case
     330             :          logger%default_global_unit_nr = -1
     331       19281 :          logger%close_global_unit_on_dealloc = .TRUE.
     332       19281 :          logger%local_filename = "localLog"
     333       19281 :          logger%global_filename = "mainLog"
     334       19281 :          logger%print_level = cp_note_level
     335             :          ! generate a file for default local logger
     336             :          ! except the ionode that should write to the default global logger
     337             :          logger%default_local_unit_nr = -1
     338       19281 :          logger%close_local_unit_on_dealloc = .TRUE.
     339       19281 :          logger%suffix = ""
     340             :       END IF
     341       19405 :       IF (PRESENT(para_env)) logger%para_env => para_env
     342       19405 :       IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(logger%para_env)) &
     343           0 :          CPABORT(routineP//" para env not associated")
     344       19405 :       IF (.NOT. logger%para_env%is_valid()) &
     345           0 :          CPABORT(routineP//" para_env%ref_count<1")
     346       19405 :       CALL logger%para_env%retain()
     347             : 
     348       19405 :       IF (PRESENT(print_level)) logger%print_level = print_level
     349             : 
     350       19405 :       IF (PRESENT(default_global_unit_nr)) &
     351       19287 :          logger%default_global_unit_nr = default_global_unit_nr
     352       19405 :       IF (PRESENT(global_filename)) THEN
     353           0 :          logger%global_filename = global_filename
     354           0 :          logger%close_global_unit_on_dealloc = .TRUE.
     355           0 :          logger%default_global_unit_nr = -1
     356             :       END IF
     357       19405 :       IF (PRESENT(close_global_unit_on_dealloc)) THEN
     358       19287 :          logger%close_global_unit_on_dealloc = close_global_unit_on_dealloc
     359       19287 :          IF (PRESENT(default_global_unit_nr) .AND. PRESENT(global_filename) .AND. &
     360             :              (.NOT. close_global_unit_on_dealloc)) THEN
     361           0 :             logger%default_global_unit_nr = default_global_unit_nr
     362             :          END IF
     363             :       END IF
     364             : 
     365       19405 :       IF (PRESENT(default_local_unit_nr)) &
     366           0 :          logger%default_local_unit_nr = default_local_unit_nr
     367       19405 :       IF (PRESENT(local_filename)) THEN
     368           0 :          logger%local_filename = local_filename
     369           0 :          logger%close_local_unit_on_dealloc = .TRUE.
     370           0 :          logger%default_local_unit_nr = -1
     371             :       END IF
     372       19405 :       IF (PRESENT(suffix)) logger%suffix = suffix
     373             : 
     374       19405 :       IF (PRESENT(close_local_unit_on_dealloc)) THEN
     375           0 :          logger%close_local_unit_on_dealloc = close_local_unit_on_dealloc
     376           0 :          IF (PRESENT(default_local_unit_nr) .AND. PRESENT(local_filename) .AND. &
     377             :              (.NOT. close_local_unit_on_dealloc)) THEN
     378           0 :             logger%default_local_unit_nr = default_local_unit_nr
     379             :          END IF
     380             :       END IF
     381             : 
     382       19405 :       IF (logger%default_local_unit_nr == -1) THEN
     383       19340 :          IF (logger%para_env%is_source()) THEN
     384       10094 :             logger%default_local_unit_nr = logger%default_global_unit_nr
     385       10094 :             logger%close_local_unit_on_dealloc = .FALSE.
     386             :          END IF
     387             :       END IF
     388       19405 :       IF (PRESENT(iter_info)) logger%iter_info => iter_info
     389       19405 :       IF (ASSOCIATED(logger%iter_info)) THEN
     390         124 :          CALL cp_iteration_info_retain(logger%iter_info)
     391             :       ELSE
     392       19281 :          CALL cp_iteration_info_create(logger%iter_info, "")
     393             :       END IF
     394       19405 :    END SUBROUTINE cp_logger_create
     395             : 
     396             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     397             : !> \brief retains the given logger (to be called to keep a shared copy of
     398             : !>      the logger)
     399             : !> \param logger the logger to retain
     400             : !> \par History
     401             : !>      08.2002 created [fawzi]
     402             : !> \author Fawzi Mohamed
     403             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     404      119290 :    SUBROUTINE cp_logger_retain(logger)
     405             :       TYPE(cp_logger_type), INTENT(INOUT)                :: logger
     406             : 
     407             :       CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'cp_logger_retain', &
     408             :          routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
     409             : 
     410      119290 :       IF (logger%ref_count < 1) &
     411           0 :          CPABORT(routineP//" logger%ref_count<1")
     412      119290 :       logger%ref_count = logger%ref_count + 1
     413      119290 :    END SUBROUTINE cp_logger_retain
     414             : 
     415             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     416             : !> \brief releases this logger
     417             : !> \param logger the logger to release
     418             : !> \par History
     419             : !>      4.2002 created [fawzi]
     420             : !> \author Fawzi Mohamed
     421             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     422      138695 :    SUBROUTINE cp_logger_release(logger)
     423             :       TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER                      :: logger
     424             : 
     425             :       CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'cp_logger_release', &
     426             :          routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
     427             : 
     428      138695 :       IF (ASSOCIATED(logger)) THEN
     429      138695 :          IF (logger%ref_count < 1) &
     430           0 :             CPABORT(routineP//" logger%ref_count<1")
     431      138695 :          logger%ref_count = logger%ref_count - 1
     432      138695 :          IF (logger%ref_count == 0) THEN
     433       19405 :             IF (logger%close_global_unit_on_dealloc .AND. &
     434             :                 logger%default_global_unit_nr >= 0) THEN
     435           0 :                CALL close_file(logger%default_global_unit_nr)
     436           0 :                logger%close_global_unit_on_dealloc = .FALSE.
     437           0 :                logger%default_global_unit_nr = -1
     438             :             END IF
     439       19405 :             IF (logger%close_local_unit_on_dealloc .AND. &
     440             :                 logger%default_local_unit_nr >= 0) THEN
     441         235 :                CALL close_file(logger%default_local_unit_nr)
     442         235 :                logger%close_local_unit_on_dealloc = .FALSE.
     443         235 :                logger%default_local_unit_nr = -1
     444             :             END IF
     445       19405 :             CALL mp_para_env_release(logger%para_env)
     446       19405 :             CALL cp_iteration_info_release(logger%iter_info)
     447       19405 :             DEALLOCATE (logger)
     448             :          END IF
     449             :       END IF
     450      138695 :       NULLIFY (logger)
     451      138695 :    END SUBROUTINE cp_logger_release
     452             : 
     453             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     454             : !> \brief this function can be called to check if the logger would log
     455             : !>      a message with the given level from the given source
     456             : !>      you should use this function if you do direct logging
     457             : !>      (without using cp_logger_log), or if you want to know if the generation
     458             : !>      of some costly log info is necessary
     459             : !> \param logger the logger you want to log in
     460             : !> \param level describes the of the message: cp_fatal_level(3),
     461             : !>     cp_failure_level(2), cp_warning_level(1), cp_note_level(0).
     462             : !> \return ...
     463             : !> \par History
     464             : !>      4.2002 revised [fawzi]
     465             : !> \author Fawzi Mohamed
     466             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     467        4293 :    FUNCTION cp_logger_would_log(logger, level) RESULT(res)
     468             :       TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER                      :: logger
     469             :       INTEGER, INTENT(in)                                :: level
     470             :       LOGICAL                                            :: res
     471             : 
     472             :       CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'cp_logger_would_log', &
     473             :          routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
     474             : 
     475             :       TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER                      :: lggr
     476             : 
     477        4293 :       lggr => logger
     478        4293 :       IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(lggr)) lggr => cp_get_default_logger()
     479        4293 :       IF (lggr%ref_count < 1) &
     480           0 :          CPABORT(routineP//" logger%ref_count<1")
     481             : 
     482        4293 :       res = level >= lggr%print_level
     483        4293 :    END FUNCTION cp_logger_would_log
     484             : 
     485             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     486             : !> \brief returns the unit nr for the requested kind of log.
     487             : !> \param logger the logger you want to log in
     488             : !> \param local if true returns a local logger (one per task), otherwise
     489             : !>     returns a global logger (only the process with para_env%mepos==
     490             : !>     para_env%source should write to the global logger). Defaults to
     491             : !>     false
     492             : !> \return ...
     493             : !> \par History
     494             : !>      4.2002 revised [fawzi]
     495             : !> \author Fawzi Mohamed
     496             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     497         212 :    FUNCTION cp_logger_get_unit_nr(logger, local) RESULT(res)
     498             :       TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER                      :: logger
     499             :       LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL                      :: local
     500             :       INTEGER                                            :: res
     501             : 
     502         212 :       res = cp_logger_get_default_unit_nr(logger, local=local)
     503         212 :    END FUNCTION cp_logger_get_unit_nr
     504             : 
     505             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     506             : !> \brief returns the unit nr for the ionode (-1 on all other processors)
     507             : !>        skips as well checks if the procs calling this function is not the ionode
     508             : !> \param logger the logger you want to log in
     509             : !> \return ...
     510             : !> \par History
     511             : !>      12.2009 created [tlaino]
     512             : !> \author Teodoro Laino
     513             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     514     7405584 :    FUNCTION cp_logger_get_default_io_unit(logger) RESULT(res)
     515             :       TYPE(cp_logger_type), OPTIONAL, POINTER            :: logger
     516             :       INTEGER                                            :: res
     517             : 
     518             :       TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER                      :: local_logger
     519             : 
     520     7405584 :       IF (PRESENT(logger)) THEN
     521      472386 :          local_logger => logger
     522     6933198 :       ELSE IF (stack_pointer == 0) THEN
     523     7405584 :          res = -1 ! edge case: default logger not yet/anymore available
     524             :          RETURN
     525             :       ELSE
     526     6933198 :          local_logger => cp_get_default_logger()
     527             :       END IF
     528             : 
     529     7405584 :       res = cp_logger_get_default_unit_nr(local_logger, local=.FALSE., skip_not_ionode=.TRUE.)
     530     7405584 :    END FUNCTION cp_logger_get_default_io_unit
     531             : 
     532             : ! *************************** cp_logger_type settings ***************************
     533             : 
     534             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     535             : !> \brief changes the logging level. Log messages with a level less than the one
     536             : !>      given wo not be printed.
     537             : !> \param logger the logger to change
     538             : !> \param level the new logging level for the logger
     539             : !> \par History
     540             : !>      4.2002 revised [fawzi]
     541             : !> \author Fawzi Mohamed
     542             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     543           0 :    SUBROUTINE cp_logger_set_log_level(logger, level)
     544             :       TYPE(cp_logger_type), INTENT(INOUT)                :: logger
     545             :       INTEGER, INTENT(in)                                :: level
     546             : 
     547             :       CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'cp_logger_set_log_level', &
     548             :          routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
     549             : 
     550           0 :       IF (logger%ref_count < 1) &
     551           0 :          CPABORT(routineP//" logger%ref_count<1")
     552           0 :       logger%print_level = level
     553           0 :    END SUBROUTINE cp_logger_set_log_level
     554             : 
     555             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     556             : !> \brief asks the default unit number of the given logger.
     557             : !>      try to use cp_logger_get_unit_nr
     558             : !> \param logger the logger you want info from
     559             : !> \param local if you want the local unit nr (defaults to false)
     560             : !> \param skip_not_ionode ...
     561             : !> \return ...
     562             : !> \par History
     563             : !>      4.2002 revised [fawzi]
     564             : !> \author Fawzi Mohamed
     565             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     566     7851287 :    RECURSIVE FUNCTION cp_logger_get_default_unit_nr(logger, local, skip_not_ionode) RESULT(res)
     567             :       TYPE(cp_logger_type), OPTIONAL, POINTER            :: logger
     568             :       LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL                      :: local, skip_not_ionode
     569             :       INTEGER                                            :: res
     570             : 
     571             :       CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'cp_logger_get_default_unit_nr', &
     572             :          routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
     573             : 
     574             :       CHARACTER(len=default_path_length)                 :: filename, host_name
     575             :       INTEGER                                            :: iostat, pid
     576             :       LOGICAL                                            :: loc, skip
     577             :       TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER                      :: lggr
     578             : 
     579     7851287 :       loc = .TRUE.
     580     7851287 :       skip = .FALSE.
     581     7851287 :       IF (PRESENT(logger)) THEN
     582     7848985 :          lggr => logger
     583             :       ELSE
     584        2302 :          NULLIFY (lggr)
     585             :       END IF
     586     7851287 :       IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(lggr)) lggr => cp_get_default_logger()
     587     7851287 :       IF (lggr%ref_count < 1) &
     588           0 :          CPABORT(routineP//" logger%ref_count<1")
     589             : 
     590     7851287 :       IF (PRESENT(local)) loc = local
     591     7851287 :       IF (PRESENT(skip_not_ionode)) skip = skip_not_ionode
     592     7851287 :       IF (.NOT. loc) THEN
     593     7802684 :          IF (lggr%default_global_unit_nr <= 0) THEN
     594     2989664 :             IF (lggr%para_env%is_source()) THEN
     595             :                CALL cp_logger_generate_filename(lggr, filename, lggr%global_filename, &
     596           0 :                                                 ".out", local=.FALSE.)
     597             :                CALL open_file(TRIM(filename), file_status="unknown", &
     598             :                               file_action="WRITE", file_position="APPEND", &
     599           0 :                               unit_number=lggr%default_global_unit_nr)
     600     2989664 :             ELSE IF (.NOT. skip) THEN
     601           0 :                lggr%default_global_unit_nr = cp_logger_get_default_unit_nr(lggr, .TRUE.)
     602           0 :                lggr%close_global_unit_on_dealloc = .FALSE.
     603             :             ELSE
     604     2989664 :                lggr%default_global_unit_nr = -1
     605     2989664 :                lggr%close_global_unit_on_dealloc = .FALSE.
     606             :             END IF
     607             :          END IF
     608     7802684 :          IF (.NOT. (lggr%para_env%is_source() .OR. skip)) THEN
     609             :             WRITE (UNIT=lggr%default_global_unit_nr, FMT='(/,T2,A)', IOSTAT=iostat) &
     610           0 :                ' *** WARNING non ionode asked for global logger ***'
     611           0 :             IF (iostat /= 0) THEN
     612           0 :                CALL m_getpid(pid)
     613           0 :                CALL m_hostnm(host_name)
     614           0 :                PRINT *, " *** Error trying to WRITE to the local logger ***"
     615           0 :                PRINT *, " *** MPI_id           = ", lggr%para_env%mepos
     616           0 :                PRINT *, " *** MPI_Communicator = ", lggr%para_env%get_handle()
     617           0 :                PRINT *, " *** PID              = ", pid
     618           0 :                PRINT *, " *** Hostname         = "//TRIM(host_name)
     619           0 :                CALL print_stack(default_output_unit)
     620             :             ELSE
     621           0 :                CALL print_stack(lggr%default_global_unit_nr)
     622             :             END IF
     623             :          END IF
     624     7802684 :          res = lggr%default_global_unit_nr
     625             :       ELSE
     626       48603 :          IF (lggr%default_local_unit_nr <= 0) THEN
     627             :             CALL cp_logger_generate_filename(lggr, filename, lggr%local_filename, &
     628         235 :                                              ".out", local=.TRUE.)
     629             :             CALL open_file(TRIM(filename), file_status="unknown", &
     630             :                            file_action="WRITE", &
     631             :                            file_position="APPEND", &
     632         235 :                            unit_number=lggr%default_local_unit_nr)
     633             :             WRITE (UNIT=lggr%default_local_unit_nr, FMT='(/,T2,A,I0,A,I0,A)', IOSTAT=iostat) &
     634         235 :                '*** Local logger file of MPI task ', lggr%para_env%mepos, &
     635         470 :                ' in communicator ', lggr%para_env%get_handle(), ' ***'
     636         235 :             IF (iostat == 0) THEN
     637         235 :                CALL m_getpid(pid)
     638         235 :                CALL m_hostnm(host_name)
     639             :                WRITE (UNIT=lggr%default_local_unit_nr, FMT='(T2,A,I0)', IOSTAT=iostat) &
     640         235 :                   '*** PID      = ', pid, &
     641         470 :                   '*** Hostname = '//host_name
     642         235 :                CALL print_stack(lggr%default_local_unit_nr)
     643             :             END IF
     644         235 :             IF (iostat /= 0) THEN
     645           0 :                CALL m_getpid(pid)
     646           0 :                CALL m_hostnm(host_name)
     647           0 :                PRINT *, " *** Error trying to WRITE to the local logger ***"
     648           0 :                PRINT *, " *** MPI_id           = ", lggr%para_env%mepos
     649           0 :                PRINT *, " *** MPI_Communicator = ", lggr%para_env%get_handle()
     650           0 :                PRINT *, " *** PID              = ", pid
     651           0 :                PRINT *, " *** Hostname         = "//TRIM(host_name)
     652           0 :                CALL print_stack(default_output_unit)
     653             :             END IF
     654             : 
     655             :          END IF
     656       48603 :          res = lggr%default_local_unit_nr
     657             :       END IF
     658     7851287 :    END FUNCTION cp_logger_get_default_unit_nr
     659             : 
     660             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     661             : !> \brief generates a unique filename (ie adding eventual suffixes and
     662             : !>      process ids)
     663             : !> \param logger ...
     664             : !> \param res the resulting string
     665             : !> \param root the start of filename
     666             : !> \param postfix the end of the name
     667             : !> \param local if the name should be local to this task (defaults to false)
     668             : !> \par History
     669             : !>      08.2002 created [fawzi]
     670             : !> \author Fawzi Mohamed
     671             : !> \note
     672             : !>      this should be a function returning a variable length string.
     673             : !>      All spaces are moved to the end of the string.
     674             : !>      Not fully optimized: result must be a little longer than the
     675             : !>      resulting compressed filename
     676             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     677       95012 :    SUBROUTINE cp_logger_generate_filename(logger, res, root, postfix, &
     678             :                                           local)
     679             :       TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER                      :: logger
     680             :       CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(inout)                    :: res
     681             :       CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in)                       :: root, postfix
     682             :       LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL                      :: local
     683             : 
     684             :       CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'cp_logger_generate_filename', &
     685             :          routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
     686             : 
     687             :       LOGICAL                                            :: loc
     688             :       TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER                      :: lggr
     689             : 
     690       95012 :       loc = .FALSE.
     691       95012 :       res = ' '
     692       95012 :       lggr => logger
     693             : 
     694       95012 :       IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(lggr)) lggr => cp_get_default_logger()
     695       95012 :       IF (lggr%ref_count < 1) &
     696           0 :          CPABORT(routineP//" logger%ref_count<1")
     697       95012 :       IF (PRESENT(local)) loc = local
     698       95012 :       IF (loc) THEN
     699             :          res = TRIM(root)//TRIM(lggr%suffix)//'_p'// &
     700         430 :                cp_to_string(lggr%para_env%mepos)//postfix
     701             :       ELSE
     702       94582 :          res = TRIM(root)//TRIM(lggr%suffix)//postfix
     703             :       END IF
     704       95012 :       CALL compress(res, full=.TRUE.)
     705       95012 :    END SUBROUTINE cp_logger_generate_filename
     706             : 
     707             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     708             : !> \brief sets various attributes of the given logger
     709             : !> \param logger the logger you want to change
     710             : !> \param local_filename the root of the name of the file used for local
     711             : !>        logging
     712             : !> \param global_filename the root of the name of the file used for
     713             : !>        global logging
     714             : !> \author Fawzi Mohamed
     715             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     716       10949 :    SUBROUTINE cp_logger_set(logger, local_filename, global_filename)
     717             :       TYPE(cp_logger_type), INTENT(INOUT)                :: logger
     718             :       CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL             :: local_filename, global_filename
     719             : 
     720       10949 :       IF (PRESENT(local_filename)) logger%local_filename = local_filename
     721       10949 :       IF (PRESENT(global_filename)) logger%global_filename = global_filename
     722       10949 :    END SUBROUTINE cp_logger_set
     723             : 
     724             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     725             : !> \brief converts an int to a string
     726             : !>      (should be a variable length string, but that does not work with
     727             : !>      all the compilers)
     728             : !> \param i the integer to convert
     729             : !> \param fmt Optional format string
     730             : !> \return ...
     731             : !> \par History
     732             : !>      4.2002 revised [fawzi]
     733             : !> \author Fawzi Mohamed, MK
     734             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     735     7540127 :    FUNCTION cp_int_to_string(i, fmt) RESULT(res)
     736             :       INTEGER, INTENT(in)                                :: i
     737             :       CHARACTER(len=*), OPTIONAL                         :: fmt
     738             :       CHARACTER(len=25)                                  :: res
     739             : 
     740             :       CHARACTER(len=25)                                  :: t_res
     741             :       INTEGER                                            :: iostat
     742             :       REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: tmp_r
     743             : 
     744     7540127 :       iostat = 0
     745     7540127 :       IF (PRESENT(fmt)) THEN
     746        1824 :          WRITE (t_res, FMT=fmt, IOSTAT=iostat) i
     747     7538303 :       ELSE IF (i > 999999 .OR. i < -99999) THEN
     748           1 :          tmp_r = i
     749           1 :          WRITE (t_res, FMT='(ES8.1)', IOSTAT=iostat) tmp_r
     750             :       ELSE
     751     7538302 :          WRITE (t_res, FMT='(I6)', IOSTAT=iostat) i
     752             :       END IF
     753     7540127 :       res = t_res
     754     7540127 :       IF (iostat /= 0) THEN
     755           0 :          PRINT *, "cp_int_to_string I/O error", iostat
     756           0 :          CALL print_stack(cp_logger_get_default_unit_nr())
     757             :       END IF
     758             : 
     759     7540127 :    END FUNCTION cp_int_to_string
     760             : 
     761             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     762             : !> \brief Convert a double precision real in a string
     763             : !>      (should be a variable length string, but that does not work with
     764             : !>      all the compilers)
     765             : !> \param val the number to convert
     766             : !> \param fmt Optional format string
     767             : !> \return ...
     768             : !> \par History
     769             : !>      4.2002 revised [fawzi]
     770             : !> \author Fawzi Mohamed, MK
     771             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     772      103396 :    FUNCTION cp_real_dp_to_string(val, fmt) RESULT(res)
     773             :       REAL(KIND=dp), INTENT(in)                          :: val
     774             :       CHARACTER(len=*), OPTIONAL                         :: fmt
     775             :       CHARACTER(len=25)                                  :: res
     776             : 
     777             :       INTEGER                                            :: iostat
     778             : 
     779      103396 :       IF (PRESENT(fmt)) THEN
     780        1824 :          WRITE (res, FMT=fmt, IOSTAT=iostat) val
     781             :       ELSE
     782      101572 :          WRITE (res, FMT='(ES11.4)', IOSTAT=iostat) val
     783             :       END IF
     784      103396 :       IF (iostat /= 0) THEN
     785           0 :          PRINT *, "cp_real_dp_to_string I/O error", iostat
     786           0 :          CALL print_stack(cp_logger_get_default_unit_nr())
     787             :       END IF
     788             : 
     789      103396 :    END FUNCTION cp_real_dp_to_string
     790             : 
     791             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     792             : !> \brief convert a logical in a string ('T' or 'F')
     793             : !> \param val the number to convert
     794             : !> \return ...
     795             : !> \author fawzi
     796             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     797           0 :    ELEMENTAL FUNCTION cp_logical_to_string(val) RESULT(res)
     798             :       LOGICAL, INTENT(in)                                :: val
     799             :       CHARACTER(len=1)                                   :: res
     800             : 
     801           0 :       IF (val) THEN
     802           0 :          res = 'T'
     803             :       ELSE
     804           0 :          res = 'F'
     805             :       END IF
     806           0 :    END FUNCTION cp_logical_to_string
     807             : 
     808           0 : END MODULE cp_log_handling
     809             : 

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