LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src - hfx_types.F (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: CP2K Regtests (git:b4bd748) Lines: 1171 1207 97.0 %
Date: 2025-03-09 07:56:22 Functions: 22 53 41.5 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
       2             : !   CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations                              !
       3             : !   Copyright 2000-2025 CP2K developers group <>                                   !
       4             : !                                                                                                  !
       5             : !   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later                                                      !
       6             : !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
       7             : 
       8             : ! **************************************************************************************************
       9             : !> \brief Types and set/get functions for HFX
      10             : !> \par History
      11             : !>      04.2008 created [Manuel Guidon]
      12             : !>      05.2019 Moved erfc_cutoff to common/mathlib (A. Bussy)
      13             : !> \author Manuel Guidon
      14             : ! **************************************************************************************************
      15             : MODULE hfx_types
      16             :    USE atomic_kind_types,               ONLY: atomic_kind_type,&
      17             :                                               get_atomic_kind,&
      18             :                                               get_atomic_kind_set
      19             :    USE basis_set_types,                 ONLY: get_gto_basis_set,&
      20             :                                               gto_basis_set_p_type,&
      21             :                                               gto_basis_set_type
      22             :    USE bibliography,                    ONLY: bussy2023,&
      23             :                                               cite_reference,&
      24             :                                               guidon2008,&
      25             :                                               guidon2009
      26             :    USE cell_types,                      ONLY: cell_type,&
      27             :                                               get_cell,&
      28             :                                               plane_distance,&
      29             :                                               scaled_to_real
      30             :    USE cp_array_utils,                  ONLY: cp_1d_logical_p_type
      31             :    USE cp_control_types,                ONLY: dft_control_type
      32             :    USE cp_dbcsr_api,                    ONLY: dbcsr_release,&
      33             :                                               dbcsr_type
      34             :    USE cp_files,                        ONLY: close_file,&
      35             :                                               file_exists,&
      36             :                                               open_file
      37             :    USE cp_log_handling,                 ONLY: cp_get_default_logger,&
      38             :                                               cp_logger_type
      39             :    USE cp_output_handling,              ONLY: cp_print_key_finished_output,&
      40             :                                               cp_print_key_unit_nr
      41             :    USE cp_units,                        ONLY: cp_unit_from_cp2k
      42             :    USE dbt_api,                         ONLY: &
      43             :         dbt_create, dbt_default_distvec, dbt_destroy, dbt_distribution_destroy, &
      44             :         dbt_distribution_new, dbt_distribution_type, dbt_mp_dims_create, dbt_pgrid_create, &
      45             :         dbt_pgrid_destroy, dbt_pgrid_type, dbt_type
      46             :    USE hfx_helpers,                     ONLY: count_cells_perd,&
      47             :                                               next_image_cell_perd
      48             :    USE input_constants,                 ONLY: &
      49             :         do_hfx_auto_shells, do_potential_coulomb, do_potential_gaussian, do_potential_id, &
      50             :         do_potential_long, do_potential_mix_cl, do_potential_mix_cl_trunc, do_potential_mix_lg, &
      51             :         do_potential_short, do_potential_truncated, hfx_ri_do_2c_diag, hfx_ri_do_2c_iter
      52             :    USE input_cp2k_hfx,                  ONLY: ri_mo,&
      53             :                                               ri_pmat
      54             :    USE input_section_types,             ONLY: section_vals_get,&
      55             :                                               section_vals_get_subs_vals,&
      56             :                                               section_vals_type,&
      57             :                                               section_vals_val_get
      58             :    USE kinds,                           ONLY: default_path_length,&
      59             :                                               default_string_length,&
      60             :                                               dp,&
      61             :                                               int_8
      62             :    USE libint_2c_3c,                    ONLY: libint_potential_type
      63             :    USE libint_wrapper,                  ONLY: &
      64             :         cp_libint_cleanup_eri, cp_libint_cleanup_eri1, cp_libint_init_eri, cp_libint_init_eri1, &
      65             :         cp_libint_set_contrdepth, cp_libint_static_cleanup, cp_libint_static_init, cp_libint_t, &
      66             :         prim_data_f_size
      67             :    USE machine,                         ONLY: m_chdir,&
      68             :                                               m_getcwd
      69             :    USE mathlib,                         ONLY: erfc_cutoff
      70             :    USE message_passing,                 ONLY: mp_cart_type,&
      71             :                                               mp_para_env_type
      72             :    USE orbital_pointers,                ONLY: nco,&
      73             :                                               ncoset,&
      74             :                                               nso
      75             :    USE particle_methods,                ONLY: get_particle_set
      76             :    USE particle_types,                  ONLY: particle_type
      77             :    USE qs_integral_utils,               ONLY: basis_set_list_setup
      78             :    USE qs_kind_types,                   ONLY: get_qs_kind,&
      79             :                                               get_qs_kind_set,&
      80             :                                               qs_kind_type
      81             :    USE qs_tensors_types,                ONLY: &
      82             :         create_2c_tensor, create_3c_tensor, create_tensor_batches, default_block_size, &
      83             :         distribution_3d_create, distribution_3d_destroy, distribution_3d_type, pgf_block_sizes, &
      84             :         split_block_sizes
      85             :    USE string_utilities,                ONLY: compress
      86             :    USE t_c_g0,                          ONLY: free_C0
      87             : 
      88             : !$ USE OMP_LIB, ONLY: omp_get_max_threads, omp_get_thread_num, omp_get_num_threads
      89             : 
      90             : #include "./base/base_uses.f90"
      91             : 
      92             :    IMPLICIT NONE
      93             :    PRIVATE
      94             :    PUBLIC :: hfx_type, hfx_create, hfx_release, &
      95             :              hfx_set_distr_energy, &
      96             :              hfx_set_distr_forces, &
      97             :              hfx_cell_type, hfx_distribution, &
      98             :              hfx_potential_type, hfx_screening_type, &
      99             :              hfx_memory_type, hfx_load_balance_type, hfx_general_type, &
     100             :              hfx_container_type, hfx_cache_type, &
     101             :              hfx_basis_type, parse_memory_section, &
     102             :              hfx_init_container, &
     103             :              hfx_basis_info_type, hfx_screen_coeff_type, &
     104             :              hfx_reset_memory_usage_counter, pair_list_type, pair_list_element_type, &
     105             :              pair_set_list_type, hfx_p_kind, hfx_2D_map, hfx_pgf_list, &
     106             :              hfx_pgf_product_list, hfx_block_range_type, &
     107             :              alloc_containers, dealloc_containers, hfx_task_list_type, init_t_c_g0_lmax, &
     108             :              hfx_create_neighbor_cells, hfx_create_basis_types, hfx_release_basis_types, &
     109             :              hfx_ri_type, hfx_compression_type, block_ind_type, hfx_ri_init, hfx_ri_release, &
     110             :              compare_hfx_sections
     111             : 
     112             : #define CACHE_SIZE 1024
     113             : #define BITS_MAX_VAL 6
     114             : 
     115             :    CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'hfx_types'
     116             :    INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC                 :: max_atom_block = 32
     117             :    INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC                 :: max_images = 27
     118             :    REAL(dp), PARAMETER, PUBLIC                :: log_zero = -1000.0_dp
     119             :    REAL(dp), PARAMETER, PUBLIC                :: powell_min_log = -20.0_dp
     120             :    REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(0:10), &
     121             :       PARAMETER, PUBLIC                       :: mul_fact = (/1.0_dp, &
     122             :                                                               1.1781_dp, &
     123             :                                                               1.3333_dp, &
     124             :                                                               1.4726_dp, &
     125             :                                                               1.6000_dp, &
     126             :                                                               1.7181_dp, &
     127             :                                                               1.8286_dp, &
     128             :                                                               1.9328_dp, &
     129             :                                                               2.0317_dp, &
     130             :                                                               2.1261_dp, &
     131             :                                                               2.2165_dp/)
     132             : 
     133             :    INTEGER, SAVE                                         :: init_t_c_g0_lmax = -1
     134             : 
     135             : !***
     136             : 
     137             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     138             :    TYPE hfx_potential_type
     139             :       INTEGER                                  :: potential_type = do_potential_coulomb !! 1/r/ erfc(wr)/r ...
     140             :       REAL(dp)                                 :: omega = 0.0_dp !! w
     141             :       REAL(dp)                                 :: scale_coulomb = 0.0_dp !! scaling factor for mixed potential
     142             :       REAL(dp)                                 :: scale_longrange = 0.0_dp !! scaling factor for mixed potential
     143             :       REAL(dp)                                 :: scale_gaussian = 0.0_dp!! scaling factor for mixed potential
     144             :       REAL(dp)                                 :: cutoff_radius = 0.0_dp!! cutoff radius if cutoff potential in use
     145             :       CHARACTER(default_path_length)           :: filename = ""
     146             :    END TYPE
     147             : 
     148             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     149             :    TYPE hfx_screening_type
     150             :       REAL(dp)                                 :: eps_schwarz = 0.0_dp !! threshold
     151             :       REAL(dp)                                 :: eps_schwarz_forces = 0.0_dp !! threshold
     152             :       LOGICAL                                  :: do_p_screening_forces = .FALSE. !! screen on P^2 ?
     153             :       LOGICAL                                  :: do_initial_p_screening = .FALSE. !! screen on initial guess?
     154             :    END TYPE
     155             : 
     156             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     157             :    TYPE hfx_memory_type
     158             :       INTEGER                                  :: max_memory = 0 !! user def max memory MiB
     159             :       INTEGER(int_8)                           :: max_compression_counter = 0_int_8 !! corresponding number of reals
     160             :       INTEGER(int_8)                           :: final_comp_counter_energy = 0_int_8
     161             :       LOGICAL                                  :: do_all_on_the_fly = .FALSE. !! max mem == 0 ?
     162             :       REAL(dp)                                 :: eps_storage_scaling = 0.0_dp
     163             :       INTEGER                                  :: cache_size = 0
     164             :       INTEGER                                  :: bits_max_val = 0
     165             :       INTEGER                                  :: actual_memory_usage = 0
     166             :       INTEGER                                  :: actual_memory_usage_disk = 0
     167             :       INTEGER(int_8)                           :: max_compression_counter_disk = 0_int_8
     168             :       LOGICAL                                  :: do_disk_storage = .FALSE.
     169             :       CHARACTER(len=default_path_length)       :: storage_location = ""
     170             :       INTEGER(int_8)                           :: ram_counter = 0_int_8
     171             :       INTEGER(int_8)                           :: ram_counter_forces = 0_int_8
     172             :       INTEGER(int_8)                           :: size_p_screen = 0_int_8
     173             :       LOGICAL                                  :: treat_forces_in_core = .FALSE.
     174             :       LOGICAL                                  :: recalc_forces = .FALSE.
     175             :    END TYPE
     176             : 
     177             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     178             :    TYPE hfx_periodic_type
     179             :       INTEGER                                  :: number_of_shells = -1 !! number of periodic image cells
     180             :       LOGICAL                                  :: do_periodic = .FALSE. !! periodic ?
     181             :       INTEGER                                  :: perd(3) = -1 !! x,xy,xyz,...
     182             :       INTEGER                                  :: mode = -1
     183             :       REAL(dp)                                 :: R_max_stress = 0.0_dp
     184             :       INTEGER                                  :: number_of_shells_from_input = 0
     185             :    END TYPE
     186             : 
     187             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     188             :    TYPE hfx_load_balance_type
     189             :       INTEGER                                  :: nbins = 0
     190             :       INTEGER                                  :: block_size = 0
     191             :       INTEGER                                  :: nblocks = 0
     192             :       LOGICAL                                  :: rtp_redistribute = .FALSE.
     193             :       LOGICAL                                  :: blocks_initialized = .FALSE.
     194             :       LOGICAL                                  :: do_randomize = .FALSE.
     195             :    END TYPE
     196             : 
     197             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     198             :    TYPE hfx_general_type
     199             :       REAL(dp)                                 :: fraction = 0.0_dp !! for hybrids
     200             :       LOGICAL                                  :: treat_lsd_in_core = .FALSE.
     201             :    END TYPE
     202             : 
     203             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     204             :    TYPE hfx_cell_type
     205             :       REAL(dp)                                 :: cell(3) = 0.0_dp
     206             :       REAL(dp)                                 :: cell_r(3) = 0.0_dp
     207             :    END TYPE
     208             : 
     209             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     210             :    TYPE hfx_distribution
     211             :       INTEGER(int_8)                           :: istart = 0_int_8
     212             :       INTEGER(int_8)                           :: number_of_atom_quartets = 0_int_8
     213             :       INTEGER(int_8)                           :: cost = 0_int_8
     214             :       REAL(KIND=dp)                            :: time_first_scf = 0.0_dp
     215             :       REAL(KIND=dp)                            :: time_other_scf = 0.0_dp
     216             :       REAL(KIND=dp)                            :: time_forces = 0.0_dp
     217             :       INTEGER(int_8)                           :: ram_counter = 0_int_8
     218             :    END TYPE
     219             : 
     220             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     221             :    TYPE pair_list_element_type
     222             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: pair = 0
     223             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: set_bounds = 0
     224             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: kind_pair = 0
     225             :       REAL(KIND=dp)         :: r1(3) = 0.0_dp, r2(3) = 0.0_dp
     226             :       REAL(KIND=dp)         :: dist2 = 0.0_dp
     227             :    END TYPE
     228             : 
     229             :    ! **************************************************************************************************
     230             :    TYPE pair_set_list_type
     231             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: pair = 0
     232             :    END TYPE
     233             : 
     234             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     235             :    TYPE pair_list_type
     236             :       TYPE(pair_list_element_type), DIMENSION(max_atom_block**2) :: elements = pair_list_element_type()
     237             :       INTEGER :: n_element = 0
     238             :    END TYPE pair_list_type
     239             : 
     240             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     241             :    TYPE hfx_cache_type
     242             :       INTEGER(int_8), DIMENSION(CACHE_SIZE)    :: DATA = 0_int_8
     243             :       INTEGER                                  :: element_counter = 0
     244             :    END TYPE
     245             : 
     246             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     247             :    TYPE hfx_container_node
     248             :       TYPE(hfx_container_node), POINTER        :: next => NULL(), prev => NULL()
     249             :       INTEGER(int_8), DIMENSION(CACHE_SIZE)    :: DATA = 0_int_8
     250             :    END TYPE
     251             : 
     252             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     253             :    TYPE hfx_container_type
     254             :       TYPE(hfx_container_node), POINTER        :: first => NULL(), current => NULL()
     255             :       INTEGER                                  :: element_counter = 0
     256             :       INTEGER(int_8)                           :: file_counter = 0
     257             :       CHARACTER(LEN=5)                         :: desc = ""
     258             :       INTEGER                                  :: unit = -1
     259             :       CHARACTER(default_path_length)           :: filename = ""
     260             :    END TYPE
     261             : 
     262             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     263             :    TYPE hfx_basis_type
     264             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER           :: lmax => NULL()
     265             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER           :: lmin => NULL()
     266             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER           :: npgf => NULL()
     267             :       INTEGER                                  :: nset = 0
     268             :       REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER        :: zet => NULL()
     269             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER           :: nsgf => NULL()
     270             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER         :: first_sgf => NULL()
     271             :       REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER        :: sphi => NULL()
     272             :       INTEGER                                  :: nsgf_total = 0
     273             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER         :: nl => NULL()
     274             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER         :: nsgfl => NULL()
     275             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER           :: nshell => NULL()
     276             :       REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:, :, :, :), POINTER &
     277             :          :: sphi_ext => NULL()
     278             :       REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER          :: set_radius => NULL()
     279             :       REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER        :: pgf_radius => NULL()
     280             :       REAL(dp)                                 :: kind_radius = 0.0_dp
     281             :    END TYPE
     282             : 
     283             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     284             :    TYPE hfx_basis_info_type
     285             :       INTEGER                                  :: max_set = 0
     286             :       INTEGER                                  :: max_sgf = 0
     287             :       INTEGER                                  :: max_am = 0
     288             :    END TYPE
     289             : 
     290             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     291             :    TYPE hfx_screen_coeff_type
     292             :       REAL(dp)                                 :: x(2) = 0.0_dp
     293             :    END TYPE
     294             : 
     295             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     296             :    TYPE hfx_p_kind
     297             :       REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:, :, :, :), POINTER    :: p_kind => NULL()
     298             :    END TYPE
     299             : 
     300             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     301             :    TYPE hfx_2D_map
     302             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER           :: iatom_list => NULL()
     303             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER           :: jatom_list => NULL()
     304             :    END TYPE
     305             : 
     306             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     307             :    TYPE hfx_pgf_image
     308             :       REAL(dp)                                 :: ra(3) = 0.0_dp, rb(3) = 0.0_dp
     309             :       REAL(dp)                                 :: rab2 = 0.0_dp
     310             :       REAL(dp)                                 :: S1234 = 0.0_dp
     311             :       REAL(dp)                                 :: P(3) = 0.0_dp
     312             :       REAL(dp)                                 :: R = 0.0_dp
     313             :       REAL(dp)                                 :: pgf_max = 0.0_dp
     314             :       REAL(dp), DIMENSION(3)                   :: bcell = 0.0_dp
     315             :    END TYPE
     316             : 
     317             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     318             :    TYPE hfx_pgf_list
     319             :       TYPE(hfx_pgf_image), DIMENSION(:), POINTER &
     320             :          :: image_list => NULL()
     321             :       INTEGER                                  :: nimages = 0
     322             :       REAL(dp)                                 :: zetapzetb = 0.0_dp
     323             :       REAL(dp)                                 :: ZetaInv = 0.0_dp
     324             :       REAL(dp)                                 :: zeta = 0.0_dp, zetb = 0.0_dp
     325             :       INTEGER                                  :: ipgf = 0, jpgf = 0
     326             :    END TYPE
     327             : 
     328             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     329             :    TYPE hfx_pgf_product_list
     330             :       REAL(dp)                                 :: ra(3) = 0.0_dp, rb(3) = 0.0_dp, rc(3) = 0.0_dp, rd(3) = 0.0_dp
     331             :       REAL(dp)                                 :: ZetapEtaInv = 0.0_dp
     332             :       REAL(dp)                                 :: Rho = 0.0_dp, RhoInv = 0.0_dp
     333             :       REAL(dp)                                 :: P(3) = 0.0_dp, Q(3) = 0.0_dp, W(3) = 0.0_dp
     334             :       REAL(dp)                                 :: AB(3) = 0.0_dp, CD(3) = 0.0_dp
     335             :       REAL(dp)                                 :: Fm(prim_data_f_size) = 0.0_dp
     336             :    END TYPE
     337             : 
     338             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     339             :    TYPE hfx_block_range_type
     340             :       INTEGER        :: istart = 0, iend = 0
     341             :       INTEGER(int_8) :: cost = 0_int_8
     342             :    END TYPE
     343             : 
     344             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     345             :    TYPE hfx_task_list_type
     346             :       INTEGER                                  :: thread_id = 0
     347             :       INTEGER                                  :: bin_id = 0
     348             :       INTEGER(int_8)                           :: cost = 0_int_8
     349             :    END TYPE
     350             : 
     351             :    TYPE :: hfx_compression_type
     352             :       TYPE(hfx_container_type), DIMENSION(:), &
     353             :          POINTER        :: maxval_container => NULL()
     354             :       TYPE(hfx_cache_type), DIMENSION(:), &
     355             :          POINTER            :: maxval_cache => NULL()
     356             :       TYPE(hfx_container_type), DIMENSION(:, :), &
     357             :          POINTER        :: integral_containers => NULL()
     358             :       TYPE(hfx_cache_type), DIMENSION(:, :), &
     359             :          POINTER            :: integral_caches => NULL()
     360             :       TYPE(hfx_container_type), POINTER :: maxval_container_disk => NULL()
     361             :       TYPE(hfx_cache_type)     :: maxval_cache_disk = hfx_cache_type()
     362             :       TYPE(hfx_cache_type)      :: integral_caches_disk(64) = hfx_cache_type()
     363             :       TYPE(hfx_container_type), POINTER, &
     364             :          DIMENSION(:)  :: integral_containers_disk => NULL()
     365             :    END TYPE
     366             : 
     367             :    TYPE :: block_ind_type
     368             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: ind
     369             :    END TYPE
     370             : 
     371             :    TYPE hfx_ri_type
     372             :       ! input parameters (see input_cp2k_hfx)
     373             :       REAL(KIND=dp) :: filter_eps = 0.0_dp, filter_eps_2c = 0.0_dp, filter_eps_storage = 0.0_dp, filter_eps_mo = 0.0_dp, &
     374             :                        eps_lanczos = 0.0_dp, eps_pgf_orb = 0.0_dp, eps_eigval = 0.0_dp, kp_RI_range = 0.0_dp, &
     375             :                        kp_image_range = 0.0_dp, kp_bump_rad = 0.0_dp
     376             :       INTEGER :: t2c_sqrt_order = 0, max_iter_lanczos = 0, flavor = 0, unit_nr_dbcsr = -1, unit_nr = -1, &
     377             :                  min_bsize = 0, max_bsize_MO = 0, t2c_method = 0, nelectron_total = 0, input_flavor = 0, &
     378             :                  ncell_RI = 0, nimg = 0, kp_stack_size = 0, nimg_nze = 0
     379             :       LOGICAL :: check_2c_inv = .FALSE., calc_condnum = .FALSE.
     380             : 
     381             :       TYPE(libint_potential_type) :: ri_metric = libint_potential_type()
     382             : 
     383             :       ! input parameters from hfx
     384             :       TYPE(libint_potential_type) :: hfx_pot = libint_potential_type() ! interaction potential
     385             :       REAL(KIND=dp) :: eps_schwarz = 0.0_dp ! integral screening threshold
     386             :       REAL(KIND=dp) :: eps_schwarz_forces = 0.0_dp ! integral derivatives screening threshold
     387             : 
     388             :       LOGICAL :: same_op = .FALSE. ! whether RI operator is same as HF potential
     389             : 
     390             :       ! default process grid used for 3c tensors
     391             :       TYPE(dbt_pgrid_type), POINTER :: pgrid => NULL()
     392             :       TYPE(dbt_pgrid_type), POINTER :: pgrid_2d => NULL()
     393             : 
     394             :       ! distributions for (RI | AO AO) 3c integral tensor (non split)
     395             :       TYPE(distribution_3d_type) :: dist_3d = distribution_3d_type()
     396             :       TYPE(dbt_distribution_type) :: dist
     397             : 
     398             :       ! block sizes for RI and AO tensor dimensions (split)
     399             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: bsizes_RI, bsizes_AO, bsizes_RI_split, bsizes_AO_split, &
     400             :                                             bsizes_RI_fit, bsizes_AO_fit
     401             : 
     402             :       ! KP RI-HFX basis info
     403             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE ::  img_to_RI_cell, present_images, idx_to_img, img_to_idx, &
     404             :                                             RI_cell_to_img
     405             : 
     406             :       ! KP RI-HFX cost information for a given atom pair i,j at a given cell b
     407             :       REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:, :, :), ALLOCATABLE :: kp_cost
     408             : 
     409             :       ! KP distribution of iatom (of i,j atom pairs) to subgroups
     410             :       TYPE(cp_1d_logical_p_type), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: iatom_to_subgroup
     411             : 
     412             :       ! KP 3c tensors replicated on the subgroups
     413             :       TYPE(dbt_type), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: kp_t_3c_int
     414             : 
     415             :       ! Note: changed static DIMENSION(1,1) of dbt_type to allocatables as workaround for gfortran 8.3.0,
     416             :       ! with static dimension gfortran gets stuck during compilation
     417             : 
     418             :       ! 2c tensors in (AO | AO) format
     419             :       TYPE(dbt_type), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: rho_ao_t, ks_t
     420             : 
     421             :       ! 2c tensors in (RI | RI) format for forces
     422             :       TYPE(dbt_type), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE    :: t_2c_inv
     423             :       TYPE(dbt_type), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE    :: t_2c_pot
     424             : 
     425             :       ! 2c tensor in matrix format for K-points RI-HFX
     426             :       TYPE(dbcsr_type), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE  :: kp_mat_2c_pot
     427             : 
     428             :       ! 2c tensor in (RI | RI) format for contraction
     429             :       TYPE(dbt_type), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE    :: t_2c_int
     430             : 
     431             :       ! 3c integral tensor in (AO RI | AO) format for contraction
     432             :       TYPE(dbt_type), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: t_3c_int_ctr_1
     433             :       TYPE(block_ind_type), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: blk_indices
     434             :       TYPE(dbt_pgrid_type), POINTER                :: pgrid_1 => NULL()
     435             : 
     436             :       ! 3c integral tensor in ( AO | RI AO) (MO) or (AO RI | AO) (RHO) format for contraction
     437             :       TYPE(dbt_type), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: t_3c_int_ctr_2
     438             :       TYPE(dbt_pgrid_type), POINTER                :: pgrid_2 => NULL()
     439             : 
     440             :       ! 3c integral tensor in ( RI | AO AO ) format for contraction
     441             :       TYPE(dbt_type), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: t_3c_int_ctr_3
     442             : 
     443             :       ! 3c integral tensor in (RI | MO AO ) format for contraction
     444             :       TYPE(dbt_type), DIMENSION(:, :, :), ALLOCATABLE :: t_3c_int_mo
     445             :       TYPE(dbt_type), DIMENSION(:, :, :), ALLOCATABLE :: t_3c_ctr_RI
     446             :       TYPE(dbt_type), DIMENSION(:, :, :), ALLOCATABLE :: t_3c_ctr_KS
     447             :       TYPE(dbt_type), DIMENSION(:, :, :), ALLOCATABLE :: t_3c_ctr_KS_copy
     448             : 
     449             :       ! optional: sections for output handling
     450             :       ! alternatively set unit_nr_dbcsr (for logging tensor operations) and unit_nr (for general
     451             :       ! output) directly
     452             :       TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER :: ri_section => NULL(), hfx_section => NULL()
     453             : 
     454             :       ! types of primary and auxiliary basis
     455             :       CHARACTER(len=default_string_length) :: orb_basis_type = "", ri_basis_type = ""
     456             : 
     457             :       ! memory reduction factor
     458             :       INTEGER :: n_mem_input = 0, n_mem = 0, n_mem_RI = 0, n_mem_flavor_switch = 0
     459             : 
     460             :       ! offsets for memory batches
     461             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: starts_array_mem_block, ends_array_mem_block
     462             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: starts_array_mem, ends_array_mem
     463             : 
     464             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: starts_array_RI_mem_block, ends_array_RI_mem_block
     465             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: starts_array_RI_mem, ends_array_RI_mem
     466             : 
     467             :       INTEGER(int_8) :: dbcsr_nflop = 0_int_8
     468             :       REAL(dp)       :: dbcsr_time = 0.0_dp
     469             :       INTEGER        :: num_pe = 0
     470             :       TYPE(hfx_compression_type), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: store_3c
     471             : 
     472             :    END TYPE
     473             : 
     474             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     475             : !> \brief stores some data used in construction of Kohn-Sham matrix
     476             : !> \param potential_parameter stores information on the potential (1/r, erfc(wr)/r
     477             : !> \param screening_parameter stores screening infos such as epsilon
     478             : !> \param memory_parameter stores infos on memory used for in-core calculations
     479             : !> \param periodic_parameter stores information on how to apply pbc
     480             : !> \param load_balance_parameter contains infos for Monte Carlo simulated annealing
     481             : !> \param general_paramter at the moment stores the fraction of HF amount to be included
     482             : !> \param maxval_container stores the maxvals in compressed form
     483             : !> \param maxval_cache cache for maxvals in decompressed form
     484             : !> \param integral_containers 64 containers for compressed integrals
     485             : !> \param integral_caches 64 caches for decompressed integrals
     486             : !> \param neighbor_cells manages handling of periodic cells
     487             : !> \param distribution_energy stores information on parallelization of energy
     488             : !> \param distribution_forces stores information on parallelization of forces
     489             : !> \param initial_p stores the initial guess if requested
     490             : !> \param is_assoc_atomic_block reflects KS sparsity
     491             : !> \param number_of_p_entries Size of P matrix
     492             : !> \param n_rep_hf Number of HFX replicas
     493             : !> \param b_first_load_balance_x flag to indicate if it is enough just to update
     494             : !>        the distribution of the integrals
     495             : !> \param full_ks_x full ks matrices
     496             : !> \param lib libint type for eris
     497             : !> \param basis_info contains information for basis sets
     498             : !> \param screen_funct_coeffs_pgf pgf based near field screening coefficients
     499             : !> \param pair_dist_radii_pgf pgf based radii coefficients of pair distributions
     500             : !> \param screen_funct_coeffs_set set based near field screening coefficients
     501             : !> \param screen_funct_coeffs_kind kind based near field screening coefficients
     502             : !> \param screen_funct_is_initialized flag that indicates if the coefficients
     503             : !>        have already been fitted
     504             : !> \par History
     505             : !>      11.2006 created [Manuel Guidon]
     506             : !>      02.2009 completely rewritten due to new screening
     507             : !> \author Manuel Guidon
     508             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     509             :    TYPE hfx_type
     510             :       TYPE(hfx_potential_type)                 :: potential_parameter = hfx_potential_type()
     511             :       TYPE(hfx_screening_type)                 :: screening_parameter = hfx_screening_type()
     512             :       TYPE(hfx_memory_type)                    :: memory_parameter = hfx_memory_type()
     513             :       TYPE(hfx_periodic_type)                  :: periodic_parameter = hfx_periodic_type()
     514             :       TYPE(hfx_load_balance_type)              :: load_balance_parameter = hfx_load_balance_type()
     515             :       TYPE(hfx_general_type)                   :: general_parameter = hfx_general_type()
     516             : 
     517             :       TYPE(hfx_compression_type) :: store_ints = hfx_compression_type()
     518             :       TYPE(hfx_compression_type) :: store_forces = hfx_compression_type()
     519             : 
     520             :       TYPE(hfx_cell_type), DIMENSION(:), &
     521             :          POINTER                       :: neighbor_cells => NULL()
     522             :       TYPE(hfx_distribution), DIMENSION(:), &
     523             :          POINTER         :: distribution_energy => NULL()
     524             :       TYPE(hfx_distribution), DIMENSION(:), &
     525             :          POINTER         :: distribution_forces => NULL()
     526             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER         :: is_assoc_atomic_block => NULL()
     527             :       INTEGER                                  :: number_of_p_entries = 0
     528             :       TYPE(hfx_basis_type), DIMENSION(:), &
     529             :          POINTER           :: basis_parameter => NULL()
     530             :       INTEGER                                  :: n_rep_hf = 0
     531             :       LOGICAL                                  :: b_first_load_balance_energy = .FALSE., &
     532             :                                                   b_first_load_balance_forces = .FALSE.
     533             :       REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER        :: full_ks_alpha => NULL()
     534             :       REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER        :: full_ks_beta => NULL()
     535             :       TYPE(cp_libint_t)                        :: lib
     536             :       TYPE(hfx_basis_info_type)                :: basis_info = hfx_basis_info_type()
     537             :       TYPE(hfx_screen_coeff_type), &
     538             :          DIMENSION(:, :, :, :, :, :), POINTER     :: screen_funct_coeffs_pgf => NULL(), &
     539             :                                                      pair_dist_radii_pgf => NULL()
     540             :       TYPE(hfx_screen_coeff_type), &
     541             :          DIMENSION(:, :, :, :), POINTER         :: screen_funct_coeffs_set => NULL()
     542             :       TYPE(hfx_screen_coeff_type), &
     543             :          DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER             :: screen_funct_coeffs_kind => NULL()
     544             :       LOGICAL                                  :: screen_funct_is_initialized = .FALSE.
     545             :       TYPE(hfx_p_kind), DIMENSION(:), POINTER  :: initial_p => NULL()
     546             :       TYPE(hfx_p_kind), DIMENSION(:), POINTER  :: initial_p_forces => NULL()
     547             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER           :: map_atom_to_kind_atom => NULL()
     548             :       TYPE(hfx_2D_map), DIMENSION(:), POINTER  :: map_atoms_to_cpus => NULL()
     549             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER         :: atomic_block_offset => NULL()
     550             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :, :, :), POINTER     :: set_offset => NULL()
     551             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER           :: block_offset => NULL()
     552             :       TYPE(hfx_block_range_type), DIMENSION(:), &
     553             :          POINTER      :: blocks => NULL()
     554             :       TYPE(hfx_task_list_type), DIMENSION(:), &
     555             :          POINTER        :: task_list => NULL()
     556             :       REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER        :: pmax_atom => NULL(), pmax_atom_forces => NULL()
     557             :       TYPE(cp_libint_t)                         :: lib_deriv
     558             :       REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER        :: pmax_block => NULL()
     559             :       LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER         :: atomic_pair_list => NULL()
     560             :       LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER         :: atomic_pair_list_forces => NULL()
     561             :       LOGICAL                                   :: do_hfx_ri = .FALSE.
     562             :       TYPE(hfx_ri_type), POINTER                :: ri_data => NULL()
     563             :    END TYPE hfx_type
     564             : 
     565             : CONTAINS
     566             : 
     567             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     568             : !> \brief - This routine allocates and initializes all types in hfx_data
     569             : !> \param x_data contains all relevant data structures for hfx runs
     570             : !> \param para_env ...
     571             : !> \param hfx_section input section
     572             : !> \param atomic_kind_set ...
     573             : !> \param qs_kind_set ...
     574             : !> \param particle_set ...
     575             : !> \param dft_control ...
     576             : !> \param cell ...
     577             : !> \param orb_basis ...
     578             : !> \param ri_basis ...
     579             : !> \param nelectron_total ...
     580             : !> \param nkp_grid ...
     581             : !> \par History
     582             : !>      09.2007 created [Manuel Guidon]
     583             : !>      01.2024 pushed basis set decision outside of routine, keeps default as
     584             : !>              orb_basis = "ORB" and ri_basis = "AUX_FIT"
     585             : !>              No more ADMM references!
     586             : !> \author Manuel Guidon
     587             : !> \note
     588             : !>      - All POINTERS and ALLOCATABLES are allocated, even if their size is
     589             : !>        unknown at invocation time
     590             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     591        1278 :    SUBROUTINE hfx_create(x_data, para_env, hfx_section, atomic_kind_set, qs_kind_set, &
     592             :                          particle_set, dft_control, cell, orb_basis, ri_basis, &
     593             :                          nelectron_total, nkp_grid)
     594             :       TYPE(hfx_type), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER           :: x_data
     595             :       TYPE(mp_para_env_type)                             :: para_env
     596             :       TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: hfx_section
     597             :       TYPE(atomic_kind_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER      :: atomic_kind_set
     598             :       TYPE(qs_kind_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER          :: qs_kind_set
     599             :       TYPE(particle_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER         :: particle_set
     600             :       TYPE(dft_control_type), POINTER                    :: dft_control
     601             :       TYPE(cell_type), POINTER                           :: cell
     602             :       CHARACTER(LEN=*), OPTIONAL                         :: orb_basis, ri_basis
     603             :       INTEGER, OPTIONAL                                  :: nelectron_total
     604             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(3), OPTIONAL                    :: nkp_grid
     605             : 
     606             :       CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER                        :: routineN = 'hfx_create'
     607             : 
     608             :       CHARACTER(LEN=512)                                 :: error_msg
     609             :       CHARACTER(LEN=default_path_length)                 :: char_val
     610             :       CHARACTER(LEN=default_string_length)               :: orb_basis_type, ri_basis_type
     611             :       INTEGER :: handle, i, i_thread, iatom, ikind, int_val, irep, jkind, max_set, n_rep_hf, &
     612             :          n_threads, natom, natom_a, natom_b, nkind, nseta, nsetb, pbc_shells, storage_id
     613        1278 :       INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)                 :: atom2kind, kind_of
     614             :       LOGICAL                                            :: do_ri, explicit, logic_val
     615             :       REAL(dp)                                           :: real_val
     616             :       TYPE(hfx_type), POINTER                            :: actual_x_data
     617             :       TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: hf_pbc_section, hf_sub_section, &
     618             :                                                             hfx_ri_section
     619             : 
     620        1278 :       CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
     621             : 
     622        1278 :       CALL cite_reference(Guidon2008)
     623        1278 :       CALL cite_reference(Guidon2009)
     624             : 
     625        1278 :       natom = SIZE(particle_set)
     626             : 
     627             :       !! There might be 2 hf sections
     628        1278 :       CALL section_vals_get(hfx_section, n_repetition=n_rep_hf)
     629        1278 :       n_threads = 1
     630        1278 : !$    n_threads = omp_get_max_threads()
     631             : 
     632        1278 :       CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_section, "RI%_SECTION_PARAMETERS_", l_val=do_ri)
     633        1278 :       IF (do_ri) n_threads = 1 ! RI implementation does not use threads
     634             : 
     635        1278 :       IF (PRESENT(orb_basis)) THEN
     636        1278 :          orb_basis_type = orb_basis
     637             :       ELSE
     638           0 :          orb_basis_type = "ORB"
     639             :       END IF
     640        1278 :       IF (PRESENT(ri_basis)) THEN
     641           0 :          ri_basis_type = ri_basis
     642             :       ELSE
     643        1278 :          ri_basis_type = "RI_HFX"
     644             :       END IF
     645             : 
     646     5411062 :       ALLOCATE (x_data(n_rep_hf, n_threads))
     647        2556 :       DO i_thread = 1, n_threads
     648        3844 :          DO irep = 1, n_rep_hf
     649        1288 :             actual_x_data => x_data(irep, i_thread)
     650             :             !! Get data from input file
     651             :             !!
     652             :             !! GENERAL params
     653        1288 :             CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_section, "FRACTION", r_val=real_val, i_rep_section=irep)
     654        1288 :             actual_x_data%general_parameter%fraction = real_val
     655        1288 :             actual_x_data%n_rep_hf = n_rep_hf
     656             : 
     657        1288 :             NULLIFY (actual_x_data%map_atoms_to_cpus)
     658             : 
     659        1288 :             CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_section, "TREAT_LSD_IN_CORE", l_val=logic_val, i_rep_section=irep)
     660        1288 :             actual_x_data%general_parameter%treat_lsd_in_core = logic_val
     661             : 
     662        1288 :             hfx_ri_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(hfx_section, "RI")
     663        1288 :             CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_ri_section, "_SECTION_PARAMETERS_", l_val=actual_x_data%do_hfx_ri)
     664             : 
     665             :             !! MEMORY section
     666        1288 :             hf_sub_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(hfx_section, "MEMORY", i_rep_section=irep)
     667             :             CALL parse_memory_section(actual_x_data%memory_parameter, hf_sub_section, storage_id, i_thread, &
     668        1288 :                                       n_threads, para_env, irep, skip_disk=.FALSE., skip_in_core_forces=.FALSE.)
     669             : 
     670             :             !! PERIODIC section
     671        1288 :             hf_sub_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(hfx_section, "PERIODIC", i_rep_section=irep)
     672        1288 :             CALL section_vals_val_get(hf_sub_section, "NUMBER_OF_SHELLS", i_val=int_val)
     673        1288 :             actual_x_data%periodic_parameter%number_of_shells = int_val
     674        1288 :             actual_x_data%periodic_parameter%mode = int_val
     675        1288 :             CALL get_cell(cell=cell, periodic=actual_x_data%periodic_parameter%perd)
     676        5152 :             IF (SUM(actual_x_data%periodic_parameter%perd) == 0) THEN
     677         888 :                actual_x_data%periodic_parameter%do_periodic = .FALSE.
     678             :             ELSE
     679         400 :                actual_x_data%periodic_parameter%do_periodic = .TRUE.
     680             :             END IF
     681             : 
     682             :             !! SCREENING section
     683        1288 :             hf_sub_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(hfx_section, "SCREENING", i_rep_section=irep)
     684        1288 :             CALL section_vals_val_get(hf_sub_section, "EPS_SCHWARZ", r_val=real_val)
     685        1288 :             actual_x_data%screening_parameter%eps_schwarz = real_val
     686        1288 :             CALL section_vals_val_get(hf_sub_section, "EPS_SCHWARZ_FORCES", r_val=real_val, explicit=explicit)
     687        1288 :             IF (explicit) THEN
     688         190 :                actual_x_data%screening_parameter%eps_schwarz_forces = real_val
     689             :             ELSE
     690             :                actual_x_data%screening_parameter%eps_schwarz_forces = &
     691        1098 :                   100._dp*actual_x_data%screening_parameter%eps_schwarz
     692             :             END IF
     693        1288 :             CALL section_vals_val_get(hf_sub_section, "SCREEN_P_FORCES", l_val=logic_val)
     694        1288 :             actual_x_data%screening_parameter%do_p_screening_forces = logic_val
     695        1288 :             CALL section_vals_val_get(hf_sub_section, "SCREEN_ON_INITIAL_P", l_val=logic_val)
     696        1288 :             actual_x_data%screening_parameter%do_initial_p_screening = logic_val
     697        1288 :             actual_x_data%screen_funct_is_initialized = .FALSE.
     698             : 
     699             :             !! INTERACTION_POTENTIAL section
     700        1288 :             hf_sub_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(hfx_section, "INTERACTION_POTENTIAL", i_rep_section=irep)
     701        1288 :             CALL section_vals_val_get(hf_sub_section, "POTENTIAL_TYPE", i_val=int_val)
     702        1288 :             actual_x_data%potential_parameter%potential_type = int_val
     703        1288 :             CALL section_vals_val_get(hf_sub_section, "OMEGA", r_val=real_val)
     704        1288 :             actual_x_data%potential_parameter%omega = real_val
     705        1288 :             CALL section_vals_val_get(hf_sub_section, "SCALE_COULOMB", r_val=real_val)
     706        1288 :             actual_x_data%potential_parameter%scale_coulomb = real_val
     707        1288 :             CALL section_vals_val_get(hf_sub_section, "SCALE_LONGRANGE", r_val=real_val)
     708        1288 :             actual_x_data%potential_parameter%scale_longrange = real_val
     709        1288 :             CALL section_vals_val_get(hf_sub_section, "SCALE_GAUSSIAN", r_val=real_val)
     710        1288 :             actual_x_data%potential_parameter%scale_gaussian = real_val
     711        1288 :             IF (actual_x_data%potential_parameter%potential_type == do_potential_truncated .OR. &
     712             :                 actual_x_data%potential_parameter%potential_type == do_potential_mix_cl_trunc) THEN
     713         344 :                CALL section_vals_val_get(hf_sub_section, "CUTOFF_RADIUS", r_val=real_val)
     714         344 :                actual_x_data%potential_parameter%cutoff_radius = real_val
     715         344 :                CALL section_vals_val_get(hf_sub_section, "T_C_G_DATA", c_val=char_val)
     716         344 :                CALL compress(char_val, .TRUE.)
     717             :                ! ** Check if file is there
     718         344 :                IF (.NOT. file_exists(char_val)) THEN
     719             :                   WRITE (error_msg, '(A,A,A)') "Truncated hfx calculation requested. The file containing "// &
     720           0 :                      "the data could not be found at ", TRIM(char_val), " Please check T_C_G_DATA "// &
     721           0 :                      "in the INTERACTION_POTENTIAL section"
     722           0 :                   CPABORT(error_msg)
     723             :                ELSE
     724         344 :                   actual_x_data%potential_parameter%filename = char_val
     725             :                END IF
     726             :             END IF
     727        1288 :             IF (actual_x_data%potential_parameter%potential_type == do_potential_short) THEN
     728             :                CALL erfc_cutoff(actual_x_data%screening_parameter%eps_schwarz, &
     729             :                                 actual_x_data%potential_parameter%omega, &
     730          46 :                                 actual_x_data%potential_parameter%cutoff_radius)
     731             :             END IF
     732        1288 :             IF (actual_x_data%potential_parameter%potential_type == do_potential_id) THEN
     733          22 :                actual_x_data%potential_parameter%cutoff_radius = 0.0_dp
     734             :             END IF
     735             : 
     736             :             !! LOAD_BALANCE section
     737        1288 :             hf_sub_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(hfx_section, "LOAD_BALANCE", i_rep_section=irep)
     738        1288 :             CALL section_vals_val_get(hf_sub_section, "NBINS", i_val=int_val)
     739        1288 :             actual_x_data%load_balance_parameter%nbins = MAX(1, int_val)
     740        1288 :             actual_x_data%load_balance_parameter%blocks_initialized = .FALSE.
     741             : 
     742        1288 :             CALL section_vals_val_get(hf_sub_section, "RANDOMIZE", l_val=logic_val)
     743        1288 :             actual_x_data%load_balance_parameter%do_randomize = logic_val
     744             : 
     745        1288 :             actual_x_data%load_balance_parameter%rtp_redistribute = .FALSE.
     746        1288 :             IF (ASSOCIATED(dft_control%rtp_control)) &
     747          34 :                actual_x_data%load_balance_parameter%rtp_redistribute = dft_control%rtp_control%hfx_redistribute
     748             : 
     749        1288 :             CALL section_vals_val_get(hf_sub_section, "BLOCK_SIZE", i_val=int_val)
     750             :             ! negative values ask for a computed default
     751        1288 :             IF (int_val <= 0) THEN
     752             :                ! this gives a reasonable number of blocks for binning, yet typically results in blocking.
     753             :                int_val = CEILING(0.1_dp*natom/ &
     754        1288 :                                  REAL(actual_x_data%load_balance_parameter%nbins*n_threads*para_env%num_pe, KIND=dp)**(0.25_dp))
     755             :             END IF
     756             :             ! at least 1 atom per block, and avoid overly large blocks
     757        1288 :             actual_x_data%load_balance_parameter%block_size = MIN(max_atom_block, MAX(1, int_val))
     758             : 
     759             :             CALL hfx_create_basis_types(actual_x_data%basis_parameter, actual_x_data%basis_info, qs_kind_set, &
     760        1288 :                                         orb_basis_type)
     761             : 
     762             : !!**************************************************************************************************
     763             : !! **        !! ** This code writes the contraction routines
     764             : !! **        !! ** Very UGLY: BASIS_SET has to be 1 primitive and lmin=lmax=l. For g-functions
     765             : !! **        !! **
     766             : !! **        !! ** 1  4  4  1  1
     767             : !! **        !! **    1.0  1.0
     768             : !! **        !! **
     769             : !! **        k = max_am - 1
     770             : !! **        write(filename,'(A,I0,A)') "sphi",k+1,"a"
     771             : !! **        OPEN(UNIT=31415,FILE=filename)
     772             : !! **        DO i=ncoset(k)+1,SIZE(sphi_a,1)
     773             : !! **          DO j=1,SIZE(sphi_a,2)
     774             : !! **            IF( sphi_a(i,j) /= 0.0_dp) THEN
     775             : !! **              write(31415,'(A,I0,A,I0,A,I0,A,I0,A,I0,A)') "buffer1(i+imax*(",&
     776             : !! **                          j,&
     777             : !! **                          "-1)) = buffer1(i+imax*(",&
     778             : !! **                          j,&
     779             : !! **                          "-1)) + work(",&
     780             : !! **                          i-ncoset(k),&
     781             : !! **                          "+(i-1)*kmax) * sphi_a(",&
     782             : !! **                          i-ncoset(k),&
     783             : !! **                          ",",&
     784             : !! **                          j,&
     785             : !! **                          "+s_offset_a1)"
     786             : !! **            END IF
     787             : !! **          END DO
     788             : !! **        END DO
     789             : !! **        CLOSE(UNIT=31415)
     790             : !! **        write(filename,'(A,I0,A)') "sphi",k+1,"b"
     791             : !! **        OPEN(UNIT=31415,FILE=filename)
     792             : !! **        DO i=ncoset(k)+1,SIZE(sphi_a,1)
     793             : !! **          DO j=1,SIZE(sphi_a,2)
     794             : !! **            IF( sphi_a(i,j) /= 0.0_dp) THEN
     795             : !! **               write(31415,'(A,I0,A,I0,A,I0,A,I0,A,I0,A)') "buffer2(i+imax*(",&
     796             : !! **                          j,&
     797             : !! **                          "-1)) = buffer2(i+imax*(",&
     798             : !! **                          j,&
     799             : !! **                          "-1)) + buffer1(",&
     800             : !! **                          i-ncoset(k),&
     801             : !! **                          "+(i-1)*kmax) * sphi_b(",&
     802             : !! **                          i-ncoset(k),&
     803             : !! **                          ",",&
     804             : !! **                          j,&
     805             : !! **                          "+s_offset_b1)"
     806             : !! **
     807             : !! **            END IF
     808             : !! **          END DO
     809             : !! **        END DO
     810             : !! **        CLOSE(UNIT=31415)
     811             : !! **        write(filename,'(A,I0,A)') "sphi",k+1,"c"
     812             : !! **        OPEN(UNIT=31415,FILE=filename)
     813             : !! **        DO i=ncoset(k)+1,SIZE(sphi_a,1)
     814             : !! **          DO j=1,SIZE(sphi_a,2)
     815             : !! **            IF( sphi_a(i,j) /= 0.0_dp) THEN
     816             : !! **               write(31415,'(A,I0,A,I0,A,I0,A,I0,A,I0,A)') "buffer1(i+imax*(",&
     817             : !! **                          j,&
     818             : !! **                          "-1)) = buffer1(i+imax*(",&
     819             : !! **                          j,&
     820             : !! **                          "-1)) + buffer2(",&
     821             : !! **                          i-ncoset(k),&
     822             : !! **                          "+(i-1)*kmax) * sphi_c(",&
     823             : !! **                          i-ncoset(k),&
     824             : !! **                          ",",&
     825             : !! **                          j,&
     826             : !! **                          "+s_offset_c1)"
     827             : !! **
     828             : !! **            END IF
     829             : !! **          END DO
     830             : !! **        END DO
     831             : !! **        CLOSE(UNIT=31415)
     832             : !! **        write(filename,'(A,I0,A)') "sphi",k+1,"d"
     833             : !! **        OPEN(UNIT=31415,FILE=filename)
     834             : !! **        DO i=ncoset(k)+1,SIZE(sphi_a,1)
     835             : !! **          DO j=1,SIZE(sphi_a,2)
     836             : !! **            IF( sphi_a(i,j) /= 0.0_dp) THEN
     837             : !! **
     838             : !! **
     839             : !! **               write(31415,'(A,I0,A)') "primitives(s_offset_a1+i3, s_offset_b1+i2, s_offset_c1+i1, s_offset_d1+",&
     840             : !! **                           j,")= &"
     841             : !! **               write(31415,'(A,I0,A)') "primitives(s_offset_a1+i3, s_offset_b1+i2, s_offset_c1+i1, s_offset_d1+",&
     842             : !! **                           j,")+ &"
     843             : !! **               write(31415,'(A,I0,A,I0,A,I0,A)') "buffer1(",&
     844             : !! **                          i-ncoset(k),&
     845             : !! **                          "+(i-1)*kmax) * sphi_d(",&
     846             : !! **                          i-ncoset(k),&
     847             : !! **                          ",",&
     848             : !! **                          j,&
     849             : !! **                          "+s_offset_d1)"
     850             : !! **
     851             : !! **
     852             : !! **            END IF
     853             : !! **          END DO
     854             : !! **        END DO
     855             : !! **        CLOSE(UNIT=31415)
     856             : !! **        stop
     857             : !! *************************************************************************************************************************
     858             : 
     859        1288 :             IF (actual_x_data%periodic_parameter%do_periodic) THEN
     860         400 :                hf_pbc_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(hfx_section, "PERIODIC", i_rep_section=irep)
     861         400 :                CALL section_vals_val_get(hf_pbc_section, "NUMBER_OF_SHELLS", i_val=pbc_shells)
     862         400 :                actual_x_data%periodic_parameter%number_of_shells_from_input = pbc_shells
     863        3200 :                ALLOCATE (actual_x_data%neighbor_cells(1))
     864         800 :                CALL hfx_create_neighbor_cells(actual_x_data, pbc_shells, cell, i_thread, nkp_grid=nkp_grid)
     865             :             ELSE
     866        7104 :                ALLOCATE (actual_x_data%neighbor_cells(1))
     867             :                ! ** Initialize this guy to enable non periodic stress regtests
     868         888 :                actual_x_data%periodic_parameter%R_max_stress = 1.0_dp
     869             :             END IF
     870             : 
     871        1288 :             nkind = SIZE(qs_kind_set, 1)
     872        1288 :             max_set = actual_x_data%basis_info%max_set
     873             : 
     874             :             !! ** This guy is allocated on the master thread only
     875        1288 :             IF (i_thread == 1) THEN
     876        5152 :                ALLOCATE (actual_x_data%is_assoc_atomic_block(natom, natom))
     877        3864 :                ALLOCATE (actual_x_data%atomic_block_offset(natom, natom))
     878        7728 :                ALLOCATE (actual_x_data%set_offset(max_set, max_set, nkind, nkind))
     879        3864 :                ALLOCATE (actual_x_data%block_offset(para_env%num_pe + 1))
     880             :             END IF
     881             : 
     882        2576 :             ALLOCATE (actual_x_data%distribution_forces(1))
     883        2576 :             ALLOCATE (actual_x_data%distribution_energy(1))
     884             : 
     885        1288 :             actual_x_data%memory_parameter%size_p_screen = 0_int_8
     886        1288 :             IF (i_thread == 1) THEN
     887        5152 :                ALLOCATE (actual_x_data%atomic_pair_list(natom, natom))
     888        3864 :                ALLOCATE (actual_x_data%atomic_pair_list_forces(natom, natom))
     889             :             END IF
     890             : 
     891        1288 :             IF (actual_x_data%screening_parameter%do_initial_p_screening .OR. &
     892             :                 actual_x_data%screening_parameter%do_p_screening_forces) THEN
     893             :                !! ** This guy is allocated on the master thread only
     894        1266 :                IF (i_thread == 1) THEN
     895        5064 :                   ALLOCATE (actual_x_data%pmax_atom(natom, natom))
     896        7728 :                   ALLOCATE (actual_x_data%initial_p(nkind*(nkind + 1)/2))
     897        1266 :                   i = 1
     898        3602 :                   DO ikind = 1, nkind
     899        2336 :                      CALL get_atomic_kind(atomic_kind_set(ikind), natom=natom_a)
     900        2336 :                      nseta = actual_x_data%basis_parameter(ikind)%nset
     901        7532 :                      DO jkind = ikind, nkind
     902        3930 :                         CALL get_atomic_kind(atomic_kind_set(jkind), natom=natom_b)
     903        3930 :                         nsetb = actual_x_data%basis_parameter(jkind)%nset
     904       23580 :                         ALLOCATE (actual_x_data%initial_p(i)%p_kind(nseta, nsetb, natom_a, natom_b))
     905             :                         actual_x_data%memory_parameter%size_p_screen = &
     906        3930 :                            actual_x_data%memory_parameter%size_p_screen + nseta*nsetb*natom_a*natom_b
     907       10196 :                         i = i + 1
     908             :                      END DO
     909             :                   END DO
     910             : 
     911        3798 :                   ALLOCATE (actual_x_data%pmax_atom_forces(natom, natom))
     912        6462 :                   ALLOCATE (actual_x_data%initial_p_forces(nkind*(nkind + 1)/2))
     913        1266 :                   i = 1
     914        3602 :                   DO ikind = 1, nkind
     915        2336 :                      CALL get_atomic_kind(atomic_kind_set(ikind), natom=natom_a)
     916        2336 :                      nseta = actual_x_data%basis_parameter(ikind)%nset
     917        7532 :                      DO jkind = ikind, nkind
     918        3930 :                         CALL get_atomic_kind(atomic_kind_set(jkind), natom=natom_b)
     919        3930 :                         nsetb = actual_x_data%basis_parameter(jkind)%nset
     920       23580 :                         ALLOCATE (actual_x_data%initial_p_forces(i)%p_kind(nseta, nsetb, natom_a, natom_b))
     921             :                         actual_x_data%memory_parameter%size_p_screen = &
     922        3930 :                            actual_x_data%memory_parameter%size_p_screen + nseta*nsetb*natom_a*natom_b
     923       10196 :                         i = i + 1
     924             :                      END DO
     925             :                   END DO
     926             :                END IF
     927        3798 :                ALLOCATE (actual_x_data%map_atom_to_kind_atom(natom))
     928        1266 :                CALL get_atomic_kind_set(atomic_kind_set, kind_of=kind_of)
     929             : 
     930        3798 :                ALLOCATE (atom2kind(nkind))
     931        3602 :                atom2kind = 0
     932        5286 :                DO iatom = 1, natom
     933        4020 :                   ikind = kind_of(iatom)
     934        4020 :                   atom2kind(ikind) = atom2kind(ikind) + 1
     935        5286 :                   actual_x_data%map_atom_to_kind_atom(iatom) = atom2kind(ikind)
     936             :                END DO
     937        1266 :                DEALLOCATE (kind_of, atom2kind)
     938             :             END IF
     939             : 
     940             :             ! ** Initialize libint type
     941        1288 :             CALL cp_libint_static_init()
     942        1288 :             CALL cp_libint_init_eri(actual_x_data%lib, actual_x_data%basis_info%max_am)
     943        1288 :             CALL cp_libint_init_eri1(actual_x_data%lib_deriv, actual_x_data%basis_info%max_am)
     944        1288 :             CALL cp_libint_set_contrdepth(actual_x_data%lib, 1)
     945        1288 :             CALL cp_libint_set_contrdepth(actual_x_data%lib_deriv, 1)
     946             : 
     947        1288 :             CALL alloc_containers(actual_x_data%store_ints, 1)
     948        1288 :             CALL alloc_containers(actual_x_data%store_forces, 1)
     949             : 
     950        1288 :             actual_x_data%store_ints%maxval_cache_disk%element_counter = 1
     951        1288 :             ALLOCATE (actual_x_data%store_ints%maxval_container_disk)
     952     1320200 :             ALLOCATE (actual_x_data%store_ints%maxval_container_disk%first)
     953        1288 :             actual_x_data%store_ints%maxval_container_disk%first%prev => NULL()
     954        1288 :             actual_x_data%store_ints%maxval_container_disk%first%next => NULL()
     955        1288 :             actual_x_data%store_ints%maxval_container_disk%current => actual_x_data%store_ints%maxval_container_disk%first
     956     1320200 :             actual_x_data%store_ints%maxval_container_disk%current%data = 0
     957        1288 :             actual_x_data%store_ints%maxval_container_disk%element_counter = 1
     958        1288 :             actual_x_data%store_ints%maxval_container_disk%file_counter = 1
     959        1288 :             actual_x_data%store_ints%maxval_container_disk%desc = 'Max_'
     960        1288 :             actual_x_data%store_ints%maxval_container_disk%unit = -1
     961             :             WRITE (actual_x_data%store_ints%maxval_container_disk%filename, '(A,I0,A,A,A)') &
     962        1288 :                TRIM(actual_x_data%memory_parameter%storage_location), &
     963        2576 :                storage_id, "_", actual_x_data%store_ints%maxval_container_disk%desc, "6"
     964        1288 :             CALL compress(actual_x_data%store_ints%maxval_container_disk%filename, .TRUE.)
     965       83720 :             ALLOCATE (actual_x_data%store_ints%integral_containers_disk(64))
     966       83720 :             DO i = 1, 64
     967       82432 :                actual_x_data%store_ints%integral_caches_disk(i)%element_counter = 1
     968    84492800 :                actual_x_data%store_ints%integral_caches_disk(i)%data = 0
     969    84492800 :                ALLOCATE (actual_x_data%store_ints%integral_containers_disk(i)%first)
     970       82432 :                actual_x_data%store_ints%integral_containers_disk(i)%first%prev => NULL()
     971       82432 :                actual_x_data%store_ints%integral_containers_disk(i)%first%next => NULL()
     972             :                actual_x_data%store_ints%integral_containers_disk(i)%current => &
     973       82432 :                   actual_x_data%store_ints%integral_containers_disk(i)%first
     974    84492800 :                actual_x_data%store_ints%integral_containers_disk(i)%current%data = 0
     975       82432 :                actual_x_data%store_ints%integral_containers_disk(i)%element_counter = 1
     976       82432 :                actual_x_data%store_ints%integral_containers_disk(i)%file_counter = 1
     977       82432 :                actual_x_data%store_ints%integral_containers_disk(i)%desc = 'Int_'
     978       82432 :                actual_x_data%store_ints%integral_containers_disk(i)%unit = -1
     979             :                WRITE (actual_x_data%store_ints%integral_containers_disk(i)%filename, '(A,I0,A,A,I0)') &
     980       82432 :                   TRIM(actual_x_data%memory_parameter%storage_location), &
     981      164864 :                   storage_id, "_", actual_x_data%store_ints%integral_containers_disk(i)%desc, i
     982       83720 :                CALL compress(actual_x_data%store_ints%integral_containers_disk(i)%filename, .TRUE.)
     983             :             END DO
     984             : 
     985        1288 :             actual_x_data%b_first_load_balance_energy = .TRUE.
     986        1288 :             actual_x_data%b_first_load_balance_forces = .TRUE.
     987             : 
     988        1288 :             hf_sub_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(hfx_section, "RI", i_rep_section=irep)
     989       11582 :             IF (actual_x_data%do_hfx_ri) THEN
     990         100 :                CPASSERT(PRESENT(nelectron_total))
     991         700 :                ALLOCATE (actual_x_data%ri_data)
     992             :                CALL hfx_ri_init_read_input_from_hfx(actual_x_data%ri_data, actual_x_data, hfx_section, &
     993             :                                                     hf_sub_section, qs_kind_set, &
     994             :                                                     particle_set, atomic_kind_set, dft_control, para_env, irep, &
     995         100 :                                                     nelectron_total, orb_basis_type, ri_basis_type)
     996             :             END IF
     997             :          END DO
     998             :       END DO
     999             : 
    1000        2566 :       DO irep = 1, n_rep_hf
    1001        1288 :          actual_x_data => x_data(irep, 1)
    1002        2566 :          CALL hfx_print_info(actual_x_data, hfx_section, irep)
    1003             :       END DO
    1004             : 
    1005        1278 :       CALL timestop(handle)
    1006             : 
    1007        5112 :    END SUBROUTINE hfx_create
    1008             : 
    1009             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1010             : !> \brief Read RI input and initialize RI data for use within Hartree-Fock
    1011             : !> \param ri_data ...
    1012             : !> \param x_data ...
    1013             : !> \param hfx_section ...
    1014             : !> \param ri_section ...
    1015             : !> \param qs_kind_set ...
    1016             : !> \param particle_set ...
    1017             : !> \param atomic_kind_set ...
    1018             : !> \param dft_control ...
    1019             : !> \param para_env ...
    1020             : !> \param irep ...
    1021             : !> \param nelectron_total ...
    1022             : !> \param orb_basis_type ...
    1023             : !> \param ri_basis_type ...
    1024             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1025         100 :    SUBROUTINE hfx_ri_init_read_input_from_hfx(ri_data, x_data, hfx_section, ri_section, qs_kind_set, &
    1026             :                                               particle_set, atomic_kind_set, dft_control, para_env, irep, &
    1027             :                                               nelectron_total, orb_basis_type, ri_basis_type)
    1028             :       TYPE(hfx_ri_type), INTENT(INOUT)                   :: ri_data
    1029             :       TYPE(hfx_type), INTENT(INOUT)                      :: x_data
    1030             :       TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: hfx_section, ri_section
    1031             :       TYPE(qs_kind_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER          :: qs_kind_set
    1032             :       TYPE(particle_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER         :: particle_set
    1033             :       TYPE(atomic_kind_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER      :: atomic_kind_set
    1034             :       TYPE(dft_control_type), POINTER                    :: dft_control
    1035             :       TYPE(mp_para_env_type)                             :: para_env
    1036             :       INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: irep, nelectron_total
    1037             :       CHARACTER(LEN=*)                                   :: orb_basis_type, ri_basis_type
    1038             : 
    1039             :       CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'hfx_ri_init_read_input_from_hfx'
    1040             : 
    1041             :       CHARACTER(LEN=512)                                 :: error_msg
    1042             :       CHARACTER(LEN=default_path_length)                 :: char_val, t_c_filename
    1043             :       INTEGER                                            :: handle, unit_nr, unit_nr_dbcsr
    1044             :       TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER                      :: logger
    1045             :       TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: hf_sub_section
    1046             : 
    1047         100 :       CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
    1048             : 
    1049         100 :       NULLIFY (hf_sub_section)
    1050             : 
    1051             :       ASSOCIATE (hfx_pot => ri_data%hfx_pot)
    1052         100 :          hfx_pot%potential_type = x_data%potential_parameter%potential_type
    1053         100 :          hfx_pot%omega = x_data%potential_parameter%omega
    1054         100 :          hfx_pot%cutoff_radius = x_data%potential_parameter%cutoff_radius
    1055             :       END ASSOCIATE
    1056         100 :       ri_data%ri_section => ri_section
    1057         100 :       ri_data%hfx_section => hfx_section
    1058         100 :       ri_data%eps_schwarz = x_data%screening_parameter%eps_schwarz
    1059         100 :       ri_data%eps_schwarz_forces = x_data%screening_parameter%eps_schwarz_forces
    1060             : 
    1061         100 :       logger => cp_get_default_logger()
    1062             :       unit_nr_dbcsr = cp_print_key_unit_nr(logger, ri_data%ri_section, "PRINT%RI_INFO", &
    1063         100 :                                            extension=".dbcsrLog")
    1064             : 
    1065             :       unit_nr = cp_print_key_unit_nr(logger, ri_data%hfx_section, "HF_INFO", &
    1066         100 :                                      extension=".scfLog")
    1067             : 
    1068         100 :       hf_sub_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(hfx_section, "INTERACTION_POTENTIAL", i_rep_section=irep)
    1069         100 :       CALL section_vals_val_get(hf_sub_section, "T_C_G_DATA", c_val=char_val)
    1070         100 :       CALL compress(char_val, .TRUE.)
    1071             : 
    1072         100 :       IF (.NOT. file_exists(char_val)) THEN
    1073             :          WRITE (error_msg, '(A,A,A)') "File not found. Please check T_C_G_DATA "// &
    1074           0 :             "in the INTERACTION_POTENTIAL section"
    1075           0 :          CPABORT(error_msg)
    1076             :       ELSE
    1077         100 :          t_c_filename = char_val
    1078             :       END IF
    1079             : 
    1080             :       CALL hfx_ri_init_read_input(ri_data, ri_section, qs_kind_set, particle_set, atomic_kind_set, &
    1081             :                                   orb_basis_type, ri_basis_type, para_env, unit_nr, unit_nr_dbcsr, &
    1082         100 :                                   nelectron_total, t_c_filename=t_c_filename)
    1083             : 
    1084         100 :       IF (dft_control%smear .AND. ri_data%flavor == ri_mo) THEN
    1085           0 :          CPABORT("RI_FLAVOR MO is not consistent with smearing. Please use RI_FLAVOR RHO.")
    1086             :       END IF
    1087             : 
    1088         100 :       CALL timestop(handle)
    1089             : 
    1090         100 :    END SUBROUTINE hfx_ri_init_read_input_from_hfx
    1091             : 
    1092             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1093             : !> \brief General routine for reading input of RI section and initializing RI data
    1094             : !> \param ri_data ...
    1095             : !> \param ri_section ...
    1096             : !> \param qs_kind_set ...
    1097             : !> \param particle_set ...
    1098             : !> \param atomic_kind_set ...
    1099             : !> \param orb_basis_type ...
    1100             : !> \param ri_basis_type ...
    1101             : !> \param para_env ...
    1102             : !> \param unit_nr unit number of general output
    1103             : !> \param unit_nr_dbcsr unit number for logging DBCSR tensor operations
    1104             : !> \param nelectron_total ...
    1105             : !> \param t_c_filename ...
    1106             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1107         100 :    SUBROUTINE hfx_ri_init_read_input(ri_data, ri_section, qs_kind_set, &
    1108             :                                      particle_set, atomic_kind_set, orb_basis_type, ri_basis_type, para_env, &
    1109             :                                      unit_nr, unit_nr_dbcsr, nelectron_total, t_c_filename)
    1110             :       TYPE(hfx_ri_type), INTENT(INOUT)                   :: ri_data
    1111             :       TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: ri_section
    1112             :       TYPE(qs_kind_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER          :: qs_kind_set
    1113             :       TYPE(particle_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER         :: particle_set
    1114             :       TYPE(atomic_kind_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER      :: atomic_kind_set
    1115             :       CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN)                       :: orb_basis_type, ri_basis_type
    1116             :       TYPE(mp_para_env_type)                             :: para_env
    1117             :       INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: unit_nr, unit_nr_dbcsr, nelectron_total
    1118             :       CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL             :: t_c_filename
    1119             : 
    1120             :       CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'hfx_ri_init_read_input'
    1121             : 
    1122             :       INTEGER                                            :: handle
    1123             :       LOGICAL                                            :: explicit
    1124             :       REAL(dp)                                           :: eps_storage_scaling
    1125             : 
    1126         100 :       CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
    1127             : 
    1128         100 :       CALL section_vals_val_get(ri_section, "EPS_FILTER", r_val=ri_data%filter_eps)
    1129         100 :       CALL section_vals_val_get(ri_section, "EPS_FILTER_2C", r_val=ri_data%filter_eps_2c)
    1130         100 :       CALL section_vals_val_get(ri_section, "EPS_STORAGE_SCALING", r_val=eps_storage_scaling)
    1131         100 :       ri_data%filter_eps_storage = ri_data%filter_eps*eps_storage_scaling
    1132         100 :       CALL section_vals_val_get(ri_section, "EPS_FILTER_MO", r_val=ri_data%filter_eps_mo)
    1133             : 
    1134             :       ASSOCIATE (ri_metric => ri_data%ri_metric, hfx_pot => ri_data%hfx_pot)
    1135         100 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(ri_section, "RI_METRIC", i_val=ri_metric%potential_type, explicit=explicit)
    1136         100 :          IF (.NOT. explicit .OR. ri_metric%potential_type == 0) THEN
    1137          42 :             ri_metric%potential_type = hfx_pot%potential_type
    1138             :          END IF
    1139             : 
    1140         100 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(ri_section, "OMEGA", r_val=ri_metric%omega, explicit=explicit)
    1141         100 :          IF (.NOT. explicit) THEN
    1142         100 :             ri_metric%omega = hfx_pot%omega
    1143             :          END IF
    1144             : 
    1145         100 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(ri_section, "CUTOFF_RADIUS", r_val=ri_metric%cutoff_radius, explicit=explicit)
    1146         100 :          IF (.NOT. explicit) THEN
    1147          94 :             ri_metric%cutoff_radius = hfx_pot%cutoff_radius
    1148             :          END IF
    1149             : 
    1150         100 :          IF (ri_metric%potential_type == do_potential_short) &
    1151           2 :             CALL erfc_cutoff(ri_data%eps_schwarz, ri_metric%omega, ri_metric%cutoff_radius)
    1152         100 :          IF (ri_metric%potential_type == do_potential_id) ri_metric%cutoff_radius = 0.0_dp
    1153             :       END ASSOCIATE
    1154             : 
    1155         100 :       CALL section_vals_val_get(ri_section, "2C_MATRIX_FUNCTIONS", i_val=ri_data%t2c_method)
    1156         100 :       CALL section_vals_val_get(ri_section, "EPS_EIGVAL", r_val=ri_data%eps_eigval)
    1157         100 :       CALL section_vals_val_get(ri_section, "CHECK_2C_MATRIX", l_val=ri_data%check_2c_inv)
    1158         100 :       CALL section_vals_val_get(ri_section, "CALC_COND_NUM", l_val=ri_data%calc_condnum)
    1159         100 :       CALL section_vals_val_get(ri_section, "SQRT_ORDER", i_val=ri_data%t2c_sqrt_order)
    1160         100 :       CALL section_vals_val_get(ri_section, "EPS_LANCZOS", r_val=ri_data%eps_lanczos)
    1161         100 :       CALL section_vals_val_get(ri_section, "MAX_ITER_LANCZOS", i_val=ri_data%max_iter_lanczos)
    1162         100 :       CALL section_vals_val_get(ri_section, "RI_FLAVOR", i_val=ri_data%flavor)
    1163         100 :       CALL section_vals_val_get(ri_section, "EPS_PGF_ORB", r_val=ri_data%eps_pgf_orb)
    1164         100 :       CALL section_vals_val_get(ri_section, "MIN_BLOCK_SIZE", i_val=ri_data%min_bsize)
    1165         100 :       CALL section_vals_val_get(ri_section, "MAX_BLOCK_SIZE_MO", i_val=ri_data%max_bsize_MO)
    1166         100 :       CALL section_vals_val_get(ri_section, "MEMORY_CUT", i_val=ri_data%n_mem_input)
    1167         100 :       CALL section_vals_val_get(ri_section, "FLAVOR_SWITCH_MEMORY_CUT", i_val=ri_data%n_mem_flavor_switch)
    1168             : 
    1169         100 :       ri_data%orb_basis_type = orb_basis_type
    1170         100 :       ri_data%ri_basis_type = ri_basis_type
    1171         100 :       ri_data%nelectron_total = nelectron_total
    1172         100 :       ri_data%input_flavor = ri_data%flavor
    1173             : 
    1174         100 :       IF (PRESENT(t_c_filename)) THEN
    1175         100 :          ri_data%ri_metric%filename = t_c_filename
    1176         100 :          ri_data%hfx_pot%filename = t_c_filename
    1177             :       END IF
    1178             : 
    1179         100 :       ri_data%unit_nr_dbcsr = unit_nr_dbcsr
    1180         100 :       ri_data%unit_nr = unit_nr
    1181         100 :       ri_data%dbcsr_nflop = 0
    1182         100 :       ri_data%dbcsr_time = 0.0_dp
    1183             : 
    1184         100 :       CALL hfx_ri_init(ri_data, qs_kind_set, particle_set, atomic_kind_set, para_env)
    1185             : 
    1186         100 :       CALL timestop(handle)
    1187             : 
    1188         500 :    END SUBROUTINE
    1189             : 
    1190             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1191             : !> \brief ...
    1192             : !> \param ri_data ...
    1193             : !> \param qs_kind_set ...
    1194             : !> \param particle_set ...
    1195             : !> \param atomic_kind_set ...
    1196             : !> \param para_env ...
    1197             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1198         122 :    SUBROUTINE hfx_ri_init(ri_data, qs_kind_set, particle_set, atomic_kind_set, para_env)
    1199             :       TYPE(hfx_ri_type), INTENT(INOUT)                   :: ri_data
    1200             :       TYPE(qs_kind_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER          :: qs_kind_set
    1201             :       TYPE(particle_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER         :: particle_set
    1202             :       TYPE(atomic_kind_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER      :: atomic_kind_set
    1203             :       TYPE(mp_para_env_type)                             :: para_env
    1204             : 
    1205             :       CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER                        :: routineN = 'hfx_ri_init'
    1206             : 
    1207             :       INTEGER                                            :: handle, i_mem, j_mem, MO_dim, natom, &
    1208             :                                                             nkind, nproc
    1209         122 :       INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)                 :: bsizes_AO_store, bsizes_RI_store, dist1, &
    1210         122 :                                                             dist2, dist3, dist_AO_1, dist_AO_2, &
    1211             :                                                             dist_RI
    1212             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(2)                              :: pdims_2d
    1213             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(3)                              :: pdims
    1214             :       LOGICAL                                            :: same_op
    1215             :       TYPE(distribution_3d_type)                         :: dist_3d
    1216             :       TYPE(gto_basis_set_p_type), ALLOCATABLE, &
    1217         122 :          DIMENSION(:)                                    :: basis_set_AO, basis_set_RI
    1218         122 :       TYPE(mp_cart_type)                                 :: mp_comm_3d
    1219             : 
    1220         122 :       CALL cite_reference(Bussy2023)
    1221             : 
    1222         122 :       CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
    1223             : 
    1224             :       ! initialize libint
    1225         122 :       CALL cp_libint_static_init()
    1226             : 
    1227         122 :       natom = SIZE(particle_set)
    1228         122 :       nkind = SIZE(qs_kind_set, 1)
    1229         122 :       nproc = para_env%num_pe
    1230             : 
    1231             :       ASSOCIATE (ri_metric => ri_data%ri_metric, hfx_pot => ri_data%hfx_pot)
    1232         122 :          IF (ri_metric%potential_type == do_potential_short) THEN
    1233           2 :             CALL erfc_cutoff(ri_data%eps_schwarz, ri_metric%omega, ri_metric%cutoff_radius)
    1234             :          END IF
    1235             : 
    1236         122 :          IF (hfx_pot%potential_type == do_potential_short) THEN
    1237             :             ! need a more accurate threshold for determining 2-center integral operator range
    1238             :             ! because stability of matrix inversion/sqrt is sensitive to this
    1239           4 :             CALL erfc_cutoff(ri_data%filter_eps_2c, hfx_pot%omega, hfx_pot%cutoff_radius)
    1240             :          END IF
    1241             :          ! determine whether RI metric is same operator as used in HFX
    1242         122 :          same_op = ri_metric%potential_type == hfx_pot%potential_type
    1243             : 
    1244         122 :          IF (same_op .AND. hfx_pot%potential_type == do_potential_truncated) THEN
    1245          14 :             same_op = ABS(ri_metric%cutoff_radius - hfx_pot%cutoff_radius) < 1.0E-16_dp
    1246             :          END IF
    1247             : 
    1248         244 :          IF (same_op .AND. hfx_pot%potential_type == do_potential_short) THEN
    1249           2 :             same_op = ABS(ri_metric%omega - hfx_pot%omega) < 1.0E-16_dp
    1250             :          END IF
    1251             :       END ASSOCIATE
    1252             : 
    1253         122 :       ri_data%same_op = same_op
    1254             : 
    1255         122 :       pdims = 0
    1256         122 :       CALL mp_comm_3d%create(para_env, 3, pdims)
    1257             : 
    1258         366 :       ALLOCATE (ri_data%bsizes_RI(natom))
    1259         244 :       ALLOCATE (ri_data%bsizes_AO(natom))
    1260         916 :       ALLOCATE (basis_set_RI(nkind), basis_set_AO(nkind))
    1261         122 :       CALL basis_set_list_setup(basis_set_RI, ri_data%ri_basis_type, qs_kind_set)
    1262         122 :       CALL get_particle_set(particle_set, qs_kind_set, nsgf=ri_data%bsizes_RI, basis=basis_set_RI)
    1263         122 :       CALL basis_set_list_setup(basis_set_AO, ri_data%orb_basis_type, qs_kind_set)
    1264         122 :       CALL get_particle_set(particle_set, qs_kind_set, nsgf=ri_data%bsizes_AO, basis=basis_set_AO)
    1265             : 
    1266         244 :       ALLOCATE (dist_RI(natom))
    1267         244 :       ALLOCATE (dist_AO_1(natom))
    1268         244 :       ALLOCATE (dist_AO_2(natom))
    1269         122 :       CALL dbt_default_distvec(natom, pdims(1), ri_data%bsizes_RI, dist_RI)
    1270         122 :       CALL dbt_default_distvec(natom, pdims(2), ri_data%bsizes_AO, dist_AO_1)
    1271         122 :       CALL dbt_default_distvec(natom, pdims(3), ri_data%bsizes_AO, dist_AO_2)
    1272             :       CALL distribution_3d_create(dist_3d, dist_RI, dist_ao_1, dist_ao_2, nkind, particle_set, &
    1273         122 :                                   mp_comm_3d, own_comm=.TRUE.)
    1274             : 
    1275         488 :       ALLOCATE (ri_data%pgrid)
    1276         122 :       CALL dbt_pgrid_create(para_env, pdims, ri_data%pgrid)
    1277             : 
    1278         488 :       ALLOCATE (ri_data%pgrid_2d)
    1279         122 :       pdims_2d = 0
    1280         122 :       CALL dbt_pgrid_create(para_env, pdims_2d, ri_data%pgrid_2d)
    1281             : 
    1282         122 :       ri_data%dist_3d = dist_3d
    1283             : 
    1284             :       CALL dbt_distribution_new(ri_data%dist, ri_data%pgrid, &
    1285         122 :                                 dist_RI, dist_AO_1, dist_AO_2)
    1286             : 
    1287         122 :       DEALLOCATE (dist_AO_1, dist_AO_2, dist_RI)
    1288             : 
    1289         122 :       ri_data%num_pe = para_env%num_pe
    1290             : 
    1291             :       ! initialize tensors expressed in basis representation
    1292         122 :       CALL pgf_block_sizes(atomic_kind_set, basis_set_AO, ri_data%min_bsize, ri_data%bsizes_AO_split)
    1293         122 :       CALL pgf_block_sizes(atomic_kind_set, basis_set_RI, ri_data%min_bsize, ri_data%bsizes_RI_split)
    1294             : 
    1295         122 :       CALL pgf_block_sizes(atomic_kind_set, basis_set_AO, 1, bsizes_AO_store)
    1296         122 :       CALL pgf_block_sizes(atomic_kind_set, basis_set_RI, 1, bsizes_RI_store)
    1297             : 
    1298         590 :       CALL split_block_sizes([SUM(ri_data%bsizes_AO)], ri_data%bsizes_AO_fit, default_block_size)
    1299         590 :       CALL split_block_sizes([SUM(ri_data%bsizes_RI)], ri_data%bsizes_RI_fit, default_block_size)
    1300             : 
    1301         122 :       IF (ri_data%flavor == ri_pmat) THEN
    1302             : 
    1303             :          !2 batching loops in RHO flavor SCF calculations => need to take the square root of MEMORY_CUT
    1304         104 :          ri_data%n_mem = ri_data%n_mem_input
    1305         104 :          ri_data%n_mem_RI = ri_data%n_mem_input
    1306             : 
    1307             :          CALL create_tensor_batches(ri_data%bsizes_AO_split, ri_data%n_mem, ri_data%starts_array_mem, &
    1308             :                                     ri_data%ends_array_mem, ri_data%starts_array_mem_block, &
    1309         104 :                                     ri_data%ends_array_mem_block)
    1310             : 
    1311             :          CALL create_tensor_batches(ri_data%bsizes_RI_split, ri_data%n_mem_RI, &
    1312             :                                     ri_data%starts_array_RI_mem, ri_data%ends_array_RI_mem, &
    1313         104 :                                     ri_data%starts_array_RI_mem_block, ri_data%ends_array_RI_mem_block)
    1314             : 
    1315         416 :          ALLOCATE (ri_data%pgrid_1)
    1316         416 :          ALLOCATE (ri_data%pgrid_2)
    1317         104 :          pdims = 0
    1318             : 
    1319             :          CALL dbt_mp_dims_create(nproc, pdims, [SIZE(ri_data%bsizes_AO_split), SIZE(ri_data%bsizes_RI_split), &
    1320         416 :                                                 SIZE(ri_data%bsizes_AO_split)])
    1321             : 
    1322         104 :          CALL dbt_pgrid_create(para_env, pdims, ri_data%pgrid_1)
    1323             : 
    1324         832 :          pdims = pdims([2, 1, 3])
    1325         104 :          CALL dbt_pgrid_create(para_env, pdims, ri_data%pgrid_2)
    1326             : 
    1327        1144 :          ALLOCATE (ri_data%t_3c_int_ctr_1(1, 1))
    1328             :          CALL create_3c_tensor(ri_data%t_3c_int_ctr_1(1, 1), dist1, dist2, dist3, &
    1329             :                                ri_data%pgrid_1, ri_data%bsizes_AO_split, ri_data%bsizes_RI_split, &
    1330         104 :                                ri_data%bsizes_AO_split, [1, 2], [3], name="(AO RI | AO)")
    1331         104 :          DEALLOCATE (dist1, dist2, dist3)
    1332             : 
    1333        1364 :          ALLOCATE (ri_data%blk_indices(ri_data%n_mem, ri_data%n_mem_RI))
    1334      221116 :          ALLOCATE (ri_data%store_3c(ri_data%n_mem, ri_data%n_mem_RI))
    1335         366 :          DO i_mem = 1, ri_data%n_mem
    1336        1052 :          DO j_mem = 1, ri_data%n_mem_RI
    1337         948 :             CALL alloc_containers(ri_data%store_3c(i_mem, j_mem), 1)
    1338             :          END DO
    1339             :          END DO
    1340             : 
    1341        1144 :          ALLOCATE (ri_data%t_3c_int_ctr_2(1, 1))
    1342             :          CALL create_3c_tensor(ri_data%t_3c_int_ctr_2(1, 1), dist1, dist2, dist3, &
    1343             :                                ri_data%pgrid_1, ri_data%bsizes_AO_split, ri_data%bsizes_RI_split, &
    1344         104 :                                ri_data%bsizes_AO_split, [1, 2], [3], name="(AO RI | AO)")
    1345         104 :          DEALLOCATE (dist1, dist2, dist3)
    1346             : 
    1347        1144 :          ALLOCATE (ri_data%t_3c_int_ctr_3(1, 1))
    1348             :          CALL create_3c_tensor(ri_data%t_3c_int_ctr_3(1, 1), dist1, dist2, dist3, &
    1349             :                                ri_data%pgrid_2, ri_data%bsizes_RI_split, ri_data%bsizes_AO_split, &
    1350         104 :                                ri_data%bsizes_AO_split, [1], [2, 3], name="(RI | AO AO)")
    1351         104 :          DEALLOCATE (dist1, dist2, dist3)
    1352             : 
    1353        1144 :          ALLOCATE (ri_data%t_2c_int(1, 1))
    1354             :          CALL create_2c_tensor(ri_data%t_2c_int(1, 1), dist1, dist2, ri_data%pgrid_2d, &
    1355             :                                ri_data%bsizes_RI_split, ri_data%bsizes_RI_split, &
    1356         104 :                                name="(RI | RI)")
    1357         104 :          DEALLOCATE (dist1, dist2)
    1358             : 
    1359             :          !We store previous Pmat and KS mat, so that we can work with Delta P and gain sprasity as we go
    1360        1248 :          ALLOCATE (ri_data%rho_ao_t(2, 1))
    1361             :          CALL create_2c_tensor(ri_data%rho_ao_t(1, 1), dist1, dist2, ri_data%pgrid_2d, &
    1362             :                                ri_data%bsizes_AO_split, ri_data%bsizes_AO_split, &
    1363         104 :                                name="(AO | AO)")
    1364         104 :          DEALLOCATE (dist1, dist2)
    1365         104 :          CALL dbt_create(ri_data%rho_ao_t(1, 1), ri_data%rho_ao_t(2, 1))
    1366             : 
    1367        1248 :          ALLOCATE (ri_data%ks_t(2, 1))
    1368             :          CALL create_2c_tensor(ri_data%ks_t(1, 1), dist1, dist2, ri_data%pgrid_2d, &
    1369             :                                ri_data%bsizes_AO_split, ri_data%bsizes_AO_split, &
    1370         104 :                                name="(AO | AO)")
    1371         104 :          DEALLOCATE (dist1, dist2)
    1372         624 :          CALL dbt_create(ri_data%ks_t(1, 1), ri_data%ks_t(2, 1))
    1373             : 
    1374          18 :       ELSEIF (ri_data%flavor == ri_mo) THEN
    1375         216 :          ALLOCATE (ri_data%t_2c_int(2, 1))
    1376             : 
    1377             :          CALL create_2c_tensor(ri_data%t_2c_int(1, 1), dist1, dist2, ri_data%pgrid_2d, &
    1378             :                                ri_data%bsizes_RI_fit, ri_data%bsizes_RI_fit, &
    1379          18 :                                name="(RI | RI)")
    1380          18 :          CALL dbt_create(ri_data%t_2c_int(1, 1), ri_data%t_2c_int(2, 1))
    1381             : 
    1382          18 :          DEALLOCATE (dist1, dist2)
    1383             : 
    1384         198 :          ALLOCATE (ri_data%t_3c_int_ctr_1(1, 1))
    1385             : 
    1386          72 :          ALLOCATE (ri_data%pgrid_1)
    1387          72 :          ALLOCATE (ri_data%pgrid_2)
    1388             :          pdims = 0
    1389             : 
    1390          18 :          ri_data%n_mem = ri_data%n_mem_input**2
    1391          18 :          IF (ri_data%n_mem > ri_data%nelectron_total/2) ri_data%n_mem = MAX(ri_data%nelectron_total/2, 1)
    1392             :          ! Size of dimension corresponding to MOs is nelectron/2 and divided by the memory factor
    1393             :          ! we are using ceiling of that division to make sure that no MO dimension (after memory cut)
    1394             :          ! is larger than this (it is however not a problem for load balancing if actual MO dimension
    1395             :          ! is slightly smaller)
    1396          18 :          MO_dim = MAX((ri_data%nelectron_total/2 - 1)/ri_data%n_mem + 1, 1)
    1397          18 :          MO_dim = (MO_dim - 1)/ri_data%max_bsize_MO + 1
    1398             : 
    1399          18 :          pdims = 0
    1400          72 :          CALL dbt_mp_dims_create(nproc, pdims, [SIZE(ri_data%bsizes_AO_split), SIZE(ri_data%bsizes_RI_split), MO_dim])
    1401             : 
    1402          18 :          CALL dbt_pgrid_create(para_env, pdims, ri_data%pgrid_1)
    1403             : 
    1404         144 :          pdims = pdims([3, 2, 1])
    1405          18 :          CALL dbt_pgrid_create(para_env, pdims, ri_data%pgrid_2)
    1406             : 
    1407             :          CALL create_3c_tensor(ri_data%t_3c_int_ctr_1(1, 1), dist1, dist2, dist3, &
    1408             :                                ri_data%pgrid_1, ri_data%bsizes_AO_split, ri_data%bsizes_RI_split, ri_data%bsizes_AO_split, &
    1409          18 :                                [1, 2], [3], name="(AO RI | AO)")
    1410          18 :          DEALLOCATE (dist1, dist2, dist3)
    1411             : 
    1412         198 :          ALLOCATE (ri_data%t_3c_int_ctr_2(1, 1))
    1413             :          CALL create_3c_tensor(ri_data%t_3c_int_ctr_2(1, 1), dist1, dist2, dist3, &
    1414             :                                ri_data%pgrid_2, ri_data%bsizes_AO_split, ri_data%bsizes_RI_split, ri_data%bsizes_AO_split, &
    1415          18 :                                [1], [2, 3], name="(AO | RI AO)")
    1416          36 :          DEALLOCATE (dist1, dist2, dist3)
    1417             : 
    1418             :       END IF
    1419             : 
    1420             :       !For forces
    1421        1342 :       ALLOCATE (ri_data%t_2c_inv(1, 1))
    1422             :       CALL create_2c_tensor(ri_data%t_2c_inv(1, 1), dist1, dist2, ri_data%pgrid_2d, &
    1423             :                             ri_data%bsizes_RI_split, ri_data%bsizes_RI_split, &
    1424         122 :                             name="(RI | RI)")
    1425         122 :       DEALLOCATE (dist1, dist2)
    1426             : 
    1427        1342 :       ALLOCATE (ri_data%t_2c_pot(1, 1))
    1428             :       CALL create_2c_tensor(ri_data%t_2c_pot(1, 1), dist1, dist2, ri_data%pgrid_2d, &
    1429             :                             ri_data%bsizes_RI_split, ri_data%bsizes_RI_split, &
    1430         122 :                             name="(RI | RI)")
    1431         122 :       DEALLOCATE (dist1, dist2)
    1432             : 
    1433         122 :       CALL timestop(handle)
    1434             : 
    1435         732 :    END SUBROUTINE
    1436             : 
    1437             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1438             : !> \brief ...
    1439             : !> \param ri_data ...
    1440             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1441         100 :    SUBROUTINE hfx_ri_write_stats(ri_data)
    1442             :       TYPE(hfx_ri_type), INTENT(IN)                      :: ri_data
    1443             : 
    1444             :       REAL(dp)                                           :: my_flop_rate
    1445             : 
    1446             :       ASSOCIATE (unit_nr => ri_data%unit_nr, dbcsr_nflop => ri_data%dbcsr_nflop, &
    1447             :                  dbcsr_time => ri_data%dbcsr_time, num_pe => ri_data%num_pe)
    1448         100 :          my_flop_rate = REAL(dbcsr_nflop, dp)/(1.0E09_dp*ri_data%dbcsr_time)
    1449         100 :          IF (unit_nr > 0) WRITE (UNIT=unit_nr, FMT="(/T2,A,T73,ES8.2)") &
    1450          44 :             "RI-HFX PERFORMANCE| DBT total number of flops:", REAL(dbcsr_nflop*num_pe, dp)
    1451         100 :          IF (unit_nr > 0) WRITE (UNIT=unit_nr, FMT="(T2,A,T66,F15.2)") &
    1452          44 :             "RI-HFX PERFORMANCE| DBT total execution time:", dbcsr_time
    1453         100 :          IF (unit_nr > 0) WRITE (UNIT=unit_nr, FMT="(T2,A,T66,F15.2)") &
    1454         144 :             "RI-HFX PERFORMANCE| DBT flop rate (Gflops / MPI rank):", my_flop_rate
    1455             :       END ASSOCIATE
    1456         100 :    END SUBROUTINE
    1457             : 
    1458             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1459             : !> \brief ...
    1460             : !> \param ri_data ...
    1461             : !> \param write_stats ...
    1462             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1463         122 :    SUBROUTINE hfx_ri_release(ri_data, write_stats)
    1464             :       TYPE(hfx_ri_type), INTENT(INOUT)                   :: ri_data
    1465             :       LOGICAL, OPTIONAL                                  :: write_stats
    1466             : 
    1467             :       CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER                        :: routineN = 'hfx_ri_release'
    1468             : 
    1469             :       INTEGER                                            :: handle, i, i_mem, ispin, j, j_mem, unused
    1470             :       LOGICAL                                            :: my_write_stats
    1471             : 
    1472         122 :       CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
    1473             : 
    1474             :       ! cleanup libint
    1475         122 :       CALL cp_libint_static_cleanup()
    1476             : 
    1477         122 :       my_write_stats = .TRUE.
    1478         122 :       IF (PRESENT(write_stats)) my_write_stats = write_stats
    1479         122 :       IF (my_write_stats) CALL hfx_ri_write_stats(ri_data)
    1480             : 
    1481         122 :       IF (ASSOCIATED(ri_data%pgrid)) THEN
    1482         122 :          CALL dbt_pgrid_destroy(ri_data%pgrid)
    1483         122 :          DEALLOCATE (ri_data%pgrid)
    1484             :       END IF
    1485         122 :       IF (ASSOCIATED(ri_data%pgrid_1)) THEN
    1486         122 :          CALL dbt_pgrid_destroy(ri_data%pgrid_1)
    1487         122 :          DEALLOCATE (ri_data%pgrid_1)
    1488             :       END IF
    1489         122 :       IF (ASSOCIATED(ri_data%pgrid_2)) THEN
    1490         122 :          CALL dbt_pgrid_destroy(ri_data%pgrid_2)
    1491         122 :          DEALLOCATE (ri_data%pgrid_2)
    1492             :       END IF
    1493         122 :       IF (ASSOCIATED(ri_data%pgrid_2d)) THEN
    1494         122 :          CALL dbt_pgrid_destroy(ri_data%pgrid_2d)
    1495         122 :          DEALLOCATE (ri_data%pgrid_2d)
    1496             :       END IF
    1497             : 
    1498         122 :       CALL distribution_3d_destroy(ri_data%dist_3d)
    1499         122 :       CALL dbt_distribution_destroy(ri_data%dist)
    1500             : 
    1501         122 :       DEALLOCATE (ri_data%bsizes_RI)
    1502         122 :       DEALLOCATE (ri_data%bsizes_AO)
    1503         122 :       DEALLOCATE (ri_data%bsizes_AO_split)
    1504         122 :       DEALLOCATE (ri_data%bsizes_RI_split)
    1505         122 :       DEALLOCATE (ri_data%bsizes_AO_fit)
    1506         122 :       DEALLOCATE (ri_data%bsizes_RI_fit)
    1507             : 
    1508         122 :       IF (ri_data%flavor == ri_pmat) THEN
    1509         366 :          DO i_mem = 1, ri_data%n_mem
    1510        1052 :          DO j_mem = 1, ri_data%n_mem_RI
    1511         948 :             CALL dealloc_containers(ri_data%store_3c(i_mem, j_mem), unused)
    1512             :          END DO
    1513             :          END DO
    1514             : 
    1515        1354 :          DO j = 1, SIZE(ri_data%t_3c_int_ctr_1, 2)
    1516        2604 :             DO i = 1, SIZE(ri_data%t_3c_int_ctr_1, 1)
    1517        2500 :                CALL dbt_destroy(ri_data%t_3c_int_ctr_1(i, j))
    1518             :             END DO
    1519             :          END DO
    1520        1354 :          DEALLOCATE (ri_data%t_3c_int_ctr_1)
    1521             : 
    1522         208 :          DO j = 1, SIZE(ri_data%t_3c_int_ctr_2, 2)
    1523         312 :             DO i = 1, SIZE(ri_data%t_3c_int_ctr_2, 1)
    1524         208 :                CALL dbt_destroy(ri_data%t_3c_int_ctr_2(i, j))
    1525             :             END DO
    1526             :          END DO
    1527         208 :          DEALLOCATE (ri_data%t_3c_int_ctr_2)
    1528             : 
    1529         208 :          DO j = 1, SIZE(ri_data%t_3c_int_ctr_3, 2)
    1530         312 :             DO i = 1, SIZE(ri_data%t_3c_int_ctr_3, 1)
    1531         208 :                CALL dbt_destroy(ri_data%t_3c_int_ctr_3(i, j))
    1532             :             END DO
    1533             :          END DO
    1534         208 :          DEALLOCATE (ri_data%t_3c_int_ctr_3)
    1535             : 
    1536         258 :          DO j = 1, SIZE(ri_data%t_2c_int, 2)
    1537         412 :             DO i = 1, SIZE(ri_data%t_2c_int, 1)
    1538         308 :                CALL dbt_destroy(ri_data%t_2c_int(i, j))
    1539             :             END DO
    1540             :          END DO
    1541         258 :          DEALLOCATE (ri_data%t_2c_int)
    1542             : 
    1543        1354 :          DO j = 1, SIZE(ri_data%rho_ao_t, 2)
    1544        2862 :             DO i = 1, SIZE(ri_data%rho_ao_t, 1)
    1545        2758 :                CALL dbt_destroy(ri_data%rho_ao_t(i, j))
    1546             :             END DO
    1547             :          END DO
    1548        1612 :          DEALLOCATE (ri_data%rho_ao_t)
    1549             : 
    1550        1354 :          DO j = 1, SIZE(ri_data%ks_t, 2)
    1551        2862 :             DO i = 1, SIZE(ri_data%ks_t, 1)
    1552        2758 :                CALL dbt_destroy(ri_data%ks_t(i, j))
    1553             :             END DO
    1554             :          END DO
    1555        1612 :          DEALLOCATE (ri_data%ks_t)
    1556             : 
    1557           0 :          DEALLOCATE (ri_data%starts_array_mem_block, ri_data%ends_array_mem_block, &
    1558         104 :                      ri_data%starts_array_mem, ri_data%ends_array_mem)
    1559           0 :          DEALLOCATE (ri_data%starts_array_RI_mem_block, ri_data%ends_array_RI_mem_block, &
    1560         104 :                      ri_data%starts_array_RI_mem, ri_data%ends_array_RI_mem)
    1561             : 
    1562         790 :          DEALLOCATE (ri_data%blk_indices)
    1563         104 :          DEALLOCATE (ri_data%store_3c)
    1564          18 :       ELSEIF (ri_data%flavor == ri_mo) THEN
    1565          18 :          CALL dbt_destroy(ri_data%t_3c_int_ctr_1(1, 1))
    1566          18 :          CALL dbt_destroy(ri_data%t_3c_int_ctr_2(1, 1))
    1567          36 :          DEALLOCATE (ri_data%t_3c_int_ctr_1)
    1568          36 :          DEALLOCATE (ri_data%t_3c_int_ctr_2)
    1569             : 
    1570          40 :          DO ispin = 1, SIZE(ri_data%t_3c_int_mo, 1)
    1571          22 :             CALL dbt_destroy(ri_data%t_3c_int_mo(ispin, 1, 1))
    1572          22 :             CALL dbt_destroy(ri_data%t_3c_ctr_RI(ispin, 1, 1))
    1573          22 :             CALL dbt_destroy(ri_data%t_3c_ctr_KS(ispin, 1, 1))
    1574          40 :             CALL dbt_destroy(ri_data%t_3c_ctr_KS_copy(ispin, 1, 1))
    1575             :          END DO
    1576          54 :          DO ispin = 1, 2
    1577          54 :             CALL dbt_destroy(ri_data%t_2c_int(ispin, 1))
    1578             :          END DO
    1579          54 :          DEALLOCATE (ri_data%t_2c_int)
    1580          40 :          DEALLOCATE (ri_data%t_3c_int_mo)
    1581          40 :          DEALLOCATE (ri_data%t_3c_ctr_RI)
    1582          40 :          DEALLOCATE (ri_data%t_3c_ctr_KS)
    1583          40 :          DEALLOCATE (ri_data%t_3c_ctr_KS_copy)
    1584             :       END IF
    1585             : 
    1586         294 :       DO j = 1, SIZE(ri_data%t_2c_inv, 2)
    1587         466 :          DO i = 1, SIZE(ri_data%t_2c_inv, 1)
    1588         344 :             CALL dbt_destroy(ri_data%t_2c_inv(i, j))
    1589             :          END DO
    1590             :       END DO
    1591         294 :       DEALLOCATE (ri_data%t_2c_inv)
    1592             : 
    1593         294 :       DO j = 1, SIZE(ri_data%t_2c_pot, 2)
    1594         466 :          DO i = 1, SIZE(ri_data%t_2c_pot, 1)
    1595         344 :             CALL dbt_destroy(ri_data%t_2c_pot(i, j))
    1596             :          END DO
    1597             :       END DO
    1598         294 :       DEALLOCATE (ri_data%t_2c_pot)
    1599             : 
    1600         122 :       IF (ALLOCATED(ri_data%kp_mat_2c_pot)) THEN
    1601        1246 :          DO j = 1, SIZE(ri_data%kp_mat_2c_pot, 2)
    1602        2442 :             DO i = 1, SIZE(ri_data%kp_mat_2c_pot, 1)
    1603        2392 :                CALL dbcsr_release(ri_data%kp_mat_2c_pot(i, j))
    1604             :             END DO
    1605             :          END DO
    1606          50 :          DEALLOCATE (ri_data%kp_mat_2c_pot)
    1607             :       END IF
    1608             : 
    1609         122 :       IF (ALLOCATED(ri_data%kp_t_3c_int)) THEN
    1610        1246 :          DO i = 1, SIZE(ri_data%kp_t_3c_int)
    1611        1246 :             CALL dbt_destroy(ri_data%kp_t_3c_int(i))
    1612             :          END DO
    1613        1246 :          DEALLOCATE (ri_data%kp_t_3c_int)
    1614             :       END IF
    1615             : 
    1616         122 :       IF (ALLOCATED(ri_data%rho_ao_t)) THEN
    1617           0 :          DO j = 1, SIZE(ri_data%rho_ao_t, 2)
    1618           0 :             DO i = 1, SIZE(ri_data%rho_ao_t, 1)
    1619           0 :                CALL dbt_destroy(ri_data%rho_ao_t(i, j))
    1620             :             END DO
    1621             :          END DO
    1622           0 :          DEALLOCATE (ri_data%rho_ao_t)
    1623             :       END IF
    1624             : 
    1625         122 :       IF (ALLOCATED(ri_data%ks_t)) THEN
    1626           0 :          DO j = 1, SIZE(ri_data%ks_t, 2)
    1627           0 :             DO i = 1, SIZE(ri_data%ks_t, 1)
    1628           0 :                CALL dbt_destroy(ri_data%ks_t(i, j))
    1629             :             END DO
    1630             :          END DO
    1631           0 :          DEALLOCATE (ri_data%ks_t)
    1632             :       END IF
    1633             : 
    1634         122 :       IF (ALLOCATED(ri_data%iatom_to_subgroup)) THEN
    1635         150 :          DO i = 1, SIZE(ri_data%iatom_to_subgroup)
    1636         150 :             DEALLOCATE (ri_data%iatom_to_subgroup(i)%array)
    1637             :          END DO
    1638          50 :          DEALLOCATE (ri_data%iatom_to_subgroup)
    1639             :       END IF
    1640             : 
    1641         122 :       CALL timestop(handle)
    1642         122 :    END SUBROUTINE
    1643             : 
    1644             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1645             : !> \brief - This routine allocates and initializes the basis_info and basis_parameter types
    1646             : !> \param basis_parameter ...
    1647             : !> \param basis_info ...
    1648             : !> \param qs_kind_set ...
    1649             : !> \param basis_type ...
    1650             : !> \par History
    1651             : !>      07.2011 refactored
    1652             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1653        1970 :    SUBROUTINE hfx_create_basis_types(basis_parameter, basis_info, qs_kind_set, &
    1654             :                                      basis_type)
    1655             :       TYPE(hfx_basis_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER        :: basis_parameter
    1656             :       TYPE(hfx_basis_info_type)                          :: basis_info
    1657             :       TYPE(qs_kind_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER          :: qs_kind_set
    1658             :       CHARACTER(LEN=*)                                   :: basis_type
    1659             : 
    1660             :       CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'hfx_create_basis_types'
    1661             : 
    1662             :       INTEGER :: co_counter, handle, i, ikind, ipgf, iset, j, k, la, max_am_kind, max_coeff, &
    1663             :          max_nsgfl, max_pgf, max_pgf_kind, max_set, nkind, nl_count, nset, nseta, offset_a, &
    1664             :          offset_a1, s_offset_nl_a, sgfa, so_counter
    1665        1970 :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                     :: la_max, la_min, npgfa, nshell
    1666        1970 :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER                  :: first_sgfa, nl_a
    1667        1970 :       REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER                 :: sphi_a
    1668             :       TYPE(gto_basis_set_type), POINTER                  :: orb_basis_a
    1669             : 
    1670        1970 :       CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
    1671             : 
    1672             :       ! BASIS parameter
    1673        1970 :       nkind = SIZE(qs_kind_set, 1)
    1674             :       !
    1675        9530 :       ALLOCATE (basis_parameter(nkind))
    1676        1970 :       max_set = 0
    1677        5590 :       DO ikind = 1, nkind
    1678        3620 :          CALL get_qs_kind(qs_kind_set(ikind), basis_set=orb_basis_a, basis_type=basis_type)
    1679             :          CALL get_qs_kind_set(qs_kind_set, &
    1680             :                               maxsgf=basis_info%max_sgf, &
    1681             :                               maxnset=basis_info%max_set, &
    1682             :                               maxlgto=basis_info%max_am, &
    1683        3620 :                               basis_type=basis_type)
    1684        3620 :          IF (basis_info%max_set < max_set) CPABORT("UNEXPECTED MAX_SET")
    1685        3620 :          max_set = MAX(max_set, basis_info%max_set)
    1686             :          CALL get_gto_basis_set(gto_basis_set=orb_basis_a, &
    1687             :                                 lmax=basis_parameter(ikind)%lmax, &
    1688             :                                 lmin=basis_parameter(ikind)%lmin, &
    1689             :                                 npgf=basis_parameter(ikind)%npgf, &
    1690             :                                 nset=basis_parameter(ikind)%nset, &
    1691             :                                 zet=basis_parameter(ikind)%zet, &
    1692             :                                 nsgf_set=basis_parameter(ikind)%nsgf, &
    1693             :                                 first_sgf=basis_parameter(ikind)%first_sgf, &
    1694             :                                 sphi=basis_parameter(ikind)%sphi, &
    1695             :                                 nsgf=basis_parameter(ikind)%nsgf_total, &
    1696             :                                 l=basis_parameter(ikind)%nl, &
    1697             :                                 nshell=basis_parameter(ikind)%nshell, &
    1698             :                                 set_radius=basis_parameter(ikind)%set_radius, &
    1699             :                                 pgf_radius=basis_parameter(ikind)%pgf_radius, &
    1700        5590 :                                 kind_radius=basis_parameter(ikind)%kind_radius)
    1701             :       END DO
    1702        5590 :       DO ikind = 1, nkind
    1703       14480 :          ALLOCATE (basis_parameter(ikind)%nsgfl(0:basis_info%max_am, max_set))
    1704       45242 :          basis_parameter(ikind)%nsgfl = 0
    1705        3620 :          nset = basis_parameter(ikind)%nset
    1706        3620 :          nshell => basis_parameter(ikind)%nshell
    1707       15946 :          DO iset = 1, nset
    1708       41706 :             DO i = 0, basis_info%max_am
    1709       27730 :                nl_count = 0
    1710       64728 :                DO j = 1, nshell(iset)
    1711       64728 :                   IF (basis_parameter(ikind)%nl(j, iset) == i) nl_count = nl_count + 1
    1712             :                END DO
    1713       38086 :                basis_parameter(ikind)%nsgfl(i, iset) = nl_count
    1714             :             END DO
    1715             :          END DO
    1716             :       END DO
    1717             : 
    1718             :       max_nsgfl = 0
    1719             :       max_pgf = 0
    1720        5590 :       DO ikind = 1, nkind
    1721        3620 :          max_coeff = 0
    1722        3620 :          max_am_kind = 0
    1723        3620 :          max_pgf_kind = 0
    1724        3620 :          npgfa => basis_parameter(ikind)%npgf
    1725        3620 :          nseta = basis_parameter(ikind)%nset
    1726        3620 :          nl_a => basis_parameter(ikind)%nsgfl
    1727        3620 :          la_max => basis_parameter(ikind)%lmax
    1728        3620 :          la_min => basis_parameter(ikind)%lmin
    1729       13976 :          DO iset = 1, nseta
    1730       10356 :             max_pgf_kind = MAX(max_pgf_kind, npgfa(iset))
    1731             :             max_pgf = MAX(max_pgf, npgfa(iset))
    1732       26720 :             DO la = la_min(iset), la_max(iset)
    1733       12744 :                max_nsgfl = MAX(max_nsgfl, nl_a(la, iset))
    1734       12744 :                max_coeff = MAX(max_coeff, nso(la)*nl_a(la, iset)*nco(la))
    1735       23100 :                max_am_kind = MAX(max_am_kind, la)
    1736             :             END DO
    1737             :          END DO
    1738       21720 :          ALLOCATE (basis_parameter(ikind)%sphi_ext(max_coeff, 0:max_am_kind, max_pgf_kind, nseta))
    1739     2069376 :          basis_parameter(ikind)%sphi_ext = 0.0_dp
    1740             :       END DO
    1741             : 
    1742        5590 :       DO ikind = 1, nkind
    1743        3620 :          sphi_a => basis_parameter(ikind)%sphi
    1744        3620 :          nseta = basis_parameter(ikind)%nset
    1745        3620 :          la_max => basis_parameter(ikind)%lmax
    1746        3620 :          la_min => basis_parameter(ikind)%lmin
    1747        3620 :          npgfa => basis_parameter(ikind)%npgf
    1748        3620 :          first_sgfa => basis_parameter(ikind)%first_sgf
    1749        3620 :          nl_a => basis_parameter(ikind)%nsgfl
    1750       15946 :          DO iset = 1, nseta
    1751       10356 :             sgfa = first_sgfa(1, iset)
    1752       33524 :             DO ipgf = 1, npgfa(iset)
    1753       19548 :                offset_a1 = (ipgf - 1)*ncoset(la_max(iset))
    1754       19548 :                s_offset_nl_a = 0
    1755       55526 :                DO la = la_min(iset), la_max(iset)
    1756       25622 :                   offset_a = offset_a1 + ncoset(la - 1)
    1757             :                   co_counter = 0
    1758       25622 :                   co_counter = co_counter + 1
    1759       25622 :                   so_counter = 0
    1760       79276 :                   DO k = sgfa + s_offset_nl_a, sgfa + s_offset_nl_a + nso(la)*nl_a(la, iset) - 1
    1761      226732 :                      DO i = offset_a + 1, offset_a + nco(la)
    1762      147456 :                         so_counter = so_counter + 1
    1763      201110 :                         basis_parameter(ikind)%sphi_ext(so_counter, la, ipgf, iset) = sphi_a(i, k)
    1764             :                      END DO
    1765             :                   END DO
    1766       45170 :                   s_offset_nl_a = s_offset_nl_a + nso(la)*(nl_a(la, iset))
    1767             :                END DO
    1768             :             END DO
    1769             :          END DO
    1770             :       END DO
    1771             : 
    1772        1970 :       CALL timestop(handle)
    1773             : 
    1774        1970 :    END SUBROUTINE hfx_create_basis_types
    1775             : 
    1776             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1777             : !> \brief ...
    1778             : !> \param basis_parameter ...
    1779             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1780        1970 :    SUBROUTINE hfx_release_basis_types(basis_parameter)
    1781             :       TYPE(hfx_basis_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER        :: basis_parameter
    1782             : 
    1783             :       CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'hfx_release_basis_types'
    1784             : 
    1785             :       INTEGER                                            :: handle, i
    1786             : 
    1787        1970 :       CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
    1788             : 
    1789             :       !! BASIS parameter
    1790        5590 :       DO i = 1, SIZE(basis_parameter)
    1791        3620 :          DEALLOCATE (basis_parameter(i)%nsgfl)
    1792        5590 :          DEALLOCATE (basis_parameter(i)%sphi_ext)
    1793             :       END DO
    1794        1970 :       DEALLOCATE (basis_parameter)
    1795        1970 :       CALL timestop(handle)
    1796             : 
    1797        1970 :    END SUBROUTINE hfx_release_basis_types
    1798             : 
    1799             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1800             : !> \brief - Parses the memory section
    1801             : !> \param memory_parameter ...
    1802             : !> \param hf_sub_section ...
    1803             : !> \param storage_id ...
    1804             : !> \param i_thread ...
    1805             : !> \param n_threads ...
    1806             : !> \param para_env ...
    1807             : !> \param irep ...
    1808             : !> \param skip_disk ...
    1809             : !> \param skip_in_core_forces ...
    1810             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1811        2286 :    SUBROUTINE parse_memory_section(memory_parameter, hf_sub_section, storage_id, &
    1812             :                                    i_thread, n_threads, para_env, irep, skip_disk, skip_in_core_forces)
    1813             :       TYPE(hfx_memory_type)                              :: memory_parameter
    1814             :       TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: hf_sub_section
    1815             :       INTEGER, INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL                     :: storage_id
    1816             :       INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL                      :: i_thread, n_threads
    1817             :       TYPE(mp_para_env_type), OPTIONAL                   :: para_env
    1818             :       INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL                      :: irep
    1819             :       LOGICAL, INTENT(IN)                                :: skip_disk, skip_in_core_forces
    1820             : 
    1821             :       CHARACTER(LEN=512)                                 :: error_msg
    1822             :       CHARACTER(LEN=default_path_length)                 :: char_val, filename, orig_wd
    1823             :       INTEGER                                            :: int_val, stat
    1824             :       LOGICAL                                            :: check, logic_val
    1825             :       REAL(dp)                                           :: real_val
    1826             : 
    1827             :       check = (PRESENT(storage_id) .EQV. PRESENT(i_thread)) .AND. &
    1828             :               (PRESENT(storage_id) .EQV. PRESENT(n_threads)) .AND. &
    1829             :               (PRESENT(storage_id) .EQV. PRESENT(para_env)) .AND. &
    1830        2286 :               (PRESENT(storage_id) .EQV. PRESENT(irep))
    1831           0 :       CPASSERT(check)
    1832             : 
    1833             :       ! Memory Storage
    1834        2286 :       CALL section_vals_val_get(hf_sub_section, "MAX_MEMORY", i_val=int_val)
    1835        2286 :       memory_parameter%max_memory = int_val
    1836        2286 :       memory_parameter%max_compression_counter = int_val*1024_int_8*128_int_8
    1837        2286 :       CALL section_vals_val_get(hf_sub_section, "EPS_STORAGE", r_val=real_val)
    1838        2286 :       memory_parameter%eps_storage_scaling = real_val
    1839        2286 :       IF (int_val == 0) THEN
    1840          20 :          memory_parameter%do_all_on_the_fly = .TRUE.
    1841             :       ELSE
    1842        2266 :          memory_parameter%do_all_on_the_fly = .FALSE.
    1843             :       END IF
    1844        2286 :       memory_parameter%cache_size = CACHE_SIZE
    1845        2286 :       memory_parameter%bits_max_val = BITS_MAX_VAL
    1846        2286 :       memory_parameter%actual_memory_usage = 1
    1847        2286 :       IF (.NOT. skip_in_core_forces) THEN
    1848        1288 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hf_sub_section, "TREAT_FORCES_IN_CORE", l_val=logic_val)
    1849        1288 :          memory_parameter%treat_forces_in_core = logic_val
    1850             :       END IF
    1851             : 
    1852             :       ! ** IF MAX_MEM == 0 overwrite this flag to false
    1853        2286 :       IF (memory_parameter%do_all_on_the_fly) memory_parameter%treat_forces_in_core = .FALSE.
    1854             : 
    1855             :       ! Disk Storage
    1856        2286 :       IF (.NOT. skip_disk) THEN
    1857        1288 :          memory_parameter%actual_memory_usage_disk = 1
    1858        1288 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hf_sub_section, "MAX_DISK_SPACE", i_val=int_val)
    1859        1288 :          memory_parameter%max_compression_counter_disk = int_val*1024_int_8*128_int_8
    1860        1288 :          IF (int_val == 0) THEN
    1861        1282 :             memory_parameter%do_disk_storage = .FALSE.
    1862             :          ELSE
    1863           6 :             memory_parameter%do_disk_storage = .TRUE.
    1864             :          END IF
    1865        1288 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hf_sub_section, "STORAGE_LOCATION", c_val=char_val)
    1866        1288 :          CALL compress(char_val, .TRUE.)
    1867             :          !! Add ending / if necessary
    1868             : 
    1869        1288 :          IF (SCAN(char_val, "/", .TRUE.) /= LEN_TRIM(char_val)) THEN
    1870        1288 :             WRITE (filename, '(A,A)') TRIM(char_val), "/"
    1871        1288 :             CALL compress(filename)
    1872             :          ELSE
    1873           0 :             filename = TRIM(char_val)
    1874             :          END IF
    1875        1288 :          CALL compress(filename, .TRUE.)
    1876             : 
    1877             :          !! quickly check if we can write on storage_location
    1878        1288 :          CALL m_getcwd(orig_wd)
    1879        1288 :          CALL m_chdir(TRIM(filename), stat)
    1880        1288 :          IF (stat /= 0) THEN
    1881           0 :             WRITE (error_msg, '(A,A,A)') "Request for disk storage failed due to unknown error while writing to ", &
    1882           0 :                TRIM(filename), ". Please check STORAGE_LOCATION"
    1883           0 :             CPABORT(error_msg)
    1884             :          END IF
    1885        1288 :          CALL m_chdir(orig_wd, stat)
    1886             : 
    1887        1288 :          memory_parameter%storage_location = filename
    1888        1288 :          CALL compress(memory_parameter%storage_location, .TRUE.)
    1889             :       ELSE
    1890         998 :          memory_parameter%do_disk_storage = .FALSE.
    1891             :       END IF
    1892        2286 :       IF (PRESENT(storage_id)) THEN
    1893        1288 :          storage_id = (irep - 1)*para_env%num_pe*n_threads + para_env%mepos*n_threads + i_thread - 1
    1894             :       END IF
    1895        2286 :    END SUBROUTINE parse_memory_section
    1896             : 
    1897             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1898             : !> \brief - This routine deallocates all data structures
    1899             : !> \param x_data contains all relevant data structures for hfx runs
    1900             : !> \par History
    1901             : !>      09.2007 created [Manuel Guidon]
    1902             : !> \author Manuel Guidon
    1903             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1904        1278 :    SUBROUTINE hfx_release(x_data)
    1905             :       TYPE(hfx_type), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER           :: x_data
    1906             : 
    1907             :       INTEGER                                            :: i, i_thread, irep, n_rep_hf, n_threads
    1908             :       TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER                      :: logger
    1909             :       TYPE(hfx_type), POINTER                            :: actual_x_data
    1910             : 
    1911             : !! There might be 2 hf sections
    1912             : 
    1913        1278 :       n_rep_hf = x_data(1, 1)%n_rep_hf
    1914        1278 :       n_threads = SIZE(x_data, 2)
    1915             : 
    1916        1278 :       IF (x_data(1, 1)%potential_parameter%potential_type == do_potential_truncated .OR. &
    1917             :           x_data(1, 1)%potential_parameter%potential_type == do_potential_mix_cl_trunc) THEN
    1918         344 :          init_t_c_g0_lmax = -1
    1919         344 :          CALL free_C0()
    1920             :       END IF
    1921        2556 :       DO i_thread = 1, n_threads
    1922        3844 :          DO irep = 1, n_rep_hf
    1923        1288 :             actual_x_data => x_data(irep, i_thread)
    1924        1288 :             DEALLOCATE (actual_x_data%neighbor_cells)
    1925        1288 :             DEALLOCATE (actual_x_data%distribution_energy)
    1926        1288 :             DEALLOCATE (actual_x_data%distribution_forces)
    1927             : 
    1928        1288 :             IF (actual_x_data%load_balance_parameter%blocks_initialized) THEN
    1929        1180 :                DEALLOCATE (actual_x_data%blocks)
    1930        1180 :                IF (i_thread == 1) THEN
    1931        1180 :                   DEALLOCATE (actual_x_data%pmax_block)
    1932             :                END IF
    1933             :             END IF
    1934             : 
    1935        1288 :             IF (i_thread == 1) THEN
    1936        1288 :                DEALLOCATE (actual_x_data%atomic_pair_list)
    1937        1288 :                DEALLOCATE (actual_x_data%atomic_pair_list_forces)
    1938             :             END IF
    1939             : 
    1940        1288 :             IF (actual_x_data%screening_parameter%do_initial_p_screening .OR. &
    1941             :                 actual_x_data%screening_parameter%do_p_screening_forces) THEN
    1942        1266 :                IF (i_thread == 1) THEN
    1943        1266 :                   DEALLOCATE (actual_x_data%pmax_atom)
    1944        5196 :                   DO i = 1, SIZE(actual_x_data%initial_p)
    1945        5196 :                      DEALLOCATE (actual_x_data%initial_p(i)%p_kind)
    1946             :                   END DO
    1947        1266 :                   DEALLOCATE (actual_x_data%initial_p)
    1948             : 
    1949        1266 :                   DEALLOCATE (actual_x_data%pmax_atom_forces)
    1950        5196 :                   DO i = 1, SIZE(actual_x_data%initial_p_forces)
    1951        5196 :                      DEALLOCATE (actual_x_data%initial_p_forces(i)%p_kind)
    1952             :                   END DO
    1953        1266 :                   DEALLOCATE (actual_x_data%initial_p_forces)
    1954             :                END IF
    1955        1266 :                DEALLOCATE (actual_x_data%map_atom_to_kind_atom)
    1956             :             END IF
    1957        1288 :             IF (i_thread == 1) THEN
    1958        1288 :                DEALLOCATE (actual_x_data%is_assoc_atomic_block)
    1959        1288 :                DEALLOCATE (actual_x_data%atomic_block_offset)
    1960        1288 :                DEALLOCATE (actual_x_data%set_offset)
    1961        1288 :                DEALLOCATE (actual_x_data%block_offset)
    1962             :             END IF
    1963             : 
    1964             :             !! BASIS parameter
    1965        1288 :             CALL hfx_release_basis_types(actual_x_data%basis_parameter)
    1966             : 
    1967             :             !MK Release libint and libderiv data structure
    1968        1288 :             CALL cp_libint_cleanup_eri(actual_x_data%lib)
    1969        1288 :             CALL cp_libint_cleanup_eri1(actual_x_data%lib_deriv)
    1970        1288 :             CALL cp_libint_static_cleanup()
    1971             : 
    1972             :             !! Deallocate containers
    1973        1288 :             CALL dealloc_containers(actual_x_data%store_ints, actual_x_data%memory_parameter%actual_memory_usage)
    1974        1288 :             CALL dealloc_containers(actual_x_data%store_forces, actual_x_data%memory_parameter%actual_memory_usage)
    1975             : 
    1976             :             !! Deallocate containers
    1977             :             CALL hfx_init_container(actual_x_data%store_ints%maxval_container_disk, &
    1978             :                                     actual_x_data%memory_parameter%actual_memory_usage_disk, &
    1979        1288 :                                     .FALSE.)
    1980        1288 :             IF (actual_x_data%memory_parameter%do_disk_storage) THEN
    1981           6 :                CALL close_file(unit_number=actual_x_data%store_ints%maxval_container_disk%unit, file_status="DELETE")
    1982             :             END IF
    1983        1288 :             DEALLOCATE (actual_x_data%store_ints%maxval_container_disk%first)
    1984        1288 :             DEALLOCATE (actual_x_data%store_ints%maxval_container_disk)
    1985             : 
    1986       83720 :             DO i = 1, 64
    1987             :                CALL hfx_init_container(actual_x_data%store_ints%integral_containers_disk(i), &
    1988             :                                        actual_x_data%memory_parameter%actual_memory_usage_disk, &
    1989       82432 :                                        .FALSE.)
    1990       82432 :                IF (actual_x_data%memory_parameter%do_disk_storage) THEN
    1991         384 :                   CALL close_file(unit_number=actual_x_data%store_ints%integral_containers_disk(i)%unit, file_status="DELETE")
    1992             :                END IF
    1993       83720 :                DEALLOCATE (actual_x_data%store_ints%integral_containers_disk(i)%first)
    1994             :             END DO
    1995        1288 :             DEALLOCATE (actual_x_data%store_ints%integral_containers_disk)
    1996             : 
    1997             :             ! ** screening functions
    1998        1288 :             IF (actual_x_data%screen_funct_is_initialized) THEN
    1999        1180 :                DEALLOCATE (actual_x_data%screen_funct_coeffs_set)
    2000        1180 :                DEALLOCATE (actual_x_data%screen_funct_coeffs_kind)
    2001        1180 :                DEALLOCATE (actual_x_data%pair_dist_radii_pgf)
    2002        1180 :                DEALLOCATE (actual_x_data%screen_funct_coeffs_pgf)
    2003        1180 :                actual_x_data%screen_funct_is_initialized = .FALSE.
    2004             :             END IF
    2005             : 
    2006             :             ! ** maps
    2007        1288 :             IF (ASSOCIATED(actual_x_data%map_atoms_to_cpus)) THEN
    2008        3538 :                DO i = 1, SIZE(actual_x_data%map_atoms_to_cpus)
    2009        2358 :                   DEALLOCATE (actual_x_data%map_atoms_to_cpus(i)%iatom_list)
    2010        3538 :                   DEALLOCATE (actual_x_data%map_atoms_to_cpus(i)%jatom_list)
    2011             :                END DO
    2012        1180 :                DEALLOCATE (actual_x_data%map_atoms_to_cpus)
    2013             :             END IF
    2014             : 
    2015        2566 :             IF (actual_x_data%do_hfx_ri) THEN
    2016         100 :                CALL hfx_ri_release(actual_x_data%ri_data)
    2017         100 :                IF (ASSOCIATED(actual_x_data%ri_data%ri_section)) THEN
    2018         100 :                   logger => cp_get_default_logger()
    2019             :                   CALL cp_print_key_finished_output(actual_x_data%ri_data%unit_nr_dbcsr, logger, actual_x_data%ri_data%ri_section, &
    2020         100 :                                                     "PRINT%RI_INFO")
    2021             :                END IF
    2022         100 :                IF (ASSOCIATED(actual_x_data%ri_data%hfx_section)) THEN
    2023         100 :                   logger => cp_get_default_logger()
    2024             :                   CALL cp_print_key_finished_output(actual_x_data%ri_data%unit_nr, logger, actual_x_data%ri_data%hfx_section, &
    2025         100 :                                                     "HF_INFO")
    2026             :                END IF
    2027         100 :                DEALLOCATE (actual_x_data%ri_data)
    2028             :             END IF
    2029             :          END DO
    2030             : 
    2031             :       END DO
    2032             : 
    2033        1278 :       DEALLOCATE (x_data)
    2034        1278 :    END SUBROUTINE hfx_release
    2035             : 
    2036             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    2037             : !> \brief - This routine computes the neighbor cells that are taken into account
    2038             : !>        in periodic runs
    2039             : !> \param x_data contains all relevant data structures for hfx runs
    2040             : !> \param pbc_shells number of shells taken into account
    2041             : !> \param cell cell
    2042             : !> \param i_thread current thread ID
    2043             : !> \param nkp_grid ...
    2044             : !> \par History
    2045             : !>      09.2007 created [Manuel Guidon]
    2046             : !> \author Manuel Guidon
    2047             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    2048        9095 :    SUBROUTINE hfx_create_neighbor_cells(x_data, pbc_shells, cell, i_thread, nkp_grid)
    2049             :       TYPE(hfx_type), POINTER                            :: x_data
    2050             :       INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT)                             :: pbc_shells
    2051             :       TYPE(cell_type), POINTER                           :: cell
    2052             :       INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: i_thread
    2053             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(3), OPTIONAL                    :: nkp_grid
    2054             : 
    2055             :       CHARACTER(LEN=512)                                 :: error_msg
    2056             :       CHARACTER(LEN=64)                                  :: char_nshells
    2057             :       INTEGER :: i, idx, ikind, ipgf, iset, ishell, j, jkind, jpgf, jset, jshell, k, kshell, l, &
    2058             :          m(3), max_shell, nkp(3), nseta, nsetb, perd(3), total_number_of_cells, ub, ub_max
    2059        9095 :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                     :: la_max, lb_max, npgfa, npgfb
    2060             :       LOGICAL                                            :: do_kpoints, image_cell_found, &
    2061             :                                                             nothing_more_to_add
    2062             :       REAL(dp) :: cross_product(3), dist_min, distance(14), l_min, normal(3, 6), P(3, 14), &
    2063             :          plane_vector(3, 2), point_in_plane(3), r(3), R1, R_max, R_max_stress, s(3), x, y, z, Zeta1
    2064        9095 :       REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER                 :: zeta, zetb
    2065        9095 :       TYPE(hfx_cell_type), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)     :: tmp_neighbor_cells
    2066             : 
    2067        9095 :       total_number_of_cells = 0
    2068             : 
    2069       36380 :       nkp = 1
    2070        9095 :       IF (PRESENT(nkp_grid)) nkp = nkp_grid
    2071       36230 :       do_kpoints = ANY(nkp > 1)
    2072             : 
    2073             :       ! ** Check some settings
    2074        9095 :       IF (i_thread == 1) THEN
    2075             :          IF (x_data%potential_parameter%potential_type /= do_potential_truncated .AND. &
    2076             :              x_data%potential_parameter%potential_type /= do_potential_short .AND. &
    2077         400 :              x_data%potential_parameter%potential_type /= do_potential_mix_cl_trunc .AND. &
    2078             :              x_data%potential_parameter%potential_type /= do_potential_id) THEN
    2079             :             CALL cp_warn(__LOCATION__, &
    2080             :                          "Periodic Hartree Fock calculation requested without use "// &
    2081             :                          "of a truncated or shortrange potential. This may lead to unphysical total energies. "// &
    2082          94 :                          "Use a truncated  potential to avoid possible problems.")
    2083         306 :          ELSE IF (x_data%potential_parameter%potential_type /= do_potential_id) THEN
    2084             :             !If k-points, use the Born-von Karman super cell as reference
    2085             :             l_min = MIN(REAL(nkp(1), dp)*plane_distance(1, 0, 0, cell), &
    2086             :                         REAL(nkp(2), dp)*plane_distance(0, 1, 0, cell), &
    2087         284 :                         REAL(nkp(3), dp)*plane_distance(0, 0, 1, cell))
    2088         284 :             l_min = 0.5_dp*l_min
    2089         284 :             IF (x_data%potential_parameter%cutoff_radius >= l_min) THEN
    2090          28 :                IF (.NOT. do_kpoints) THEN
    2091             :                   CALL cp_warn(__LOCATION__, &
    2092             :                                "Periodic Hartree Fock calculation requested with the use "// &
    2093             :                                "of a truncated or shortrange potential. The cutoff radius is larger than half "// &
    2094             :                                "the minimal cell dimension. This may lead to unphysical "// &
    2095             :                                "total energies. Reduce the cutoff radius in order to avoid "// &
    2096          28 :                                "possible problems.")
    2097             :                ELSE
    2098             :                   CALL cp_warn(__LOCATION__, &
    2099             :                                "K-point Hartree-Fock calculation requested with the use of a "// &
    2100             :                                "truncated or shortrange potential. The cutoff radius is larger than "// &
    2101             :                                "half the minimal Born-von Karman supercell dimension. This may lead "// &
    2102             :                                "to unphysical total energies. Reduce the cutoff radius or increase "// &
    2103           0 :                                "the number of K-points in order to avoid possible problems.")
    2104             :                END IF
    2105             :             END IF
    2106             :          END IF
    2107             :       END IF
    2108             : 
    2109       15905 :       SELECT CASE (x_data%potential_parameter%potential_type)
    2110             :       CASE (do_potential_truncated, do_potential_mix_cl_trunc, do_potential_short)
    2111        6810 :          R_max = 0.0_dp
    2112       18806 :          DO ikind = 1, SIZE(x_data%basis_parameter)
    2113       11996 :             la_max => x_data%basis_parameter(ikind)%lmax
    2114       11996 :             zeta => x_data%basis_parameter(ikind)%zet
    2115       11996 :             nseta = x_data%basis_parameter(ikind)%nset
    2116       11996 :             npgfa => x_data%basis_parameter(ikind)%npgf
    2117       41294 :             DO jkind = 1, SIZE(x_data%basis_parameter)
    2118       22488 :                lb_max => x_data%basis_parameter(jkind)%lmax
    2119       22488 :                zetb => x_data%basis_parameter(jkind)%zet
    2120       22488 :                nsetb = x_data%basis_parameter(jkind)%nset
    2121       22488 :                npgfb => x_data%basis_parameter(jkind)%npgf
    2122       93384 :                DO iset = 1, nseta
    2123      254120 :                   DO jset = 1, nsetb
    2124      530044 :                      DO ipgf = 1, npgfa(iset)
    2125     1029172 :                         DO jpgf = 1, npgfb(jset)
    2126      558028 :                            Zeta1 = zeta(ipgf, iset) + zetb(jpgf, jset)
    2127             :                            R1 = 1.0_dp/SQRT(Zeta1)*mul_fact(la_max(iset) + lb_max(jset))* &
    2128      558028 :                                 SQRT(-LOG(x_data%screening_parameter%eps_schwarz))
    2129      856440 :                            R_max = MAX(R1, R_max)
    2130             :                         END DO
    2131             :                      END DO
    2132             :                   END DO
    2133             :                END DO
    2134             :             END DO
    2135             :          END DO
    2136             : 
    2137        6810 :          R_max = 2.0_dp*R_max + x_data%potential_parameter%cutoff_radius
    2138        6810 :          nothing_more_to_add = .FALSE.
    2139        6810 :          max_shell = 0
    2140        6810 :          total_number_of_cells = 0
    2141        6810 :          ub = 1
    2142        6810 :          DEALLOCATE (x_data%neighbor_cells)
    2143       54480 :          ALLOCATE (x_data%neighbor_cells(1))
    2144       27240 :          x_data%neighbor_cells(1)%cell = 0.0_dp
    2145       27240 :          x_data%neighbor_cells(1)%cell_r = 0.0_dp
    2146             : 
    2147             :          ! ** What follows is kind of a ray tracing algorithm
    2148             :          ! ** Given a image cell (ishell, jshell, kshell) we try to figure out the
    2149             :          ! ** shortest distance of this image cell to the basic unit cell (0,0,0), i.e. the point
    2150             :          ! ** (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    2151             :          ! ** This is achieved by checking the 8 Corners of the cell, and, in addition, the shortest distance
    2152             :          ! ** to all 6 faces. The faces are only taken into account if the penetration point of the normal
    2153             :          ! ** to the plane defined by a face lies within this face.
    2154             :          ! ** This is very fast, because no trigonometric functions are being used
    2155             :          ! ** The points are defined as follows
    2156             :          ! **
    2157             :          ! **
    2158             :          ! **               _________________________
    2159             :          ! **              /P4____________________P8/|
    2160             :          ! **             / / ___________________/ / |
    2161             :          ! **            / / /| |               / /  |       z
    2162             :          ! **           / / / | |              / / . |      /|\  _ y
    2163             :          ! **          / / /| | |             / / /| |       |   /|
    2164             :          ! **         / / / | | |            / / / | |       |  /
    2165             :          ! **        / / /  | | |           / / /| | |       | /
    2166             :          ! **       / /_/___| | |__________/ / / | | |       |/
    2167             :          ! **      /P2______| | |_________P6/ /  | | |       ----------> x
    2168             :          ! **      | _______| | |_________| | |  | | |
    2169             :          ! **      | | |    | | |________________| | |
    2170             :          ! **      | | |    |P3___________________P7 |
    2171             :          ! **      | | |   / / _________________  / /
    2172             :          ! **      | | |  / / /           | | |/ / /
    2173             :          ! **      | | | / / /            | | | / /
    2174             :          ! **      | | |/ / /             | | |/ /
    2175             :          ! **      | | | / /              | | ' /
    2176             :          ! **      | | |/_/_______________| |  /
    2177             :          ! **      | |____________________| | /
    2178             :          ! **      |P1_____________________P5/
    2179             :          ! **
    2180             :          ! **
    2181             : 
    2182       34442 :          DO WHILE (.NOT. nothing_more_to_add)
    2183             :             ! Calculate distances to the eight points P1 to P8
    2184       27632 :             image_cell_found = .FALSE.
    2185     1115358 :             ALLOCATE (tmp_neighbor_cells(1:ub))
    2186      866670 :             DO i = 1, ub - 1
    2187      866670 :                tmp_neighbor_cells(i) = x_data%neighbor_cells(i)
    2188             :             END DO
    2189       27632 :             ub_max = (2*max_shell + 1)**3
    2190       27632 :             DEALLOCATE (x_data%neighbor_cells)
    2191     4121360 :             ALLOCATE (x_data%neighbor_cells(1:ub_max))
    2192      866670 :             DO i = 1, ub - 1
    2193      866670 :                x_data%neighbor_cells(i) = tmp_neighbor_cells(i)
    2194             :             END DO
    2195     3061266 :             DO i = ub, ub_max
    2196    12134536 :                x_data%neighbor_cells(i)%cell = 0.0_dp
    2197    12162168 :                x_data%neighbor_cells(i)%cell_r = 0.0_dp
    2198             :             END DO
    2199             : 
    2200       27632 :             DEALLOCATE (tmp_neighbor_cells)
    2201             : 
    2202      110528 :             perd(1:3) = x_data%periodic_parameter%perd(1:3)
    2203             : 
    2204      140416 :             DO ishell = -max_shell*perd(1), max_shell*perd(1)
    2205      754412 :             DO jshell = -max_shell*perd(2), max_shell*perd(2)
    2206     4483124 :             DO kshell = -max_shell*perd(3), max_shell*perd(3)
    2207     3756344 :                IF (MAX(ABS(ishell), ABS(jshell), ABS(kshell)) /= max_shell) CYCLE
    2208             :                idx = 0
    2209     7538070 :                DO j = 0, 1
    2210     5025380 :                   x = -1.0_dp/2.0_dp + j*1.0_dp
    2211    17588830 :                   DO k = 0, 1
    2212    10050760 :                      y = -1.0_dp/2.0_dp + k*1.0_dp
    2213    35177660 :                      DO l = 0, 1
    2214    20101520 :                         z = -1.0_dp/2.0_dp + l*1.0_dp
    2215    20101520 :                         idx = idx + 1
    2216    20101520 :                         P(1, idx) = x + ishell
    2217    20101520 :                         P(2, idx) = y + jshell
    2218    20101520 :                         P(3, idx) = z + kshell
    2219    20101520 :                         CALL scaled_to_real(r, P(:, idx), cell)
    2220    80406080 :                         distance(idx) = SQRT(SUM(r**2))
    2221    90456840 :                         P(1:3, idx) = r
    2222             :                      END DO
    2223             :                   END DO
    2224             :                END DO
    2225             :                ! Now check distance to Faces and only take them into account if the base point lies within quadrilateral
    2226             : 
    2227             :                ! Face A (1342) 1 is the reference
    2228     2512690 :                idx = idx + 1
    2229    10050760 :                plane_vector(:, 1) = P(:, 3) - P(:, 1)
    2230    10050760 :                plane_vector(:, 2) = P(:, 2) - P(:, 1)
    2231     2512690 :                cross_product(1) = plane_vector(2, 1)*plane_vector(3, 2) - plane_vector(3, 1)*plane_vector(2, 2)
    2232     2512690 :                cross_product(2) = plane_vector(3, 1)*plane_vector(1, 2) - plane_vector(1, 1)*plane_vector(3, 2)
    2233     2512690 :                cross_product(3) = plane_vector(1, 1)*plane_vector(2, 2) - plane_vector(2, 1)*plane_vector(1, 2)
    2234    17588830 :                normal(:, 1) = cross_product/SQRT(SUM(cross_product**2))
    2235    10050760 :                point_in_plane = -normal(:, 1)*(normal(1, 1)*P(1, 1) + normal(2, 1)*P(2, 1) + normal(3, 1)*P(3, 1))
    2236             : 
    2237     2512690 :                IF (point_is_in_quadrilateral(P(:, 1), P(:, 3), P(:, 4), P(:, 2), point_in_plane)) THEN
    2238       49282 :                   distance(idx) = ABS(normal(1, 1)*P(1, 1) + normal(2, 1)*P(2, 1) + normal(3, 1)*P(3, 1))
    2239             :                ELSE
    2240     2463408 :                   distance(idx) = HUGE(distance(idx))
    2241             :                END IF
    2242             : 
    2243             :                ! Face B (1562) 1 is the reference
    2244     2512690 :                idx = idx + 1
    2245    10050760 :                plane_vector(:, 1) = P(:, 2) - P(:, 1)
    2246    10050760 :                plane_vector(:, 2) = P(:, 5) - P(:, 1)
    2247     2512690 :                cross_product(1) = plane_vector(2, 1)*plane_vector(3, 2) - plane_vector(3, 1)*plane_vector(2, 2)
    2248     2512690 :                cross_product(2) = plane_vector(3, 1)*plane_vector(1, 2) - plane_vector(1, 1)*plane_vector(3, 2)
    2249     2512690 :                cross_product(3) = plane_vector(1, 1)*plane_vector(2, 2) - plane_vector(2, 1)*plane_vector(1, 2)
    2250    17588830 :                normal(:, 1) = cross_product/SQRT(SUM(cross_product**2))
    2251    10050760 :                point_in_plane = -normal(:, 1)*(normal(1, 1)*P(1, 1) + normal(2, 1)*P(2, 1) + normal(3, 1)*P(3, 1))
    2252             : 
    2253     2512690 :                IF (point_is_in_quadrilateral(P(:, 1), P(:, 5), P(:, 6), P(:, 2), point_in_plane)) THEN
    2254       49458 :                   distance(idx) = ABS(normal(1, 1)*P(1, 1) + normal(2, 1)*P(2, 1) + normal(3, 1)*P(3, 1))
    2255             :                ELSE
    2256     2463232 :                   distance(idx) = HUGE(distance(idx))
    2257             :                END IF
    2258             : 
    2259             :                ! Face C (5786) 5 is the reference
    2260     2512690 :                idx = idx + 1
    2261    10050760 :                plane_vector(:, 1) = P(:, 7) - P(:, 5)
    2262    10050760 :                plane_vector(:, 2) = P(:, 6) - P(:, 5)
    2263     2512690 :                cross_product(1) = plane_vector(2, 1)*plane_vector(3, 2) - plane_vector(3, 1)*plane_vector(2, 2)
    2264     2512690 :                cross_product(2) = plane_vector(3, 1)*plane_vector(1, 2) - plane_vector(1, 1)*plane_vector(3, 2)
    2265     2512690 :                cross_product(3) = plane_vector(1, 1)*plane_vector(2, 2) - plane_vector(2, 1)*plane_vector(1, 2)
    2266    17588830 :                normal(:, 1) = cross_product/SQRT(SUM(cross_product**2))
    2267    10050760 :                point_in_plane = -normal(:, 1)*(normal(1, 1)*P(1, 5) + normal(2, 1)*P(2, 5) + normal(3, 1)*P(3, 5))
    2268             : 
    2269     2512690 :                IF (point_is_in_quadrilateral(P(:, 5), P(:, 7), P(:, 8), P(:, 6), point_in_plane)) THEN
    2270       49282 :                   distance(idx) = ABS(normal(1, 1)*P(1, 5) + normal(2, 1)*P(2, 5) + normal(3, 1)*P(3, 5))
    2271             :                ELSE
    2272     2463408 :                   distance(idx) = HUGE(distance(idx))
    2273             :                END IF
    2274             : 
    2275             :                ! Face D (3784) 3 is the reference
    2276     2512690 :                idx = idx + 1
    2277    10050760 :                plane_vector(:, 1) = P(:, 7) - P(:, 3)
    2278    10050760 :                plane_vector(:, 2) = P(:, 4) - P(:, 3)
    2279     2512690 :                cross_product(1) = plane_vector(2, 1)*plane_vector(3, 2) - plane_vector(3, 1)*plane_vector(2, 2)
    2280     2512690 :                cross_product(2) = plane_vector(3, 1)*plane_vector(1, 2) - plane_vector(1, 1)*plane_vector(3, 2)
    2281     2512690 :                cross_product(3) = plane_vector(1, 1)*plane_vector(2, 2) - plane_vector(2, 1)*plane_vector(1, 2)
    2282    17588830 :                normal(:, 1) = cross_product/SQRT(SUM(cross_product**2))
    2283    10050760 :                point_in_plane = -normal(:, 1)*(normal(1, 1)*P(1, 3) + normal(2, 1)*P(2, 3) + normal(3, 1)*P(3, 3))
    2284             : 
    2285     2512690 :                IF (point_is_in_quadrilateral(P(:, 3), P(:, 7), P(:, 8), P(:, 4), point_in_plane)) THEN
    2286       49458 :                   distance(idx) = ABS(normal(1, 1)*P(1, 3) + normal(2, 1)*P(2, 3) + normal(3, 1)*P(3, 3))
    2287             :                ELSE
    2288     2463232 :                   distance(idx) = HUGE(distance(idx))
    2289             :                END IF
    2290             : 
    2291             :                ! Face E (2684) 2 is the reference
    2292     2512690 :                idx = idx + 1
    2293    10050760 :                plane_vector(:, 1) = P(:, 6) - P(:, 2)
    2294    10050760 :                plane_vector(:, 2) = P(:, 4) - P(:, 2)
    2295     2512690 :                cross_product(1) = plane_vector(2, 1)*plane_vector(3, 2) - plane_vector(3, 1)*plane_vector(2, 2)
    2296     2512690 :                cross_product(2) = plane_vector(3, 1)*plane_vector(1, 2) - plane_vector(1, 1)*plane_vector(3, 2)
    2297     2512690 :                cross_product(3) = plane_vector(1, 1)*plane_vector(2, 2) - plane_vector(2, 1)*plane_vector(1, 2)
    2298    17588830 :                normal(:, 1) = cross_product/SQRT(SUM(cross_product**2))
    2299    10050760 :                point_in_plane = -normal(:, 1)*(normal(1, 1)*P(1, 2) + normal(2, 1)*P(2, 2) + normal(3, 1)*P(3, 2))
    2300             : 
    2301     2512690 :                IF (point_is_in_quadrilateral(P(:, 2), P(:, 6), P(:, 8), P(:, 4), point_in_plane)) THEN
    2302       49262 :                   distance(idx) = ABS(normal(1, 1)*P(1, 2) + normal(2, 1)*P(2, 2) + normal(3, 1)*P(3, 2))
    2303             :                ELSE
    2304     2463428 :                   distance(idx) = HUGE(distance(idx))
    2305             :                END IF
    2306             : 
    2307             :                ! Face F (1573) 1 is the reference
    2308     2512690 :                idx = idx + 1
    2309    10050760 :                plane_vector(:, 1) = P(:, 5) - P(:, 1)
    2310    10050760 :                plane_vector(:, 2) = P(:, 3) - P(:, 1)
    2311     2512690 :                cross_product(1) = plane_vector(2, 1)*plane_vector(3, 2) - plane_vector(3, 1)*plane_vector(2, 2)
    2312     2512690 :                cross_product(2) = plane_vector(3, 1)*plane_vector(1, 2) - plane_vector(1, 1)*plane_vector(3, 2)
    2313     2512690 :                cross_product(3) = plane_vector(1, 1)*plane_vector(2, 2) - plane_vector(2, 1)*plane_vector(1, 2)
    2314    17588830 :                normal(:, 1) = cross_product/SQRT(SUM(cross_product**2))
    2315    10050760 :                point_in_plane = -normal(:, 1)*(normal(1, 1)*P(1, 1) + normal(2, 1)*P(2, 1) + normal(3, 1)*P(3, 1))
    2316             : 
    2317     2512690 :                IF (point_is_in_quadrilateral(P(:, 1), P(:, 5), P(:, 7), P(:, 3), point_in_plane)) THEN
    2318       49262 :                   distance(idx) = ABS(normal(1, 1)*P(1, 1) + normal(2, 1)*P(2, 1) + normal(3, 1)*P(3, 1))
    2319             :                ELSE
    2320     2463428 :                   distance(idx) = HUGE(distance(idx))
    2321             :                END IF
    2322             : 
    2323    40203040 :                dist_min = MINVAL(distance)
    2324     2512690 :                IF (max_shell == 0) THEN
    2325        6810 :                   image_cell_found = .TRUE.
    2326             :                END IF
    2327     3126686 :                IF (dist_min < R_max) THEN
    2328      574130 :                   total_number_of_cells = total_number_of_cells + 1
    2329     2296520 :                   x_data%neighbor_cells(ub)%cell = REAL((/ishell, jshell, kshell/), dp)
    2330      574130 :                   ub = ub + 1
    2331      574130 :                   image_cell_found = .TRUE.
    2332             :                END IF
    2333             : 
    2334             :             END DO
    2335             :             END DO
    2336             :             END DO
    2337       34442 :             IF (image_cell_found) THEN
    2338       20822 :                max_shell = max_shell + 1
    2339             :             ELSE
    2340             :                nothing_more_to_add = .TRUE.
    2341             :             END IF
    2342             :          END DO
    2343             :          ! now remove what is not needed
    2344      635420 :          ALLOCATE (tmp_neighbor_cells(total_number_of_cells))
    2345      580940 :          DO i = 1, ub - 1
    2346      580940 :             tmp_neighbor_cells(i) = x_data%neighbor_cells(i)
    2347             :          END DO
    2348        6810 :          DEALLOCATE (x_data%neighbor_cells)
    2349             :          ! If we only need the supercell, total_number_of_cells is still 0, repair
    2350        6810 :          IF (total_number_of_cells == 0) THEN
    2351           0 :             total_number_of_cells = 1
    2352           0 :             ALLOCATE (x_data%neighbor_cells(total_number_of_cells))
    2353           0 :             DO i = 1, total_number_of_cells
    2354           0 :                x_data%neighbor_cells(i)%cell = 0.0_dp
    2355           0 :                x_data%neighbor_cells(i)%cell_r = 0.0_dp
    2356             :             END DO
    2357             :          ELSE
    2358      628610 :             ALLOCATE (x_data%neighbor_cells(total_number_of_cells))
    2359      580940 :             DO i = 1, total_number_of_cells
    2360      580940 :                x_data%neighbor_cells(i) = tmp_neighbor_cells(i)
    2361             :             END DO
    2362             :          END IF
    2363        6810 :          DEALLOCATE (tmp_neighbor_cells)
    2364             : 
    2365        6810 :          IF (x_data%periodic_parameter%number_of_shells == do_hfx_auto_shells) THEN
    2366             :             ! Do nothing
    2367             :          ELSE
    2368          60 :             total_number_of_cells = 0
    2369         206 :             DO i = 0, x_data%periodic_parameter%number_of_shells
    2370         206 :                total_number_of_cells = total_number_of_cells + count_cells_perd(i, x_data%periodic_parameter%perd)
    2371             :             END DO
    2372          60 :             IF (total_number_of_cells < SIZE(x_data%neighbor_cells)) THEN
    2373          60 :                IF (i_thread == 1) THEN
    2374           4 :                   WRITE (char_nshells, '(I3)') SIZE(x_data%neighbor_cells)
    2375             :                   WRITE (error_msg, '(A,A,A)') "Periodic Hartree Fock calculation requested with use "// &
    2376             :                      "of a truncated potential. The number of shells to be considered "// &
    2377             :                      "might be too small. CP2K conservatively estimates to need "//TRIM(char_nshells)//" periodic images "// &
    2378           4 :                      "Please carefully check if you get converged results."
    2379           4 :                   CPWARN(error_msg)
    2380             :                END IF
    2381             :             END IF
    2382          60 :             total_number_of_cells = 0
    2383         206 :             DO i = 0, x_data%periodic_parameter%number_of_shells
    2384         206 :                total_number_of_cells = total_number_of_cells + count_cells_perd(i, x_data%periodic_parameter%perd)
    2385             :             END DO
    2386          60 :             DEALLOCATE (x_data%neighbor_cells)
    2387             : 
    2388        1272 :             ALLOCATE (x_data%neighbor_cells(total_number_of_cells))
    2389          60 :             m = 0
    2390          60 :             i = 1
    2391        3168 :             DO WHILE (SUM(m**2) <= x_data%periodic_parameter%number_of_shells)
    2392        2928 :                x_data%neighbor_cells(i)%cell = REAL(m, dp)
    2393         732 :                CALL next_image_cell_perd(m, x_data%periodic_parameter%perd)
    2394         732 :                i = i + 1
    2395             :             END DO
    2396             :          END IF
    2397             :       CASE DEFAULT
    2398        2285 :          total_number_of_cells = 0
    2399        2285 :          IF (pbc_shells == -1) pbc_shells = 0
    2400        4570 :          DO i = 0, pbc_shells
    2401        4570 :             total_number_of_cells = total_number_of_cells + count_cells_perd(i, x_data%periodic_parameter%perd)
    2402             :          END DO
    2403        2285 :          DEALLOCATE (x_data%neighbor_cells)
    2404             : 
    2405       22850 :          ALLOCATE (x_data%neighbor_cells(total_number_of_cells))
    2406             : 
    2407        2285 :          m = 0
    2408        2285 :          i = 1
    2409       27375 :          DO WHILE (SUM(m**2) <= pbc_shells)
    2410        9140 :             x_data%neighbor_cells(i)%cell = REAL(m, dp)
    2411        2285 :             CALL next_image_cell_perd(m, x_data%periodic_parameter%perd)
    2412        4570 :             i = i + 1
    2413             :          END DO
    2414             :       END SELECT
    2415             : 
    2416             :       ! ** Transform into real coord
    2417      581382 :       DO i = 1, SIZE(x_data%neighbor_cells)
    2418             :          r = 0.0_dp
    2419     2289148 :          x_data%neighbor_cells(i)%cell_r(:) = 0.0_dp
    2420     2289148 :          s = x_data%neighbor_cells(i)%cell(:)
    2421      581382 :          CALL scaled_to_real(x_data%neighbor_cells(i)%cell_r, s, cell)
    2422             :       END DO
    2423        9095 :       x_data%periodic_parameter%number_of_shells = pbc_shells
    2424             : 
    2425        9095 :       R_max_stress = 0.0_dp
    2426      581382 :       DO i = 1, SIZE(x_data%neighbor_cells)
    2427     2870530 :          R_max_stress = MAX(R_max_stress, MAXVAL(ABS(x_data%neighbor_cells(i)%cell_r(:))))
    2428             :       END DO
    2429      118235 :       R_max_stress = R_max_stress + ABS(MAXVAL(cell%hmat(:, :)))
    2430        9095 :       x_data%periodic_parameter%R_max_stress = R_max_stress
    2431             : 
    2432        9095 :    END SUBROUTINE hfx_create_neighbor_cells
    2433             : 
    2434             :    ! performs a fuzzy check of being in a quadrilateral
    2435             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    2436             : !> \brief ...
    2437             : !> \param A ...
    2438             : !> \param B ...
    2439             : !> \param C ...
    2440             : !> \param D ...
    2441             : !> \param P ...
    2442             : !> \return ...
    2443             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    2444    15076140 :    FUNCTION point_is_in_quadrilateral(A, B, C, D, P)
    2445             :       REAL(dp)                                           :: A(3), B(3), C(3), D(3), P(3)
    2446             :       LOGICAL                                            :: point_is_in_quadrilateral
    2447             : 
    2448             :       REAL(dp), PARAMETER :: fuzzy = 1000.0_dp*EPSILON(1.0_dp)
    2449             : 
    2450             :       REAL(dp)                                           :: dot00, dot01, dot02, dot11, dot12, &
    2451             :                                                             invDenom, u, v, v0(3), v1(3), v2(3)
    2452             : 
    2453    15076140 :       point_is_in_quadrilateral = .FALSE.
    2454             : 
    2455             :       ! ** Check for both triangles ABC and ACD
    2456             :       ! **
    2457             :       ! **     D -------------- C
    2458             :       ! **    /                /
    2459             :       ! **   /                /
    2460             :       ! **  A----------------B
    2461             :       ! **
    2462             :       ! **
    2463             :       ! **
    2464             : 
    2465             :       ! ** ABC
    2466             : 
    2467    60304560 :       v0 = D - A
    2468    60304560 :       v1 = C - A
    2469    60304560 :       v2 = P - A
    2470             : 
    2471             :       ! ** Compute dot products
    2472    60304560 :       dot00 = DOT_PRODUCT(v0, v0)
    2473    60304560 :       dot01 = DOT_PRODUCT(v0, v1)
    2474    60304560 :       dot02 = DOT_PRODUCT(v0, v2)
    2475    60304560 :       dot11 = DOT_PRODUCT(v1, v1)
    2476    60304560 :       dot12 = DOT_PRODUCT(v1, v2)
    2477             : 
    2478             :       ! ** Compute barycentric coordinates
    2479    15076140 :       invDenom = 1/(dot00*dot11 - dot01*dot01)
    2480    15076140 :       u = (dot11*dot02 - dot01*dot12)*invDenom
    2481    15076140 :       v = (dot00*dot12 - dot01*dot02)*invDenom
    2482             :       ! ** Check if point is in triangle
    2483    15076140 :       IF ((u >= 0 - fuzzy) .AND. (v >= 0 - fuzzy) .AND. (u + v <= 1 + fuzzy)) THEN
    2484    15076140 :          point_is_in_quadrilateral = .TRUE.
    2485             :          RETURN
    2486             :       END IF
    2487    59141088 :       v0 = C - A
    2488    59141088 :       v1 = B - A
    2489    59141088 :       v2 = P - A
    2490             : 
    2491             :       ! ** Compute dot products
    2492    59141088 :       dot00 = DOT_PRODUCT(v0, v0)
    2493    59141088 :       dot01 = DOT_PRODUCT(v0, v1)
    2494    59141088 :       dot02 = DOT_PRODUCT(v0, v2)
    2495    59141088 :       dot11 = DOT_PRODUCT(v1, v1)
    2496    59141088 :       dot12 = DOT_PRODUCT(v1, v2)
    2497             : 
    2498             :       ! ** Compute barycentric coordinates
    2499    14785272 :       invDenom = 1/(dot00*dot11 - dot01*dot01)
    2500    14785272 :       u = (dot11*dot02 - dot01*dot12)*invDenom
    2501    14785272 :       v = (dot00*dot12 - dot01*dot02)*invDenom
    2502             : 
    2503             :       ! ** Check if point is in triangle
    2504    14785272 :       IF ((u >= 0 - fuzzy) .AND. (v >= 0 - fuzzy) .AND. (u + v <= 1 + fuzzy)) THEN
    2505        5136 :          point_is_in_quadrilateral = .TRUE.
    2506        5136 :          RETURN
    2507             :       END IF
    2508             : 
    2509             :    END FUNCTION point_is_in_quadrilateral
    2510             : 
    2511             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    2512             : !> \brief - This routine deletes all list entries in a container in order to
    2513             : !>        deallocate the memory.
    2514             : !> \param container container that contains the compressed elements
    2515             : !> \param memory_usage ...
    2516             : !> \param do_disk_storage ...
    2517             : !> \par History
    2518             : !>      10.2007 created [Manuel Guidon]
    2519             : !> \author Manuel Guidon
    2520             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    2521     3521820 :    SUBROUTINE hfx_init_container(container, memory_usage, do_disk_storage)
    2522             :       TYPE(hfx_container_type)                           :: container
    2523             :       INTEGER                                            :: memory_usage
    2524             :       LOGICAL                                            :: do_disk_storage
    2525             : 
    2526             :       TYPE(hfx_container_node), POINTER                  :: current, next
    2527             : 
    2528             : !! DEALLOCATE memory
    2529             : 
    2530     3521820 :       current => container%first
    2531     7176098 :       DO WHILE (ASSOCIATED(current))
    2532     3654278 :          next => current%next
    2533     3654278 :          DEALLOCATE (current)
    2534     3654278 :          current => next
    2535             :       END DO
    2536             : 
    2537             :       !! Allocate first list entry, init members
    2538  3613387320 :       ALLOCATE (container%first)
    2539             :       container%first%prev => NULL()
    2540             :       container%first%next => NULL()
    2541     3521820 :       container%current => container%first
    2542  3609865500 :       container%current%data = 0
    2543     3521820 :       container%element_counter = 1
    2544     3521820 :       memory_usage = 1
    2545             : 
    2546     3521820 :       IF (do_disk_storage) THEN
    2547             :          !! close the file, if this is no the first time
    2548         390 :          IF (container%unit /= -1) THEN
    2549           0 :             CALL close_file(unit_number=container%unit)
    2550             :          END IF
    2551             :          CALL open_file(file_name=TRIM(container%filename), file_status="UNKNOWN", file_form="UNFORMATTED", file_action="WRITE", &
    2552         390 :                         unit_number=container%unit)
    2553             :       END IF
    2554             : 
    2555     3521820 :    END SUBROUTINE hfx_init_container
    2556             : 
    2557             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    2558             : !> \brief - This routine stores the data obtained from the load balance routine
    2559             : !>        for the energy
    2560             : !> \param ptr_to_distr contains data to store
    2561             : !> \param x_data contains all relevant data structures for hfx runs
    2562             : !> \par History
    2563             : !>      09.2007 created [Manuel Guidon]
    2564             : !> \author Manuel Guidon
    2565             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    2566        2060 :    SUBROUTINE hfx_set_distr_energy(ptr_to_distr, x_data)
    2567             :       TYPE(hfx_distribution), DIMENSION(:), POINTER      :: ptr_to_distr
    2568             :       TYPE(hfx_type), POINTER                            :: x_data
    2569             : 
    2570        2060 :       DEALLOCATE (x_data%distribution_energy)
    2571             : 
    2572      137894 :       ALLOCATE (x_data%distribution_energy(SIZE(ptr_to_distr)))
    2573      267548 :       x_data%distribution_energy = ptr_to_distr
    2574             : 
    2575        2060 :    END SUBROUTINE hfx_set_distr_energy
    2576             : 
    2577             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    2578             : !> \brief - This routine stores the data obtained from the load balance routine
    2579             : !>        for the forces
    2580             : !> \param ptr_to_distr contains data to store
    2581             : !> \param x_data contains all relevant data structures for hfx runs
    2582             : !> \par History
    2583             : !>      09.2007 created [Manuel Guidon]
    2584             : !> \author Manuel Guidon
    2585             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    2586        1330 :    SUBROUTINE hfx_set_distr_forces(ptr_to_distr, x_data)
    2587             :       TYPE(hfx_distribution), DIMENSION(:), POINTER      :: ptr_to_distr
    2588             :       TYPE(hfx_type), POINTER                            :: x_data
    2589             : 
    2590        1330 :       DEALLOCATE (x_data%distribution_forces)
    2591             : 
    2592       89104 :       ALLOCATE (x_data%distribution_forces(SIZE(ptr_to_distr)))
    2593      172900 :       x_data%distribution_forces = ptr_to_distr
    2594             : 
    2595        1330 :    END SUBROUTINE hfx_set_distr_forces
    2596             : 
    2597             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    2598             : !> \brief - resets the maximum memory usage for a HFX calculation subtracting
    2599             : !>          all relevant buffers from the input MAX_MEM value and add 10% of
    2600             : !>          safety margin
    2601             : !> \param memory_parameter Memory information
    2602             : !> \param subtr_size_mb size of buffers in MiB
    2603             : !> \par History
    2604             : !>      02.2009 created [Manuel Guidon]
    2605             : !> \author Manuel Guidon
    2606             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    2607       33243 :    SUBROUTINE hfx_reset_memory_usage_counter(memory_parameter, subtr_size_mb)
    2608             : 
    2609             :       TYPE(hfx_memory_type)                              :: memory_parameter
    2610             :       INTEGER(int_8), INTENT(IN)                         :: subtr_size_mb
    2611             : 
    2612             :       INTEGER(int_8)                                     :: max_memory
    2613             : 
    2614       33243 :       max_memory = memory_parameter%max_memory
    2615       33243 :       max_memory = max_memory - subtr_size_mb
    2616       33243 :       IF (max_memory <= 0) THEN
    2617          30 :          memory_parameter%do_all_on_the_fly = .TRUE.
    2618          30 :          memory_parameter%max_compression_counter = 0
    2619             :       ELSE
    2620       33213 :          memory_parameter%do_all_on_the_fly = .FALSE.
    2621       33213 :          memory_parameter%max_compression_counter = max_memory*1024_int_8*128_int_8
    2622             :       END IF
    2623       33243 :    END SUBROUTINE hfx_reset_memory_usage_counter
    2624             : 
    2625             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    2626             : !> \brief - This routine prints some information on HFX
    2627             : !> \param x_data contains all relevant data structures for hfx runs
    2628             : !> \param hfx_section HFX input section
    2629             : !> \par History
    2630             : !>      03.2008 created [Manuel Guidon]
    2631             : !> \author Manuel Guidon
    2632             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    2633        1188 :    SUBROUTINE hfx_print_std_info(x_data, hfx_section)
    2634             :       TYPE(hfx_type), POINTER                            :: x_data
    2635             :       TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: hfx_section
    2636             : 
    2637             :       INTEGER                                            :: iw
    2638             :       TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER                      :: logger
    2639             : 
    2640        1188 :       NULLIFY (logger)
    2641        1188 :       logger => cp_get_default_logger()
    2642             : 
    2643             :       iw = cp_print_key_unit_nr(logger, hfx_section, "HF_INFO", &
    2644        1188 :                                 extension=".scfLog")
    2645             : 
    2646        1188 :       IF (iw > 0) THEN
    2647             :          WRITE (UNIT=iw, FMT="((T3,A,T73,ES8.1))") &
    2648         306 :             "HFX_INFO| EPS_SCHWARZ:     ", x_data%screening_parameter%eps_schwarz
    2649             :          WRITE (UNIT=iw, FMT="((T3,A,T73,ES8.1))") &
    2650         306 :             "HFX_INFO| EPS_SCHWARZ_FORCES     ", x_data%screening_parameter%eps_schwarz_forces
    2651             :          WRITE (UNIT=iw, FMT="((T3,A,T73,ES8.1))") &
    2652         306 :             "HFX_INFO| EPS_STORAGE_SCALING:     ", x_data%memory_parameter%eps_storage_scaling
    2653             :          WRITE (UNIT=iw, FMT="((T3,A,T61,I20))") &
    2654         306 :             "HFX_INFO| NBINS:     ", x_data%load_balance_parameter%nbins
    2655             :          WRITE (UNIT=iw, FMT="((T3,A,T61,I20))") &
    2656         306 :             "HFX_INFO| BLOCK_SIZE:     ", x_data%load_balance_parameter%block_size
    2657         306 :          IF (x_data%periodic_parameter%do_periodic) THEN
    2658          93 :             IF (x_data%periodic_parameter%mode == -1) THEN
    2659             :                WRITE (UNIT=iw, FMT="((T3,A,T77,A))") &
    2660          91 :                   "HFX_INFO| NUMBER_OF_SHELLS:     ", "AUTO"
    2661             :             ELSE
    2662             :                WRITE (UNIT=iw, FMT="((T3,A,T61,I20))") &
    2663           2 :                   "HFX_INFO| NUMBER_OF_SHELLS:     ", x_data%periodic_parameter%mode
    2664             :             END IF
    2665             :             WRITE (UNIT=iw, FMT="((T3,A,T61,I20))") &
    2666          93 :                "HFX_INFO| Number of periodic shells considered:     ", x_data%periodic_parameter%number_of_shells
    2667             :             WRITE (UNIT=iw, FMT="((T3,A,T61,I20),/)") &
    2668          93 :                "HFX_INFO| Number of periodic cells considered:     ", SIZE(x_data%neighbor_cells)
    2669             :          ELSE
    2670             :             WRITE (UNIT=iw, FMT="((T3,A,T77,A))") &
    2671         213 :                "HFX_INFO| Number of periodic shells considered:     ", "NONE"
    2672             :             WRITE (UNIT=iw, FMT="((T3,A,T77,A),/)") &
    2673         213 :                "HFX_INFO| Number of periodic cells considered:     ", "NONE"
    2674             :          END IF
    2675             :       END IF
    2676        1188 :    END SUBROUTINE hfx_print_std_info
    2677             : 
    2678             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    2679             : !> \brief ...
    2680             : !> \param ri_data ...
    2681             : !> \param hfx_section ...
    2682             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    2683         100 :    SUBROUTINE hfx_print_ri_info(ri_data, hfx_section)
    2684             :       TYPE(hfx_ri_type), POINTER                         :: ri_data
    2685             :       TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: hfx_section
    2686             : 
    2687             :       INTEGER                                            :: iw
    2688             :       REAL(dp)                                           :: rc_ang
    2689             :       TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER                      :: logger
    2690             :       TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: ri_section
    2691             : 
    2692         100 :       NULLIFY (logger, ri_section)
    2693         100 :       logger => cp_get_default_logger()
    2694             : 
    2695         100 :       ri_section => ri_data%ri_section
    2696             : 
    2697             :       iw = cp_print_key_unit_nr(logger, hfx_section, "HF_INFO", &
    2698         100 :                                 extension=".scfLog")
    2699             : 
    2700         100 :       IF (iw > 0) THEN
    2701             : 
    2702             :          ASSOCIATE (ri_metric => ri_data%ri_metric, hfx_pot => ri_data%hfx_pot)
    2703          55 :             SELECT CASE (ri_metric%potential_type)
    2704             :             CASE (do_potential_coulomb)
    2705             :                WRITE (UNIT=iw, FMT="(/T3,A,T74,A)") &
    2706          11 :                   "HFX_RI_INFO| RI metric: ", "COULOMB"
    2707             :             CASE (do_potential_short)
    2708             :                WRITE (UNIT=iw, FMT="(T3,A,T71,A)") &
    2709           1 :                   "HFX_RI_INFO| RI metric: ", "SHORTRANGE"
    2710             :                WRITE (iw, '(T3,A,T61,F20.10)') &
    2711           1 :                   "HFX_RI_INFO| Omega:     ", ri_metric%omega
    2712           1 :                rc_ang = cp_unit_from_cp2k(ri_metric%cutoff_radius, "angstrom")
    2713             :                WRITE (iw, '(T3,A,T61,F20.10)') &
    2714           1 :                   "HFX_RI_INFO| Cutoff Radius [angstrom]:     ", rc_ang
    2715             :             CASE (do_potential_long)
    2716             :                WRITE (UNIT=iw, FMT="(T3,A,T72,A)") &
    2717           0 :                   "HFX_RI_INFO| RI metric: ", "LONGRANGE"
    2718             :                WRITE (iw, '(T3,A,T61,F20.10)') &
    2719           0 :                   "HFX_RI_INFO| Omega:     ", ri_metric%omega
    2720             :             CASE (do_potential_id)
    2721             :                WRITE (UNIT=iw, FMT="(T3,A,T73,A)") &
    2722          27 :                   "HFX_RI_INFO| RI metric: ", "OVERLAP"
    2723             :             CASE (do_potential_truncated)
    2724             :                WRITE (UNIT=iw, FMT="(T3,A,T72,A)") &
    2725           5 :                   "HFX_RI_INFO| RI metric: ", "TRUNCATED COULOMB"
    2726           5 :                rc_ang = cp_unit_from_cp2k(ri_metric%cutoff_radius, "angstrom")
    2727             :                WRITE (iw, '(T3,A,T61,F20.10)') &
    2728          49 :                   "HFX_RI_INFO| Cutoff Radius [angstrom]:     ", rc_ang
    2729             :             END SELECT
    2730             : 
    2731             :          END ASSOCIATE
    2732          47 :          SELECT CASE (ri_data%flavor)
    2733             :          CASE (ri_mo)
    2734             :             WRITE (UNIT=iw, FMT="(T3, A, T79, A)") &
    2735           3 :                "HFX_RI_INFO| RI flavor: ", "MO"
    2736             :          CASE (ri_pmat)
    2737             :             WRITE (UNIT=iw, FMT="(T3, A, T78, A)") &
    2738          44 :                "HFX_RI_INFO| RI flavor: ", "RHO"
    2739             :          END SELECT
    2740          44 :          SELECT CASE (ri_data%t2c_method)
    2741             :          CASE (hfx_ri_do_2c_iter)
    2742             :             WRITE (UNIT=iw, FMT="(T3, A, T69, A)") &
    2743           0 :                "HFX_RI_INFO| Matrix SQRT/INV", "DBCSR / iter"
    2744             :          CASE (hfx_ri_do_2c_diag)
    2745             :             WRITE (UNIT=iw, FMT="(T3, A, T65, A)") &
    2746          44 :                "HFX_RI_INFO| Matrix SQRT/INV", "Dense / diag"
    2747             :          END SELECT
    2748             :          WRITE (UNIT=iw, FMT="(T3, A, T73, ES8.1)") &
    2749          44 :             "HFX_RI_INFO| EPS_FILTER", ri_data%filter_eps
    2750             :          WRITE (UNIT=iw, FMT="(T3, A, T73, ES8.1)") &
    2751          44 :             "HFX_RI_INFO| EPS_FILTER 2-center", ri_data%filter_eps_2c
    2752             :          WRITE (UNIT=iw, FMT="(T3, A, T73, ES8.1)") &
    2753          44 :             "HFX_RI_INFO| EPS_FILTER storage", ri_data%filter_eps_storage
    2754             :          WRITE (UNIT=iw, FMT="(T3, A, T73, ES8.1)") &
    2755          44 :             "HFX_RI_INFO| EPS_FILTER MO", ri_data%filter_eps_mo
    2756             :          WRITE (UNIT=iw, FMT="(T3, A, T73, ES8.1)") &
    2757          44 :             "HFX_RI_INFO| EPS_PGF_ORB", ri_data%eps_pgf_orb
    2758             :          WRITE (UNIT=iw, FMT="((T3, A, T73, ES8.1))") &
    2759          44 :             "HFX_RI_INFO| EPS_SCHWARZ:     ", ri_data%eps_schwarz
    2760             :          WRITE (UNIT=iw, FMT="((T3, A, T73, ES8.1))") &
    2761          44 :             "HFX_RI_INFO| EPS_SCHWARZ_FORCES:     ", ri_data%eps_schwarz_forces
    2762             :          WRITE (UNIT=iw, FMT="(T3, A, T78, I3)") &
    2763          44 :             "HFX_RI_INFO| Minimum block size", ri_data%min_bsize
    2764             :          WRITE (UNIT=iw, FMT="(T3, A, T78, I3)") &
    2765          44 :             "HFX_RI_INFO| MO block size", ri_data%max_bsize_MO
    2766             :          WRITE (UNIT=iw, FMT="(T3, A, T79, I2)") &
    2767          44 :             "HFX_RI_INFO| Memory reduction factor", ri_data%n_mem_input
    2768             :       END IF
    2769             : 
    2770         100 :    END SUBROUTINE
    2771             : 
    2772             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    2773             : !> \brief ...
    2774             : !> \param x_data ...
    2775             : !> \param hfx_section ...
    2776             : !> \param i_rep ...
    2777             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    2778        1288 :    SUBROUTINE hfx_print_info(x_data, hfx_section, i_rep)
    2779             :       TYPE(hfx_type), POINTER                            :: x_data
    2780             :       TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: hfx_section
    2781             :       INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: i_rep
    2782             : 
    2783             :       INTEGER                                            :: iw
    2784             :       REAL(dp)                                           :: rc_ang
    2785             :       TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER                      :: logger
    2786             : 
    2787        1288 :       NULLIFY (logger)
    2788        1288 :       logger => cp_get_default_logger()
    2789             : 
    2790             :       iw = cp_print_key_unit_nr(logger, hfx_section, "HF_INFO", &
    2791        1288 :                                 extension=".scfLog")
    2792             : 
    2793        1288 :       IF (iw > 0) THEN
    2794             :          WRITE (UNIT=iw, FMT="(/,(T3,A,T61,I20))") &
    2795         350 :             "HFX_INFO| Replica ID:     ", i_rep
    2796             : 
    2797             :          WRITE (iw, '(T3,A,T61,F20.10)') &
    2798         350 :             "HFX_INFO| FRACTION:     ", x_data%general_parameter%fraction
    2799         566 :          SELECT CASE (x_data%potential_parameter%potential_type)
    2800             :          CASE (do_potential_coulomb)
    2801             :             WRITE (UNIT=iw, FMT="((T3,A,T74,A))") &
    2802         216 :                "HFX_INFO| Interaction Potential:     ", "COULOMB"
    2803             :          CASE (do_potential_short)
    2804             :             WRITE (UNIT=iw, FMT="((T3,A,T71,A))") &
    2805          12 :                "HFX_INFO| Interaction Potential:    ", "SHORTRANGE"
    2806             :             WRITE (iw, '(T3,A,T61,F20.10)') &
    2807          12 :                "HFX_INFO| Omega:     ", x_data%potential_parameter%omega
    2808          12 :             rc_ang = cp_unit_from_cp2k(x_data%potential_parameter%cutoff_radius, "angstrom")
    2809             :             WRITE (iw, '(T3,A,T61,F20.10)') &
    2810          12 :                "HFX_INFO| Cutoff Radius [angstrom]:     ", rc_ang
    2811             :          CASE (do_potential_long)
    2812             :             WRITE (UNIT=iw, FMT="((T3,A,T72,A))") &
    2813           4 :                "HFX_INFO| Interaction Potential:     ", "LONGRANGE"
    2814             :             WRITE (iw, '(T3,A,T61,F20.10)') &
    2815           4 :                "HFX_INFO| Omega:     ", x_data%potential_parameter%omega
    2816             :          CASE (do_potential_mix_cl)
    2817             :             WRITE (UNIT=iw, FMT="((T3,A,T75,A))") &
    2818           7 :                "HFX_INFO| Interaction Potential:     ", "MIX_CL"
    2819             :             WRITE (iw, '(T3,A,T61,F20.10)') &
    2820           7 :                "HFX_INFO| Omega:     ", x_data%potential_parameter%omega
    2821             :             WRITE (iw, '(T3,A,T61,F20.10)') &
    2822           7 :                "HFX_INFO| SCALE_COULOMB:     ", x_data%potential_parameter%scale_coulomb
    2823             :             WRITE (iw, '(T3,A,T61,F20.10)') &
    2824           7 :                "HFX_INFO| SCALE_LONGRANGE:     ", x_data%potential_parameter%scale_longrange
    2825             :          CASE (do_potential_gaussian)
    2826             :             WRITE (UNIT=iw, FMT="((T3,A,T73,A))") &
    2827           0 :                "HFX_INFO| Interaction Potential:     ", "GAUSSIAN"
    2828             :             WRITE (iw, '(T3,A,T61,F20.10)') &
    2829           0 :                "HFX_INFO| Omega:     ", x_data%potential_parameter%omega
    2830             :          CASE (do_potential_mix_lg)
    2831             :             WRITE (UNIT=iw, FMT="((T3,A,T75,A))") &
    2832           2 :                "HFX_INFO| Interaction Potential:    ", "MIX_LG"
    2833             :             WRITE (iw, '(T3,A,T61,F20.10)') &
    2834           2 :                "HFX_INFO| Omega:     ", x_data%potential_parameter%omega
    2835             :             WRITE (iw, '(T3,A,T61,F20.10)') &
    2836           2 :                "HFX_INFO| SCALE_LONGRANGE:     ", x_data%potential_parameter%scale_longrange
    2837             :             WRITE (iw, '(T3,A,T61,F20.10)') &
    2838           2 :                "HFX_INFO| SCALE_GAUSSIAN:    ", x_data%potential_parameter%scale_gaussian
    2839             :          CASE (do_potential_id)
    2840             :             WRITE (UNIT=iw, FMT="((T3,A,T73,A))") &
    2841          11 :                "HFX_INFO| Interaction Potential:    ", "IDENTITY"
    2842             :          CASE (do_potential_truncated)
    2843             :             WRITE (UNIT=iw, FMT="((T3,A,T72,A))") &
    2844          93 :                "HFX_INFO| Interaction Potential:    ", "TRUNCATED"
    2845          93 :             rc_ang = cp_unit_from_cp2k(x_data%potential_parameter%cutoff_radius, "angstrom")
    2846             :             WRITE (iw, '(T3,A,T61,F20.10)') &
    2847          93 :                "HFX_INFO| Cutoff Radius [angstrom]:     ", rc_ang
    2848             :          CASE (do_potential_mix_cl_trunc)
    2849             :             WRITE (UNIT=iw, FMT="((T3,A,T65,A))") &
    2850           5 :                "HFX_INFO| Interaction Potential:    ", "TRUNCATED MIX_CL"
    2851           5 :             rc_ang = cp_unit_from_cp2k(x_data%potential_parameter%cutoff_radius, "angstrom")
    2852             :             WRITE (iw, '(T3,A,T61,F20.10)') &
    2853         355 :                "HFX_INFO| Cutoff Radius [angstrom]:     ", rc_ang
    2854             :          END SELECT
    2855             : 
    2856             :       END IF
    2857        1288 :       IF (x_data%do_hfx_ri) THEN
    2858         100 :          CALL hfx_print_ri_info(x_data%ri_data, hfx_section)
    2859             :       ELSE
    2860        1188 :          CALL hfx_print_std_info(x_data, hfx_section)
    2861             :       END IF
    2862             : 
    2863             :       CALL cp_print_key_finished_output(iw, logger, hfx_section, &
    2864        1288 :                                         "HF_INFO")
    2865        1288 :    END SUBROUTINE
    2866             : 
    2867             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    2868             : !> \brief ...
    2869             : !> \param DATA ...
    2870             : !> \param memory_usage ...
    2871             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    2872       30098 :    SUBROUTINE dealloc_containers(DATA, memory_usage)
    2873             :       TYPE(hfx_compression_type)                         :: data
    2874             :       INTEGER                                            :: memory_usage
    2875             : 
    2876             :       INTEGER                                            :: bin, i
    2877             : 
    2878       60196 :       DO bin = 1, SIZE(data%maxval_container)
    2879             :          CALL hfx_init_container(data%maxval_container(bin), memory_usage, &
    2880       30098 :                                  .FALSE.)
    2881       60196 :          DEALLOCATE (data%maxval_container(bin)%first)
    2882             :       END DO
    2883       30098 :       DEALLOCATE (data%maxval_container)
    2884       30098 :       DEALLOCATE (data%maxval_cache)
    2885             : 
    2886       60196 :       DO bin = 1, SIZE(data%integral_containers, 2)
    2887     1986468 :          DO i = 1, 64
    2888             :             CALL hfx_init_container(data%integral_containers(i, bin), memory_usage, &
    2889     1926272 :                                     .FALSE.)
    2890     1956370 :             DEALLOCATE (data%integral_containers(i, bin)%first)
    2891             :          END DO
    2892             :       END DO
    2893       30098 :       DEALLOCATE (data%integral_containers)
    2894             : 
    2895       30098 :       DEALLOCATE (data%integral_caches)
    2896             : 
    2897       30098 :    END SUBROUTINE dealloc_containers
    2898             : 
    2899             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    2900             : !> \brief ...
    2901             : !> \param DATA ...
    2902             : !> \param bin_size ...
    2903             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    2904       30098 :    SUBROUTINE alloc_containers(DATA, bin_size)
    2905             :       TYPE(hfx_compression_type)                         :: data
    2906             :       INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: bin_size
    2907             : 
    2908             :       INTEGER                                            :: bin, i
    2909             : 
    2910    30940744 :       ALLOCATE (data%maxval_cache(bin_size))
    2911       60196 :       DO bin = 1, bin_size
    2912       60196 :          data%maxval_cache(bin)%element_counter = 1
    2913             :       END DO
    2914      120392 :       ALLOCATE (data%maxval_container(bin_size))
    2915       60196 :       DO bin = 1, bin_size
    2916    30880548 :          ALLOCATE (data%maxval_container(bin)%first)
    2917             :          data%maxval_container(bin)%first%prev => NULL()
    2918             :          data%maxval_container(bin)%first%next => NULL()
    2919       30098 :          data%maxval_container(bin)%current => data%maxval_container(bin)%first
    2920    30850450 :          data%maxval_container(bin)%current%data = 0
    2921       60196 :          data%maxval_container(bin)%element_counter = 1
    2922             :       END DO
    2923             : 
    2924     2046664 :       ALLOCATE (data%integral_containers(64, bin_size))
    2925    32867016 :       ALLOCATE (data%integral_caches(64, bin_size))
    2926             : 
    2927       60196 :       DO bin = 1, bin_size
    2928     1986468 :          DO i = 1, 64
    2929     1926272 :             data%integral_caches(i, bin)%element_counter = 1
    2930  1974428800 :             data%integral_caches(i, bin)%data = 0
    2931  1976355072 :             ALLOCATE (data%integral_containers(i, bin)%first)
    2932             :             data%integral_containers(i, bin)%first%prev => NULL()
    2933             :             data%integral_containers(i, bin)%first%next => NULL()
    2934     1926272 :             data%integral_containers(i, bin)%current => data%integral_containers(i, bin)%first
    2935  1974428800 :             data%integral_containers(i, bin)%current%data = 0
    2936     1956370 :             data%integral_containers(i, bin)%element_counter = 1
    2937             :          END DO
    2938             :       END DO
    2939             : 
    2940       30098 :    END SUBROUTINE alloc_containers
    2941             : 
    2942             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    2943             : !> \brief Compares the non-technical parts of two HFX input section and check whether they are the same
    2944             : !>        Ignore things that would not change results (MEMORY, LOAD_BALANCE)
    2945             : !> \param hfx_section1 ...
    2946             : !> \param hfx_section2 ...
    2947             : !> \param is_identical ...
    2948             : !> \param same_except_frac ...
    2949             : !> \return ...
    2950             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    2951         504 :    SUBROUTINE compare_hfx_sections(hfx_section1, hfx_section2, is_identical, same_except_frac)
    2952             : 
    2953             :       TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: hfx_section1, hfx_section2
    2954             :       LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT)                               :: is_identical
    2955             :       LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL                     :: same_except_frac
    2956             : 
    2957             :       CHARACTER(LEN=default_path_length)                 :: cval1, cval2
    2958             :       INTEGER                                            :: irep, ival1, ival2, n_rep_hf1, n_rep_hf2
    2959             :       LOGICAL                                            :: lval1, lval2
    2960             :       REAL(dp)                                           :: rval1, rval2
    2961             :       TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: hfx_sub_section1, hfx_sub_section2
    2962             : 
    2963         168 :       is_identical = .TRUE.
    2964         168 :       IF (PRESENT(same_except_frac)) same_except_frac = .FALSE.
    2965             : 
    2966         168 :       CALL section_vals_get(hfx_section1, n_repetition=n_rep_hf1)
    2967         168 :       CALL section_vals_get(hfx_section2, n_repetition=n_rep_hf2)
    2968         168 :       is_identical = n_rep_hf1 == n_rep_hf2
    2969         174 :       IF (.NOT. is_identical) RETURN
    2970             : 
    2971          98 :       DO irep = 1, n_rep_hf1
    2972          52 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_section1, "PW_HFX", l_val=lval1, i_rep_section=irep)
    2973          52 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_section2, "PW_HFX", l_val=lval2, i_rep_section=irep)
    2974          52 :          IF (lval1 .NEQV. lval2) is_identical = .FALSE.
    2975             : 
    2976          52 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_section1, "PW_HFX_BLOCKSIZE", i_val=ival1, i_rep_section=irep)
    2977          52 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_section2, "PW_HFX_BLOCKSIZE", i_val=ival2, i_rep_section=irep)
    2978          52 :          IF (ival1 .NE. ival2) is_identical = .FALSE.
    2979             : 
    2980          52 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_section1, "TREAT_LSD_IN_CORE", l_val=lval1, i_rep_section=irep)
    2981          52 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_section2, "TREAT_LSD_IN_CORE", l_val=lval2, i_rep_section=irep)
    2982          52 :          IF (lval1 .NEQV. lval2) is_identical = .FALSE.
    2983             : 
    2984          52 :          hfx_sub_section1 => section_vals_get_subs_vals(hfx_section1, "INTERACTION_POTENTIAL", i_rep_section=irep)
    2985          52 :          hfx_sub_section2 => section_vals_get_subs_vals(hfx_section2, "INTERACTION_POTENTIAL", i_rep_section=irep)
    2986             : 
    2987          52 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section1, "OMEGA", r_val=rval1, i_rep_section=irep)
    2988          52 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section2, "OMEGA", r_val=rval2, i_rep_section=irep)
    2989          52 :          IF (ABS(rval1 - rval2) > EPSILON(1.0_dp)) is_identical = .FALSE.
    2990             : 
    2991          52 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section1, "POTENTIAL_TYPE", i_val=ival1, i_rep_section=irep)
    2992          52 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section2, "POTENTIAL_TYPE", i_val=ival2, i_rep_section=irep)
    2993          52 :          IF (ival1 .NE. ival2) is_identical = .FALSE.
    2994          52 :          IF (.NOT. is_identical) RETURN
    2995             : 
    2996          46 :          IF (ival1 == do_potential_truncated .OR. ival1 == do_potential_mix_cl_trunc) THEN
    2997           6 :             CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section1, "CUTOFF_RADIUS", r_val=rval1, i_rep_section=irep)
    2998           6 :             CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section2, "CUTOFF_RADIUS", r_val=rval2, i_rep_section=irep)
    2999           6 :             IF (ABS(rval1 - rval2) > EPSILON(1.0_dp)) is_identical = .FALSE.
    3000             : 
    3001           6 :             CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section1, "T_C_G_DATA", c_val=cval1, i_rep_section=irep)
    3002           6 :             CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section2, "T_C_G_DATA", c_val=cval2, i_rep_section=irep)
    3003           6 :             IF (cval1 .NE. cval2) is_identical = .FALSE.
    3004             :          END IF
    3005             : 
    3006          46 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section1, "SCALE_COULOMB", r_val=rval1, i_rep_section=irep)
    3007          46 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section2, "SCALE_COULOMB", r_val=rval2, i_rep_section=irep)
    3008          46 :          IF (ABS(rval1 - rval2) > EPSILON(1.0_dp)) is_identical = .FALSE.
    3009             : 
    3010          46 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section1, "SCALE_GAUSSIAN", r_val=rval1, i_rep_section=irep)
    3011          46 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section2, "SCALE_GAUSSIAN", r_val=rval2, i_rep_section=irep)
    3012          46 :          IF (ABS(rval1 - rval2) > EPSILON(1.0_dp)) is_identical = .FALSE.
    3013             : 
    3014          46 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section1, "SCALE_LONGRANGE", r_val=rval1, i_rep_section=irep)
    3015          46 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section2, "SCALE_LONGRANGE", r_val=rval2, i_rep_section=irep)
    3016          46 :          IF (ABS(rval1 - rval2) > EPSILON(1.0_dp)) is_identical = .FALSE.
    3017             : 
    3018          46 :          hfx_sub_section1 => section_vals_get_subs_vals(hfx_section1, "PERIODIC", i_rep_section=irep)
    3019          46 :          hfx_sub_section2 => section_vals_get_subs_vals(hfx_section2, "PERIODIC", i_rep_section=irep)
    3020             : 
    3021          46 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section1, "NUMBER_OF_SHELLS", i_val=ival1, i_rep_section=irep)
    3022          46 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section2, "NUMBER_OF_SHELLS", i_val=ival2, i_rep_section=irep)
    3023          46 :          IF (ival1 .NE. ival2) is_identical = .FALSE.
    3024             : 
    3025          46 :          hfx_sub_section1 => section_vals_get_subs_vals(hfx_section1, "RI", i_rep_section=irep)
    3026          46 :          hfx_sub_section2 => section_vals_get_subs_vals(hfx_section2, "RI", i_rep_section=irep)
    3027             : 
    3028          46 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section1, "_SECTION_PARAMETERS_", l_val=lval1, i_rep_section=irep)
    3029          46 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section2, "_SECTION_PARAMETERS_", l_val=lval2, i_rep_section=irep)
    3030          46 :          IF (lval1 .NEQV. lval2) is_identical = .FALSE.
    3031             : 
    3032          46 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section1, "CUTOFF_RADIUS", r_val=rval1, i_rep_section=irep)
    3033          46 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section2, "CUTOFF_RADIUS", r_val=rval2, i_rep_section=irep)
    3034          46 :          IF (ABS(rval1 - rval2) > EPSILON(1.0_dp)) is_identical = .FALSE.
    3035             : 
    3036          46 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section1, "EPS_EIGVAL", r_val=rval1, i_rep_section=irep)
    3037          46 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section2, "EPS_EIGVAL", r_val=rval2, i_rep_section=irep)
    3038          46 :          IF (ABS(rval1 - rval2) > EPSILON(1.0_dp)) is_identical = .FALSE.
    3039             : 
    3040          46 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section1, "EPS_FILTER", r_val=rval1, i_rep_section=irep)
    3041          46 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section2, "EPS_FILTER", r_val=rval2, i_rep_section=irep)
    3042          46 :          IF (ABS(rval1 - rval2) > EPSILON(1.0_dp)) is_identical = .FALSE.
    3043             : 
    3044          46 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section1, "EPS_FILTER_2C", r_val=rval1, i_rep_section=irep)
    3045          46 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section2, "EPS_FILTER_2C", r_val=rval2, i_rep_section=irep)
    3046          46 :          IF (ABS(rval1 - rval2) > EPSILON(1.0_dp)) is_identical = .FALSE.
    3047             : 
    3048          46 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section1, "EPS_FILTER_MO", r_val=rval1, i_rep_section=irep)
    3049          46 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section2, "EPS_FILTER_MO", r_val=rval2, i_rep_section=irep)
    3050          46 :          IF (ABS(rval1 - rval2) > EPSILON(1.0_dp)) is_identical = .FALSE.
    3051             : 
    3052          46 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section1, "EPS_PGF_ORB", r_val=rval1, i_rep_section=irep)
    3053          46 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section2, "EPS_PGF_ORB", r_val=rval2, i_rep_section=irep)
    3054          46 :          IF (ABS(rval1 - rval2) > EPSILON(1.0_dp)) is_identical = .FALSE.
    3055             : 
    3056          46 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section1, "MAX_BLOCK_SIZE_MO", i_val=ival1, i_rep_section=irep)
    3057          46 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section2, "MAX_BLOCK_SIZE_MO", i_val=ival2, i_rep_section=irep)
    3058          46 :          IF (ival1 .NE. ival2) is_identical = .FALSE.
    3059             : 
    3060          46 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section1, "MIN_BLOCK_SIZE", i_val=ival1, i_rep_section=irep)
    3061          46 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section2, "MIN_BLOCK_SIZE", i_val=ival2, i_rep_section=irep)
    3062          46 :          IF (ival1 .NE. ival2) is_identical = .FALSE.
    3063             : 
    3064          46 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section1, "OMEGA", r_val=rval1, i_rep_section=irep)
    3065          46 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section2, "OMEGA", r_val=rval2, i_rep_section=irep)
    3066          46 :          IF (ABS(rval1 - rval2) > EPSILON(1.0_dp)) is_identical = .FALSE.
    3067             : 
    3068          46 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section1, "RI_FLAVOR", i_val=ival1, i_rep_section=irep)
    3069          46 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section2, "RI_FLAVOR", i_val=ival2, i_rep_section=irep)
    3070          46 :          IF (ival1 .NE. ival2) is_identical = .FALSE.
    3071             : 
    3072          46 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section1, "RI_METRIC", i_val=ival1, i_rep_section=irep)
    3073          46 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section2, "RI_METRIC", i_val=ival2, i_rep_section=irep)
    3074          46 :          IF (ival1 .NE. ival2) is_identical = .FALSE.
    3075             : 
    3076          46 :          hfx_sub_section1 => section_vals_get_subs_vals(hfx_section1, "SCREENING", i_rep_section=irep)
    3077          46 :          hfx_sub_section2 => section_vals_get_subs_vals(hfx_section2, "SCREENING", i_rep_section=irep)
    3078             : 
    3079          46 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section1, "EPS_SCHWARZ", r_val=rval1, i_rep_section=irep)
    3080          46 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section2, "EPS_SCHWARZ", r_val=rval2, i_rep_section=irep)
    3081          46 :          IF (ABS(rval1 - rval2) > EPSILON(1.0_dp)) is_identical = .FALSE.
    3082             : 
    3083          46 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section1, "EPS_SCHWARZ_FORCES", r_val=rval1, i_rep_section=irep)
    3084          46 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section2, "EPS_SCHWARZ_FORCES", r_val=rval2, i_rep_section=irep)
    3085          46 :          IF (ABS(rval1 - rval2) > EPSILON(1.0_dp)) is_identical = .FALSE.
    3086             : 
    3087          46 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section1, "P_SCREEN_CORRECTION_FACTOR", r_val=rval1, i_rep_section=irep)
    3088          46 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section2, "P_SCREEN_CORRECTION_FACTOR", r_val=rval2, i_rep_section=irep)
    3089          46 :          IF (ABS(rval1 - rval2) > EPSILON(1.0_dp)) is_identical = .FALSE.
    3090             : 
    3091          46 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section1, "SCREEN_ON_INITIAL_P", l_val=lval1, i_rep_section=irep)
    3092          46 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section2, "SCREEN_ON_INITIAL_P", l_val=lval2, i_rep_section=irep)
    3093          46 :          IF (lval1 .NEQV. lval2) is_identical = .FALSE.
    3094             : 
    3095          46 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section1, "SCREEN_P_FORCES", l_val=lval1, i_rep_section=irep)
    3096          46 :          CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_sub_section2, "SCREEN_P_FORCES", l_val=lval2, i_rep_section=irep)
    3097        1272 :          IF (lval1 .NEQV. lval2) is_identical = .FALSE.
    3098             : 
    3099             :       END DO
    3100             : 
    3101             :       !Test of the fraction
    3102          46 :       IF (is_identical) THEN
    3103          84 :          DO irep = 1, n_rep_hf1
    3104          42 :             CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_section1, "FRACTION", r_val=rval1, i_rep_section=irep)
    3105          42 :             CALL section_vals_val_get(hfx_section2, "FRACTION", r_val=rval2, i_rep_section=irep)
    3106          84 :             IF (ABS(rval1 - rval2) > EPSILON(1.0_dp)) is_identical = .FALSE.
    3107             :          END DO
    3108             : 
    3109          42 :          IF (PRESENT(same_except_frac)) THEN
    3110          30 :             IF (.NOT. is_identical) same_except_frac = .TRUE.
    3111             :          END IF
    3112             :       END IF
    3113             : 
    3114             :    END SUBROUTINE compare_hfx_sections
    3115             : 
    3116           0 : END MODULE hfx_types
    3117             : 

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