LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src - input_cp2k_almo.F (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: CP2K Regtests (git:b4bd748) Lines: 227 227 100.0 %
Date: 2025-03-09 07:56:22 Functions: 6 6 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
       2             : !   CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations                              !
       3             : !   Copyright 2000-2025 CP2K developers group <>                                   !
       4             : !                                                                                                  !
       5             : !   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later                                                      !
       6             : !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
       7             : 
       8             : ! **************************************************************************************************
       9             : !> \brief input for the ALMO SCF section
      10             : !> \author Rustam Khaliullin
      11             : ! **************************************************************************************************
      12             : MODULE input_cp2k_almo
      13             :    USE bibliography,                    ONLY: Khaliullin2007,&
      14             :                                               Khaliullin2008,&
      15             :                                               Khaliullin2013,&
      16             :                                               Scheiber2018
      17             :    USE cp_output_handling,              ONLY: cp_print_key_section_create,&
      18             :                                               low_print_level
      19             :    USE input_constants,                 ONLY: &
      20             :         almo_deloc_none, almo_deloc_scf, almo_deloc_x, almo_deloc_x_then_scf, &
      21             :         almo_deloc_xalmo_1diag, almo_deloc_xalmo_scf, almo_deloc_xalmo_x, almo_frz_crystal, &
      22             :         almo_frz_none, almo_scf_diag, almo_scf_pcg, almo_scf_skip, almo_scf_trustr, atomic_guess, &
      23             :         cg_dai_yuan, cg_fletcher, cg_fletcher_reeves, cg_hager_zhang, cg_hestenes_stiefel, &
      24             :         cg_liu_storey, cg_polak_ribiere, cg_zero, molecular_guess, op_loc_berry, op_loc_pipek, &
      25             :         optimizer_diis, optimizer_lin_eq_pcg, optimizer_pcg, optimizer_trustr, &
      26             :         spd_inversion_dense_cholesky, spd_inversion_ls_hotelling, spd_inversion_ls_taylor, &
      27             :         trustr_cauchy, trustr_dogleg, trustr_steihaug, xalmo_prec_domain, xalmo_prec_full, &
      28             :         xalmo_prec_zero, xalmo_trial_r0_out, xalmo_trial_simplex
      29             :    USE input_keyword_types,             ONLY: keyword_create,&
      30             :                                               keyword_release,&
      31             :                                               keyword_type
      32             :    USE input_section_types,             ONLY: section_add_keyword,&
      33             :                                               section_add_subsection,&
      34             :                                               section_create,&
      35             :                                               section_release,&
      36             :                                               section_type
      37             :    USE kinds,                           ONLY: dp
      38             :    USE string_utilities,                ONLY: s2a
      39             : #include "./base/base_uses.f90"
      40             : 
      41             :    IMPLICIT NONE
      42             :    PRIVATE
      43             : 
      44             :    CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'input_cp2k_almo'
      45             : 
      46             :    INTEGER, PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: optimizer_block_diagonal_diis = 1
      47             :    INTEGER, PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: optimizer_block_diagonal_pcg = 2
      48             :    INTEGER, PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: optimizer_xalmo_pcg = 3
      49             :    INTEGER, PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: optimizer_xalmo_trustr = 4
      50             :    INTEGER, PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: optimizer_newton_pcg_solver = 5
      51             :    INTEGER, PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: optimizer_nlmo_pcg = 6
      52             :    INTEGER, PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: optimizer_block_diagonal_trustr = 7
      53             : 
      54             :    PUBLIC :: create_almo_scf_section
      55             : 
      56             : CONTAINS
      57             : 
      58             : ! **************************************************************************************************
      59             : !> \brief create the almo scf section
      60             : !> \param section ...
      61             : !> \par History
      62             : !>       2011.05 created [Rustam Z Khaliullin]
      63             : !> \author Rustam Z Khaliullin
      64             : ! **************************************************************************************************
      65        9162 :    SUBROUTINE create_almo_scf_section(section)
      66             :       TYPE(section_type), POINTER                        :: section
      67             : 
      68             :       TYPE(keyword_type), POINTER                        :: keyword
      69             :       TYPE(section_type), POINTER                        :: subsection
      70             : 
      71        9162 :       CPASSERT(.NOT. ASSOCIATED(section))
      72             :       CALL section_create(section, __LOCATION__, name="ALMO_SCF", &
      73             :                           description="Settings for a class of efficient linear scaling methods based "// &
      74             :                           "on absolutely localized orbitals"// &
      75             :                           " (ALMOs). ALMO methods are currently restricted to closed-shell molecular systems.", &
      76             :                           n_keywords=10, n_subsections=6, repeats=.FALSE., &
      77       27486 :                           citations=(/Khaliullin2013, Scheiber2018/))
      78             : 
      79        9162 :       NULLIFY (keyword)
      80             : 
      81             :       CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="EPS_FILTER", &
      82             :                           description="Threshold for the matrix sparsity filter", &
      83        9162 :                           usage="EPS_FILTER 1.e-6", default_r_val=1.e-7_dp)
      84        9162 :       CALL section_add_keyword(section, keyword)
      85        9162 :       CALL keyword_release(keyword)
      86             : 
      87             :       CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="ALMO_SCF_GUESS", &
      88             :                           description="The method to generate initial ALMOs.", &
      89             :                           usage="ALMO_SCF_GUESS MOLECULAR", &
      90             :                           default_i_val=atomic_guess, &
      91             :                           enum_c_vals=s2a("MOLECULAR", "ATOMIC"), &
      92             :                           enum_desc=s2a("SCF calculations on single molecules controlled by the regular SCF "// &
      93             :                                         "keywords outside ALMO options. This kind of calculation is expensive "// &
      94             :                                         "and only recommended if ALMO SCF does not converge from the ATOMIC guess.", &
      95             :                                         "Superposition of atomic densities."), &
      96        9162 :                           enum_i_vals=(/molecular_guess, atomic_guess/))
      97        9162 :       CALL section_add_keyword(section, keyword)
      98        9162 :       CALL keyword_release(keyword)
      99             : 
     100             :       CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="MO_OVERLAP_INV_ALG", &
     101             :                           description="Algorithm to invert MO overlap matrix.", &
     102             :                           usage="MO_OVERLAP_INV_ALG LS_HOTELLING", &
     103             :                           default_i_val=spd_inversion_ls_hotelling, &
     104             :                           enum_c_vals=s2a("LS_HOTELLING", "LS_TAYLOR", "DENSE_CHOLESKY"), &
     105             :                           enum_desc=s2a("Linear scaling iterative Hotelling algorithm. Fast for large sparse matrices.", &
     106             :                                         "Linear scaling algorithm based on Taylor expansion of (A+B)^(-1).", &
     107             :                                         "Stable but dense Cholesky algorithm. Cubically scaling."), &
     108        9162 :                           enum_i_vals=(/spd_inversion_ls_hotelling, spd_inversion_ls_taylor, spd_inversion_dense_cholesky/))
     109        9162 :       CALL section_add_keyword(section, keyword)
     110        9162 :       CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     111             : 
     112             :       !CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="STOP_SCF_EARLY",&
     113             :       !     description="Stops SCF using EPS_ERROR_EARLY or MAX_ITER_EARLY", &
     114             :       !     usage="STOP_SCF_EARLY .TRUE.", default_l_val=.FALSE.,&
     115             :       !     lone_keyword_l_val=.TRUE.)
     116             :       !CALL section_add_keyword(section,keyword)
     117             :       !CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     118             : 
     119             :       CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="ALMO_EXTRAPOLATION_ORDER", &
     120             :                           description="Number of previous states used for the ASPC extrapolation of the ALMO "// &
     121             :                           "initial guess. 0 implies that the guess is given by ALMO_SCF_GUESS at each step.", &
     122        9162 :                           usage="ALMO_EXTRAPOLATION_ORDER 3", default_i_val=3)
     123        9162 :       CALL section_add_keyword(section, keyword)
     124        9162 :       CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     125             : 
     126             :       CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="XALMO_EXTRAPOLATION_ORDER", &
     127             :                           description="Number of previous states used for the ASPC extrapolation of the initial guess "// &
     128             :                           "for the delocalization correction.", &
     129        9162 :                           usage="XALMO_EXTRAPOLATION_ORDER 1", default_i_val=0)
     130        9162 :       CALL section_add_keyword(section, keyword)
     131        9162 :       CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     132             : 
     133             :       CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="ALMO_ALGORITHM", &
     134             :                           description="Specifies the algorithm to update block-diagonal ALMOs during the SCF procedure.", &
     135             :                           usage="ALMO_ALGORITHM DIAG", &
     136             :                           default_i_val=almo_scf_diag, &
     137             :                           !enum_c_vals=s2a("DIAG", "DM_SIGN","PCG"),&
     138             :                           enum_c_vals=s2a("DIAG", "PCG", "TRUST_REGION", "SKIP"), &
     139             :                           enum_desc=s2a("DIIS-accelerated diagonalization controlled by ALMO_OPTIMIZER_DIIS. "// &
     140             :                                         "Recommended for large systems containing small fragments.", &
     141             :                                         !"Update the density matrix using linear scaling routines. "//&
     142             :                                         !"Recommended if large fragments are present.",&
     143             :                                         "Energy minimization with a PCG algorithm controlled by ALMO_OPTIMIZER_PCG.", &
     144             :                                         "Trust-region optimizer is recommended if PCG has difficulty converging. "// &
     145             :                                         "It is controlled by ALMO_OPTIMIZER_TRUSTR", &
     146             :                                         "Skip optimization of block-diagonal ALMOs."), &
     147             :                           !enum_i_vals=(/almo_scf_diag,almo_scf_dm_sign,almo_scf_pcg/),&
     148        9162 :                           enum_i_vals=(/almo_scf_diag, almo_scf_pcg, almo_scf_trustr, almo_scf_skip/))
     149        9162 :       CALL section_add_keyword(section, keyword)
     150        9162 :       CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     151             : 
     152             :       CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="XALMO_ALGORITHM", &
     153             :                           description="Specifies the algorithm to update ALMOs on eXtended domains (XALMOs).", &
     154             :                           usage="XALMO_ALGORITHM TRUST_REGION", &
     155             :                           default_i_val=almo_scf_pcg, &
     156             :                           enum_c_vals=s2a("DIAG", "PCG", "TRUST_REGION"), &
     157             :                           enum_desc=s2a("DIIS-accelerated diagonalization.", &
     158             :                                         "PCG algorithm controlled by XALMO_OPTIMIZER_PCG.", &
     159             :                                         "Trust-region optimizer controlled by XALMO_OPTIMIZER_TRUSTR"), &
     160        9162 :                           enum_i_vals=(/almo_scf_diag, almo_scf_pcg, almo_scf_trustr/))
     161        9162 :       CALL section_add_keyword(section, keyword)
     162        9162 :       CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     163             : 
     164             :       CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="XALMO_TRIAL_WF", &
     165             :                           description="Determines the form of the trial XALMOs.", &
     166             :                           usage="XALMO_TRIAL_WF SIMPLE", &
     167             :                           default_i_val=xalmo_trial_r0_out, &
     168             :                           enum_c_vals=s2a("SIMPLE", "PROJECT_R0_OUT"), &
     169             :                           enum_desc=s2a("Straightforward AO-basis expansion.", &
     170             :                                         "Block-diagonal ALMOs plus the XALMO term projected onto the unoccupied "// &
     171             :                                         "ALMO-subspace."), &
     172        9162 :                           enum_i_vals=(/xalmo_trial_simplex, xalmo_trial_r0_out/))
     173        9162 :       CALL section_add_keyword(section, keyword)
     174        9162 :       CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     175             : 
     176             :       CALL keyword_create( &
     177             :          keyword, __LOCATION__, name="DELOCALIZE_METHOD", &
     178             :          description="Methods to reintroduce electron delocalization, which is excluded "// &
     179             :          "with the block-diagonal ALMO reference. Electron delocalization can "// &
     180             :          "be computed using either fully delocalized MOs or spatially restricted "// &
     181             :          "ALMOs (called eXtended ALMOs or XALMOs). All methods below use either a PCG or trust-region "// &
     182             :          "optimizers controlled by XALMO_OPTIMIZER_* subsections. The only exception is "// &
     183             :          "the non-iterative XALMO_1DIAG.", &
     184             :          usage="DELOCALIZE_METHOD XALMO_X", &
     185             :          default_i_val=almo_deloc_xalmo_x, &
     186             :          enum_c_vals=s2a("NONE", "XALMO_1DIAG", "XALMO_X", "XALMO_SCF", "FULL_X", "FULL_SCF", "FULL_X_THEN_SCF"), &
     187             :          enum_desc=s2a("Neglect electron delocalization", &
     188             :                        "Correction based on one diagonalization of the spatially projected Hamiltonian (XALMO)", &
     189             :                        "Single excitation correction (no Hamiltonian re-build) with spatial restrictions (XALMO)", &
     190             :                        "Self-consistent treatment of delocalization with spatial restrictions (XALMO)", &
     191             :                        "Single excitation correction (no Hamiltonian re-build) without spatial restrictions", &
     192             :                        "Self-consistent treatment of delocalization without spatial restrictions", &
     193             :                        "Single excitation correction followed by full SCF procedure, both without spatial restrictions"), &
     194             :          enum_i_vals=(/almo_deloc_none, almo_deloc_xalmo_1diag, almo_deloc_xalmo_x, almo_deloc_xalmo_scf, &
     195        9162 :                        almo_deloc_x, almo_deloc_scf, almo_deloc_x_then_scf/))
     196        9162 :       CALL section_add_keyword(section, keyword)
     197        9162 :       CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     198             : 
     199             :       CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="XALMO_R_CUTOFF_FACTOR", &
     200             :                           description="Controls the localization radius of XALMOs: "// &
     201             :                           !"r0 = r0_factor*(radius(at1)+radius(at2)) + r0_shift",&
     202             :                           "R_cutoff = XALMO_R_CUTOFF_FACTOR*(radius(at1)+radius(at2))", &
     203        9162 :                           usage="XALMO_R_CUTOFF_FACTOR 1.6", default_r_val=1.50_dp)
     204        9162 :       CALL section_add_keyword(section, keyword)
     205        9162 :       CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     206             : 
     207             :       CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="RETURN_ORTHOGONALIZED_MOS", &
     208             :                           description="Orthogonalize final ALMOs before they are returned "// &
     209             :                           "to Quickstep (i.e. for calculation of properties)", &
     210             :                           usage="RETURN_ORTHOGONALIZED_MOS .TRUE.", default_l_val=.TRUE., &
     211        9162 :                           lone_keyword_l_val=.TRUE.)
     212        9162 :       CALL section_add_keyword(section, keyword)
     213        9162 :       CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     214             : 
     215             :       CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="CONSTRUCT_NLMOS", &
     216             :                           description="Turns on post-SCF construction of NLMOs", &
     217        9162 :                           usage="CONSTRUCT_NLMOS .TRUE.", default_l_val=.FALSE.)
     218        9162 :       CALL section_add_keyword(section, keyword)
     219        9162 :       CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     220             : 
     221             :       !CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="DOMAIN_LAYOUT_MOS",&
     222             :       !     description="Each electron in the system is constrained to its own delocalization domain."//&
     223             :       !     " This keyword creates groups of electrons that share the same domain.",&
     224             :       !     usage="DOMAIN_LAYOUT_MOS MOLECULAR",&
     225             :       !     default_i_val=almo_domain_layout_molecular,&
     226             :       !     enum_c_vals=s2a( "ORBITAL", "ATOMIC", "MOLECULAR"),&
     227             :       !     enum_desc=s2a("Each electron can have its own delocalization domain",&
     228             :       !     "All electrons of an atom are delocalized over the same domain",&
     229             :       !     "All electrons of a molecule are delocalized over the same domain."//&
     230             :       !     " This is the only implemented option"),&
     231             :       !     enum_i_vals=(/almo_domain_layout_orbital,almo_domain_layout_atomic,almo_domain_layout_molecular/))
     232             :       !CALL section_add_keyword(section,keyword)
     233             :       !CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     234             : 
     235             :       !CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="DOMAIN_LAYOUT_AOS",&
     236             :       !     description="Atomic orbitals or groups of atomic orbitals represent domains over which electrons "//&
     237             :       !     "can be delocalized. This keyword imposes constraints on the structure of domains",&
     238             :       !     usage="DOMAIN_LAYOUT_MOS MOLECULAR",&
     239             :       !     default_i_val=almo_domain_layout_molecular,&
     240             :       !     enum_c_vals=s2a("ATOMIC", "MOLECULAR"),&
     241             :       !     enum_desc=s2a("Atomic blocks represent domains. That is, if a basis function on an atom is in"//&
     242             :       !     " domain A then all basis functions on this atom are in domain A.",&
     243             :       !     "Molecular subsets represent domains. That is, if a basis function on a molecule is"//&
     244             :       !     " in domain A then all basis functions on this molecule are in domain A. "//&
     245             :       !     "This is the only implemented option"),&
     246             :       !     enum_i_vals=(/almo_domain_layout_atomic,almo_domain_layout_molecular/))
     247             :       !CALL section_add_keyword(section,keyword)
     248             :       !CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     249             : 
     250             :       !CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="MATRIX_CLUSTERING_MOS",&
     251             :       !     description="Blocks of matrices in the MO basis set are distributed for parallel computations. "//&
     252             :       !     "This keywords specifies the type of matrix blocks.",&
     253             :       !     usage="MATRIX_CLUSTERING_MOS MOLECULAR",&
     254             :       !     default_i_val=almo_mat_distr_molecular,&
     255             :       !     enum_c_vals=s2a("ATOMIC", "MOLECULAR"),&
     256             :       !     enum_desc=s2a("Not recommended. ZZZ Maybe used for the PAO-based methods in the future",&
     257             :       !                   "All molecular orbitals of a molecule belong to the same block."),&
     258             :       !     enum_i_vals=(/almo_mat_distr_atomic,almo_mat_distr_molecular/))
     259             :       !CALL section_add_keyword(section,keyword)
     260             :       !CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     261             : 
     262             :       !CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="MATRIX_CLUSTERING_AOS",&
     263             :       !     description="Blocks of matrices in the AO basis set are distributed for parallel computations."//&
     264             :       !     " This keywords specifies the type of matrix blocks.",&
     265             :       !     usage="MATRIX_CLUSTERING_AOS MOLECULAR",&
     266             :       !     default_i_val=almo_mat_distr_molecular,&
     267             :       !     enum_c_vals=s2a("ATOMIC", "MOLECULAR"),&
     268             :       !     enum_desc=s2a("All atomic orbitals of an atom belong to the "//&
     269             :       !     "same block. Use only if there are very large molecules in the system. "//&
     270             :       !     "ZZZ Maybe used for the PAO-based methods in the future",&
     271             :       !     "All atomic orbitals of a molecule belong to the same block."),&
     272             :       !     enum_i_vals=(/almo_mat_distr_atomic,almo_mat_distr_molecular/))
     273             :       !CALL section_add_keyword(section,keyword)
     274             :       !CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     275             : 
     276             :       !CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="CONSTRAINT_TYPE",&
     277             :       !     description="Determines the type of ALMO constraints",&
     278             :       !     usage="CONSTRAINT_TYPE BLOCK_DIAGONAL",&
     279             :       !     default_i_val=almo_constraint_block_diagonal,&
     280             :       !     enum_c_vals=s2a("BLOCK_DIAGONAL", "DISTANCE", "AO_OVERLAP"),&
     281             :       !     enum_desc=s2a("MO coefficient matrix is block-diagonal",&
     282             :       !     "MO coefficients are quenched according to the distance criterion",&
     283             :       !     "MO coefficients are quenched according to the AO overlap criterion"),&
     284             :       !     enum_i_vals=(/almo_constraint_block_diagonal,almo_constraint_distance,&
     285             :       !     almo_constraint_ao_overlap/))
     286             :       !CALL section_add_keyword(section,keyword)
     287             :       !CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     288             : 
     289             :       !CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="QUENCHER_RADIUS_TYPE",&
     290             :       !     description="Determines the type of atomic radii used for imposing the ALMO constraints",&
     291             :       !     usage="QUENCHER_RADIUS_TYPE VDW",&
     292             :       !     default_i_val=do_bondparm_vdw,&
     293             :       !     enum_c_vals=s2a("COVALENT", "VDW"),&
     294             :       !     enum_desc=s2a("Covalent atomic radii",&
     295             :       !     "Van der Waals atomic radii"),&
     296             :       !     enum_i_vals=(/do_bondparm_covalent,do_bondparm_vdw/))
     297             :       !CALL section_add_keyword(section,keyword)
     298             :       !CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     299             : 
     300             :       !CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="QUENCHER_R0_FACTOR",&
     301             :       !     description="Parameter to calculate the inner soft cutoff radius: "//&
     302             :       !     !"r0 = r0_factor*(radius(at1)+radius(at2)) + r0_shift",&
     303             :       !     "r0 = r0_factor*(radius(at1)+radius(at2))",&
     304             :       !     usage="QUENCHER_R0_FACTOR 1.05", default_r_val=1.05_dp)
     305             :       !CALL section_add_keyword(section,keyword)
     306             :       !CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     307             : 
     308             :       !!CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="QUENCHER_R0_SHIFT",&
     309             :       !!     description="Parameter to calculate the inner soft cutoff radius (in Angstrom): "//&
     310             :       !!     "r0 = r0_factor*(radius(at1)+radius(at2)) + r0_shift",&
     311             :       !!     usage="QUENCHER_R0_SHIFT 0.0", default_r_val=0.0_dp)
     312             :       !!
     313             :       !!CALL section_add_keyword(section,keyword)
     314             :       !!CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     315             : 
     316             :       !CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="QUENCHER_R1_FACTOR",&
     317             :       !     description="Parameter to calculate the outer soft cutoff radius: "//&
     318             :       !     !"r1 = r1_factor*(radius(at1)+radius(at2)) + r1_shift",&
     319             :       !     "r1 = r1_factor*(radius(at1)+radius(at2))",&
     320             :       !     usage="QUENCHER_R1_FACTOR 1.55", default_r_val=1.55_dp)
     321             :       !CALL section_add_keyword(section,keyword)
     322             :       !CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     323             : 
     324             :       !!CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="QUENCHER_R1_SHIFT",&
     325             :       !!     description="Parameter to calculate the outer soft cutoff radius (in Angstrom): "//&
     326             :       !!     "r1 = r1_factor*(radius(at1)+radius(at2)) + r1_shift",&
     327             :       !!     usage="QUENCHER_R1_SHIFT 0.0", default_r_val=0.0_dp)
     328             :       !!
     329             :       !!CALL section_add_keyword(section,keyword)
     330             :       !!CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     331             : 
     332             :       !CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="QUENCHER_AO_OVERLAP_0",&
     333             :       !     description="Overlap value of the inner soft cutoff",&
     334             :       !     usage="QUENCHER_AO_OVERLAP_0 1.0E-4", default_r_val=1.0E-4_dp)
     335             :       !CALL section_add_keyword(section,keyword)
     336             :       !CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     337             : 
     338             :       !CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="QUENCHER_AO_OVERLAP_1",&
     339             :       !     description="Overlap value of the outer soft cutoff",&
     340             :       !     usage="QUENCHER_AO_OVERLAP_1 1.0E-6", default_r_val=1.0E-6_dp)
     341             :       !CALL section_add_keyword(section,keyword)
     342             :       !CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     343             : 
     344             :       !CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="ENVELOPE_AMPLITUDE",&
     345             :       !     description="Defines an upper bound on the maximum norm of the MO coefficients",&
     346             :       !     usage="ENVELOPE_AMPLITUDE 1.0", default_r_val=1.0_dp)
     347             :       !CALL section_add_keyword(section,keyword)
     348             :       !CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     349             : 
     350             :       !CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="DELOC_CAYLEY_TENSOR_TYPE",&
     351             :       !     description="Tensor properties of occupied and virtual indices",&
     352             :       !     usage="DELOC_CAYLEY_TENSOR_TYPE ORTHOGONAL",&
     353             :       !     default_i_val=tensor_orthogonal,&
     354             :       !     enum_c_vals=s2a("ORTHOGONAL", "BIORTHOGONAL"),&
     355             :       !     enum_desc=s2a("Orthogonalize both occupied and virtual orbitals",&
     356             :       !     "Contravariant virtual (MOs or AOs) and covariant occupied orbitals"),&
     357             :       !     enum_i_vals=(/tensor_orthogonal,tensor_up_down/))
     358             :       !CALL section_add_keyword(section,keyword)
     359             :       !CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     360             : 
     361             :       !CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="DELOC_CAYLEY_CONJUGATOR",&
     362             :       !     description="Various methods to compute step directions in the CG algorithm",&
     363             :       !     usage="DELOC_CAYLEY_CONJUGATOR POLAK_RIBIERE",&
     364             :       !     default_i_val=cg_hager_zhang,&
     365             :       !     enum_c_vals=s2a("ZERO", "POLAK_RIBIERE", "FLETCHER_REEVES",&
     366             :       !     "HESTENES_STIEFEL", "FLETCHER", "LIU_STOREY", "DAI_YUAN","HAGER_ZHANG"),&
     367             :       !     enum_desc=s2a("Steepest descent","Polak and Ribiere",&
     368             :       !     "Fletcher and Reeves","Hestenes and Stiefel",&
     369             :       !     "Fletcher (Conjugate descent)","Liu and Storey",&
     370             :       !     "Dai and Yuan","Hager and Zhang"),&
     371             :       !     enum_i_vals=(/cg_zero,cg_polak_ribiere,cg_fletcher_reeves,&
     372             :       !                   cg_hestenes_stiefel,cg_fletcher,cg_liu_storey,&
     373             :       !                   cg_dai_yuan,cg_hager_zhang/))
     374             :       !CALL section_add_keyword(section,keyword)
     375             :       !CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     376             : 
     377             :       !CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="DELOC_CAYLEY_MAX_ITER",&
     378             :       !     description="Maximum number of CG iterations to solve Ricatti equations",&
     379             :       !     usage="DELOC_CAYLEY_MAX_ITER 100",default_i_val=50)
     380             :       !CALL section_add_keyword(section,keyword)
     381             :       !CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     382             : 
     383             :       !CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="DELOC_CAYLEY_EPS_CONVERGENCE",&
     384             :       !     description="Convergence criterion of the CG algorithm",&
     385             :       !     usage="DELOC_CAYLEY_EPS_CONVERGENCE 1.e-6", default_r_val=1.e-7_dp)
     386             :       !CALL section_add_keyword(section,keyword)
     387             :       !CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     388             : 
     389             :       !CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="DELOC_CAYLEY_VIR_PRECOND",&
     390             :       !     description="Use preconditioner for the virtual subspace",&
     391             :       !     usage="DELOC_CAYLEY_VIR_PRECOND .TRUE.", default_l_val=.TRUE.,&
     392             :       !     lone_keyword_l_val=.TRUE.)
     393             :       !CALL section_add_keyword(section,keyword)
     394             :       !CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     395             : 
     396             :       !CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="DELOC_CAYLEY_OCC_PRECOND",&
     397             :       !     description="Use preconditioner for the occupied subspace",&
     398             :       !     usage="DELOC_CAYLEY_OCC_PRECOND .TRUE.", default_l_val=.TRUE.,&
     399             :       !     lone_keyword_l_val=.TRUE.)
     400             :       !CALL section_add_keyword(section,keyword)
     401             :       !CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     402             : 
     403             :       !CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="DELOC_TRUNCATE_VIRTUALS",&
     404             :       !     description="Truncation of the virtual subspace",&
     405             :       !     usage="DELOC_TRUNCATE_VIRTUALS MINIMAL",&
     406             :       !     default_i_val=virt_full,&
     407             :       !     enum_c_vals=s2a("FULL", "MINIMAL","OCC_SIZE", "EXACT_NUMBER_PER_DOMAIN"),&
     408             :       !     enum_desc=s2a("Keep all virtual orbitals","Retained virtuals "//&
     409             :       !     "complement occupied orbitals to form the minimal basis set",&
     410             :       !     "Number of virtuals is equal to the number of occupied orbitals",&
     411             :       !     "Specify exact number of virtuals per domain with DELOC_VIRT_PER_DOMAIN"),&
     412             :       !     enum_i_vals=(/virt_full,virt_minimal,virt_occ_size,&
     413             :       !                   virt_number/))
     414             :       !CALL section_add_keyword(section,keyword)
     415             :       !CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     416             : 
     417             :       !CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="DELOC_VIRT_PER_DOMAIN",&
     418             :       !     description="Number of virtual orbitals (per domain, atom or molecule) "//&
     419             :       !     "retained to obtain the delocalization correction",&
     420             :       !     usage="DELOC_VIRT_PER_DOMAIN",default_i_val=-1)
     421             :       !CALL section_add_keyword(section,keyword)
     422             :       !CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     423             : 
     424             :       !CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="DELOC_USE_OCC_ORBS",&
     425             :       !     description="Use occupied orbitals (as opposed to density matrix) "//&
     426             :       !     "to calculate correction for electron delocalization",&
     427             :       !     usage="DELOC_USE_OCC_ORBS .TRUE.", default_l_val=.TRUE.,&
     428             :       !     lone_keyword_l_val=.TRUE.)
     429             :       !CALL section_add_keyword(section,keyword)
     430             :       !CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     431             : 
     432             :       !CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="DELOC_CAYLEY_USE_VIRT_ORBS",&
     433             :       !     description="Use virtual orbitals (as opposed to the 1-P projector) "//&
     434             :       !     "to calculate correction for electron delocalization. Works only if "//&
     435             :       !     "DELOC_USE_OCC_ORBS is set to TRUE",&
     436             :       !     usage="DELOC_CAYLEY_USE_VIRT_ORBS .TRUE.", default_l_val=.FALSE.,&
     437             :       !     lone_keyword_l_val=.TRUE.)
     438             :       !CALL section_add_keyword(section,keyword)
     439             :       !CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     440             : 
     441             :       !CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="DELOC_CAYLEY_LINEAR",&
     442             :       !     description="Neglect the quadratic term in the Riccati equations. "//&
     443             :       !     "Equivalent to the first order correction to the occupied orbitals "//&
     444             :       !     "(second order correction to the energy)",&
     445             :       !     usage="DELOC_CAYLEY_LINEAR .FALSE.", default_l_val=.FALSE.,&
     446             :       !     lone_keyword_l_val=.TRUE.)
     447             :       !CALL section_add_keyword(section,keyword)
     448             :       !CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     449             : 
     450             :       !CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="OPT_K_OUTER_MAX_ITER",&
     451             :       !     description="Maximum number of outer loop iterations to optimize retained virtual orbitals",&
     452             :       !     usage="OPT_K_OUTER_MAX_ITER 10",default_i_val=1)
     453             :       !CALL section_add_keyword(section,keyword)
     454             :       !CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     455             : 
     456             :       !CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="OPT_K_MAX_ITER",&
     457             :       !     description="Maximum number of iterations to optimize retained virtual orbitals",&
     458             :       !     usage="OPT_K_MAX_ITER 100",default_i_val=100)
     459             :       !CALL section_add_keyword(section,keyword)
     460             :       !CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     461             : 
     462             :       !CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="OPT_K_EPS_CONVERGENCE",&
     463             :       !     description="Convergence criterion of the optimization algorithm",&
     464             :       !     usage="OPT_K_EPS_CONVERGENCE 1.e-5", default_r_val=1.e-5_dp)
     465             :       !CALL section_add_keyword(section,keyword)
     466             :       !CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     467             : 
     468             :       !CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="OPT_K_TRIAL_STEP_SIZE",&
     469             :       !     description="Size of the trial step along the gradient",&
     470             :       !     usage="OPT_K_TRIAL_STEP_SIZE 0.05", default_r_val=0.05_dp)
     471             :       !CALL section_add_keyword(section,keyword)
     472             :       !CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     473             : 
     474             :       !CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="OPT_K_TRIAL_STEP_SIZE_MULTIPLIER",&
     475             :       !     description="The trial step size is obtained by multiplying the optimal step size "//&
     476             :       !     "from the previous iteration",&
     477             :       !     usage="OPT_K_TRIAL_STEP_SIZE_multiplier 1.0", default_r_val=1.4_dp)
     478             :       !CALL section_add_keyword(section,keyword)
     479             :       !CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     480             : 
     481             :       !CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="OPT_K_CONJ_ITER_START",&
     482             :       !     description="Iteration for switching from the steepest descent algorithm "//&
     483             :       !     "to conjugate gradient",&
     484             :       !     usage="OPT_K_CONJ_ITER_START 5",default_i_val=0)
     485             :       !CALL section_add_keyword(section,keyword)
     486             :       !CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     487             : 
     488             :       !CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="OPT_K_CONJ_ITER_FREQ_RESET",&
     489             :       !     description="Reset frequency of the conjugate gradient direction",&
     490             :       !     usage="OPT_K_CONJ_ITER_FREQ_RESET 20",default_i_val=1000000)
     491             :       !CALL section_add_keyword(section,keyword)
     492             :       !CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     493             : 
     494             :       !CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="OPT_K_CONJUGATOR",&
     495             :       !     description="Various methods to compute step directions in the CG algorithm",&
     496             :       !     usage="OPT_K_CONJUGATOR POLAK_RIBIERE",&
     497             :       !     default_i_val=cg_hager_zhang,&
     498             :       !     enum_c_vals=s2a("ZERO", "POLAK_RIBIERE", "FLETCHER_REEVES",&
     499             :       !     "HESTENES_STIEFEL", "FLETCHER", "LIU_STOREY", "DAI_YUAN","HAGER_ZHANG"),&
     500             :       !     enum_desc=s2a("Steepest descent","Polak and Ribiere",&
     501             :       !     "Fletcher and Reeves","Hestenes and Stiefel",&
     502             :       !     "Fletcher (Conjugate descent)","Liu and Storey",&
     503             :       !     "Dai and Yuan","Hager and Zhang"),&
     504             :       !     enum_i_vals=(/cg_zero,cg_polak_ribiere,cg_fletcher_reeves,&
     505             :       !                   cg_hestenes_stiefel,cg_fletcher,cg_liu_storey,&
     506             :       !                   cg_dai_yuan,cg_hager_zhang/))
     507             :       !CALL section_add_keyword(section,keyword)
     508             :       !CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     509             : 
     510             :       !CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="OPT_K_PREC_ITER_START",&
     511             :       !     description="Start using the preconditioner (approximate preconditioners "//&
     512             :       !     "might not be valid on early iterations)",&
     513             :       !     usage="OPT_K_PREC_ITER_START 2",default_i_val=0)
     514             :       !CALL section_add_keyword(section,keyword)
     515             :       !CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     516             : 
     517             :       !CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="OPT_K_PREC_ITER_FREQ_UPDATE",&
     518             :       !     description="Frequency for updating the preconditioner",&
     519             :       !     usage="OPT_K_PREC_ITER_FREQ_UPDATE 10",default_i_val=1)
     520             :       !CALL section_add_keyword(section,keyword)
     521             :       !CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     522             : 
     523        9162 :       NULLIFY (subsection)
     524        9162 :       CALL create_optimizer_section(subsection, optimizer_block_diagonal_diis)
     525        9162 :       CALL section_add_subsection(section, subsection)
     526        9162 :       CALL section_release(subsection)
     527             : 
     528        9162 :       NULLIFY (subsection)
     529        9162 :       CALL create_optimizer_section(subsection, optimizer_block_diagonal_pcg)
     530        9162 :       CALL section_add_subsection(section, subsection)
     531        9162 :       CALL section_release(subsection)
     532             : 
     533        9162 :       NULLIFY (subsection)
     534        9162 :       CALL create_optimizer_section(subsection, optimizer_block_diagonal_trustr)
     535        9162 :       CALL section_add_subsection(section, subsection)
     536        9162 :       CALL section_release(subsection)
     537             : 
     538        9162 :       NULLIFY (subsection)
     539        9162 :       CALL create_optimizer_section(subsection, optimizer_xalmo_pcg)
     540        9162 :       CALL section_add_subsection(section, subsection)
     541        9162 :       CALL section_release(subsection)
     542             : 
     543        9162 :       NULLIFY (subsection)
     544        9162 :       CALL create_optimizer_section(subsection, optimizer_xalmo_trustr)
     545        9162 :       CALL section_add_subsection(section, subsection)
     546        9162 :       CALL section_release(subsection)
     547             : 
     548        9162 :       NULLIFY (subsection)
     549        9162 :       CALL create_optimizer_section(subsection, optimizer_nlmo_pcg)
     550        9162 :       CALL section_add_subsection(section, subsection)
     551        9162 :       CALL section_release(subsection)
     552             : 
     553        9162 :       NULLIFY (subsection)
     554        9162 :       CALL create_matrix_iterate_section(subsection)
     555        9162 :       CALL section_add_subsection(section, subsection)
     556        9162 :       CALL section_release(subsection)
     557             : 
     558        9162 :       NULLIFY (subsection)
     559        9162 :       CALL create_almo_analysis_section(subsection)
     560        9162 :       CALL section_add_subsection(section, subsection)
     561        9162 :       CALL section_release(subsection)
     562             : 
     563        9162 :    END SUBROUTINE create_almo_scf_section
     564             : 
     565             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     566             : !> \brief The optimizer section is a collection of keywords that are similar
     567             : !>        to all optimization methods (e.g. target error, number of iterations)
     568             : !> \param section ...
     569             : !> \param optimizer_id   allows to adapt the standard section for specific needs
     570             : !> \par History
     571             : !>       2012.03 created [Rustam Z Khaliullin]
     572             : !>       2014.10 fully integrated [Rustam Z Khaliullin]
     573             : !> \author Rustam Z Khaliullin
     574             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     575       64134 :    RECURSIVE SUBROUTINE create_optimizer_section(section, optimizer_id)
     576             : 
     577             :       TYPE(section_type), POINTER                        :: section
     578             :       INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: optimizer_id
     579             : 
     580             :       INTEGER                                            :: optimizer_type
     581             :       TYPE(keyword_type), POINTER                        :: keyword
     582             :       TYPE(section_type), POINTER                        :: subsection
     583             : 
     584       64134 :       CPASSERT(.NOT. ASSOCIATED(section))
     585       64134 :       NULLIFY (section)
     586             : 
     587             :       ! choose the name of the section
     588       73296 :       SELECT CASE (optimizer_id)
     589             :       CASE (optimizer_block_diagonal_diis)
     590             :          CALL section_create(section, __LOCATION__, name="ALMO_OPTIMIZER_DIIS", &
     591             :                              description="Controls the iterative DIIS-accelerated optimization of block-diagonal ALMOs.", &
     592        9162 :                              n_keywords=5, n_subsections=0, repeats=.FALSE.)
     593        9162 :          optimizer_type = optimizer_diis
     594             :       CASE (optimizer_block_diagonal_pcg)
     595             :          CALL section_create(section, __LOCATION__, name="ALMO_OPTIMIZER_PCG", &
     596             :                              description="Controls the PCG optimization of block-diagonal ALMOs.", &
     597        9162 :                              n_keywords=9, n_subsections=1, repeats=.FALSE.)
     598        9162 :          optimizer_type = optimizer_pcg
     599             :       CASE (optimizer_nlmo_pcg)
     600             :          CALL section_create(section, __LOCATION__, name="NLMO_OPTIMIZER_PCG", &
     601             :                              description="Controls the PCG optimization of nonorthogonal localized MOs.", &
     602        9162 :                              n_keywords=9, n_subsections=1, repeats=.FALSE.)
     603        9162 :          optimizer_type = optimizer_pcg
     604        9162 :          NULLIFY (subsection)
     605        9162 :          CALL create_penalty_section(subsection)
     606        9162 :          CALL section_add_subsection(section, subsection)
     607        9162 :          CALL section_release(subsection)
     608             :       CASE (optimizer_xalmo_pcg)
     609             :          CALL section_create(section, __LOCATION__, name="XALMO_OPTIMIZER_PCG", &
     610             :                              description="Controls the PCG optimization of extended ALMOs.", &
     611        9162 :                              n_keywords=10, n_subsections=2, repeats=.FALSE.)
     612        9162 :          NULLIFY (subsection)
     613        9162 :          CALL create_optimizer_section(subsection, optimizer_newton_pcg_solver)
     614        9162 :          CALL section_add_subsection(section, subsection)
     615        9162 :          CALL section_release(subsection)
     616        9162 :          optimizer_type = optimizer_pcg
     617             :       CASE (optimizer_xalmo_trustr)
     618             :          CALL section_create(section, __LOCATION__, name="XALMO_OPTIMIZER_TRUSTR", &
     619             :                              description="Controls the trust-region optimization of extended ALMOs. "// &
     620             :                              "Trust radius is varied in the outer loop. Once the trust radius is "// &
     621             :                              "chosen (and fixed) the model function can be minized using various "// &
     622             :                              "approaches. Currently, an iterative conjugate-gradient approach is "// &
     623             :                              "used and controlled by the inner loop", &
     624        9162 :                              n_keywords=10, n_subsections=0, repeats=.FALSE.)
     625        9162 :          optimizer_type = optimizer_trustr
     626             :       CASE (optimizer_block_diagonal_trustr)
     627             :          CALL section_create(section, __LOCATION__, name="ALMO_OPTIMIZER_TRUSTR", &
     628             :                              description="Controls the trust-region optimization of block-diagonal ALMOs. "// &
     629             :                              "See XALMO_OPTIMIZER_TRUSTR section for brief explanations.", &
     630        9162 :                              n_keywords=10, n_subsections=0, repeats=.FALSE.)
     631        9162 :          optimizer_type = optimizer_trustr
     632             :       CASE (optimizer_newton_pcg_solver)
     633             :          CALL section_create(section, __LOCATION__, name="XALMO_NEWTON_PCG_SOLVER", &
     634             :                              description="Controls an iterative solver of the Newton-Raphson linear equation.", &
     635        9162 :                              n_keywords=4, n_subsections=0, repeats=.FALSE.)
     636        9162 :          optimizer_type = optimizer_lin_eq_pcg
     637             :       CASE DEFAULT
     638       64134 :          CPABORT("No default values allowed")
     639             :       END SELECT
     640             : 
     641       64134 :       NULLIFY (keyword)
     642             : 
     643             :       ! add common keywords
     644             :       CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="MAX_ITER", &
     645             :                           description="Maximum number of iterations", &
     646       64134 :                           usage="MAX_ITER 100", default_i_val=20)
     647       64134 :       CALL section_add_keyword(section, keyword)
     648       64134 :       CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     649             : 
     650             :       CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="EPS_ERROR", &
     651             :                           description="Target value of the MAX norm of the error", &
     652       64134 :                           usage="EPS_ERROR 1.E-6", default_r_val=1.0E-5_dp)
     653       64134 :       CALL section_add_keyword(section, keyword)
     654       64134 :       CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     655             : 
     656             :       ! add common keywords
     657             :       CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="MAX_ITER_EARLY", &
     658             :                           description="Maximum number of iterations for truncated SCF "// &
     659             :                           "(e.g. Langevin-corrected MD). Negative values mean that this keyword is not used.", &
     660       64134 :                           usage="MAX_ITER_EARLY 5", default_i_val=-1)
     661       64134 :       CALL section_add_keyword(section, keyword)
     662       64134 :       CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     663             : 
     664             :       CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="EPS_ERROR_EARLY", &
     665             :                           description="Target value of the MAX norm of the error for truncated SCF "// &
     666             :                           "(e.g. Langevin-corrected MD). Negative values mean that this keyword is not used.", &
     667       64134 :                           usage="EPS_ERROR_EARLY 1.E-2", default_r_val=-1.0_dp)
     668       64134 :       CALL section_add_keyword(section, keyword)
     669       64134 :       CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     670             : 
     671             :       ! add keywords specific to each type
     672       64134 :       IF (optimizer_type .EQ. optimizer_diis) THEN
     673             : 
     674             :          CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="N_DIIS", &
     675             :                              description="Number of error vectors to be used in the DIIS "// &
     676             :                              "optimization procedure", &
     677        9162 :                              usage="N_DIIS 5", default_i_val=6)
     678        9162 :          CALL section_add_keyword(section, keyword)
     679        9162 :          CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     680             : 
     681             :       END IF
     682             : 
     683             :       IF (optimizer_type .EQ. optimizer_pcg .OR. &
     684       64134 :           optimizer_type .EQ. optimizer_lin_eq_pcg .OR. &
     685             :           optimizer_type .EQ. optimizer_trustr) THEN
     686             : 
     687             :          CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="MAX_ITER_OUTER_LOOP", &
     688             :                              description="Maximum number of iterations in the outer loop. "// &
     689             :                              "Use the outer loop to update the preconditioner and reset the conjugator. "// &
     690             :                              "This can speed up convergence significantly.", &
     691       54972 :                              usage="MAX_ITER_OUTER_LOOP 10", default_i_val=0)
     692       54972 :          CALL section_add_keyword(section, keyword)
     693       54972 :          CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     694             : 
     695             :          CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="PRECONDITIONER", &
     696             :                              description="Select a preconditioner for the conjugate gradient optimization", &
     697             :                              usage="PRECONDITIONER DOMAIN", &
     698             :                              default_i_val=xalmo_prec_domain, &
     699             :                              enum_c_vals=s2a("NONE", "DEFAULT", "DOMAIN", "FULL"), &
     700             :                              enum_desc=s2a("Do not use preconditioner", &
     701             :                                            "Same as DOMAIN preconditioner", &
     702             :                                            "Invert preconditioner domain-by-domain."// &
     703             :                                            " The main component of the linear scaling algorithm", &
     704             :                                            "Solve linear equations step=-H.grad on the entire space"), &
     705             :                              enum_i_vals=(/xalmo_prec_zero, xalmo_prec_domain, &
     706       54972 :                                            xalmo_prec_domain, xalmo_prec_full/))
     707       54972 :          CALL section_add_keyword(section, keyword)
     708       54972 :          CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     709             : 
     710             :       END IF
     711             : 
     712       54972 :       IF (optimizer_type .EQ. optimizer_pcg) THEN
     713             : 
     714             :          CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="LIN_SEARCH_EPS_ERROR", &
     715             :                              description="Target value of the gradient norm during the linear search", &
     716       27486 :                              usage="LIN_SEARCH_EPS_ERROR 1.E-2", default_r_val=1.0E-3_dp)
     717       27486 :          CALL section_add_keyword(section, keyword)
     718       27486 :          CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     719             : 
     720             :          CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="LIN_SEARCH_STEP_SIZE_GUESS", &
     721             :                              description="The size of the first step in the linear search", &
     722       27486 :                              usage="LIN_SEARCH_STEP_SIZE_GUESS 0.1", default_r_val=1.0_dp)
     723       27486 :          CALL section_add_keyword(section, keyword)
     724       27486 :          CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     725             : 
     726             :          CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="PRECOND_FILTER_THRESHOLD", &
     727             :                              description="Select eigenvalues of the preconditioner "// &
     728             :                              "that are smaller than the threshold and project out the "// &
     729             :                              "corresponding eigenvectors from the gradient. No matter "// &
     730             :                              "how large the threshold is the maximum number of projected "// &
     731             :                              "eienvectors for a fragment equals to the number of occupied "// &
     732             :                              "orbitals of fragment's neighbors.", &
     733       27486 :                              usage="PRECOND_FILTER_THRESHOLD 0.1", default_r_val=-1.0_dp)
     734       27486 :          CALL section_add_keyword(section, keyword)
     735       27486 :          CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     736             : 
     737             :       END IF
     738             : 
     739       64134 :       IF (optimizer_type .EQ. optimizer_pcg .OR. &
     740             :           optimizer_type .EQ. optimizer_trustr) THEN
     741             : 
     742             :          CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="CONJUGATOR", &
     743             :                              description="Various methods to compute step directions in the PCG optimization", &
     744             :                              usage="CONJUGATOR POLAK_RIBIERE", &
     745             :                              default_i_val=cg_hager_zhang, &
     746             :                              enum_c_vals=s2a("ZERO", "POLAK_RIBIERE", "FLETCHER_REEVES", &
     747             :                                              "HESTENES_STIEFEL", "FLETCHER", "LIU_STOREY", "DAI_YUAN", "HAGER_ZHANG"), &
     748             :                              enum_desc=s2a("Steepest descent", "Polak and Ribiere", &
     749             :                                            "Fletcher and Reeves", "Hestenes and Stiefel", &
     750             :                                            "Fletcher (Conjugate descent)", "Liu and Storey", &
     751             :                                            "Dai and Yuan", "Hager and Zhang"), &
     752             :                              enum_i_vals=(/cg_zero, cg_polak_ribiere, cg_fletcher_reeves, &
     753             :                                            cg_hestenes_stiefel, cg_fletcher, cg_liu_storey, &
     754       45810 :                                            cg_dai_yuan, cg_hager_zhang/))
     755       45810 :          CALL section_add_keyword(section, keyword)
     756       45810 :          CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     757             : 
     758             :       END IF
     759             : 
     760       45810 :       IF (optimizer_type .EQ. optimizer_trustr) THEN
     761             : 
     762             :          CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="ALGORITHM", &
     763             :                              description="Selects an algorithm to solve the fixed-radius subproblem", &
     764             :                              usage="ALGORITHM CG", &
     765             :                              default_i_val=trustr_cauchy, &
     766             :                              enum_c_vals=s2a("CG", "CAUCHY", "DOGLEG"), &
     767             :                              enum_desc=s2a("Steihaug's iterative CG algorithm that does not invert model Hessian", &
     768             :                                            "Compute simple Cauchy point", &
     769             :                                            "Dogleg optimizer"), &
     770       18324 :                              enum_i_vals=(/trustr_steihaug, trustr_cauchy, trustr_dogleg/))
     771       18324 :          CALL section_add_keyword(section, keyword)
     772       18324 :          CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     773             : 
     774             :          CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="ETA", &
     775             :                              description="Must be between 0.0 and 0.25. Rho value below which the "// &
     776             :                              "optimization of the model function is not accepted and the "// &
     777             :                              "optimization is restarted from the same point but decreased "// &
     778             :                              "trust radius. Rho is the ratio of the actual over predicted "// &
     779             :                              "change in the objective function", &
     780       18324 :                              usage="ETA 0.1", default_r_val=0.25_dp)
     781       18324 :          CALL section_add_keyword(section, keyword)
     782       18324 :          CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     783             : 
     784             :          CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="MODEL_GRAD_NORM_RATIO", &
     785             :                              description="Stop the fixed-trust-radius (inner) loop optimization "// &
     786             :                              "once the ratio of the current norm of the model gradient over the "// &
     787             :                              "initial norm drops below this threshold", &
     788       18324 :                              usage="MODEL_GRAD_NORM_RATIO 1.E-2", default_r_val=0.01_dp)
     789       18324 :          CALL section_add_keyword(section, keyword)
     790       18324 :          CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     791             : 
     792             :          CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="INITIAL_TRUST_RADIUS", &
     793             :                              description="Initial trust radius", &
     794       18324 :                              usage="INITIAL_TRUST_RADIUS 0.1", default_r_val=0.1_dp)
     795       18324 :          CALL section_add_keyword(section, keyword)
     796       18324 :          CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     797             : 
     798             :          CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="MAX_TRUST_RADIUS", &
     799             :                              description="Maximum allowed trust radius", &
     800       18324 :                              usage="MAX_TRUST_RADIUS 1.0", default_r_val=2.0_dp)
     801       18324 :          CALL section_add_keyword(section, keyword)
     802       18324 :          CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     803             : 
     804             :       END IF
     805             : 
     806       64134 :    END SUBROUTINE create_optimizer_section
     807             : 
     808             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     809             : !> \brief The section controls iterative matrix operations like SQRT or inverse
     810             : !> \param section ...
     811             : !> \par History
     812             : !>       2017.05 created [Rustam Z Khaliullin]
     813             : !> \author Rustam Z Khaliullin
     814             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     815        9162 :    SUBROUTINE create_matrix_iterate_section(section)
     816             : 
     817             :       TYPE(section_type), POINTER                        :: section
     818             : 
     819             :       TYPE(keyword_type), POINTER                        :: keyword
     820             : 
     821        9162 :       CPASSERT(.NOT. ASSOCIATED(section))
     822        9162 :       NULLIFY (section)
     823             : 
     824             :       CALL section_create(section, __LOCATION__, name="MATRIX_ITERATE", &
     825             :                           description="Controls linear scaling iterative procedure on matrices: inversion, sqrti, etc. "// &
     826             :                           "High-order Lanczos accelerates convergence provided it can estimate the eigenspectrum correctly.", &
     827        9162 :                           n_keywords=4, n_subsections=0, repeats=.FALSE.)
     828             : 
     829        9162 :       NULLIFY (keyword)
     830             : 
     831             :       CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="EPS_TARGET_FACTOR", &
     832             :                           description="Multiplication factor that determines acceptable error in the iterative procedure. "// &
     833             :                           "Acceptable error = EPS_TARGET_FACTOR * EPS_FILTER", &
     834        9162 :                           usage="EPS_TARGET_FACTOR 100.0", default_r_val=10.0_dp)
     835        9162 :       CALL section_add_keyword(section, keyword)
     836        9162 :       CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     837             : 
     838             :       CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="EPS_LANCZOS", &
     839             :                           description="Threshold for Lanczos eigenvalue estimation.", &
     840        9162 :                           usage="EPS_LANCZOS 1.0E-4", default_r_val=1.0E-3_dp)
     841        9162 :       CALL section_add_keyword(section, keyword)
     842        9162 :       CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     843             : 
     844             :       CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="ORDER_LANCZOS", &
     845             :                           description="Order of the Lanczos estimator. Use 0 to turn off. Do not use 1.", &
     846        9162 :                           usage="ORDER_LANCZOS 5", default_i_val=3)
     847        9162 :       CALL section_add_keyword(section, keyword)
     848        9162 :       CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     849             : 
     850             :       CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="MAX_ITER_LANCZOS", &
     851             :                           description="Maximum number of Lanczos iterations.", &
     852        9162 :                           usage="MAX_ITER_LANCZOS 64", default_i_val=128)
     853        9162 :       CALL section_add_keyword(section, keyword)
     854        9162 :       CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     855             : 
     856        9162 :    END SUBROUTINE create_matrix_iterate_section
     857             : 
     858             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     859             : !> \brief The section controls penalty methods
     860             : !> \param section ...
     861             : !> \par History
     862             : !>       2018.01 created [Rustam Z Khaliullin]
     863             : !> \author Rustam Z Khaliullin
     864             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     865        9162 :    SUBROUTINE create_penalty_section(section)
     866             : 
     867             :       TYPE(section_type), POINTER                        :: section
     868             : 
     869             :       TYPE(keyword_type), POINTER                        :: keyword
     870             : 
     871        9162 :       CPASSERT(.NOT. ASSOCIATED(section))
     872        9162 :       NULLIFY (section)
     873             : 
     874             :       CALL section_create(section, __LOCATION__, name="PENALTY", &
     875             :                           description="Add penalty terms to the energy functional.", &
     876        9162 :                           n_keywords=3, n_subsections=0, repeats=.FALSE.)
     877             : 
     878        9162 :       NULLIFY (keyword)
     879             : 
     880             :       CALL keyword_create( &
     881             :          keyword, __LOCATION__, name="OPERATOR", &
     882             :          description="Type of opertator which defines the spread functional", &
     883             :          usage="OPERATOR PIPEK", &
     884             :          enum_c_vals=s2a("BERRY", "PIPEK"), &
     885             :          enum_i_vals=(/op_loc_berry, op_loc_pipek/), &
     886        9162 :          default_i_val=op_loc_berry)
     887        9162 :       CALL section_add_keyword(section, keyword)
     888        9162 :       CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     889             : 
     890             :       CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="PENALTY_STRENGTH", &
     891             :                           description="Strength of the orthogonalization penalty", &
     892        9162 :                           usage="PENALTY_STRENGTH 1.1", default_r_val=1.1_dp)
     893        9162 :       CALL section_add_keyword(section, keyword)
     894        9162 :       CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     895             : 
     896             :       CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="PENALTY_STRENGTH_DECREASE_FACTOR", &
     897             :                           description="Factor that decreases the strength of the orthogonalization penalty.", &
     898        9162 :                           usage="PENALTY_STRENGTH_DECREASE_FACTOR 1.1", default_r_val=1.1_dp)
     899        9162 :       CALL section_add_keyword(section, keyword)
     900        9162 :       CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     901             : 
     902             :       CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="DETERMINANT_TOLERANCE", &
     903             :                           description="Stop the optimization of the penalty strength if the determinant of the overlap "// &
     904             :                           "changes less than this tolerance threshold.", &
     905        9162 :                           usage="DETERMINANT_TOLERANCE 1.0E-4", default_r_val=1.0E-3_dp)
     906        9162 :       CALL section_add_keyword(section, keyword)
     907        9162 :       CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     908             : 
     909             :       CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="FINAL_DETERMINANT", &
     910             :                           description="The final determinant that obtained after optimization.", &
     911        9162 :                           usage="FINAL_DETERMINANT 0.1", default_r_val=0.1_dp)
     912        9162 :       CALL section_add_keyword(section, keyword)
     913        9162 :       CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     914             : 
     915             :       CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="COMPACTIFICATION_FILTER_START", &
     916             :                           description="Set orbital coefficients with absolute value smaller than this value to zero.", &
     917        9162 :                           usage="COMPACTIFICATION_FILTER_START 1.e-6", default_r_val=-1.0_dp)
     918        9162 :       CALL section_add_keyword(section, keyword)
     919        9162 :       CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     920             : 
     921             :       CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="VIRTUAL_NLMOS", &
     922             :                           description="Localize virtual oribtals", &
     923        9162 :                           usage="VIRTUAL_NLMOS .TRUE.", default_l_val=.FALSE.)
     924        9162 :       CALL section_add_keyword(section, keyword)
     925        9162 :       CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     926             : 
     927        9162 :    END SUBROUTINE create_penalty_section
     928             : 
     929             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     930             : !> \brief The section controls electronic structure analysis based on ALMOs
     931             : !> \param section ...
     932             : !> \par History
     933             : !>       2014.10 created [Rustam Z Khaliullin]
     934             : !> \author Rustam Z Khaliullin
     935             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     936        9162 :    SUBROUTINE create_almo_analysis_section(section)
     937             : 
     938             :       TYPE(section_type), POINTER                        :: section
     939             : 
     940             :       TYPE(keyword_type), POINTER                        :: keyword
     941             :       TYPE(section_type), POINTER                        :: subsection
     942             : 
     943        9162 :       CPASSERT(.NOT. ASSOCIATED(section))
     944        9162 :       NULLIFY (section)
     945             : 
     946             :       CALL section_create(section, __LOCATION__, name="ANALYSIS", &
     947             :                           description="Controls electronic structure analysis based on ALMOs and XALMOs.", &
     948             :                           n_keywords=2, n_subsections=1, repeats=.FALSE., &
     949       27486 :                           citations=(/Khaliullin2007, Khaliullin2008/))
     950             : 
     951        9162 :       NULLIFY (keyword)
     952             : 
     953             :       CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="_SECTION_PARAMETERS_", &
     954             :                           description="Activation of ALMO-based electronic structure analysis.", &
     955             :                           usage="&ANALYSIS T", &
     956             :                           default_l_val=.FALSE., &
     957        9162 :                           lone_keyword_l_val=.TRUE.)
     958        9162 :       CALL section_add_keyword(section, keyword)
     959        9162 :       CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     960             : 
     961             :       CALL keyword_create(keyword, __LOCATION__, name="FROZEN_MO_ENERGY_TERM", &
     962             :                           description="Perform calculations on single molecules to compute the frozen density term", &
     963             :                           usage="FROZEN_MO_ENERGY_TERM SUBLATTICE", default_i_val=almo_frz_none, &
     964             :                           !enum_c_vals=s2a("SKIP", "ISOLATED", "SUBLATTICE"),&
     965             :                           enum_c_vals=s2a("SKIP", "SUBLATTICE"), &
     966             :                           enum_desc=s2a("Do not compute the frozen MO energy term.", &
     967             :                                         !"Use isolated gas-phase molecules as the reference.",&
     968             :                                         "Use energies of single molecules in their positions in the crystal "// &
     969             :                                         "cell as the reference. "// &
     970             :                                         "This term does not have an interpretation if fragmetns are charged."), &
     971             :                           enum_i_vals=(/almo_frz_none, &
     972             :                                         !almo_frz_isolated,&
     973        9162 :                                         almo_frz_crystal/))
     974        9162 :       CALL section_add_keyword(section, keyword)
     975        9162 :       CALL keyword_release(keyword)
     976             : 
     977        9162 :       NULLIFY (subsection)
     978        9162 :       CALL create_almo_print_section(subsection)
     979        9162 :       CALL section_add_subsection(section, subsection)
     980        9162 :       CALL section_release(subsection)
     981             : 
     982        9162 :    END SUBROUTINE create_almo_analysis_section
     983             : 
     984             : ! *****************************************************************************
     985             : !> \brief Create a section with all print keys for ALMO methods
     986             : !> \param section ...
     987             : !> \par History
     988             : !>       2016.05 created [Rustam Z Khaliullin]
     989             : !> \author Rustam Z Khaliullin
     990             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     991        9162 :    SUBROUTINE create_almo_print_section(section)
     992             : 
     993             :       TYPE(section_type), POINTER                        :: section
     994             : 
     995             :       TYPE(section_type), POINTER                        :: print_key
     996             : 
     997        9162 :       CPASSERT(.NOT. ASSOCIATED(section))
     998        9162 :       NULLIFY (section, print_key)
     999             : 
    1000             :       CALL section_create(section, __LOCATION__, name="PRINT", &
    1001             :                           description="Controls printing of detailed ALMO decomosition analysis results", &
    1002        9162 :                           n_keywords=0, n_subsections=2, repeats=.TRUE.)
    1003             : 
    1004             :       ! create print keys within this subsection
    1005             :       CALL cp_print_key_section_create(print_key, __LOCATION__, "ALMO_EDA_CT", &
    1006             :                                        description="Controls printing of the electron transfer terms in "// &
    1007             :                                        "ALMO energy decomposition analysis. "// &
    1008             :                                        "File format: first column is the index of the electron acceptor "// &
    1009             :                                        "fragment, second -- is the index of the electron donor fragment, "// &
    1010             :                                        "third - the energy change (a.u.) associated with the electron transfer.", &
    1011             :                                        print_level=low_print_level, common_iter_levels=1, &
    1012        9162 :                                        filename="EDA")
    1013        9162 :       CALL section_add_subsection(section, print_key)
    1014        9162 :       CALL section_release(print_key)
    1015             : 
    1016             :       CALL cp_print_key_section_create(print_key, __LOCATION__, "ALMO_CTA", &
    1017             :                                        description="Controls printing of the electron transfer terms in "// &
    1018             :                                        "ALMO charge transfer analysis. "// &
    1019             :                                        "File format: first column is the index of the electron acceptor "// &
    1020             :                                        "fragment, second -- is the index of the electron donor fragment, "// &
    1021             :                                        "third - the change (a.u.) transferred between the two fragments.", &
    1022             :                                        print_level=low_print_level, common_iter_levels=1, &
    1023        9162 :                                        filename="CTA")
    1024        9162 :       CALL section_add_subsection(section, print_key)
    1025        9162 :       CALL section_release(print_key)
    1026             : 
    1027        9162 :    END SUBROUTINE create_almo_print_section
    1028             : 
    1029             : END MODULE input_cp2k_almo

Generated by: LCOV version 1.15