LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/pw - ps_wavelet_util.F (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: CP2K Regtests (git:b4bd748) Lines: 147 172 85.5 %
Date: 2025-03-09 07:56:22 Functions: 5 5 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
       2             : !   CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations                              !
       3             : !   Copyright 2000-2025 CP2K developers group <>                                   !
       4             : !                                                                                                  !
       5             : !   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later                                                      !
       6             : !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
       7             : 
       8             : ! **************************************************************************************************
       9             : !> \brief Performs a wavelet based solution of the Poisson equation.
      10             : !> \author Florian Schiffmann (09.2007,fschiff)
      11             : ! **************************************************************************************************
      12             : MODULE ps_wavelet_util
      13             : 
      14             :    USE kinds,                           ONLY: dp
      15             :    USE mathconstants,                   ONLY: fourpi
      16             :    USE ps_wavelet_base,                 ONLY: f_poissonsolver,&
      17             :                                               p_poissonsolver,&
      18             :                                               s_poissonsolver
      19             :    USE ps_wavelet_fft3d,                ONLY: fourier_dim
      20             :    USE pw_grid_types,                   ONLY: pw_grid_type
      21             : #include "../base/base_uses.f90"
      22             : 
      23             :    IMPLICIT NONE
      24             : 
      25             :    PRIVATE
      26             : 
      27             :    CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'ps_wavelet_util'
      28             : 
      29             :    ! *** Public data types ***
      30             : 
      31             :    PUBLIC :: PSolver, &
      32             :              P_FFT_dimensions, &
      33             :              S_FFT_dimensions, &
      34             :              F_FFT_dimensions
      35             : 
      36             : CONTAINS
      37             : 
      38             : ! **************************************************************************************************
      39             : !> \brief Calculate the Poisson equation $\nabla^2 V(x,y,z)=-4 \pi \rho(x,y,z)$
      40             : !>     from a given $\rho$, for different boundary conditions an for different data distributions.
      41             : !>     Following the boundary conditions, it applies the Poisson Kernel previously calculated.
      42             : !> \param geocode Indicates the boundary conditions (BC) of the problem:
      43             : !>             'F' free BC, isolated systems.
      44             : !>                 The program calculates the solution as if the given density is
      45             : !>                 "alone" in R^3 space.
      46             : !>             'S' surface BC, isolated in y direction, periodic in xz plane
      47             : !>                 The given density is supposed to be periodic in the xz plane,
      48             : !>                 so the dimensions in these direction mus be compatible with the FFT
      49             : !>                 Beware of the fact that the isolated direction is y!
      50             : !>             'P' periodic BC.
      51             : !>                 The density is supposed to be periodic in all the three directions,
      52             : !>                 then all the dimensions must be compatible with the FFT.
      53             : !>                 No need for setting up the kernel.
      54             : !> \param iproc label of the process,from 0 to nproc-1
      55             : !> \param nproc number of processors
      56             : !> \param n01 global dimension in the three directions.
      57             : !> \param n02 global dimension in the three directions.
      58             : !> \param n03 global dimension in the three directions.
      59             : !> \param hx    grid spacings. For the isolated BC case for the moment they are supposed to
      60             : !>                 be equal in the three directions
      61             : !> \param hy grid spacings. For the isolated BC case for the moment they are supposed to
      62             : !>                 be equal in the three directions
      63             : !> \param hz grid spacings. For the isolated BC case for the moment they are supposed to
      64             : !>                 be equal in the three directions
      65             : !> \param rhopot main input/output array.
      66             : !>                 On input, it represents the density values on the grid points
      67             : !>                 On output, it is the Hartree potential, namely the solution of the Poisson
      68             : !>                 equation PLUS (when ixc/=0) the XC potential PLUS (again for ixc/=0) the
      69             : !>                 pot_ion array. The output is non overlapping, in the sense that it does not
      70             : !>                 consider the points that are related to gradient and WB calculation
      71             : !> \param karray kernel of the poisson equation. It is provided in distributed case, with
      72             : !>                 dimensions that are related to the output of the PS_dim4allocation routine
      73             : !>                 it MUST be created by following the same geocode as the Poisson Solver.
      74             : !> \param pw_grid ...
      75             : !> \date February 2007
      76             : !> \author Luigi Genovese
      77             : !> \note The dimensions of the arrays must be compatible with geocode, nproc,
      78             : !>     ixc and iproc. Since the arguments of these routines are indicated with the *, it
      79             : !>     is IMPERATIVE to use the PS_dim4allocation routine for calculation arrays sizes.
      80             : ! **************************************************************************************************
      81       31615 :    SUBROUTINE PSolver(geocode, iproc, nproc, n01, n02, n03, hx, hy, hz, &
      82             :                       rhopot, karray, pw_grid)
      83             :       CHARACTER(len=1), INTENT(in)                       :: geocode
      84             :       INTEGER, INTENT(in)                                :: iproc, nproc, n01, n02, n03
      85             :       REAL(KIND=dp), INTENT(in)                          :: hx, hy, hz
      86             :       REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(*), INTENT(inout)         :: rhopot
      87             :       REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(*), INTENT(in)            :: karray
      88             :       TYPE(pw_grid_type), POINTER                        :: pw_grid
      89             : 
      90             :       INTEGER                                            :: i1, i2, i3, iend, istart, j2, m1, m2, &
      91             :                                                             m3, md1, md2, md3, n1, n2, n3, nd1, &
      92             :                                                             nd2, nd3, nlim, nwb, nwbl, nwbr, nxc, &
      93             :                                                             nxcl, nxcr, nxt
      94             :       REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: factor, hgrid, red_fact, scal
      95       31615 :       REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :, :)     :: zf
      96             : 
      97             : !the order of the finite-difference gradient (fixed)
      98             : !calculate the dimensions wrt the geocode
      99             : 
     100       31615 :       IF (geocode == 'P') THEN
     101       16561 :          CALL P_FFT_dimensions(n01, n02, n03, m1, m2, m3, n1, n2, n3, md1, md2, md3, nd1, nd2, nd3, nproc)
     102       15054 :       ELSE IF (geocode == 'S') THEN
     103          18 :          CALL S_FFT_dimensions(n01, n02, n03, m1, m2, m3, n1, n2, n3, md1, md2, md3, nd1, nd2, nd3, nproc)
     104       15036 :       ELSE IF (geocode == 'F') THEN
     105       15036 :          CALL F_FFT_dimensions(n01, n02, n03, m1, m2, m3, n1, n2, n3, md1, md2, md3, nd1, nd2, nd3, nproc)
     106             :       ELSE
     107           0 :          CPABORT("PSolver: geometry code not admitted")
     108             :       END IF
     109             :       !array allocations
     110      158075 :       ALLOCATE (zf(md1, md3, md2/nproc))
     111             : 
     112             :       !  CALL timing(iproc,'Exchangecorr  ','ON')
     113             :       !dimension for exchange-correlation (different in the global or distributed case)
     114             :       !let us calculate the dimension of the portion of the rhopot array to be passed
     115             :       !to the xc routine
     116             :       !this portion will depend on the need of calculating the gradient or not,
     117             :       !and whether the White-Bird correction must be inserted or not
     118             :       !(absent only in the LB ixc=13 case)
     119             : 
     120             :       !nxc is the effective part of the third dimension that is being processed
     121             :       !nxt is the dimension of the part of rhopot that must be passed to the gradient routine
     122             :       !nwb is the dimension of the part of rhopot in the wb-postprocessing routine
     123             :       !note: nxc <= nwb <= nxt
     124             :       !the dimension are related by the values of nwbl and nwbr
     125             :       !      nxc+nxcl+nxcr-2 = nwb
     126             :       !      nwb+nwbl+nwbr = nxt
     127       31615 :       istart = iproc*(md2/nproc)
     128       31615 :       iend = MIN((iproc + 1)*md2/nproc, m2)
     129             : 
     130       31615 :       nxc = iend - istart
     131       31615 :       nwbl = 0
     132       31615 :       nwbr = 0
     133       31615 :       nxcl = 1
     134       31615 :       nxcr = 1
     135             : 
     136       31615 :       nwb = nxcl + nxc + nxcr - 2
     137       31615 :       nxt = nwbr + nwb + nwbl
     138             : 
     139             :       !calculate the actual limit of the array for the zero padded FFT
     140       31615 :       IF (geocode == 'P') THEN
     141       16561 :          nlim = n2
     142       15054 :       ELSE IF (geocode == 'S') THEN
     143          18 :          nlim = n2
     144       15036 :       ELSE IF (geocode == 'F') THEN
     145       15036 :          nlim = n2/2
     146             :       END IF
     147             : 
     148             :       !!$  print *,'density must go from',min(istart+1,m2),'to',iend,'with n2/2=',n2/2
     149             :       !!$  print *,'        it goes from',i3start+nwbl+nxcl-1,'to',i3start+nxc-1
     150             : 
     151       31615 :       IF (istart + 1 <= m2) THEN
     152       31615 :          red_fact = 1._dp
     153       31615 :          CALL scale_and_distribute(m1, m3, md1, md2, md3, nxc, rhopot, zf, nproc, red_fact)
     154           0 :       ELSE IF (istart + 1 <= nlim) THEN !this condition assures that we have perform good zero padding
     155           0 :          DO i2 = istart + 1, MIN(nlim, istart + md2/nproc)
     156           0 :             j2 = i2 - istart
     157           0 :             DO i3 = 1, md3
     158           0 :                DO i1 = 1, md1
     159           0 :                   zf(i1, i3, j2) = 0._dp
     160             :                END DO
     161             :             END DO
     162             :          END DO
     163             :       END IF
     164             : 
     165             :       !this routine builds the values for each process of the potential (zf), multiplying by scal
     166       31615 :       IF (geocode == 'P') THEN
     167             :          !no powers of hgrid because they are incorporated in the plane wave treatment
     168       16561 :          scal = 1._dp/REAL(n1*n2*n3, KIND=dp)
     169             :          CALL P_PoissonSolver(n1, n2, n3, nd1, nd2, nd3, md1, md2, md3, nproc, iproc, zf, &
     170       16561 :                               scal, hx, hy, hz, pw_grid%para%group)
     171       15054 :       ELSE IF (geocode == 'S') THEN
     172             :          !only one power of hgrid
     173          18 :          scal = hy/REAL(n1*n2*n3, KIND=dp)
     174             :          CALL S_PoissonSolver(n1, n2, n3, nd1, nd2, nd3, md1, md2, md3, nproc, iproc, karray, zf, &
     175          18 :                               scal, pw_grid%para%group)
     176       15036 :       ELSE IF (geocode == 'F') THEN
     177       15036 :          hgrid = MAX(hx, hy, hz)
     178       15036 :          scal = hgrid**3/REAL(n1*n2*n3, KIND=dp)
     179             :          CALL F_PoissonSolver(n1, n2, n3, nd1, nd2, nd3, md1, md2, md3, nproc, iproc, karray, zf, &
     180       15036 :                               scal, pw_grid%para%group)
     181       15036 :          factor = 0.5_dp*hgrid**3
     182             :       END IF
     183             : 
     184             :       !  call timing(iproc,'PSolv_comput  ','ON')
     185             : 
     186             :       !the value of the shift depends on the distributed i/o or not
     187       31615 :       IF (geocode == 'F') THEN
     188       15036 :          red_fact = 1._dp
     189             :       ELSE
     190       16579 :          red_fact = -fourpi
     191             :       END IF
     192             : 
     193       31615 :       CALL scale_and_distribute(m1, m3, md1, md2, md3, nxc, zf, rhopot, nproc, red_fact)
     194             : 
     195       31615 :       DEALLOCATE (zf)
     196             : 
     197       31615 :    END SUBROUTINE PSolver
     198             : 
     199             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     200             : !> \brief Calculate four sets of dimension needed for the calculation of the
     201             : !>     convolution for the periodic system
     202             : !> \param n01 original real dimensions (input)
     203             : !> \param n02 original real dimensions (input)
     204             : !> \param n03 original real dimensions (input)
     205             : !> \param m1 original real dimension, with m2 and m3 exchanged
     206             : !> \param m2 original real dimension, with m2 and m3 exchanged
     207             : !> \param m3 original real dimension, with m2 and m3 exchanged
     208             : !> \param n1 the first FFT dimensions, for the moment supposed to be even
     209             : !> \param n2 the first FFT dimensions, for the moment supposed to be even
     210             : !> \param n3 the first FFT dimensions, for the moment supposed to be even
     211             : !> \param md1 the n1,n2,n3 dimensions. They contain the real unpadded space,
     212             : !>                 properly enlarged to be compatible with the FFT dimensions n_i.
     213             : !>                 md2 is further enlarged to be a multiple of nproc
     214             : !> \param md2 the n1,n2,n3 dimensions. They contain the real unpadded space,
     215             : !>                 properly enlarged to be compatible with the FFT dimensions n_i.
     216             : !>                 md2 is further enlarged to be a multiple of nproc
     217             : !> \param md3 the n1,n2,n3 dimensions. They contain the real unpadded space,
     218             : !>                 properly enlarged to be compatible with the FFT dimensions n_i.
     219             : !>                 md2 is further enlarged to be a multiple of nproc
     220             : !> \param nd1 fourier dimensions for which the kernel is injective,
     221             : !>                 formally 1/8 of the fourier grid. Here the dimension nd3 is
     222             : !>                 enlarged to be a multiple of nproc
     223             : !> \param nd2 fourier dimensions for which the kernel is injective,
     224             : !>                 formally 1/8 of the fourier grid. Here the dimension nd3 is
     225             : !>                 enlarged to be a multiple of nproc
     226             : !> \param nd3 fourier dimensions for which the kernel is injective,
     227             : !>                 formally 1/8 of the fourier grid. Here the dimension nd3 is
     228             : !>                 enlarged to be a multiple of nproc
     229             : !> \param nproc ...
     230             : !> \date October 2006
     231             : !> \author Luigi Genovese
     232             : !> \note This four sets of dimensions are actually redundant (mi=n0i),
     233             : !>     due to the backward-compatibility
     234             : !>     with the other geometries of the Poisson Solver.
     235             : !>     The dimensions 2 and 3 are exchanged.
     236             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     237       50619 :    SUBROUTINE P_FFT_dimensions(n01, n02, n03, m1, m2, m3, n1, n2, n3, md1, md2, md3, nd1, nd2, nd3, nproc)
     238             :       INTEGER, INTENT(in)                                :: n01, n02, n03
     239             :       INTEGER, INTENT(out)                               :: m1, m2, m3, n1, n2, n3, md1, md2, md3, &
     240             :                                                             nd1, nd2, nd3
     241             :       INTEGER, INTENT(in)                                :: nproc
     242             : 
     243             :       INTEGER                                            :: l1, l2, l3
     244             : 
     245             : !dimensions of the density in the real space
     246             : 
     247       16873 :       m1 = n01
     248       16873 :       m2 = n03
     249       16873 :       m3 = n02
     250             : 
     251             :       ! real space grid dimension (suitable for number of processors)
     252       16873 :       l1 = m1
     253       16873 :       l2 = m2
     254       16873 :       l3 = m3 !beware of the half dimension
     255       16873 :       CALL fourier_dim(l1, n1)
     256       16873 :       IF (n1 == m1) THEN
     257             :       ELSE
     258           0 :          PRINT *, 'the FFT in the x direction is not allowed'
     259           0 :          PRINT *, 'n01 dimension', n01
     260           0 :          CPABORT("")
     261             :       END IF
     262       16873 :       l1 = l1 + 1
     263       16873 :       CALL fourier_dim(l2, n2)
     264       16873 :       IF (n2 == m2) THEN
     265             :       ELSE
     266           0 :          PRINT *, 'the FFT in the z direction is not allowed'
     267           0 :          PRINT *, 'n03 dimension', n03
     268           0 :          CPABORT("")
     269             :       END IF
     270       16873 :       CALL fourier_dim(l3, n3)
     271       16873 :       IF (n3 == m3) THEN
     272             :       ELSE
     273           0 :          PRINT *, 'the FFT in the y direction is not allowed'
     274           0 :          PRINT *, 'n02 dimension', n02
     275           0 :          CPABORT("")
     276             :       END IF
     277             : 
     278             :       !dimensions that contain the unpadded real space,
     279             :       ! compatible with the number of processes
     280       16873 :       md1 = n1
     281       16873 :       md2 = n2
     282       16873 :       md3 = n3
     283       18153 :       DO WHILE (nproc*(md2/nproc) .LT. n2)
     284        1280 :          md2 = md2 + 1
     285             :       END DO
     286             : 
     287             :       !dimensions of the kernel, 1/8 of the total volume,
     288             :       !compatible with nproc
     289       16873 :       nd1 = n1/2 + 1
     290       16873 :       nd2 = n2/2 + 1
     291       16873 :       nd3 = n3/2 + 1
     292       18703 :       DO WHILE (MODULO(nd3, nproc) .NE. 0)
     293        1830 :          nd3 = nd3 + 1
     294             :       END DO
     295             : 
     296       16873 :    END SUBROUTINE P_FFT_dimensions
     297             : 
     298             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     299             : !> \brief Calculate four sets of dimension needed for the calculation of the
     300             : !>     convolution for the surface system
     301             : !> \param n01 original real dimensions (input)
     302             : !> \param n02 original real dimensions (input)
     303             : !> \param n03 original real dimensions (input)
     304             : !> \param m1 original real dimension, with 2 and 3 exchanged
     305             : !> \param m2 original real dimension, with 2 and 3 exchanged
     306             : !> \param m3 original real dimension, with 2 and 3 exchanged
     307             : !> \param n1 the first FFT dimensions, for the moment supposed to be even
     308             : !> \param n2 the first FFT dimensions, for the moment supposed to be even
     309             : !> \param n3 the double of the first FFT even dimension greater than m3
     310             : !>           (improved for the HalFFT procedure)
     311             : !> \param md1 the n1,n2 dimensions.
     312             : !> \param md2 the n1,n2,n3 dimensions.
     313             : !> \param md3 the half of n3 dimension. They contain the real unpadded space,
     314             : !>                 properly enlarged to be compatible with the FFT dimensions n_i.
     315             : !>                 md2 is further enlarged to be a multiple of nproc
     316             : !> \param nd1 fourier dimensions for which the kernel is injective,
     317             : !>                 formally 1/8 of the fourier grid. Here the dimension nd3 is
     318             : !>                 enlarged to be a multiple of nproc
     319             : !> \param nd2 fourier dimensions for which the kernel is injective,
     320             : !>                 formally 1/8 of the fourier grid. Here the dimension nd3 is
     321             : !>                 enlarged to be a multiple of nproc
     322             : !> \param nd3 fourier dimensions for which the kernel is injective,
     323             : !>                 formally 1/8 of the fourier grid. Here the dimension nd3 is
     324             : !>                 enlarged to be a multiple of nproc
     325             : !> \param nproc ...
     326             : !> \date October 2006
     327             : !> \author Luigi Genovese
     328             : !> \note This four sets of dimensions are actually redundant (mi=n0i),
     329             : !>     due to the backward-compatibility
     330             : !>     with the Poisson Solver with other geometries.
     331             : !>     Dimensions n02 and n03 were exchanged
     332             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     333          66 :    SUBROUTINE S_FFT_dimensions(n01, n02, n03, m1, m2, m3, n1, n2, n3, md1, md2, md3, nd1, nd2, nd3, nproc)
     334             :       INTEGER, INTENT(in)                                :: n01, n02, n03
     335             :       INTEGER, INTENT(out)                               :: m1, m2, m3, n1, n2, n3, md1, md2, md3, &
     336             :                                                             nd1, nd2, nd3
     337             :       INTEGER, INTENT(in)                                :: nproc
     338             : 
     339             :       CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER                        :: routineN = 'S_FFT_dimensions'
     340             : 
     341             :       INTEGER                                            :: handle, l1, l2, l3
     342             : 
     343             : !dimensions of the density in the real space
     344             : 
     345          22 :       CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
     346          22 :       m1 = n01
     347          22 :       m2 = n03
     348          22 :       m3 = n02
     349             : 
     350             :       ! real space grid dimension (suitable for number of processors)
     351          22 :       l1 = m1
     352          22 :       l2 = m2
     353          22 :       l3 = m3 !beware of the half dimension
     354          22 :       CALL fourier_dim(l1, n1)
     355          22 :       IF (n1 == m1) THEN
     356             :       ELSE
     357           0 :          PRINT *, 'the FFT in the x direction is not allowed'
     358           0 :          PRINT *, 'n01 dimension', n01
     359           0 :          CPABORT("")
     360             :       END IF
     361          22 :       l1 = l1 + 1
     362          22 :       CALL fourier_dim(l2, n2)
     363          22 :       IF (n2 == m2) THEN
     364             :       ELSE
     365           0 :          PRINT *, 'the FFT in the z direction is not allowed'
     366           0 :          PRINT *, 'n03 dimension', n03
     367           0 :          CPABORT("")
     368             :       END IF
     369          22 :       DO
     370          22 :          CALL fourier_dim(l3, n3)
     371          22 :          IF (MODULO(n3, 2) == 0) THEN
     372             :             EXIT
     373             :          END IF
     374           0 :          l3 = l3 + 1
     375             :       END DO
     376          22 :       n3 = 2*n3
     377             : 
     378             :       !dimensions that contain the unpadded real space,
     379             :       ! compatible with the number of processes
     380          22 :       md1 = n1
     381          22 :       md2 = n2
     382          22 :       md3 = n3/2
     383          22 :       DO WHILE (nproc*(md2/nproc) .LT. n2)
     384           0 :          md2 = md2 + 1
     385             :       END DO
     386             : 
     387             :       !dimensions of the kernel, 1/8 of the total volume,
     388             :       !compatible with nproc
     389             : 
     390             :       !these two dimensions are like that since they are even
     391          22 :       nd1 = n1/2 + 1
     392          22 :       nd2 = n2/2 + 1
     393             : 
     394          22 :       nd3 = n3/2 + 1
     395          44 :       DO WHILE (MODULO(nd3, nproc) .NE. 0)
     396          22 :          nd3 = nd3 + 1
     397             :       END DO
     398          22 :       CALL timestop(handle)
     399             : 
     400          22 :    END SUBROUTINE S_FFT_dimensions
     401             : 
     402             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     403             : !> \brief Calculate four sets of dimension needed for the calculation of the
     404             : !>     zero-padded convolution
     405             : !> \param n01 original real dimensions (input)
     406             : !> \param n02 original real dimensions (input)
     407             : !> \param n03 original real dimensions (input)
     408             : !> \param m1 original real dimension with the dimension 2 and 3 exchanged
     409             : !> \param m2 original real dimension with the dimension 2 and 3 exchanged
     410             : !> \param m3 original real dimension with the dimension 2 and 3 exchanged
     411             : !> \param n1 ...
     412             : !> \param n2 ...
     413             : !> \param n3 the double of the first FFT even dimension greater than m3
     414             : !>           (improved for the HalFFT procedure)
     415             : !> \param md1 half of n1,n2,n3 dimension. They contain the real unpadded space,
     416             : !>                 properly enlarged to be compatible with the FFT dimensions n_i.
     417             : !>                 md2 is further enlarged to be a multiple of nproc
     418             : !> \param md2 half of n1,n2,n3 dimension. They contain the real unpadded space,
     419             : !>                 properly enlarged to be compatible with the FFT dimensions n_i.
     420             : !>                 md2 is further enlarged to be a multiple of nproc
     421             : !> \param md3 half of n1,n2,n3 dimension. They contain the real unpadded space,
     422             : !>                 properly enlarged to be compatible with the FFT dimensions n_i.
     423             : !>                 md2 is further enlarged to be a multiple of nproc
     424             : !> \param nd1 fourier dimensions for which the kernel FFT is injective,
     425             : !>                 formally 1/8 of the fourier grid. Here the dimension nd3 is
     426             : !>                 enlarged to be a multiple of nproc
     427             : !> \param nd2 fourier dimensions for which the kernel FFT is injective,
     428             : !>                 formally 1/8 of the fourier grid. Here the dimension nd3 is
     429             : !>                 enlarged to be a multiple of nproc
     430             : !> \param nd3 fourier dimensions for which the kernel FFT is injective,
     431             : !>                 formally 1/8 of the fourier grid. Here the dimension nd3 is
     432             : !>                 enlarged to be a multiple of nproc
     433             : !> \param nproc ...
     434             : !> \date February 2006
     435             : !> \author Luigi Genovese
     436             : !> \note The dimension m2 and m3 correspond to n03 and n02 respectively
     437             : !>     this is needed since the convolution routine manage arrays of dimension
     438             : !>     (md1,md3,md2/nproc)
     439             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     440       16340 :    SUBROUTINE F_FFT_dimensions(n01, n02, n03, m1, m2, m3, n1, n2, n3, md1, md2, md3, nd1, nd2, nd3, nproc)
     441             :       INTEGER, INTENT(in)                                :: n01, n02, n03
     442             :       INTEGER, INTENT(out)                               :: m1, m2, m3, n1, n2, n3, md1, md2, md3, &
     443             :                                                             nd1, nd2, nd3
     444             :       INTEGER, INTENT(in)                                :: nproc
     445             : 
     446             :       INTEGER                                            :: l1, l2, l3
     447             : 
     448             : !dimensions of the density in the real space, inverted for convenience
     449             : 
     450       16340 :       m1 = n01
     451       16340 :       m2 = n03
     452       16340 :       m3 = n02
     453             :       ! real space grid dimension (suitable for number of processors)
     454       16340 :       l1 = 2*m1
     455       16340 :       l2 = 2*m2
     456       16340 :       l3 = m3 !beware of the half dimension
     457       16340 :       DO
     458       16340 :          CALL fourier_dim(l1, n1)
     459       16340 :          IF (MODULO(n1, 2) == 0) THEN
     460             :             EXIT
     461             :          END IF
     462       16340 :          l1 = l1 + 1
     463             :       END DO
     464       16340 :       DO
     465       16340 :          CALL fourier_dim(l2, n2)
     466       16340 :          IF (MODULO(n2, 2) == 0) THEN
     467             :             EXIT
     468             :          END IF
     469       16340 :          l2 = l2 + 1
     470             :       END DO
     471       25938 :       DO
     472       25938 :          CALL fourier_dim(l3, n3)
     473       25938 :          IF (MODULO(n3, 2) == 0) THEN
     474             :             EXIT
     475             :          END IF
     476        9598 :          l3 = l3 + 1
     477             :       END DO
     478       16340 :       n3 = 2*n3
     479             : 
     480             :       !dimensions that contain the unpadded real space,
     481             :       ! compatible with the number of processes
     482       16340 :       md1 = n1/2
     483       16340 :       md2 = n2/2
     484       16340 :       md3 = n3/2
     485       18528 :       DO WHILE (nproc*(md2/nproc) .LT. n2/2)
     486        2188 :          md2 = md2 + 1
     487             :       END DO
     488             : 
     489             :       !dimensions of the kernel, 1/8 of the total volume,
     490             :       !compatible with nproc
     491       16340 :       nd1 = n1/2 + 1
     492       16340 :       nd2 = n2/2 + 1
     493       16340 :       nd3 = n3/2 + 1
     494             : 
     495       24628 :       DO WHILE (MODULO(nd3, nproc) .NE. 0)
     496        8288 :          nd3 = nd3 + 1
     497             :       END DO
     498             : 
     499       16340 :    END SUBROUTINE F_FFT_dimensions
     500             : 
     501             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     502             : !> \brief ...
     503             : !> \param m1 ...
     504             : !> \param m3 ...
     505             : !> \param md1 ...
     506             : !> \param md2 ...
     507             : !> \param md3 ...
     508             : !> \param nxc ...
     509             : !> \param rhopot ...
     510             : !> \param zf ...
     511             : !> \param nproc ...
     512             : !> \param factor ...
     513             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     514       63230 :    SUBROUTINE scale_and_distribute(m1, m3, md1, md2, md3, nxc, &
     515       63230 :                                    rhopot, zf, nproc, factor)
     516             : 
     517             :       !Arguments----------------------
     518             :       INTEGER, INTENT(in)                                :: m1, m3, md1, md2, md3, nxc, nproc
     519             :       REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(md1, md3, md2/nproc), &
     520             :          INTENT(inout)                                   :: zf, rhopot
     521             :       REAL(KIND=dp), INTENT(in)                          :: factor
     522             : 
     523             :       CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'scale_and_distribute'
     524             : 
     525             :       INTEGER                                            :: handle, j1, j3, jp2
     526             : 
     527       63230 :       CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
     528             : 
     529       63230 :       IF (nxc .GE. 1) THEN
     530     1411374 :          DO jp2 = 1, nxc
     531    44742552 :             DO j3 = 1, m3
     532  1731863280 :                DO j1 = 1, m1
     533  1731863280 :                   zf(j1, j3, jp2) = factor*rhopot(j1, j3, jp2)
     534             :                END DO
     535    49616302 :                DO j1 = m1 + 1, md1
     536    48268158 :                   zf(j1, j3, jp2) = 0._dp
     537             :                END DO
     538             :             END DO
     539     2097904 :             DO j3 = m3 + 1, md3
     540    26388614 :                DO j1 = 1, md1
     541    25040470 :                   zf(j1, j3, jp2) = 0._dp
     542             :                END DO
     543             :             END DO
     544             :          END DO
     545       73624 :          DO jp2 = nxc + 1, md2/nproc
     546      395352 :             DO j3 = 1, md3
     547    10092126 :                DO j1 = 1, md1
     548    10081732 :                   zf(j1, j3, jp2) = 0._dp
     549             :                END DO
     550             :             END DO
     551             :          END DO
     552             :       ELSE
     553           0 :          zf = 0._dp
     554             :       END IF
     555       63230 :       CALL timestop(handle)
     556             : 
     557       63230 :    END SUBROUTINE scale_and_distribute
     558             : END MODULE ps_wavelet_util

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