LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/pw - pw_grids.F (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: CP2K Regtests (git:2fce0f8) Lines: 862 938 91.9 %
Date: 2024-12-21 06:28:57 Functions: 23 23 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
       2             : !   CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations                              !
       3             : !   Copyright 2000-2024 CP2K developers group <>                                   !
       4             : !                                                                                                  !
       5             : !   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later                                                      !
       6             : !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
       7             : 
       8             : ! **************************************************************************************************
       9             : !> \brief This module defines the grid data type and some basic operations on it
      10             : !> \note
      11             : !>      pw_grid_create : set the defaults
      12             : !>      pw_grid_release : release all memory connected to type
      13             : !>      pw_grid_setup  : main routine to set up a grid
      14             : !>           input: cell (the box for the grid)
      15             : !>                  pw_grid (the grid; pw_grid%grid_span has to be set)
      16             : !>                  cutoff (optional, if not given pw_grid%bounds has to be set)
      17             : !>                  pe_group (optional, if not given we have a local grid)
      18             : !>
      19             : !>                  if no cutoff or a negative cutoff is given, all g-vectors
      20             : !>                  in the box are included (no spherical cutoff)
      21             : !>
      22             : !>                  for a distributed setup the array in para rs_dims has to
      23             : !>                  be initialized
      24             : !>           output: pw_grid
      25             : !>
      26             : !>      pw_grid_change : updates g-vectors after a change of the box
      27             : !> \par History
      28             : !>      JGH (20-12-2000) : Adapted for parallel use
      29             : !>      JGH (07-02-2001) : Added constructor and destructor routines
      30             : !>      JGH (21-02-2003) : Generalized reference grid concept
      31             : !>      JGH (19-11-2007) : Refactoring and modularization
      32             : !>      JGH (21-12-2007) : pw_grid_setup refactoring
      33             : !> \author apsi
      34             : !>      CJM
      35             : ! **************************************************************************************************
      36             : MODULE pw_grids
      37             :    USE ISO_C_BINDING,                   ONLY: C_F_POINTER,&
      38             :                                               C_LOC,&
      39             :                                               C_PTR,&
      40             :                                               C_SIZE_T
      41             :    USE kinds,                           ONLY: dp,&
      42             :                                               int_8,&
      43             :                                               int_size
      44             :    USE mathconstants,                   ONLY: twopi
      45             :    USE mathlib,                         ONLY: det_3x3,&
      46             :                                               inv_3x3
      47             :    USE message_passing,                 ONLY: mp_comm_self,&
      48             :                                               mp_comm_type,&
      49             :                                               mp_dims_create
      50             :    USE offload_api,                     ONLY: offload_activate_chosen_device,&
      51             :                                               offload_free_pinned_mem,&
      52             :                                               offload_malloc_pinned_mem
      53             :    USE pw_grid_info,                    ONLY: pw_find_cutoff,&
      54             :                                               pw_grid_bounds_from_n,&
      55             :                                               pw_grid_init_setup
      56             :    USE pw_grid_types,                   ONLY: FULLSPACE,&
      57             :                                               HALFSPACE,&
      58             :                                               PW_MODE_DISTRIBUTED,&
      59             :                                               PW_MODE_LOCAL,&
      60             :                                               map_pn,&
      61             :                                               pw_grid_type
      62             :    USE util,                            ONLY: get_limit,&
      63             :                                               sort
      64             : #include "../base/base_uses.f90"
      65             : 
      66             :    IMPLICIT NONE
      67             : 
      68             :    PRIVATE
      69             :    PUBLIC :: pw_grid_create, pw_grid_retain, pw_grid_release
      70             :    PUBLIC :: get_pw_grid_info, pw_grid_compare
      71             :    PUBLIC :: pw_grid_change
      72             : 
      73             :    INTEGER :: grid_tag = 0
      74             :    CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'pw_grids'
      75             : 
      76             :    ! Distribution in g-space can be
      77             :    INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC               :: do_pw_grid_blocked_false = 0, &
      78             :                                                do_pw_grid_blocked_true = 1, &
      79             :                                                do_pw_grid_blocked_free = 2
      80             : 
      81             :    INTERFACE pw_grid_create
      82             :       MODULE PROCEDURE pw_grid_create_local
      83             :       MODULE PROCEDURE pw_grid_create_extended
      84             :    END INTERFACE
      85             : 
      86             : CONTAINS
      87             : 
      88             : ! **************************************************************************************************
      89             : !> \brief Initialize a PW grid with bounds only (used by some routines)
      90             : !> \param pw_grid ...
      91             : !> \param bounds ...
      92             : !> \par History
      93             : !>      JGH (21-Feb-2003) : initialize pw_grid%reference
      94             : !> \author JGH (7-Feb-2001) & fawzi
      95             : ! **************************************************************************************************
      96       58506 :    SUBROUTINE pw_grid_create_local(pw_grid, bounds)
      97             : 
      98             :       TYPE(pw_grid_type), POINTER                        :: pw_grid
      99             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(2, 3), INTENT(IN)               :: bounds
     100             : 
     101             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(2)                              :: rs_dims
     102             : 
     103       58506 :       CPASSERT(.NOT. ASSOCIATED(pw_grid))
     104     3451854 :       ALLOCATE (pw_grid)
     105      585060 :       pw_grid%bounds = bounds
     106      585060 :       pw_grid%bounds_local = bounds
     107      234024 :       pw_grid%npts = bounds(2, :) - bounds(1, :) + 1
     108      234024 :       pw_grid%npts_local = pw_grid%npts
     109      234024 :       pw_grid%ngpts = PRODUCT(INT(pw_grid%npts, KIND=int_8))
     110       58506 :       pw_grid%ngpts_cut = pw_grid%ngpts
     111      234024 :       pw_grid%ngpts_local = PRODUCT(pw_grid%npts)
     112       58506 :       pw_grid%ngpts_cut_local = pw_grid%ngpts_local
     113       58506 :       pw_grid%grid_span = FULLSPACE
     114       58506 :       pw_grid%para%mode = PW_MODE_LOCAL
     115       58506 :       pw_grid%reference = 0
     116       58506 :       pw_grid%ref_count = 1
     117       58506 :       NULLIFY (pw_grid%g)
     118       58506 :       NULLIFY (pw_grid%gsq)
     119       58506 :       NULLIFY (pw_grid%g_hatmap)
     120       58506 :       NULLIFY (pw_grid%gidx)
     121       58506 :       NULLIFY (pw_grid%grays)
     122             : 
     123             :       ! assign a unique tag to this grid
     124       58506 :       grid_tag = grid_tag + 1
     125       58506 :       pw_grid%id_nr = grid_tag
     126             : 
     127             :       ! parallel info
     128      175518 :       rs_dims = 1
     129       58506 :       CALL pw_grid%para%group%create(mp_comm_self, 2, rs_dims)
     130       58506 :       IF (pw_grid%para%group%num_pe > 1) THEN
     131           0 :          pw_grid%para%mode = PW_MODE_DISTRIBUTED
     132             :       ELSE
     133       58506 :          pw_grid%para%mode = PW_MODE_LOCAL
     134             :       END IF
     135             : 
     136       58506 :    END SUBROUTINE pw_grid_create_local
     137             : 
     138             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     139             : !> \brief Check if two pw_grids are equal
     140             : !> \param grida ...
     141             : !> \param gridb ...
     142             : !> \return ...
     143             : !> \par History
     144             : !>      none
     145             : !> \author JGH (14-Feb-2001)
     146             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     147     7130397 :    FUNCTION pw_grid_compare(grida, gridb) RESULT(equal)
     148             : 
     149             :       TYPE(pw_grid_type), INTENT(IN)                     :: grida, gridb
     150             :       LOGICAL                                            :: equal
     151             : 
     152             : !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     153             : 
     154     7130397 :       IF (grida%id_nr == gridb%id_nr) THEN
     155             :          equal = .TRUE.
     156             :       ELSE
     157             :          ! for the moment all grids with different identifiers are considered as not equal
     158             :          ! later we can get this more relaxed
     159          18 :          equal = .FALSE.
     160             :       END IF
     161             : 
     162     7130397 :    END FUNCTION pw_grid_compare
     163             : 
     164             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     165             : !> \brief Access to information stored in the pw_grid_type
     166             : !> \param pw_grid ...
     167             : !> \param id_nr ...
     168             : !> \param mode ...
     169             : !> \param vol ...
     170             : !> \param dvol ...
     171             : !> \param npts ...
     172             : !> \param ngpts ...
     173             : !> \param ngpts_cut ...
     174             : !> \param dr ...
     175             : !> \param cutoff ...
     176             : !> \param orthorhombic ...
     177             : !> \param gvectors ...
     178             : !> \param gsquare ...
     179             : !> \par History
     180             : !>      none
     181             : !> \author JGH (17-Nov-2007)
     182             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     183       59184 :    SUBROUTINE get_pw_grid_info(pw_grid, id_nr, mode, vol, dvol, npts, ngpts, &
     184             :                                ngpts_cut, dr, cutoff, orthorhombic, gvectors, gsquare)
     185             : 
     186             :       TYPE(pw_grid_type), INTENT(IN)                     :: pw_grid
     187             :       INTEGER, INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL                     :: id_nr, mode
     188             :       REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL                    :: vol, dvol
     189             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(3), INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL       :: npts
     190             :       INTEGER(int_8), INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL              :: ngpts, ngpts_cut
     191             :       REAL(dp), DIMENSION(3), INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL      :: dr
     192             :       REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL                    :: cutoff
     193             :       LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL                     :: orthorhombic
     194             :       REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:, :), OPTIONAL, POINTER       :: gvectors
     195             :       REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:), OPTIONAL, POINTER          :: gsquare
     196             : 
     197       59184 :       CPASSERT(pw_grid%ref_count > 0)
     198             : 
     199       59184 :       IF (PRESENT(id_nr)) id_nr = pw_grid%id_nr
     200       59184 :       IF (PRESENT(mode)) mode = pw_grid%para%mode
     201       59184 :       IF (PRESENT(vol)) vol = pw_grid%vol
     202       59184 :       IF (PRESENT(dvol)) dvol = pw_grid%dvol
     203      295744 :       IF (PRESENT(npts)) npts(1:3) = pw_grid%npts(1:3)
     204       59184 :       IF (PRESENT(ngpts)) ngpts = pw_grid%ngpts
     205       59184 :       IF (PRESENT(ngpts_cut)) ngpts_cut = pw_grid%ngpts_cut
     206       59320 :       IF (PRESENT(dr)) dr = pw_grid%dr
     207       59184 :       IF (PRESENT(cutoff)) cutoff = pw_grid%cutoff
     208       59184 :       IF (PRESENT(orthorhombic)) orthorhombic = pw_grid%orthorhombic
     209       59184 :       IF (PRESENT(gvectors)) gvectors => pw_grid%g
     210       59184 :       IF (PRESENT(gsquare)) gsquare => pw_grid%gsq
     211             : 
     212       59184 :    END SUBROUTINE get_pw_grid_info
     213             : 
     214             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     215             : !> \brief Set some information stored in the pw_grid_type
     216             : !> \param pw_grid ...
     217             : !> \param grid_span ...
     218             : !> \param npts ...
     219             : !> \param bounds ...
     220             : !> \param cutoff ...
     221             : !> \param spherical ...
     222             : !> \par History
     223             : !>      none
     224             : !> \author JGH (19-Nov-2007)
     225             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     226       66596 :    SUBROUTINE set_pw_grid_info(pw_grid, grid_span, npts, bounds, cutoff, spherical)
     227             : 
     228             :       TYPE(pw_grid_type), INTENT(INOUT)                  :: pw_grid
     229             :       INTEGER, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL                      :: grid_span
     230             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(3), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL        :: npts
     231             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(2, 3), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL     :: bounds
     232             :       REAL(KIND=dp), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL                :: cutoff
     233             :       LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL                      :: spherical
     234             : 
     235       66596 :       CPASSERT(pw_grid%ref_count > 0)
     236             : 
     237       66596 :       IF (PRESENT(grid_span)) THEN
     238       32731 :          pw_grid%grid_span = grid_span
     239             :       END IF
     240       66596 :       IF (PRESENT(bounds) .AND. PRESENT(npts)) THEN
     241           0 :          pw_grid%bounds = bounds
     242           0 :          pw_grid%npts = npts
     243           0 :          CPASSERT(ALL(npts == bounds(2, :) - bounds(1, :) + 1))
     244       66596 :       ELSE IF (PRESENT(bounds)) THEN
     245       11170 :          pw_grid%bounds = bounds
     246        4468 :          pw_grid%npts = bounds(2, :) - bounds(1, :) + 1
     247       65479 :       ELSE IF (PRESENT(npts)) THEN
     248      130992 :          pw_grid%npts = npts
     249      327480 :          pw_grid%bounds = pw_grid_bounds_from_n(npts)
     250             :       END IF
     251       66596 :       IF (PRESENT(cutoff)) THEN
     252       33865 :          pw_grid%cutoff = cutoff
     253       33865 :          IF (PRESENT(spherical)) THEN
     254       33865 :             pw_grid%spherical = spherical
     255             :          ELSE
     256           0 :             pw_grid%spherical = .FALSE.
     257             :          END IF
     258             :       END IF
     259             : 
     260       66596 :    END SUBROUTINE set_pw_grid_info
     261             : 
     262             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     263             : !> \brief sets up a pw_grid
     264             : !> \param pw_grid ...
     265             : !> \param mp_comm ...
     266             : !> \param cell_hmat ...
     267             : !> \param grid_span ...
     268             : !> \param cutoff ...
     269             : !> \param bounds ...
     270             : !> \param bounds_local ...
     271             : !> \param npts ...
     272             : !> \param spherical ...
     273             : !> \param odd ...
     274             : !> \param fft_usage ...
     275             : !> \param ncommensurate ...
     276             : !> \param icommensurate ...
     277             : !> \param blocked ...
     278             : !> \param ref_grid ...
     279             : !> \param rs_dims ...
     280             : !> \param iounit ...
     281             : !> \author JGH (21-Dec-2007)
     282             : !> \note
     283             : !>      this is the function that should be used in the future
     284             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     285       33865 :    SUBROUTINE pw_grid_create_extended(pw_grid, mp_comm, cell_hmat, grid_span, cutoff, bounds, bounds_local, npts, &
     286             :                                       spherical, odd, fft_usage, ncommensurate, icommensurate, blocked, ref_grid, &
     287             :                                       rs_dims, iounit)
     288             : 
     289             :       TYPE(pw_grid_type), POINTER                        :: pw_grid
     290             :       REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(3, 3), INTENT(IN)         :: cell_hmat
     291             : 
     292             :       CLASS(mp_comm_type), INTENT(IN) :: mp_comm
     293             :       INTEGER, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL                      :: grid_span
     294             :       REAL(KIND=dp), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL                :: cutoff
     295             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(2, 3), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL     :: bounds, bounds_local
     296             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(3), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL        :: npts
     297             :       LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL                      :: spherical, odd, fft_usage
     298             :       INTEGER, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL                      :: ncommensurate, icommensurate, blocked
     299             :       TYPE(pw_grid_type), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL           :: ref_grid
     300             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(2), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL        :: rs_dims
     301             :       INTEGER, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL                      :: iounit
     302             : 
     303             :       CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER                        :: routineN = 'pw_grid_setup'
     304             : 
     305             :       INTEGER                                            :: handle, my_icommensurate, &
     306             :                                                             my_ncommensurate
     307             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(3)                              :: n
     308             :       LOGICAL                                            :: my_fft_usage, my_odd, my_spherical
     309             :       REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: cell_deth, my_cutoff
     310             :       REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(3, 3)                     :: cell_h_inv
     311             : 
     312       33865 :       CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
     313             : 
     314       33865 :       CPASSERT(.NOT. ASSOCIATED(pw_grid))
     315     1760980 :       ALLOCATE (pw_grid)
     316      338650 :       pw_grid%bounds = 0
     317       33865 :       pw_grid%cutoff = 0.0_dp
     318       33865 :       pw_grid%grid_span = FULLSPACE
     319             :       pw_grid%para%mode = PW_MODE_LOCAL
     320             :       pw_grid%reference = 0
     321       33865 :       pw_grid%ref_count = 1
     322       33865 :       NULLIFY (pw_grid%g)
     323       33865 :       NULLIFY (pw_grid%gsq)
     324       33865 :       NULLIFY (pw_grid%g_hatmap)
     325       33865 :       NULLIFY (pw_grid%gidx)
     326       33865 :       NULLIFY (pw_grid%grays)
     327             : 
     328             :       ! assign a unique tag to this grid
     329       33865 :       grid_tag = grid_tag + 1
     330       33865 :       pw_grid%id_nr = grid_tag
     331             : 
     332             :       ! parallel info
     333       33865 :       IF (mp_comm%num_pe > 1) THEN
     334       28762 :          pw_grid%para%mode = PW_MODE_DISTRIBUTED
     335             :       ELSE
     336             :          pw_grid%para%mode = PW_MODE_LOCAL
     337             :       END IF
     338             : 
     339       33865 :       cell_deth = ABS(det_3x3(cell_hmat))
     340       33865 :       IF (cell_deth < 1.0E-10_dp) THEN
     341             :          CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, &
     342             :                        "An invalid set of cell vectors was specified. "// &
     343           0 :                        "The determinant det(h) is too small")
     344             :       END IF
     345       33865 :       cell_h_inv = inv_3x3(cell_hmat)
     346             : 
     347       33865 :       IF (PRESENT(grid_span)) THEN
     348       32731 :          CALL set_pw_grid_info(pw_grid, grid_span=grid_span)
     349             :       END IF
     350             : 
     351       33865 :       IF (PRESENT(spherical)) THEN
     352       33653 :          my_spherical = spherical
     353             :       ELSE
     354         212 :          my_spherical = .FALSE.
     355             :       END IF
     356             : 
     357       33865 :       IF (PRESENT(odd)) THEN
     358       29346 :          my_odd = odd
     359             :       ELSE
     360        4519 :          my_odd = .FALSE.
     361             :       END IF
     362             : 
     363       33865 :       IF (PRESENT(fft_usage)) THEN
     364       33741 :          my_fft_usage = fft_usage
     365             :       ELSE
     366         124 :          my_fft_usage = .FALSE.
     367             :       END IF
     368             : 
     369       33865 :       IF (PRESENT(ncommensurate)) THEN
     370       29286 :          my_ncommensurate = ncommensurate
     371       29286 :          IF (PRESENT(icommensurate)) THEN
     372       29286 :             my_icommensurate = icommensurate
     373             :          ELSE
     374           0 :             my_icommensurate = MIN(1, ncommensurate)
     375             :          END IF
     376             :       ELSE
     377        4579 :          my_ncommensurate = 0
     378        4579 :          my_icommensurate = 1
     379             :       END IF
     380             : 
     381       33865 :       IF (PRESENT(bounds)) THEN
     382        1117 :          IF (PRESENT(cutoff)) THEN
     383             :             CALL set_pw_grid_info(pw_grid, bounds=bounds, cutoff=cutoff, &
     384         172 :                                   spherical=my_spherical)
     385             :          ELSE
     386        3780 :             n = bounds(2, :) - bounds(1, :) + 1
     387         945 :             my_cutoff = pw_find_cutoff(n, cell_h_inv)
     388         945 :             my_cutoff = 0.5_dp*my_cutoff*my_cutoff
     389             :             CALL set_pw_grid_info(pw_grid, bounds=bounds, cutoff=my_cutoff, &
     390         945 :                                   spherical=my_spherical)
     391             :          END IF
     392       32748 :       ELSE IF (PRESENT(npts)) THEN
     393        2372 :          n = npts
     394        2372 :          IF (PRESENT(cutoff)) THEN
     395          22 :             my_cutoff = cutoff
     396             :          ELSE
     397        2350 :             my_cutoff = pw_find_cutoff(npts, cell_h_inv)
     398        2350 :             my_cutoff = 0.5_dp*my_cutoff*my_cutoff
     399             :          END IF
     400        2372 :          IF (my_fft_usage) THEN
     401             :             n = pw_grid_init_setup(cell_hmat, cutoff=my_cutoff, &
     402             :                                    spherical=my_spherical, odd=my_odd, fft_usage=my_fft_usage, &
     403             :                                    ncommensurate=my_ncommensurate, icommensurate=my_icommensurate, &
     404        9488 :                                    ref_grid=ref_grid, n_orig=n)
     405             :          END IF
     406             :          CALL set_pw_grid_info(pw_grid, npts=n, cutoff=my_cutoff, &
     407        2372 :                                spherical=my_spherical)
     408       30376 :       ELSE IF (PRESENT(cutoff)) THEN
     409             :          n = pw_grid_init_setup(cell_hmat, cutoff=cutoff, &
     410             :                                 spherical=my_spherical, odd=my_odd, fft_usage=my_fft_usage, &
     411             :                                 ncommensurate=my_ncommensurate, icommensurate=my_icommensurate, &
     412       30376 :                                 ref_grid=ref_grid)
     413             :          CALL set_pw_grid_info(pw_grid, npts=n, cutoff=cutoff, &
     414       30376 :                                spherical=my_spherical)
     415             :       ELSE
     416           0 :          CPABORT("BOUNDS, NPTS or CUTOFF have to be specified")
     417             :       END IF
     418             : 
     419             :       CALL pw_grid_setup_internal(cell_hmat, cell_h_inv, cell_deth, pw_grid, mp_comm, bounds_local=bounds_local, &
     420       33865 :                                   blocked=blocked, ref_grid=ref_grid, rs_dims=rs_dims, iounit=iounit)
     421             : 
     422             : #if defined(__OFFLOAD) && !defined(__NO_OFFLOAD_PW)
     423             :       CALL pw_grid_create_ghatmap(pw_grid)
     424             : #endif
     425             : 
     426       33865 :       CALL timestop(handle)
     427             : 
     428       33865 :    END SUBROUTINE pw_grid_create_extended
     429             : 
     430             : #if defined(__OFFLOAD) && !defined(__NO_OFFLOAD_PW)
     431             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     432             : !> \brief sets up a combined index for CUDA gather and scatter
     433             : !> \param pw_grid ...
     434             : !> \author Gloess Andreas (xx-Dec-2012)
     435             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     436             :    SUBROUTINE pw_grid_create_ghatmap(pw_grid)
     437             : 
     438             :       TYPE(pw_grid_type), INTENT(INOUT)                  :: pw_grid
     439             : 
     440             :       CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'pw_grid_create_ghatmap'
     441             : 
     442             :       INTEGER                                            :: gpt, handle, l, m, mn, n
     443             : 
     444             :       CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
     445             : 
     446             :       ! some checks
     447             :       CPASSERT(pw_grid%ref_count > 0)
     448             : 
     449             :       ! mapping of map_x( g_hat(i,j)) to g_hatmap
     450             :       ! the second index is for switching from gather(1) to scatter(2)
     451             :       ASSOCIATE (g_hat => pw_grid%g_hat, g_hatmap => pw_grid%g_hatmap, pmapl => pw_grid%mapl%pos, &
     452             :                  pmapm => pw_grid%mapm%pos, pmapn => pw_grid%mapn%pos, nmapl => pw_grid%mapl%neg, &
     453             :                  nmapm => pw_grid%mapm%neg, nmapn => pw_grid%mapn%neg, ngpts => SIZE(pw_grid%gsq), &
     454             :                  npts => pw_grid%npts, yzq => pw_grid%para%yzq)
     455             :          ! initialize map array to minus one, to guarantee memory
     456             :          ! range checking errors in CUDA part (just to be sure)
     457             :          g_hatmap(:, :) = -1
     458             :          IF (pw_grid%para%mode /= PW_MODE_DISTRIBUTED) THEN
     459             :             DO gpt = 1, ngpts
     460             :                l = pmapl(g_hat(1, gpt))
     461             :                m = pmapm(g_hat(2, gpt))
     462             :                n = pmapn(g_hat(3, gpt))
     463             :                !ATTENTION: C-mapping [start-index=0] !!!!
     464             :                !ATTENTION: potential integer overflow !!!!
     465             :                g_hatmap(gpt, 1) = l + npts(1)*(m + npts(2)*n)
     466             :             END DO
     467             :             IF (pw_grid%grid_span == HALFSPACE) THEN
     468             :                DO gpt = 1, ngpts
     469             :                   l = nmapl(g_hat(1, gpt))
     470             :                   m = nmapm(g_hat(2, gpt))
     471             :                   n = nmapn(g_hat(3, gpt))
     472             :                   !ATTENTION: C-mapping [start-index=0] !!!!
     473             :                   !ATTENTION: potential integer overflow !!!!
     474             :                   g_hatmap(gpt, 2) = l + npts(1)*(m + npts(2)*n)
     475             :                END DO
     476             :             END IF
     477             :          ELSE
     478             :             DO gpt = 1, ngpts
     479             :                l = pmapl(g_hat(1, gpt))
     480             :                m = pmapm(g_hat(2, gpt)) + 1
     481             :                n = pmapn(g_hat(3, gpt)) + 1
     482             :                !ATTENTION: C-mapping [start-index=0] !!!!
     483             :                !ATTENTION: potential integer overflow !!!!
     484             :                mn = yzq(m, n) - 1
     485             :                g_hatmap(gpt, 1) = l + npts(1)*mn
     486             :             END DO
     487             :             IF (pw_grid%grid_span == HALFSPACE) THEN
     488             :                DO gpt = 1, ngpts
     489             :                   l = nmapl(g_hat(1, gpt))
     490             :                   m = nmapm(g_hat(2, gpt)) + 1
     491             :                   n = nmapn(g_hat(3, gpt)) + 1
     492             :                   !ATTENTION: C-mapping [start-index=0] !!!!
     493             :                   !ATTENTION: potential integer overflow !!!!
     494             :                   mn = yzq(m, n) - 1
     495             :                   g_hatmap(gpt, 2) = l + npts(1)*mn
     496             :                END DO
     497             :             END IF
     498             :          END IF
     499             :       END ASSOCIATE
     500             : 
     501             :       CALL timestop(handle)
     502             : 
     503             :    END SUBROUTINE pw_grid_create_ghatmap
     504             : #endif
     505             : 
     506             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     507             : !> \brief sets up a pw_grid, needs valid bounds as input, it is up to you to
     508             : !>      make sure of it using pw_grid_bounds_from_n
     509             : !> \param cell_hmat ...
     510             : !> \param cell_h_inv ...
     511             : !> \param cell_deth ...
     512             : !> \param pw_grid ...
     513             : !> \param mp_comm ...
     514             : !> \param bounds_local ...
     515             : !> \param blocked ...
     516             : !> \param ref_grid ...
     517             : !> \param rs_dims ...
     518             : !> \param iounit ...
     519             : !> \par History
     520             : !>      JGH (20-Dec-2000) : Adapted for parallel use
     521             : !>      JGH (28-Feb-2001) : New optional argument fft_usage
     522             : !>      JGH (21-Mar-2001) : Reference grid code
     523             : !>      JGH (21-Mar-2001) : New optional argument symm_usage
     524             : !>      JGH (22-Mar-2001) : Simplify group assignment (mp_comm_dup)
     525             : !>      JGH (21-May-2002) : Remove orthorhombic keyword (code is fast enough)
     526             : !>      JGH (19-Feb-2003) : Negative cutoff can be used for non-spheric grids
     527             : !>      Joost VandeVondele (Feb-2004) : optionally generate pw grids that are commensurate in rs
     528             : !>      JGH (18-Dec-2007) : Refactoring
     529             : !> \author fawzi
     530             : !> \note
     531             : !>      this is the function that should be used in the future
     532             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     533       33865 :    SUBROUTINE pw_grid_setup_internal(cell_hmat, cell_h_inv, cell_deth, pw_grid, mp_comm, bounds_local, &
     534             :                                      blocked, ref_grid, rs_dims, iounit)
     535             :       REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(3, 3), INTENT(IN)         :: cell_hmat, cell_h_inv
     536             :       REAL(KIND=dp), INTENT(IN)                          :: cell_deth
     537             :       TYPE(pw_grid_type), INTENT(INOUT)                  :: pw_grid
     538             : 
     539             :       CLASS(mp_comm_type), INTENT(IN) :: mp_comm
     540             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(2, 3), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL     :: bounds_local
     541             :       INTEGER, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL                      :: blocked
     542             :       TYPE(pw_grid_type), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL           :: ref_grid
     543             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(2), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL        :: rs_dims
     544             :       INTEGER, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL                      :: iounit
     545             : 
     546             :       CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'pw_grid_setup_internal'
     547             : 
     548             :       INTEGER                                            :: handle, n(3)
     549       33865 :       INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :)              :: yz_mask
     550             :       REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: ecut
     551             : 
     552             : !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     553             : 
     554       33865 :       CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
     555             : 
     556       33865 :       CPASSERT(pw_grid%ref_count > 0)
     557             : 
     558             :       ! set pointer to possible reference grid
     559       33865 :       IF (PRESENT(ref_grid)) THEN
     560       20978 :          pw_grid%reference = ref_grid%id_nr
     561             :       END IF
     562             : 
     563       33865 :       IF (pw_grid%spherical) THEN
     564        3211 :          ecut = pw_grid%cutoff
     565             :       ELSE
     566       30654 :          ecut = 1.e10_dp
     567             :       END IF
     568             : 
     569      135460 :       n(:) = pw_grid%npts(:)
     570             : 
     571             :       ! Find the number of grid points
     572             :       ! yz_mask counts the number of g-vectors orthogonal to the yz plane
     573             :       ! the indices in yz_mask are from -n/2 .. n/2 shifted by n/2 + 1
     574             :       ! these are not mapped indices !
     575      135460 :       ALLOCATE (yz_mask(n(2), n(3)))
     576       33865 :       CALL pw_grid_count(cell_h_inv, pw_grid, mp_comm, ecut, yz_mask)
     577             : 
     578             :       ! Check if reference grid is compatible
     579       33865 :       IF (PRESENT(ref_grid)) THEN
     580       20978 :          CPASSERT(pw_grid%para%mode == ref_grid%para%mode)
     581       20978 :          CPASSERT(pw_grid%grid_span == ref_grid%grid_span)
     582       20978 :          CPASSERT(pw_grid%spherical .EQV. ref_grid%spherical)
     583             :       END IF
     584             : 
     585             :       ! Distribute grid
     586             :       CALL pw_grid_distribute(pw_grid, mp_comm, yz_mask, bounds_local=bounds_local, ref_grid=ref_grid, blocked=blocked, &
     587       33865 :                               rs_dims=rs_dims)
     588             : 
     589             :       ! Allocate the grid fields
     590             :       CALL pw_grid_allocate(pw_grid, pw_grid%ngpts_cut_local, &
     591       33865 :                             pw_grid%bounds)
     592             : 
     593             :       ! Fill in the grid structure
     594       33865 :       CALL pw_grid_assign(cell_h_inv, pw_grid, ecut)
     595             : 
     596             :       ! Sort g vector wrt length (only local for each processor)
     597       33865 :       CALL pw_grid_sort(pw_grid, ref_grid)
     598             : 
     599       33865 :       CALL pw_grid_remap(pw_grid, yz_mask)
     600             : 
     601       33865 :       DEALLOCATE (yz_mask)
     602             : 
     603       33865 :       CALL cell2grid(cell_hmat, cell_h_inv, cell_deth, pw_grid)
     604             :       !
     605             :       ! Output: All the information of this grid type
     606             :       !
     607             : 
     608       33865 :       IF (PRESENT(iounit)) THEN
     609       33843 :          CALL pw_grid_print(pw_grid, iounit)
     610             :       END IF
     611             : 
     612       33865 :       CALL timestop(handle)
     613             : 
     614       33865 :    END SUBROUTINE pw_grid_setup_internal
     615             : 
     616             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     617             : !> \brief Helper routine used by pw_grid_setup_internal and pw_grid_change
     618             : !> \param cell_hmat ...
     619             : !> \param cell_h_inv ...
     620             : !> \param cell_deth ...
     621             : !> \param pw_grid ...
     622             : !> \par History moved common code into new subroutine
     623             : !> \author Ole Schuett
     624             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     625       44983 :    SUBROUTINE cell2grid(cell_hmat, cell_h_inv, cell_deth, pw_grid)
     626             :       REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(3, 3), INTENT(IN)         :: cell_hmat, cell_h_inv
     627             :       REAL(KIND=dp), INTENT(IN)                          :: cell_deth
     628             :       TYPE(pw_grid_type), INTENT(INOUT)                  :: pw_grid
     629             : 
     630       44983 :       pw_grid%vol = ABS(cell_deth)
     631       44983 :       pw_grid%dvol = pw_grid%vol/REAL(pw_grid%ngpts, KIND=dp)
     632             :       pw_grid%dr(1) = SQRT(SUM(cell_hmat(:, 1)**2)) &
     633      179932 :                       /REAL(pw_grid%npts(1), KIND=dp)
     634             :       pw_grid%dr(2) = SQRT(SUM(cell_hmat(:, 2)**2)) &
     635      179932 :                       /REAL(pw_grid%npts(2), KIND=dp)
     636             :       pw_grid%dr(3) = SQRT(SUM(cell_hmat(:, 3)**2)) &
     637      179932 :                       /REAL(pw_grid%npts(3), KIND=dp)
     638      179932 :       pw_grid%dh(:, 1) = cell_hmat(:, 1)/REAL(pw_grid%npts(1), KIND=dp)
     639      179932 :       pw_grid%dh(:, 2) = cell_hmat(:, 2)/REAL(pw_grid%npts(2), KIND=dp)
     640      179932 :       pw_grid%dh(:, 3) = cell_hmat(:, 3)/REAL(pw_grid%npts(3), KIND=dp)
     641      179932 :       pw_grid%dh_inv(1, :) = cell_h_inv(1, :)*REAL(pw_grid%npts(1), KIND=dp)
     642      179932 :       pw_grid%dh_inv(2, :) = cell_h_inv(2, :)*REAL(pw_grid%npts(2), KIND=dp)
     643      179932 :       pw_grid%dh_inv(3, :) = cell_h_inv(3, :)*REAL(pw_grid%npts(3), KIND=dp)
     644             : 
     645             :       IF ((cell_hmat(1, 2) == 0.0_dp) .AND. (cell_hmat(1, 3) == 0.0_dp) .AND. &
     646             :           (cell_hmat(2, 1) == 0.0_dp) .AND. (cell_hmat(2, 3) == 0.0_dp) .AND. &
     647       44983 :           (cell_hmat(3, 1) == 0.0_dp) .AND. (cell_hmat(3, 2) == 0.0_dp)) THEN
     648       37277 :          pw_grid%orthorhombic = .TRUE.
     649             :       ELSE
     650        7706 :          pw_grid%orthorhombic = .FALSE.
     651             :       END IF
     652       44983 :    END SUBROUTINE cell2grid
     653             : 
     654             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     655             : !> \brief Output of information on pw_grid
     656             : !> \param pw_grid ...
     657             : !> \param info ...
     658             : !> \author JGH[18-05-2007] from earlier versions
     659             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     660       33843 :    SUBROUTINE pw_grid_print(pw_grid, info)
     661             : 
     662             :       TYPE(pw_grid_type), INTENT(IN)                     :: pw_grid
     663             :       INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: info
     664             : 
     665             :       INTEGER                                            :: i
     666             :       INTEGER(KIND=int_8)                                :: n(3)
     667             :       REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: rv(3, 3)
     668             : 
     669             : !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     670             : !
     671             : ! Output: All the information of this grid type
     672             : !
     673             : 
     674       33843 :       IF (pw_grid%para%mode == PW_MODE_LOCAL) THEN
     675        5103 :          IF (info > 0) THEN
     676             :             WRITE (info, '(/,A,T71,I10)') &
     677         429 :                " PW_GRID| Information for grid number ", pw_grid%id_nr
     678         429 :             IF (pw_grid%reference > 0) THEN
     679             :                WRITE (info, '(A,T71,I10)') &
     680         108 :                   " PW_GRID| Number of the reference grid ", pw_grid%reference
     681             :             END IF
     682         429 :             WRITE (info, '(" PW_GRID| Cutoff [a.u.]",T71,f10.1)') pw_grid%cutoff
     683         429 :             IF (pw_grid%spherical) THEN
     684         200 :                WRITE (info, '(A,T78,A)') " PW_GRID| spherical cutoff: ", "YES"
     685         200 :                WRITE (info, '(A,T71,I10)') " PW_GRID| Grid points within cutoff", &
     686         400 :                   pw_grid%ngpts_cut
     687             :             ELSE
     688         229 :                WRITE (info, '(A,T78,A)') " PW_GRID| spherical cutoff: ", " NO"
     689             :             END IF
     690        1716 :             DO i = 1, 3
     691        1287 :                WRITE (info, '(A,I3,T30,2I8,T62,A,T71,I10)') " PW_GRID|   Bounds ", &
     692        1287 :                   i, pw_grid%bounds(1, I), pw_grid%bounds(2, I), &
     693        3003 :                   "Points:", pw_grid%npts(I)
     694             :             END DO
     695             :             WRITE (info, '(A,G12.4,T50,A,T67,F14.4)') &
     696         429 :                " PW_GRID| Volume element (a.u.^3)", &
     697         858 :                pw_grid%dvol, " Volume (a.u.^3) :", pw_grid%vol
     698         429 :             IF (pw_grid%grid_span == HALFSPACE) THEN
     699         289 :                WRITE (info, '(A,T72,A)') " PW_GRID| Grid span", "HALFSPACE"
     700             :             ELSE
     701         140 :                WRITE (info, '(A,T72,A)') " PW_GRID| Grid span", "FULLSPACE"
     702             :             END IF
     703             :          END IF
     704             :       ELSE
     705             : 
     706       28740 :          n(1) = pw_grid%ngpts_cut_local
     707       28740 :          n(2) = pw_grid%ngpts_local
     708       28740 :          CALL pw_grid%para%group%sum(n(1:2))
     709       86220 :          n(3) = SUM(pw_grid%para%nyzray)
     710      114960 :          rv(:, 1) = REAL(n, KIND=dp)/REAL(pw_grid%para%group%num_pe, KIND=dp)
     711       28740 :          n(1) = pw_grid%ngpts_cut_local
     712       28740 :          n(2) = pw_grid%ngpts_local
     713       28740 :          CALL pw_grid%para%group%max(n(1:2))
     714       86220 :          n(3) = MAXVAL(pw_grid%para%nyzray)
     715      114960 :          rv(:, 2) = REAL(n, KIND=dp)
     716       28740 :          n(1) = pw_grid%ngpts_cut_local
     717       28740 :          n(2) = pw_grid%ngpts_local
     718       28740 :          CALL pw_grid%para%group%min(n(1:2))
     719       86220 :          n(3) = MINVAL(pw_grid%para%nyzray)
     720      114960 :          rv(:, 3) = REAL(n, KIND=dp)
     721             : 
     722       28740 :          IF (info > 0) THEN
     723             :             WRITE (info, '(/,A,T71,I10)') &
     724        6309 :                " PW_GRID| Information for grid number ", pw_grid%id_nr
     725        6309 :             IF (pw_grid%reference > 0) THEN
     726             :                WRITE (info, '(A,T71,I10)') &
     727        4077 :                   " PW_GRID| Number of the reference grid ", pw_grid%reference
     728             :             END IF
     729             :             WRITE (info, '(A,T60,I10,A)') &
     730        6309 :                " PW_GRID| Grid distributed over ", pw_grid%para%group%num_pe, &
     731       12618 :                " processors"
     732             :             WRITE (info, '(A,T71,2I5)') &
     733        6309 :                " PW_GRID| Real space group dimensions ", pw_grid%para%group%num_pe_cart
     734        6309 :             IF (pw_grid%para%blocked) THEN
     735           6 :                WRITE (info, '(A,T78,A)') " PW_GRID| the grid is blocked: ", "YES"
     736             :             ELSE
     737        6303 :                WRITE (info, '(A,T78,A)') " PW_GRID| the grid is blocked: ", " NO"
     738             :             END IF
     739        6309 :             WRITE (info, '(" PW_GRID| Cutoff [a.u.]",T71,f10.1)') pw_grid%cutoff
     740        6309 :             IF (pw_grid%spherical) THEN
     741         392 :                WRITE (info, '(A,T78,A)') " PW_GRID| spherical cutoff: ", "YES"
     742         392 :                WRITE (info, '(A,T71,I10)') " PW_GRID| Grid points within cutoff", &
     743         784 :                   pw_grid%ngpts_cut
     744             :             ELSE
     745        5917 :                WRITE (info, '(A,T78,A)') " PW_GRID| spherical cutoff: ", " NO"
     746             :             END IF
     747       25236 :             DO i = 1, 3
     748       18927 :                WRITE (info, '(A,I3,T30,2I8,T62,A,T71,I10)') " PW_GRID|   Bounds ", &
     749       18927 :                   i, pw_grid%bounds(1, I), pw_grid%bounds(2, I), &
     750       44163 :                   "Points:", pw_grid%npts(I)
     751             :             END DO
     752             :             WRITE (info, '(A,G12.4,T50,A,T67,F14.4)') &
     753        6309 :                " PW_GRID| Volume element (a.u.^3)", &
     754       12618 :                pw_grid%dvol, " Volume (a.u.^3) :", pw_grid%vol
     755        6309 :             IF (pw_grid%grid_span == HALFSPACE) THEN
     756         400 :                WRITE (info, '(A,T72,A)') " PW_GRID| Grid span", "HALFSPACE"
     757             :             ELSE
     758        5909 :                WRITE (info, '(A,T72,A)') " PW_GRID| Grid span", "FULLSPACE"
     759             :             END IF
     760        6309 :             WRITE (info, '(A,T48,A)') " PW_GRID|   Distribution", &
     761       12618 :                "  Average         Max         Min"
     762        6309 :             WRITE (info, '(A,T45,F12.1,2I12)') " PW_GRID|   G-Vectors", &
     763       12618 :                rv(1, 1), NINT(rv(1, 2)), NINT(rv(1, 3))
     764        6309 :             WRITE (info, '(A,T45,F12.1,2I12)') " PW_GRID|   G-Rays   ", &
     765       12618 :                rv(3, 1), NINT(rv(3, 2)), NINT(rv(3, 3))
     766        6309 :             WRITE (info, '(A,T45,F12.1,2I12)') " PW_GRID|   Real Space Points", &
     767       12618 :                rv(2, 1), NINT(rv(2, 2)), NINT(rv(2, 3))
     768             :          END IF ! group head
     769             :       END IF ! local
     770             : 
     771       33843 :    END SUBROUTINE pw_grid_print
     772             : 
     773             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     774             : !> \brief Distribute grids in real and Fourier Space to the processors in group
     775             : !> \param pw_grid ...
     776             : !> \param mp_comm ...
     777             : !> \param yz_mask ...
     778             : !> \param bounds_local ...
     779             : !> \param ref_grid ...
     780             : !> \param blocked ...
     781             : !> \param rs_dims ...
     782             : !> \par History
     783             : !>      JGH (01-Mar-2001) optional reference grid
     784             : !>      JGH (22-May-2002) bug fix for pre_tag and HALFSPACE grids
     785             : !>      JGH (09-Sep-2003) reduce scaling for distribution
     786             : !> \author JGH (22-12-2000)
     787             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     788       33865 :    SUBROUTINE pw_grid_distribute(pw_grid, mp_comm, yz_mask, bounds_local, ref_grid, blocked, rs_dims)
     789             : 
     790             :       TYPE(pw_grid_type), INTENT(INOUT)                  :: pw_grid
     791             : 
     792             :       CLASS(mp_comm_type), INTENT(IN) :: mp_comm
     793             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), INTENT(INOUT)            :: yz_mask
     794             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(2, 3), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL     :: bounds_local
     795             :       TYPE(pw_grid_type), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL           :: ref_grid
     796             :       INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL                      :: blocked
     797             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(2), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL        :: rs_dims
     798             : 
     799             :       CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'pw_grid_distribute'
     800             : 
     801             :       INTEGER                                            :: blocked_local, coor(2), gmax, handle, i, &
     802             :                                                             i1, i2, ip, ipl, ipp, itmp, j, l, lby, &
     803             :                                                             lbz, lo(2), m, n, np, ns, nx, ny, nz, &
     804             :                                                             rsd(2)
     805       33865 :       INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)                 :: pemap
     806       33865 :       INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :)              :: yz_index
     807       33865 :       INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :, :)           :: axis_dist_all
     808             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(2)                              :: my_rs_dims
     809             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(2, 3)                           :: axis_dist
     810             :       LOGICAL                                            :: blocking
     811             : 
     812             : !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     813             : 
     814       33865 :       CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
     815             : 
     816       33865 :       lby = pw_grid%bounds(1, 2)
     817       33865 :       lbz = pw_grid%bounds(1, 3)
     818             : 
     819      135460 :       pw_grid%ngpts = PRODUCT(INT(pw_grid%npts, KIND=int_8))
     820             : 
     821       33865 :       my_rs_dims = 0
     822       33865 :       IF (PRESENT(rs_dims)) THEN
     823       32854 :          my_rs_dims = rs_dims
     824             :       END IF
     825             : 
     826       33865 :       IF (PRESENT(blocked)) THEN
     827       30480 :          blocked_local = blocked
     828             :       ELSE
     829             :          blocked_local = do_pw_grid_blocked_free
     830             :       END IF
     831             : 
     832       33865 :       pw_grid%para%blocked = .FALSE.
     833             : 
     834       33865 :       IF (pw_grid%para%mode == PW_MODE_LOCAL) THEN
     835             : 
     836        5103 :          pw_grid%para%ray_distribution = .FALSE.
     837             : 
     838       51030 :          pw_grid%bounds_local = pw_grid%bounds
     839       20412 :          pw_grid%npts_local = pw_grid%npts
     840        5103 :          CPASSERT(pw_grid%ngpts_cut < HUGE(pw_grid%ngpts_cut_local))
     841        5103 :          pw_grid%ngpts_cut_local = INT(pw_grid%ngpts_cut)
     842        5103 :          CPASSERT(pw_grid%ngpts < HUGE(pw_grid%ngpts_local))
     843        5103 :          pw_grid%ngpts_local = INT(pw_grid%ngpts)
     844       15309 :          my_rs_dims = 1
     845        5103 :          CALL pw_grid%para%group%create(mp_comm, 2, my_rs_dims)
     846             : 
     847        5103 :          ALLOCATE (pw_grid%para%bo(2, 3, 0:0, 3))
     848       20412 :          DO i = 1, 3
     849       61236 :             pw_grid%para%bo(1, 1:3, 0, i) = 1
     850       66339 :             pw_grid%para%bo(2, 1:3, 0, i) = pw_grid%npts(1:3)
     851             :          END DO
     852             : 
     853             :       ELSE
     854             : 
     855             :          !..find the real space distribution
     856       28762 :          nx = pw_grid%npts(1)
     857       28762 :          ny = pw_grid%npts(2)
     858       28762 :          nz = pw_grid%npts(3)
     859       28762 :          np = mp_comm%num_pe
     860             : 
     861             :          ! The user can specify 2 strictly positive indices => specific layout
     862             :          !                      1 strictly positive index   => the other is fixed by the number of CPUs
     863             :          !                      0 strictly positive indices => fully free distribution
     864             :          ! if fully free or the user request can not be fulfilled, we optimize heuristically ourselves by:
     865             :          !                      1) nx>np -> taking a plane distribution (/np,1/)
     866             :          !                      2) nx<np -> taking the most square distribution
     867             :          ! if blocking is free:
     868             :          !                      1) blocked=.FALSE. for plane distributions
     869             :          !                      2) blocked=.TRUE.  for non-plane distributions
     870       40582 :          IF (ANY(my_rs_dims <= 0)) THEN
     871       68532 :             IF (ALL(my_rs_dims <= 0)) THEN
     872       22828 :                my_rs_dims = [0, 0]
     873             :             ELSE
     874          24 :                IF (my_rs_dims(1) > 0) THEN
     875           0 :                   my_rs_dims(2) = np/my_rs_dims(1)
     876             :                ELSE
     877          24 :                   my_rs_dims(1) = np/my_rs_dims(2)
     878             :                END IF
     879             :             END IF
     880             :          END IF
     881             :          ! reset if the distribution can not be fulfilled
     882       86286 :          IF (PRODUCT(my_rs_dims) .NE. np) my_rs_dims = [0, 0]
     883             :          ! reset if the distribution can not be dealt with [1,np]
     884       28810 :          IF (ALL(my_rs_dims == [1, np])) my_rs_dims = [0, 0]
     885             : 
     886             :          ! if [0,0] now, we can optimize it ourselves
     887       74474 :          IF (ALL(my_rs_dims == [0, 0])) THEN
     888             :             ! only small grids have a chance to be 2d distributed
     889       22856 :             IF (nx < np) THEN
     890             :                ! gives the most square looking distribution
     891           0 :                CALL mp_dims_create(np, my_rs_dims)
     892             :                ! we tend to like the first index being smaller than the second
     893           0 :                IF (my_rs_dims(1) > my_rs_dims(2)) THEN
     894           0 :                   itmp = my_rs_dims(1)
     895           0 :                   my_rs_dims(1) = my_rs_dims(2)
     896           0 :                   my_rs_dims(2) = itmp
     897             :                END IF
     898             :                ! but should avoid having the first index 1 in all cases
     899           0 :                IF (my_rs_dims(1) == 1) THEN
     900           0 :                   itmp = my_rs_dims(1)
     901           0 :                   my_rs_dims(1) = my_rs_dims(2)
     902           0 :                   my_rs_dims(2) = itmp
     903             :                END IF
     904             :             ELSE
     905       68568 :                my_rs_dims = [np, 1]
     906             :             END IF
     907             :          END IF
     908             : 
     909             :          ! now fix the blocking if we have a choice
     910             :          SELECT CASE (blocked_local)
     911             :          CASE (do_pw_grid_blocked_false)
     912          28 :             blocking = .FALSE.
     913             :          CASE (do_pw_grid_blocked_true)
     914          28 :             blocking = .TRUE.
     915             :          CASE (do_pw_grid_blocked_free)
     916       28482 :             IF (ALL(my_rs_dims == [np, 1])) THEN
     917             :                blocking = .FALSE.
     918             :             ELSE
     919           0 :                blocking = .TRUE.
     920             :             END IF
     921             :          CASE DEFAULT
     922       28762 :             CPABORT("")
     923             :          END SELECT
     924             : 
     925             :          !..create group for real space distribution
     926       28762 :          CALL pw_grid%para%group%create(mp_comm, 2, my_rs_dims)
     927             : 
     928       28762 :          IF (PRESENT(bounds_local)) THEN
     929         220 :             pw_grid%bounds_local = bounds_local
     930             :          ELSE
     931             :             lo = get_limit(nx, pw_grid%para%group%num_pe_cart(1), &
     932       28740 :                            pw_grid%para%group%mepos_cart(1))
     933       86220 :             pw_grid%bounds_local(:, 1) = lo + pw_grid%bounds(1, 1) - 1
     934             :             lo = get_limit(ny, pw_grid%para%group%num_pe_cart(2), &
     935       28740 :                            pw_grid%para%group%mepos_cart(2))
     936       86220 :             pw_grid%bounds_local(:, 2) = lo + pw_grid%bounds(1, 2) - 1
     937       86220 :             pw_grid%bounds_local(:, 3) = pw_grid%bounds(:, 3)
     938             :          END IF
     939             : 
     940             :          pw_grid%npts_local(:) = pw_grid%bounds_local(2, :) &
     941      115048 :                                  - pw_grid%bounds_local(1, :) + 1
     942             : 
     943             :          !..the third distribution is needed for the second step in the FFT
     944      115048 :          ALLOCATE (pw_grid%para%bo(2, 3, 0:np - 1, 3))
     945       86286 :          rsd = pw_grid%para%group%num_pe_cart
     946             : 
     947       28762 :          IF (PRESENT(bounds_local)) THEN
     948             :             ! axis_dist tells what portion of 1 .. nx , 1 .. ny , 1 .. nz are in the current process
     949          88 :             DO i = 1, 3
     950         220 :                axis_dist(:, i) = bounds_local(:, i) - pw_grid%bounds(1, i) + 1
     951             :             END DO
     952          66 :             ALLOCATE (axis_dist_all(2, 3, np))
     953          22 :             CALL pw_grid%para%group%allgather(axis_dist, axis_dist_all)
     954          66 :             DO ip = 0, np - 1
     955          44 :                CALL pw_grid%para%group%coords(ip, coor)
     956             :                ! distribution xyZ
     957         132 :                pw_grid%para%bo(1:2, 1, ip, 1) = axis_dist_all(1:2, 1, ip + 1)
     958         132 :                pw_grid%para%bo(1:2, 2, ip, 1) = axis_dist_all(1:2, 2, ip + 1)
     959          44 :                pw_grid%para%bo(1, 3, ip, 1) = 1
     960          44 :                pw_grid%para%bo(2, 3, ip, 1) = nz
     961             :                ! distribution xYz
     962         132 :                pw_grid%para%bo(1:2, 1, ip, 2) = axis_dist_all(1:2, 1, ip + 1)
     963          44 :                pw_grid%para%bo(1, 2, ip, 2) = 1
     964          44 :                pw_grid%para%bo(2, 2, ip, 2) = ny
     965         132 :                pw_grid%para%bo(1:2, 3, ip, 2) = get_limit(nz, rsd(2), coor(2))
     966             :                ! distribution Xyz
     967          44 :                pw_grid%para%bo(1, 1, ip, 3) = 1
     968          44 :                pw_grid%para%bo(2, 1, ip, 3) = nx
     969         132 :                pw_grid%para%bo(1:2, 2, ip, 3) = get_limit(ny, rsd(1), coor(1))
     970         154 :                pw_grid%para%bo(1:2, 3, ip, 3) = get_limit(nz, rsd(2), coor(2))
     971             :             END DO
     972          22 :             DEALLOCATE (axis_dist_all)
     973             :          ELSE
     974       86220 :             DO ip = 0, np - 1
     975       57480 :                CALL pw_grid%para%group%coords(ip, coor)
     976             :                ! distribution xyZ
     977      172440 :                pw_grid%para%bo(1:2, 1, ip, 1) = get_limit(nx, rsd(1), coor(1))
     978      172440 :                pw_grid%para%bo(1:2, 2, ip, 1) = get_limit(ny, rsd(2), coor(2))
     979       57480 :                pw_grid%para%bo(1, 3, ip, 1) = 1
     980       57480 :                pw_grid%para%bo(2, 3, ip, 1) = nz
     981             :                ! distribution xYz
     982      172440 :                pw_grid%para%bo(1:2, 1, ip, 2) = get_limit(nx, rsd(1), coor(1))
     983       57480 :                pw_grid%para%bo(1, 2, ip, 2) = 1
     984       57480 :                pw_grid%para%bo(2, 2, ip, 2) = ny
     985      172440 :                pw_grid%para%bo(1:2, 3, ip, 2) = get_limit(nz, rsd(2), coor(2))
     986             :                ! distribution Xyz
     987       57480 :                pw_grid%para%bo(1, 1, ip, 3) = 1
     988       57480 :                pw_grid%para%bo(2, 1, ip, 3) = nx
     989      172440 :                pw_grid%para%bo(1:2, 2, ip, 3) = get_limit(ny, rsd(1), coor(1))
     990      201180 :                pw_grid%para%bo(1:2, 3, ip, 3) = get_limit(nz, rsd(2), coor(2))
     991             :             END DO
     992             :          END IF
     993             :          !..find the g space distribution
     994       28762 :          pw_grid%ngpts_cut_local = 0
     995             : 
     996       86286 :          ALLOCATE (pw_grid%para%nyzray(0:np - 1))
     997             : 
     998      115048 :          ALLOCATE (pw_grid%para%yzq(ny, nz))
     999             : 
    1000             :          IF (pw_grid%spherical .OR. pw_grid%grid_span == HALFSPACE &
    1001       28762 :              .OR. .NOT. blocking) THEN
    1002             : 
    1003       28750 :             pw_grid%para%ray_distribution = .TRUE.
    1004             : 
    1005    31394628 :             pw_grid%para%yzq = -1
    1006       28750 :             IF (PRESENT(ref_grid)) THEN
    1007             :                ! tag all vectors from the reference grid
    1008       18014 :                CALL pre_tag(pw_grid, yz_mask, ref_grid)
    1009             :             END IF
    1010             : 
    1011             :             ! Round Robin distribution
    1012             :             ! Processors 0 .. NP-1, NP-1 .. 0  get the largest remaining batch
    1013             :             ! of g vectors in turn
    1014             : 
    1015       28750 :             i1 = SIZE(yz_mask, 1)
    1016       28750 :             i2 = SIZE(yz_mask, 2)
    1017       86250 :             ALLOCATE (yz_index(2, i1*i2))
    1018       28750 :             CALL order_mask(yz_mask, yz_index)
    1019    30633876 :             DO i = 1, i1*i2
    1020    30605126 :                lo(1) = yz_index(1, i)
    1021    30605126 :                lo(2) = yz_index(2, i)
    1022    30605126 :                IF (lo(1)*lo(2) == 0) CYCLE
    1023    18888122 :                gmax = yz_mask(lo(1), lo(2))
    1024    18888122 :                IF (gmax == 0) CYCLE
    1025    18888122 :                yz_mask(lo(1), lo(2)) = 0
    1026    18888122 :                ip = MOD(i - 1, 2*np)
    1027    18888122 :                IF (ip > np - 1) ip = 2*np - ip - 1
    1028    18888122 :                IF (ip == pw_grid%para%group%mepos) THEN
    1029     9444061 :                   pw_grid%ngpts_cut_local = pw_grid%ngpts_cut_local + gmax
    1030             :                END IF
    1031    18888122 :                pw_grid%para%yzq(lo(1), lo(2)) = ip
    1032    18916872 :                IF (pw_grid%grid_span == HALFSPACE) THEN
    1033     1227388 :                   m = -lo(1) - 2*lby + 2
    1034     1227388 :                   n = -lo(2) - 2*lbz + 2
    1035     1227388 :                   pw_grid%para%yzq(m, n) = ip
    1036     1227388 :                   yz_mask(m, n) = 0
    1037             :                END IF
    1038             :             END DO
    1039             : 
    1040       28750 :             DEALLOCATE (yz_index)
    1041             : 
    1042             :             ! Count the total number of rays on each processor
    1043       86250 :             pw_grid%para%nyzray = 0
    1044      789502 :             DO i = 1, nz
    1045    31394628 :                DO j = 1, ny
    1046    30605126 :                   ip = pw_grid%para%yzq(j, i)
    1047    30605126 :                   IF (ip >= 0) pw_grid%para%nyzray(ip) = &
    1048    30163110 :                      pw_grid%para%nyzray(ip) + 1
    1049             :                END DO
    1050             :             END DO
    1051             : 
    1052             :             ! Allocate mapping array (y:z, nray, nproc)
    1053       86250 :             ns = MAXVAL(pw_grid%para%nyzray(0:np - 1))
    1054      115000 :             ALLOCATE (pw_grid%para%yzp(2, ns, 0:np - 1))
    1055             : 
    1056             :             ! Fill mapping array, recalculate nyzray for convenience
    1057       86250 :             pw_grid%para%nyzray = 0
    1058      789502 :             DO i = 1, nz
    1059    31394628 :                DO j = 1, ny
    1060    30605126 :                   ip = pw_grid%para%yzq(j, i)
    1061    31365878 :                   IF (ip >= 0) THEN
    1062             :                      pw_grid%para%nyzray(ip) = &
    1063    29402358 :                         pw_grid%para%nyzray(ip) + 1
    1064    29402358 :                      ns = pw_grid%para%nyzray(ip)
    1065    29402358 :                      pw_grid%para%yzp(1, ns, ip) = j
    1066    29402358 :                      pw_grid%para%yzp(2, ns, ip) = i
    1067    29402358 :                      IF (ip == pw_grid%para%group%mepos) THEN
    1068    14701179 :                         pw_grid%para%yzq(j, i) = ns
    1069             :                      ELSE
    1070    14701179 :                         pw_grid%para%yzq(j, i) = -1
    1071             :                      END IF
    1072             :                   ELSE
    1073     1202768 :                      pw_grid%para%yzq(j, i) = -2
    1074             :                   END IF
    1075             :                END DO
    1076             :             END DO
    1077             : 
    1078      115000 :             pw_grid%ngpts_local = PRODUCT(pw_grid%npts_local)
    1079             : 
    1080             :          ELSE
    1081             :             !
    1082             :             !  block distribution of g vectors, we do not have a spherical cutoff
    1083             :             !
    1084             : 
    1085          12 :             pw_grid%para%blocked = .TRUE.
    1086          12 :             pw_grid%para%ray_distribution = .FALSE.
    1087             : 
    1088          36 :             DO ip = 0, np - 1
    1089             :                m = pw_grid%para%bo(2, 2, ip, 3) - &
    1090          24 :                    pw_grid%para%bo(1, 2, ip, 3) + 1
    1091             :                n = pw_grid%para%bo(2, 3, ip, 3) - &
    1092          24 :                    pw_grid%para%bo(1, 3, ip, 3) + 1
    1093          36 :                pw_grid%para%nyzray(ip) = n*m
    1094             :             END DO
    1095             : 
    1096          12 :             ipl = pw_grid%para%group%mepos
    1097             :             l = pw_grid%para%bo(2, 1, ipl, 3) - &
    1098          12 :                 pw_grid%para%bo(1, 1, ipl, 3) + 1
    1099             :             m = pw_grid%para%bo(2, 2, ipl, 3) - &
    1100          12 :                 pw_grid%para%bo(1, 2, ipl, 3) + 1
    1101             :             n = pw_grid%para%bo(2, 3, ipl, 3) - &
    1102          12 :                 pw_grid%para%bo(1, 3, ipl, 3) + 1
    1103          12 :             pw_grid%ngpts_cut_local = l*m*n
    1104          12 :             pw_grid%ngpts_local = pw_grid%ngpts_cut_local
    1105             : 
    1106        4816 :             pw_grid%para%yzq = 0
    1107             :             ny = pw_grid%para%bo(2, 2, ipl, 3) - &
    1108          12 :                  pw_grid%para%bo(1, 2, ipl, 3) + 1
    1109         254 :             DO n = pw_grid%para%bo(1, 3, ipl, 3), &
    1110          12 :                pw_grid%para%bo(2, 3, ipl, 3)
    1111         242 :                i = n - pw_grid%para%bo(1, 3, ipl, 3)
    1112        2523 :                DO m = pw_grid%para%bo(1, 2, ipl, 3), &
    1113         254 :                   pw_grid%para%bo(2, 2, ipl, 3)
    1114        2281 :                   j = m - pw_grid%para%bo(1, 2, ipl, 3) + 1
    1115        2523 :                   pw_grid%para%yzq(m, n) = j + i*ny
    1116             :                END DO
    1117             :             END DO
    1118             : 
    1119             :             ! Allocate mapping array (y:z, nray, nproc)
    1120          36 :             ns = MAXVAL(pw_grid%para%nyzray(0:np - 1))
    1121          48 :             ALLOCATE (pw_grid%para%yzp(2, ns, 0:np - 1))
    1122       14112 :             pw_grid%para%yzp = 0
    1123             : 
    1124          36 :             ALLOCATE (pemap(0:np - 1))
    1125          36 :             pemap = 0
    1126          12 :             pemap(pw_grid%para%group%mepos) = pw_grid%para%group%mepos
    1127          12 :             CALL pw_grid%para%group%sum(pemap)
    1128             : 
    1129          36 :             DO ip = 0, np - 1
    1130          24 :                ipp = pemap(ip)
    1131          24 :                ns = 0
    1132         508 :                DO n = pw_grid%para%bo(1, 3, ipp, 3), &
    1133          24 :                   pw_grid%para%bo(2, 3, ipp, 3)
    1134         484 :                   i = n - pw_grid%bounds(1, 3) + 1
    1135        5046 :                   DO m = pw_grid%para%bo(1, 2, ipp, 3), &
    1136         508 :                      pw_grid%para%bo(2, 2, ipp, 3)
    1137        4562 :                      j = m - pw_grid%bounds(1, 2) + 1
    1138        4562 :                      ns = ns + 1
    1139        4562 :                      pw_grid%para%yzp(1, ns, ip) = j
    1140        5046 :                      pw_grid%para%yzp(2, ns, ip) = i
    1141             :                   END DO
    1142             :                END DO
    1143          36 :                CPASSERT(ns == pw_grid%para%nyzray(ip))
    1144             :             END DO
    1145             : 
    1146          12 :             DEALLOCATE (pemap)
    1147             : 
    1148             :          END IF
    1149             : 
    1150             :       END IF
    1151             : 
    1152             :       ! pos_of_x(i) tells on which cpu pw%array(i,:,:) is located
    1153             :       ! should be computable in principle, without the need for communication
    1154       33865 :       IF (pw_grid%para%mode .EQ. PW_MODE_DISTRIBUTED) THEN
    1155       86286 :          ALLOCATE (pw_grid%para%pos_of_x(pw_grid%bounds(1, 1):pw_grid%bounds(2, 1)))
    1156      781168 :          pw_grid%para%pos_of_x = 0
    1157      404965 :          pw_grid%para%pos_of_x(pw_grid%bounds_local(1, 1):pw_grid%bounds_local(2, 1)) = pw_grid%para%group%mepos
    1158       28762 :          CALL pw_grid%para%group%sum(pw_grid%para%pos_of_x)
    1159             :       ELSE
    1160             :          ! this should not be needed
    1161       15309 :          ALLOCATE (pw_grid%para%pos_of_x(pw_grid%bounds(1, 1):pw_grid%bounds(2, 1)))
    1162       86334 :          pw_grid%para%pos_of_x = 0
    1163             :       END IF
    1164             : 
    1165       33865 :       CALL timestop(handle)
    1166             : 
    1167       33865 :    END SUBROUTINE pw_grid_distribute
    1168             : 
    1169             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1170             : !> \brief ...
    1171             : !> \param pw_grid ...
    1172             : !> \param yz_mask ...
    1173             : !> \param ref_grid ...
    1174             : !> \par History
    1175             : !>      - Fix mapping bug for pw_grid eqv to ref_grid (21.11.2019, MK)
    1176             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1177       18014 :    SUBROUTINE pre_tag(pw_grid, yz_mask, ref_grid)
    1178             : 
    1179             :       TYPE(pw_grid_type), INTENT(INOUT)                  :: pw_grid
    1180             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), INTENT(INOUT)            :: yz_mask
    1181             :       TYPE(pw_grid_type), INTENT(IN)                     :: ref_grid
    1182             : 
    1183             :       INTEGER                                            :: gmax, ig, ip, lby, lbz, my, mz, ny, nz, &
    1184             :                                                             uby, ubz, y, yp, z, zp
    1185             : 
    1186       18014 :       ny = ref_grid%npts(2)
    1187       18014 :       nz = ref_grid%npts(3)
    1188       18014 :       lby = pw_grid%bounds(1, 2)
    1189       18014 :       lbz = pw_grid%bounds(1, 3)
    1190       18014 :       uby = pw_grid%bounds(2, 2)
    1191       18014 :       ubz = pw_grid%bounds(2, 3)
    1192       18014 :       my = SIZE(yz_mask, 1)
    1193       18014 :       mz = SIZE(yz_mask, 2)
    1194             : 
    1195             :       ! loop over all processors and all g vectors yz lines on this processor
    1196       54042 :       DO ip = 0, ref_grid%para%group%num_pe - 1
    1197    47648074 :          DO ig = 1, ref_grid%para%nyzray(ip)
    1198             :             ! go from mapped coordinates to original coordinates
    1199             :             ! 1, 2, ..., n-1, n -> 0, 1, ..., (n/2)-1, -(n/2), -(n/2)+1, ..., -2, -1
    1200    47594032 :             y = ref_grid%para%yzp(1, ig, ip) - 1
    1201    47594032 :             IF (y >= ny/2) y = y - ny
    1202    47594032 :             z = ref_grid%para%yzp(2, ig, ip) - 1
    1203    47594032 :             IF (z >= nz/2) z = z - nz
    1204             :             ! check if this is inside the realm of the new grid
    1205    47594032 :             IF (y < lby .OR. y > uby .OR. z < lbz .OR. z > ubz) CYCLE
    1206             :             ! go to shifted coordinates
    1207     9289112 :             y = y - lby + 1
    1208     9289112 :             z = z - lbz + 1
    1209             :             ! this tag is outside the cutoff range of the new grid
    1210     9289112 :             IF (pw_grid%grid_span == HALFSPACE) THEN
    1211           0 :                yp = -y - 2*lby + 2
    1212           0 :                zp = -z - 2*lbz + 2
    1213             :                ! if the reference grid is larger than the mirror point may be
    1214             :                ! outside the new grid even if the original point is inside
    1215           0 :                IF (yp < 1 .OR. yp > my .OR. zp < 1 .OR. zp > mz) CYCLE
    1216           0 :                gmax = MAX(yz_mask(y, z), yz_mask(yp, zp))
    1217           0 :                IF (gmax == 0) CYCLE
    1218           0 :                yz_mask(y, z) = 0
    1219           0 :                yz_mask(yp, zp) = 0
    1220           0 :                pw_grid%para%yzq(y, z) = ip
    1221           0 :                pw_grid%para%yzq(yp, zp) = ip
    1222             :             ELSE
    1223     9289112 :                gmax = yz_mask(y, z)
    1224     9289112 :                IF (gmax == 0) CYCLE
    1225     9289112 :                yz_mask(y, z) = 0
    1226     9289112 :                pw_grid%para%yzq(y, z) = ip
    1227             :             END IF
    1228     9325140 :             IF (ip == pw_grid%para%group%mepos) THEN
    1229     4644556 :                pw_grid%ngpts_cut_local = pw_grid%ngpts_cut_local + gmax
    1230             :             END IF
    1231             :          END DO
    1232             :       END DO
    1233             : 
    1234       18014 :    END SUBROUTINE pre_tag
    1235             : 
    1236             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1237             : !> \brief ...
    1238             : !> \param yz_mask ...
    1239             : !> \param yz_index ...
    1240             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1241       28750 :    PURE SUBROUTINE order_mask(yz_mask, yz_index)
    1242             : 
    1243             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), INTENT(IN)               :: yz_mask
    1244             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), INTENT(OUT)              :: yz_index
    1245             : 
    1246             :       INTEGER                                            :: i1, i2, ic, icount, ii, im, jc, jj
    1247             : 
    1248             : !NB load balance
    1249             : !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1250             : !NB spiral out from origin, so that even if overall grid is full and
    1251             : !NB block distributed, spherical cutoff still leads to good load
    1252             : !NB balance in cp_ddapc_apply_CD
    1253             : 
    1254       28750 :       i1 = SIZE(yz_mask, 1)
    1255       28750 :       i2 = SIZE(yz_mask, 2)
    1256    91844128 :       yz_index = 0
    1257             : 
    1258       28750 :       icount = 1
    1259       28750 :       ic = i1/2
    1260       28750 :       jc = i2/2
    1261       28750 :       ii = ic
    1262       28750 :       jj = jc
    1263       28750 :       IF (ii > 0 .AND. ii <= i1 .AND. jj > 0 .AND. jj <= i2) THEN
    1264       28750 :          IF (yz_mask(ii, jj) /= 0) THEN
    1265       10736 :             yz_index(1, icount) = ii
    1266       10736 :             yz_index(2, icount) = jj
    1267       10736 :             icount = icount + 1
    1268             :          END IF
    1269             :       END IF
    1270      435486 :       DO im = 1, MAX(ic + 1, jc + 1)
    1271      406736 :          ii = ic - im
    1272    10447324 :          DO jj = jc - im, jc + im
    1273    10447324 :             IF (ii > 0 .AND. ii <= i1 .AND. jj > 0 .AND. jj <= i2) THEN
    1274     7350634 :                IF (yz_mask(ii, jj) /= 0) THEN
    1275     4595726 :                   yz_index(1, icount) = ii
    1276     4595726 :                   yz_index(2, icount) = jj
    1277     4595726 :                   icount = icount + 1
    1278             :                END IF
    1279             :             END IF
    1280             :          END DO
    1281      406736 :          ii = ic + im
    1282    10447324 :          DO jj = jc - im, jc + im
    1283    10447324 :             IF (ii > 0 .AND. ii <= i1 .AND. jj > 0 .AND. jj <= i2) THEN
    1284     8306316 :                IF (yz_mask(ii, jj) /= 0) THEN
    1285     5012336 :                   yz_index(1, icount) = ii
    1286     5012336 :                   yz_index(2, icount) = jj
    1287     5012336 :                   icount = icount + 1
    1288             :                END IF
    1289             :             END IF
    1290             :          END DO
    1291      406736 :          jj = jc - im
    1292     9633852 :          DO ii = ic - im + 1, ic + im - 1
    1293     9633852 :             IF (ii > 0 .AND. ii <= i1 .AND. jj > 0 .AND. jj <= i2) THEN
    1294     7001878 :                IF (yz_mask(ii, jj) /= 0) THEN
    1295     4712454 :                   yz_index(1, icount) = ii
    1296     4712454 :                   yz_index(2, icount) = jj
    1297     4712454 :                   icount = icount + 1
    1298             :                END IF
    1299             :             END IF
    1300             :          END DO
    1301     9633852 :          jj = jc + im
    1302     9662602 :          DO ii = ic - im + 1, ic + im - 1
    1303     9633852 :             IF (ii > 0 .AND. ii <= i1 .AND. jj > 0 .AND. jj <= i2) THEN
    1304     7917548 :                IF (yz_mask(ii, jj) /= 0) THEN
    1305     4556870 :                   yz_index(1, icount) = ii
    1306     4556870 :                   yz_index(2, icount) = jj
    1307     4556870 :                   icount = icount + 1
    1308             :                END IF
    1309             :             END IF
    1310             :          END DO
    1311             :       END DO
    1312             : 
    1313       28750 :    END SUBROUTINE order_mask
    1314             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1315             : !> \brief compute the length of g vectors
    1316             : !> \param h_inv ...
    1317             : !> \param length_x ...
    1318             : !> \param length_y ...
    1319             : !> \param length_z ...
    1320             : !> \param length ...
    1321             : !> \param l ...
    1322             : !> \param m ...
    1323             : !> \param n ...
    1324             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1325  1694768812 :    PURE SUBROUTINE pw_vec_length(h_inv, length_x, length_y, length_z, length, l, m, n)
    1326             : 
    1327             :       REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(3, 3), INTENT(IN)         :: h_inv
    1328             :       REAL(KIND=dp), INTENT(OUT)                         :: length_x, length_y, length_z, length
    1329             :       INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: l, m, n
    1330             : 
    1331             :       length_x &
    1332             :          = REAL(l, dp)*h_inv(1, 1) &
    1333             :            + REAL(m, dp)*h_inv(2, 1) &
    1334  1694768812 :            + REAL(n, dp)*h_inv(3, 1)
    1335             :       length_y &
    1336             :          = REAL(l, dp)*h_inv(1, 2) &
    1337             :            + REAL(m, dp)*h_inv(2, 2) &
    1338  1694768812 :            + REAL(n, dp)*h_inv(3, 2)
    1339             :       length_z &
    1340             :          = REAL(l, dp)*h_inv(1, 3) &
    1341             :            + REAL(m, dp)*h_inv(2, 3) &
    1342  1694768812 :            + REAL(n, dp)*h_inv(3, 3)
    1343             : 
    1344             :       ! enforce strict zero-ness in this case (compiler optimization)
    1345  1694768812 :       IF (l == 0 .AND. m == 0 .AND. n == 0) THEN
    1346       38968 :          length_x = 0
    1347       38968 :          length_y = 0
    1348       38968 :          length_z = 0
    1349             :       END IF
    1350             : 
    1351  1694768812 :       length_x = length_x*twopi
    1352  1694768812 :       length_y = length_y*twopi
    1353  1694768812 :       length_z = length_z*twopi
    1354             : 
    1355  1694768812 :       length = length_x**2 + length_y**2 + length_z**2
    1356             : 
    1357  1694768812 :    END SUBROUTINE
    1358             : 
    1359             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1360             : !> \brief Count total number of g vectors
    1361             : !> \param h_inv ...
    1362             : !> \param pw_grid ...
    1363             : !> \param mp_comm ...
    1364             : !> \param cutoff ...
    1365             : !> \param yz_mask ...
    1366             : !> \par History
    1367             : !>      JGH (22-12-2000) : Adapted for parallel use
    1368             : !> \author apsi
    1369             : !>      Christopher Mundy
    1370             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1371       33865 :    SUBROUTINE pw_grid_count(h_inv, pw_grid, mp_comm, cutoff, yz_mask)
    1372             : 
    1373             :       REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(3, 3)                     :: h_inv
    1374             :       TYPE(pw_grid_type), INTENT(INOUT)                  :: pw_grid
    1375             : 
    1376             :       CLASS(mp_comm_type), INTENT(IN) :: mp_comm
    1377             :       REAL(KIND=dp), INTENT(IN)                          :: cutoff
    1378             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), INTENT(OUT)              :: yz_mask
    1379             : 
    1380             :       INTEGER                                            :: l, m, mm, n, n_upperlimit, nlim(2), nn
    1381             :       INTEGER(KIND=int_8)                                :: gpt
    1382             :       REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: length, length_x, length_y, length_z
    1383             : 
    1384             :       ASSOCIATE (bounds => pw_grid%bounds)
    1385             : 
    1386       33865 :          IF (pw_grid%grid_span == HALFSPACE) THEN
    1387             :             n_upperlimit = 0
    1388       30450 :          ELSE IF (pw_grid%grid_span == FULLSPACE) THEN
    1389       30450 :             n_upperlimit = bounds(2, 3)
    1390             :          ELSE
    1391           0 :             CPABORT("No type set for the grid")
    1392             :          END IF
    1393             : 
    1394             :          ! finds valid g-points within grid
    1395       33865 :          gpt = 0
    1396       33865 :          IF (pw_grid%para%mode == PW_MODE_LOCAL) THEN
    1397        5103 :             nlim(1) = bounds(1, 3)
    1398        5103 :             nlim(2) = n_upperlimit
    1399       28762 :          ELSE IF (pw_grid%para%mode == PW_MODE_DISTRIBUTED) THEN
    1400       28762 :             n = n_upperlimit - bounds(1, 3) + 1
    1401       28762 :             nlim = get_limit(n, mp_comm%num_pe, mp_comm%mepos)
    1402       86286 :             nlim = nlim + bounds(1, 3) - 1
    1403             :          ELSE
    1404           0 :             CPABORT("para % mode not specified")
    1405             :          END IF
    1406             : 
    1407    33682197 :          yz_mask = 0
    1408      493396 :          DO n = nlim(1), nlim(2)
    1409      425666 :             nn = n - bounds(1, 3) + 1
    1410    16391053 :             DO m = bounds(1, 2), bounds(2, 2)
    1411    15931522 :                mm = m - bounds(1, 2) + 1
    1412   872924100 :                DO l = bounds(1, 1), bounds(2, 1)
    1413   856566912 :                   IF (pw_grid%grid_span == HALFSPACE .AND. n == 0) THEN
    1414     2965979 :                      IF ((m == 0 .AND. l > 0) .OR. (m > 0)) CYCLE
    1415             :                   END IF
    1416             : 
    1417   854973631 :                   CALL pw_vec_length(h_inv, length_x, length_y, length_z, length, l, m, n)
    1418             : 
    1419   870905153 :                   IF (0.5_dp*length <= cutoff) THEN
    1420   814323355 :                      gpt = gpt + 1
    1421   814323355 :                      yz_mask(mm, nn) = yz_mask(mm, nn) + 1
    1422             :                   END IF
    1423             : 
    1424             :                END DO
    1425             :             END DO
    1426             :          END DO
    1427             :       END ASSOCIATE
    1428             : 
    1429             :       ! number of g-vectors for grid
    1430       33865 :       IF (pw_grid%para%mode == PW_MODE_DISTRIBUTED) THEN
    1431       28762 :          CALL mp_comm%sum(gpt)
    1432    62770126 :          CALL mp_comm%sum(yz_mask)
    1433             :       END IF
    1434       33865 :       pw_grid%ngpts_cut = gpt
    1435             : 
    1436       33865 :    END SUBROUTINE pw_grid_count
    1437             : 
    1438             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1439             : !> \brief Setup maps from 1d to 3d space
    1440             : !> \param h_inv ...
    1441             : !> \param pw_grid ...
    1442             : !> \param cutoff ...
    1443             : !> \par History
    1444             : !>      JGH (29-12-2000) : Adapted for parallel use
    1445             : !> \author apsi
    1446             : !>      Christopher Mundy
    1447             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1448       33865 :    SUBROUTINE pw_grid_assign(h_inv, pw_grid, cutoff)
    1449             : 
    1450             :       REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(3, 3)                     :: h_inv
    1451             :       TYPE(pw_grid_type), INTENT(INOUT)                  :: pw_grid
    1452             :       REAL(KIND=dp), INTENT(IN)                          :: cutoff
    1453             : 
    1454             :       CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER                        :: routineN = 'pw_grid_assign'
    1455             : 
    1456             :       INTEGER                                            :: gpt, handle, i, ip, l, lby, lbz, ll, m, &
    1457             :                                                             mm, n, n_upperlimit, nn
    1458             :       INTEGER(KIND=int_8)                                :: gpt_global
    1459             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(2, 3)                           :: bol, bounds
    1460             :       REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: length, length_x, length_y, length_z
    1461             : 
    1462       33865 :       CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
    1463             : 
    1464      338650 :       bounds = pw_grid%bounds
    1465       33865 :       lby = pw_grid%bounds(1, 2)
    1466       33865 :       lbz = pw_grid%bounds(1, 3)
    1467             : 
    1468       33865 :       IF (pw_grid%grid_span == HALFSPACE) THEN
    1469             :          n_upperlimit = 0
    1470       30450 :       ELSE IF (pw_grid%grid_span == FULLSPACE) THEN
    1471       30450 :          n_upperlimit = bounds(2, 3)
    1472             :       ELSE
    1473           0 :          CPABORT("No type set for the grid")
    1474             :       END IF
    1475             : 
    1476             :       ! finds valid g-points within grid
    1477       33865 :       IF (pw_grid%para%mode == PW_MODE_LOCAL) THEN
    1478        5103 :          gpt = 0
    1479       70085 :          DO n = bounds(1, 3), n_upperlimit
    1480     1579939 :             DO m = bounds(1, 2), bounds(2, 2)
    1481    59220684 :                DO l = bounds(1, 1), bounds(2, 1)
    1482    57645848 :                   IF (pw_grid%grid_span == HALFSPACE .AND. n == 0) THEN
    1483     1157021 :                      IF ((m == 0 .AND. l > 0) .OR. (m > 0)) CYCLE
    1484             :                   END IF
    1485             : 
    1486    56946134 :                   CALL pw_vec_length(h_inv, length_x, length_y, length_z, length, l, m, n)
    1487             : 
    1488    58455988 :                   IF (0.5_dp*length <= cutoff) THEN
    1489    43347699 :                      gpt = gpt + 1
    1490    43347699 :                      pw_grid%g(1, gpt) = length_x
    1491    43347699 :                      pw_grid%g(2, gpt) = length_y
    1492    43347699 :                      pw_grid%g(3, gpt) = length_z
    1493    43347699 :                      pw_grid%gsq(gpt) = length
    1494    43347699 :                      pw_grid%g_hat(1, gpt) = l
    1495    43347699 :                      pw_grid%g_hat(2, gpt) = m
    1496    43347699 :                      pw_grid%g_hat(3, gpt) = n
    1497             :                   END IF
    1498             : 
    1499             :                END DO
    1500             :             END DO
    1501             :          END DO
    1502             : 
    1503             :       ELSE
    1504             : 
    1505       28762 :          IF (pw_grid%para%ray_distribution) THEN
    1506             : 
    1507       28750 :             gpt = 0
    1508       28750 :             ip = pw_grid%para%group%mepos
    1509    14729929 :             DO i = 1, pw_grid%para%nyzray(ip)
    1510    14701179 :                n = pw_grid%para%yzp(2, i, ip) + lbz - 1
    1511    14701179 :                m = pw_grid%para%yzp(1, i, ip) + lby - 1
    1512    14701179 :                IF (n > n_upperlimit) CYCLE
    1513   797755073 :                DO l = bounds(1, 1), bounds(2, 1)
    1514   783620108 :                   IF (pw_grid%grid_span == HALFSPACE .AND. n == 0) THEN
    1515     1629726 :                      IF ((m == 0 .AND. l > 0) .OR. (m > 0)) CYCLE
    1516             :                   END IF
    1517             : 
    1518   782806126 :                   CALL pw_vec_length(h_inv, length_x, length_y, length_z, length, l, m, n)
    1519             : 
    1520   797507305 :                   IF (0.5_dp*length <= cutoff) THEN
    1521   770932735 :                      gpt = gpt + 1
    1522   770932735 :                      pw_grid%g(1, gpt) = length_x
    1523   770932735 :                      pw_grid%g(2, gpt) = length_y
    1524   770932735 :                      pw_grid%g(3, gpt) = length_z
    1525   770932735 :                      pw_grid%gsq(gpt) = length
    1526   770932735 :                      pw_grid%g_hat(1, gpt) = l
    1527   770932735 :                      pw_grid%g_hat(2, gpt) = m
    1528   770932735 :                      pw_grid%g_hat(3, gpt) = n
    1529             :                   END IF
    1530             : 
    1531             :                END DO
    1532             :             END DO
    1533             : 
    1534             :          ELSE
    1535             : 
    1536         120 :             bol = pw_grid%para%bo(:, :, pw_grid%para%group%mepos, 3)
    1537          12 :             gpt = 0
    1538         254 :             DO n = bounds(1, 3), bounds(2, 3)
    1539         242 :                IF (n < 0) THEN
    1540         120 :                   nn = n + pw_grid%npts(3) + 1
    1541             :                ELSE
    1542         122 :                   nn = n + 1
    1543             :                END IF
    1544         242 :                IF (nn < bol(1, 3) .OR. nn > bol(2, 3)) CYCLE
    1545        4816 :                DO m = bounds(1, 2), bounds(2, 2)
    1546        4562 :                   IF (m < 0) THEN
    1547        2216 :                      mm = m + pw_grid%npts(2) + 1
    1548             :                   ELSE
    1549        2346 :                      mm = m + 1
    1550             :                   END IF
    1551        4562 :                   IF (mm < bol(1, 2) .OR. mm > bol(2, 2)) CYCLE
    1552       45444 :                   DO l = bounds(1, 1), bounds(2, 1)
    1553       42921 :                      IF (l < 0) THEN
    1554       21148 :                         ll = l + pw_grid%npts(1) + 1
    1555             :                      ELSE
    1556       21773 :                         ll = l + 1
    1557             :                      END IF
    1558       42921 :                      IF (ll < bol(1, 1) .OR. ll > bol(2, 1)) CYCLE
    1559             : 
    1560       42921 :                      CALL pw_vec_length(h_inv, length_x, length_y, length_z, length, l, m, n)
    1561             : 
    1562       42921 :                      gpt = gpt + 1
    1563       42921 :                      pw_grid%g(1, gpt) = length_x
    1564       42921 :                      pw_grid%g(2, gpt) = length_y
    1565       42921 :                      pw_grid%g(3, gpt) = length_z
    1566       42921 :                      pw_grid%gsq(gpt) = length
    1567       42921 :                      pw_grid%g_hat(1, gpt) = l
    1568       42921 :                      pw_grid%g_hat(2, gpt) = m
    1569       47483 :                      pw_grid%g_hat(3, gpt) = n
    1570             : 
    1571             :                   END DO
    1572             :                END DO
    1573             :             END DO
    1574             : 
    1575             :          END IF
    1576             : 
    1577             :       END IF
    1578             : 
    1579             :       ! Check the number of g-vectors for grid
    1580       33865 :       CPASSERT(pw_grid%ngpts_cut_local == gpt)
    1581       33865 :       IF (pw_grid%para%mode == PW_MODE_DISTRIBUTED) THEN
    1582       28762 :          gpt_global = gpt
    1583       28762 :          CALL pw_grid%para%group%sum(gpt_global)
    1584       28762 :          CPASSERT(pw_grid%ngpts_cut == gpt_global)
    1585             :       END IF
    1586             : 
    1587       33865 :       pw_grid%have_g0 = .FALSE.
    1588       33865 :       pw_grid%first_gne0 = 1
    1589   614021923 :       DO gpt = 1, pw_grid%ngpts_cut_local
    1590   626017399 :          IF (ALL(pw_grid%g_hat(:, gpt) == 0)) THEN
    1591       19484 :             pw_grid%have_g0 = .TRUE.
    1592       19484 :             pw_grid%first_gne0 = 2
    1593       19484 :             EXIT
    1594             :          END IF
    1595             :       END DO
    1596             : 
    1597             :       CALL pw_grid_set_maps(pw_grid%grid_span, pw_grid%g_hat, &
    1598       33865 :                             pw_grid%mapl, pw_grid%mapm, pw_grid%mapn, pw_grid%npts)
    1599             : 
    1600       33865 :       CALL timestop(handle)
    1601             : 
    1602       33865 :    END SUBROUTINE pw_grid_assign
    1603             : 
    1604             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1605             : !> \brief Setup maps from 1d to 3d space
    1606             : !> \param grid_span ...
    1607             : !> \param g_hat ...
    1608             : !> \param mapl ...
    1609             : !> \param mapm ...
    1610             : !> \param mapn ...
    1611             : !> \param npts ...
    1612             : !> \par History
    1613             : !>      JGH (21-12-2000) : Size of g_hat locally determined
    1614             : !> \author apsi
    1615             : !>      Christopher Mundy
    1616             : !> \note
    1617             : !>      Maps are to full 3D space (not distributed)
    1618             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1619       33865 :    SUBROUTINE pw_grid_set_maps(grid_span, g_hat, mapl, mapm, mapn, npts)
    1620             : 
    1621             :       INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: grid_span
    1622             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), INTENT(IN)               :: g_hat
    1623             :       TYPE(map_pn), INTENT(INOUT)                        :: mapl, mapm, mapn
    1624             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN)                  :: npts
    1625             : 
    1626             :       INTEGER                                            :: gpt, l, m, n, ng
    1627             : 
    1628       33865 :       ng = SIZE(g_hat, 2)
    1629             : 
    1630   814357220 :       DO gpt = 1, ng
    1631   814323355 :          l = g_hat(1, gpt)
    1632   814323355 :          m = g_hat(2, gpt)
    1633   814323355 :          n = g_hat(3, gpt)
    1634   814323355 :          IF (l < 0) THEN
    1635   404822469 :             mapl%pos(l) = l + npts(1)
    1636             :          ELSE
    1637   409500886 :             mapl%pos(l) = l
    1638             :          END IF
    1639   814323355 :          IF (m < 0) THEN
    1640   405244220 :             mapm%pos(m) = m + npts(2)
    1641             :          ELSE
    1642   409079135 :             mapm%pos(m) = m
    1643             :          END IF
    1644   814323355 :          IF (n < 0) THEN
    1645   420981673 :             mapn%pos(n) = n + npts(3)
    1646             :          ELSE
    1647   393341682 :             mapn%pos(n) = n
    1648             :          END IF
    1649             : 
    1650             :          ! Generating the maps to the full 3-d space
    1651             : 
    1652   814357220 :          IF (grid_span == HALFSPACE) THEN
    1653             : 
    1654    33228359 :             IF (l <= 0) THEN
    1655    17103347 :                mapl%neg(l) = -l
    1656             :             ELSE
    1657    16125012 :                mapl%neg(l) = npts(1) - l
    1658             :             END IF
    1659    33228359 :             IF (m <= 0) THEN
    1660    17539746 :                mapm%neg(m) = -m
    1661             :             ELSE
    1662    15688613 :                mapm%neg(m) = npts(2) - m
    1663             :             END IF
    1664    33228359 :             IF (n <= 0) THEN
    1665    33228359 :                mapn%neg(n) = -n
    1666             :             ELSE
    1667           0 :                mapn%neg(n) = npts(3) - n
    1668             :             END IF
    1669             : 
    1670             :          END IF
    1671             : 
    1672             :       END DO
    1673             : 
    1674       33865 :    END SUBROUTINE pw_grid_set_maps
    1675             : 
    1676             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1677             : !> \brief Allocate all (Pointer) Arrays in pw_grid
    1678             : !> \param pw_grid ...
    1679             : !> \param ng ...
    1680             : !> \param bounds ...
    1681             : !> \par History
    1682             : !>      JGH (20-12-2000) : Added status variable
    1683             : !>                         Bounds of arrays now from calling routine, this
    1684             : !>                         makes it independent from parallel setup
    1685             : !> \author apsi
    1686             : !>      Christopher Mundy
    1687             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1688       33865 :    SUBROUTINE pw_grid_allocate(pw_grid, ng, bounds)
    1689             : 
    1690             :       ! Argument
    1691             :       TYPE(pw_grid_type), INTENT(INOUT)        :: pw_grid
    1692             :       INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                      :: ng
    1693             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), INTENT(IN)     :: bounds
    1694             : 
    1695             :       CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'pw_grid_allocate'
    1696             : 
    1697             :       INTEGER                                    :: nmaps
    1698             : #if defined(__OFFLOAD) && !defined(__NO_OFFLOAD_PW)
    1699             :       INTEGER(KIND=C_SIZE_T)                     :: length
    1700             :       TYPE(C_PTR)                                :: cptr_g_hatmap
    1701             :       INTEGER                                    :: stat
    1702             : #endif
    1703             : 
    1704             :       INTEGER                                  :: handle
    1705             : 
    1706       33865 :       CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
    1707             : 
    1708      101595 :       ALLOCATE (pw_grid%g(3, ng))
    1709      101595 :       ALLOCATE (pw_grid%gsq(ng))
    1710      101595 :       ALLOCATE (pw_grid%g_hat(3, ng))
    1711             : 
    1712             :       nmaps = 1
    1713       33865 :       IF (pw_grid%grid_span == HALFSPACE) nmaps = 2
    1714             : #if defined(__OFFLOAD) && !defined(__NO_OFFLOAD_PW)
    1715             :       CALL offload_activate_chosen_device()
    1716             : 
    1717             :       length = INT(int_size*MAX(ng, 1)*MAX(nmaps, 1), KIND=C_SIZE_T)
    1718             :       stat = offload_malloc_pinned_mem(cptr_g_hatmap, length)
    1719             :       CPASSERT(stat == 0)
    1720             :       CALL c_f_pointer(cptr_g_hatmap, pw_grid%g_hatmap, (/MAX(ng, 1), MAX(nmaps, 1)/))
    1721             : #else
    1722       33865 :       ALLOCATE (pw_grid%g_hatmap(1, 1))
    1723             : #endif
    1724             : 
    1725       33865 :       IF (pw_grid%para%mode == PW_MODE_DISTRIBUTED) THEN
    1726             :          ALLOCATE (pw_grid%grays(pw_grid%npts(1), &
    1727      115048 :                                  pw_grid%para%nyzray(pw_grid%para%group%mepos)))
    1728             :       END IF
    1729             : 
    1730      101595 :       ALLOCATE (pw_grid%mapl%pos(bounds(1, 1):bounds(2, 1)))
    1731      101595 :       ALLOCATE (pw_grid%mapl%neg(bounds(1, 1):bounds(2, 1)))
    1732      101595 :       ALLOCATE (pw_grid%mapm%pos(bounds(1, 2):bounds(2, 2)))
    1733      101595 :       ALLOCATE (pw_grid%mapm%neg(bounds(1, 2):bounds(2, 2)))
    1734      101595 :       ALLOCATE (pw_grid%mapn%pos(bounds(1, 3):bounds(2, 3)))
    1735      101595 :       ALLOCATE (pw_grid%mapn%neg(bounds(1, 3):bounds(2, 3)))
    1736             : 
    1737       33865 :       CALL timestop(handle)
    1738             : 
    1739       33865 :    END SUBROUTINE pw_grid_allocate
    1740             : 
    1741             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1742             : !> \brief Sort g-vectors according to length
    1743             : !> \param pw_grid ...
    1744             : !> \param ref_grid ...
    1745             : !> \par History
    1746             : !>      JGH (20-12-2000) : allocate idx, ng = SIZE ( pw_grid % gsq ) the
    1747             : !>                         sorting is local and independent from parallelisation
    1748             : !>                         WARNING: Global ordering depends now on the number
    1749             : !>                                  of cpus.
    1750             : !>      JGH (28-02-2001) : check for ordering against reference grid
    1751             : !>      JGH (01-05-2001) : sort spherical cutoff grids also within shells
    1752             : !>                         reference grids for non-spherical cutoffs
    1753             : !>      JGH (20-06-2001) : do not sort non-spherical grids
    1754             : !>      JGH (19-02-2003) : Order all grids, this makes subgrids also for
    1755             : !>                         non-spherical cutoffs possible
    1756             : !>      JGH (21-02-2003) : Introduce gather array for general reference grids
    1757             : !> \author apsi
    1758             : !>      Christopher Mundy
    1759             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1760       33865 :    SUBROUTINE pw_grid_sort(pw_grid, ref_grid)
    1761             : 
    1762             :       ! Argument
    1763             :       TYPE(pw_grid_type), INTENT(INOUT)                  :: pw_grid
    1764             :       TYPE(pw_grid_type), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL           :: ref_grid
    1765             : 
    1766             :       CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER                        :: routineN = 'pw_grid_sort'
    1767             : 
    1768             :       INTEGER                                            :: handle, i, ig, ih, ip, is, it, ng, ngr
    1769             :       INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)                 :: idx
    1770       33865 :       INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :)              :: int_tmp
    1771             :       LOGICAL                                            :: g_found
    1772             :       REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: gig, gigr
    1773       33865 :       REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :)        :: real_tmp
    1774             : 
    1775       33865 :       CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
    1776             : 
    1777       33865 :       ng = SIZE(pw_grid%gsq)
    1778      101595 :       ALLOCATE (idx(ng))
    1779             : 
    1780             :       ! grids are (locally) ordered by length of G-vectors
    1781       33865 :       CALL sort(pw_grid%gsq, ng, idx)
    1782             :       ! within shells order wrt x,y,z
    1783       33865 :       CALL sort_shells(pw_grid%gsq, pw_grid%g_hat, idx)
    1784             : 
    1785      101595 :       ALLOCATE (real_tmp(3, ng))
    1786   814357220 :       DO i = 1, ng
    1787   814323355 :          real_tmp(1, i) = pw_grid%g(1, idx(i))
    1788   814323355 :          real_tmp(2, i) = pw_grid%g(2, idx(i))
    1789   814357220 :          real_tmp(3, i) = pw_grid%g(3, idx(i))
    1790             :       END DO
    1791   814357220 :       DO i = 1, ng
    1792   814323355 :          pw_grid%g(1, i) = real_tmp(1, i)
    1793   814323355 :          pw_grid%g(2, i) = real_tmp(2, i)
    1794   814357220 :          pw_grid%g(3, i) = real_tmp(3, i)
    1795             :       END DO
    1796       33865 :       DEALLOCATE (real_tmp)
    1797             : 
    1798      101595 :       ALLOCATE (int_tmp(3, ng))
    1799   814357220 :       DO i = 1, ng
    1800   814323355 :          int_tmp(1, i) = pw_grid%g_hat(1, idx(i))
    1801   814323355 :          int_tmp(2, i) = pw_grid%g_hat(2, idx(i))
    1802   814357220 :          int_tmp(3, i) = pw_grid%g_hat(3, idx(i))
    1803             :       END DO
    1804   814357220 :       DO i = 1, ng
    1805   814323355 :          pw_grid%g_hat(1, i) = int_tmp(1, i)
    1806   814323355 :          pw_grid%g_hat(2, i) = int_tmp(2, i)
    1807   814357220 :          pw_grid%g_hat(3, i) = int_tmp(3, i)
    1808             :       END DO
    1809       33865 :       DEALLOCATE (int_tmp)
    1810             : 
    1811       33865 :       DEALLOCATE (idx)
    1812             : 
    1813             :       ! check if ordering is compatible to reference grid
    1814       33865 :       IF (PRESENT(ref_grid)) THEN
    1815       20978 :          ngr = SIZE(ref_grid%gsq)
    1816       20978 :          ngr = MIN(ng, ngr)
    1817       20978 :          IF (pw_grid%spherical) THEN
    1818           0 :             IF (.NOT. ALL(pw_grid%g_hat(1:3, 1:ngr) &
    1819             :                           == ref_grid%g_hat(1:3, 1:ngr))) THEN
    1820           0 :                CPABORT("G space sorting not compatible")
    1821             :             END IF
    1822             :          ELSE
    1823       62934 :             ALLOCATE (pw_grid%gidx(1:ngr))
    1824   177304586 :             pw_grid%gidx = 0
    1825             :             ! first try as many trivial associations as possible
    1826       20978 :             it = 0
    1827    94223297 :             DO ig = 1, ngr
    1828   376833077 :                IF (.NOT. ALL(pw_grid%g_hat(1:3, ig) &
    1829             :                              == ref_grid%g_hat(1:3, ig))) EXIT
    1830    94202319 :                pw_grid%gidx(ig) = ig
    1831    94223297 :                it = ig
    1832             :             END DO
    1833             :             ! now for the ones that could not be done
    1834       20978 :             IF (ng == ngr) THEN
    1835             :                ! for the case pw_grid <= ref_grid
    1836       20978 :                is = it
    1837    83102267 :                DO ig = it + 1, ngr
    1838    83081289 :                   gig = pw_grid%gsq(ig)
    1839    83081289 :                   gigr = MAX(1._dp, gig)
    1840    83081289 :                   g_found = .FALSE.
    1841   417321553 :                   DO ih = is + 1, SIZE(ref_grid%gsq)
    1842   417321553 :                      IF (ABS(gig - ref_grid%gsq(ih))/gigr > 1.e-12_dp) CYCLE
    1843             :                      g_found = .TRUE.
    1844   334240264 :                      EXIT
    1845             :                   END DO
    1846    83081289 :                   IF (.NOT. g_found) THEN
    1847           0 :                      WRITE (*, "(A,I10,F20.10)") "G-vector", ig, pw_grid%gsq(ig)
    1848           0 :                      CPABORT("G vector not found")
    1849             :                   END IF
    1850    83081289 :                   ip = ih - 1
    1851  5708723474 :                   DO ih = ip + 1, SIZE(ref_grid%gsq)
    1852  5708723474 :                      IF (ABS(gig - ref_grid%gsq(ih))/gigr > 1.e-12_dp) CYCLE
    1853  5708723474 :                      IF (pw_grid%g_hat(1, ig) /= ref_grid%g_hat(1, ih)) CYCLE
    1854   316827665 :                      IF (pw_grid%g_hat(2, ig) /= ref_grid%g_hat(2, ih)) CYCLE
    1855   102814858 :                      IF (pw_grid%g_hat(3, ig) /= ref_grid%g_hat(3, ih)) CYCLE
    1856    83081289 :                      pw_grid%gidx(ig) = ih
    1857  5708723474 :                      EXIT
    1858             :                   END DO
    1859    83081289 :                   IF (pw_grid%gidx(ig) == 0) THEN
    1860           0 :                      WRITE (*, "(A,2I10)") " G-Shell ", is + 1, ip + 1
    1861             :                      WRITE (*, "(A,I10,3I6,F20.10)") &
    1862           0 :                         " G-vector", ig, pw_grid%g_hat(1:3, ig), pw_grid%gsq(ig)
    1863           0 :                      DO ih = 1, SIZE(ref_grid%gsq)
    1864           0 :                         IF (pw_grid%g_hat(1, ig) /= ref_grid%g_hat(1, ih)) CYCLE
    1865           0 :                         IF (pw_grid%g_hat(2, ig) /= ref_grid%g_hat(2, ih)) CYCLE
    1866           0 :                         IF (pw_grid%g_hat(3, ig) /= ref_grid%g_hat(3, ih)) CYCLE
    1867             :                         WRITE (*, "(A,I10,3I6,F20.10)") &
    1868           0 :                            " G-vector", ih, ref_grid%g_hat(1:3, ih), ref_grid%gsq(ih)
    1869             :                      END DO
    1870           0 :                      CPABORT("G vector not found")
    1871             :                   END IF
    1872    83102267 :                   is = ip
    1873             :                END DO
    1874             :             ELSE
    1875             :                ! for the case pw_grid > ref_grid
    1876           0 :                is = it
    1877           0 :                DO ig = it + 1, ngr
    1878           0 :                   gig = ref_grid%gsq(ig)
    1879           0 :                   gigr = MAX(1._dp, gig)
    1880           0 :                   g_found = .FALSE.
    1881           0 :                   DO ih = is + 1, ng
    1882           0 :                      IF (ABS(pw_grid%gsq(ih) - gig)/gigr > 1.e-12_dp) CYCLE
    1883             :                      g_found = .TRUE.
    1884           0 :                      EXIT
    1885             :                   END DO
    1886           0 :                   IF (.NOT. g_found) THEN
    1887           0 :                      WRITE (*, "(A,I10,F20.10)") "G-vector", ig, ref_grid%gsq(ig)
    1888           0 :                      CPABORT("G vector not found")
    1889             :                   END IF
    1890           0 :                   ip = ih - 1
    1891           0 :                   DO ih = ip + 1, ng
    1892           0 :                      IF (ABS(pw_grid%gsq(ih) - gig)/gigr > 1.e-12_dp) CYCLE
    1893           0 :                      IF (pw_grid%g_hat(1, ih) /= ref_grid%g_hat(1, ig)) CYCLE
    1894           0 :                      IF (pw_grid%g_hat(2, ih) /= ref_grid%g_hat(2, ig)) CYCLE
    1895           0 :                      IF (pw_grid%g_hat(3, ih) /= ref_grid%g_hat(3, ig)) CYCLE
    1896           0 :                      pw_grid%gidx(ig) = ih
    1897           0 :                      EXIT
    1898             :                   END DO
    1899           0 :                   IF (pw_grid%gidx(ig) == 0) THEN
    1900           0 :                      WRITE (*, "(A,2I10)") " G-Shell ", is + 1, ip + 1
    1901             :                      WRITE (*, "(A,I10,3I6,F20.10)") &
    1902           0 :                         " G-vector", ig, ref_grid%g_hat(1:3, ig), ref_grid%gsq(ig)
    1903           0 :                      DO ih = 1, ng
    1904           0 :                         IF (pw_grid%g_hat(1, ih) /= ref_grid%g_hat(1, ig)) CYCLE
    1905           0 :                         IF (pw_grid%g_hat(2, ih) /= ref_grid%g_hat(2, ig)) CYCLE
    1906           0 :                         IF (pw_grid%g_hat(3, ih) /= ref_grid%g_hat(3, ig)) CYCLE
    1907             :                         WRITE (*, "(A,I10,3I6,F20.10)") &
    1908           0 :                            " G-vector", ih, pw_grid%g_hat(1:3, ih), pw_grid%gsq(ih)
    1909             :                      END DO
    1910           0 :                      CPABORT("G vector not found")
    1911             :                   END IF
    1912           0 :                   is = ip
    1913             :                END DO
    1914             :             END IF
    1915             :             ! test if all g-vectors are associated
    1916   177304586 :             IF (ANY(pw_grid%gidx == 0)) THEN
    1917           0 :                CPABORT("G space sorting not compatible")
    1918             :             END IF
    1919             :          END IF
    1920             :       END IF
    1921             : 
    1922             :       !check if G=0 is at first position
    1923       33865 :       IF (pw_grid%have_g0) THEN
    1924       19484 :          IF (pw_grid%gsq(1) /= 0.0_dp) THEN
    1925           0 :             CPABORT("G = 0 not in first position")
    1926             :          END IF
    1927             :       END IF
    1928             : 
    1929       33865 :       CALL timestop(handle)
    1930             : 
    1931       33865 :    END SUBROUTINE pw_grid_sort
    1932             : 
    1933             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1934             : !> \brief ...
    1935             : !> \param gsq ...
    1936             : !> \param g_hat ...
    1937             : !> \param idx ...
    1938             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1939       33865 :    SUBROUTINE sort_shells(gsq, g_hat, idx)
    1940             : 
    1941             :       ! Argument
    1942             :       REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN)            :: gsq
    1943             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), INTENT(IN)               :: g_hat
    1944             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(INOUT)               :: idx
    1945             : 
    1946             :       CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER                        :: routineN = 'sort_shells'
    1947             :       REAL(KIND=dp), PARAMETER                           :: small = 5.e-16_dp
    1948             : 
    1949             :       INTEGER                                            :: handle, ig, ng, s1, s2
    1950             :       REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: s_begin
    1951             : 
    1952       33865 :       CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
    1953             : 
    1954             : ! Juergs temporary hack to get the grids sorted for large (4000Ry) cutoffs.
    1955             : ! might need to call lapack for machine precision.
    1956             : 
    1957       33865 :       ng = SIZE(gsq)
    1958       33865 :       s_begin = -1.0_dp
    1959       33865 :       s1 = 0
    1960       33865 :       s2 = 0
    1961             :       ig = 1
    1962   814357220 :       DO ig = 1, ng
    1963   814357220 :          IF (ABS(gsq(ig) - s_begin) < small) THEN
    1964   773730557 :             s2 = ig
    1965             :          ELSE
    1966    40592798 :             CALL redist(g_hat, idx, s1, s2)
    1967    40592798 :             s_begin = gsq(ig)
    1968    40592798 :             s1 = ig
    1969    40592798 :             s2 = ig
    1970             :          END IF
    1971             :       END DO
    1972       33865 :       CALL redist(g_hat, idx, s1, s2)
    1973             : 
    1974       33865 :       CALL timestop(handle)
    1975             : 
    1976       33865 :    END SUBROUTINE sort_shells
    1977             : 
    1978             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1979             : !> \brief ...
    1980             : !> \param g_hat ...
    1981             : !> \param idx ...
    1982             : !> \param s1 ...
    1983             : !> \param s2 ...
    1984             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1985    40626663 :    SUBROUTINE redist(g_hat, idx, s1, s2)
    1986             : 
    1987             :       ! Argument
    1988             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), INTENT(IN)               :: g_hat
    1989             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(INOUT)               :: idx
    1990             :       INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: s1, s2
    1991             : 
    1992             :       INTEGER                                            :: i, ii, n1, n2, n3, ns
    1993    40626663 :       INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)                 :: indl
    1994    40626663 :       REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)           :: slen
    1995             : 
    1996    40626663 :       IF (s2 <= s1) RETURN
    1997    38843555 :       ns = s2 - s1 + 1
    1998   116530665 :       ALLOCATE (indl(ns))
    1999   116530665 :       ALLOCATE (slen(ns))
    2000             : 
    2001   851417667 :       DO i = s1, s2
    2002   812574112 :          ii = idx(i)
    2003   812574112 :          n1 = g_hat(1, ii)
    2004   812574112 :          n2 = g_hat(2, ii)
    2005   812574112 :          n3 = g_hat(3, ii)
    2006             :          slen(i - s1 + 1) = 1000.0_dp*REAL(n1, dp) + &
    2007   851417667 :                             REAL(n2, dp) + 0.001_dp*REAL(n3, dp)
    2008             :       END DO
    2009    38843555 :       CALL sort(slen, ns, indl)
    2010   851417667 :       DO i = 1, ns
    2011   812574112 :          ii = indl(i) + s1 - 1
    2012   851417667 :          indl(i) = idx(ii)
    2013             :       END DO
    2014   851417667 :       idx(s1:s2) = indl(1:ns)
    2015             : 
    2016    38843555 :       DEALLOCATE (indl)
    2017    38843555 :       DEALLOCATE (slen)
    2018             : 
    2019             :    END SUBROUTINE redist
    2020             : 
    2021             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    2022             : !> \brief Reorder yzq and yzp arrays for parallel FFT according to FFT mapping
    2023             : !> \param pw_grid ...
    2024             : !> \param yz ...
    2025             : !> \par History
    2026             : !>      none
    2027             : !> \author JGH (17-Jan-2001)
    2028             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    2029       33865 :    SUBROUTINE pw_grid_remap(pw_grid, yz)
    2030             : 
    2031             :       ! Argument
    2032             :       TYPE(pw_grid_type), INTENT(INOUT)                  :: pw_grid
    2033             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), INTENT(OUT)              :: yz
    2034             : 
    2035             :       CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER                        :: routineN = 'pw_grid_remap'
    2036             : 
    2037             :       INTEGER                                            :: gpt, handle, i, ip, is, j, m, n
    2038             : 
    2039       33865 :       IF (pw_grid%para%mode == PW_MODE_LOCAL) RETURN
    2040             : 
    2041       28762 :       CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
    2042             : 
    2043             :       ASSOCIATE (ny => pw_grid%npts(2), nz => pw_grid%npts(3), posm => pw_grid%mapm%pos, posn => pw_grid%mapn%pos, &
    2044             :                  negm => pw_grid%mapm%neg, negn => pw_grid%mapn%neg)
    2045             : 
    2046    31399444 :          yz = 0
    2047    88403694 :          pw_grid%para%yzp = 0
    2048    31399444 :          pw_grid%para%yzq = 0
    2049             : 
    2050   771004418 :          DO gpt = 1, SIZE(pw_grid%gsq)
    2051   770975656 :             m = posm(pw_grid%g_hat(2, gpt)) + 1
    2052   770975656 :             n = posn(pw_grid%g_hat(3, gpt)) + 1
    2053   771004418 :             yz(m, n) = yz(m, n) + 1
    2054             :          END DO
    2055       28762 :          IF (pw_grid%grid_span == HALFSPACE) THEN
    2056    20667332 :             DO gpt = 1, SIZE(pw_grid%gsq)
    2057    20665068 :                m = negm(pw_grid%g_hat(2, gpt)) + 1
    2058    20665068 :                n = negn(pw_grid%g_hat(3, gpt)) + 1
    2059    20667332 :                yz(m, n) = yz(m, n) + 1
    2060             :             END DO
    2061             :          END IF
    2062             : 
    2063       28762 :          ip = pw_grid%para%group%mepos
    2064       28762 :          is = 0
    2065      818518 :          DO i = 1, nz
    2066    31399444 :             DO j = 1, ny
    2067    31370682 :                IF (yz(j, i) > 0) THEN
    2068    14703460 :                   is = is + 1
    2069    14703460 :                   pw_grid%para%yzp(1, is, ip) = j
    2070    14703460 :                   pw_grid%para%yzp(2, is, ip) = i
    2071    14703460 :                   pw_grid%para%yzq(j, i) = is
    2072             :                END IF
    2073             :             END DO
    2074             :          END DO
    2075             :       END ASSOCIATE
    2076             : 
    2077       28762 :       CPASSERT(is == pw_grid%para%nyzray(ip))
    2078       28762 :       CALL pw_grid%para%group%sum(pw_grid%para%yzp)
    2079             : 
    2080       28762 :       CALL timestop(handle)
    2081             : 
    2082       28762 :    END SUBROUTINE pw_grid_remap
    2083             : 
    2084             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    2085             : !> \brief Recalculate the g-vectors after a change of the box
    2086             : !> \param cell_hmat ...
    2087             : !> \param pw_grid ...
    2088             : !> \par History
    2089             : !>      JGH (20-12-2000) : get local grid size from definition of g.
    2090             : !>                         Assume that gsq is allocated.
    2091             : !>                         Local routine, no information on distribution of
    2092             : !>                         PW required.
    2093             : !>      JGH (8-Mar-2001) : also update information on volume and grid spaceing
    2094             : !> \author apsi
    2095             : !>      Christopher Mundy
    2096             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    2097       11118 :    SUBROUTINE pw_grid_change(cell_hmat, pw_grid)
    2098             :       ! Argument
    2099             :       REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(3, 3), INTENT(IN)         :: cell_hmat
    2100             :       TYPE(pw_grid_type), INTENT(INOUT)                  :: pw_grid
    2101             : 
    2102             :       INTEGER                                            :: gpt
    2103             :       REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: cell_deth, l, m, n
    2104             :       REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(3, 3)                     :: cell_h_inv
    2105       11118 :       REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER            :: g
    2106             : 
    2107       11118 :       cell_deth = ABS(det_3x3(cell_hmat))
    2108       11118 :       IF (cell_deth < 1.0E-10_dp) THEN
    2109             :          CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, &
    2110             :                        "An invalid set of cell vectors was specified. "// &
    2111           0 :                        "The determinant det(h) is too small")
    2112             :       END IF
    2113       11118 :       cell_h_inv = inv_3x3(cell_hmat)
    2114             : 
    2115       11118 :       g => pw_grid%g
    2116             : 
    2117       11118 :       CALL cell2grid(cell_hmat, cell_h_inv, cell_deth, pw_grid)
    2118             : 
    2119   105198541 :       DO gpt = 1, SIZE(g, 2)
    2120             : 
    2121   105187423 :          l = twopi*REAL(pw_grid%g_hat(1, gpt), KIND=dp)
    2122   105187423 :          m = twopi*REAL(pw_grid%g_hat(2, gpt), KIND=dp)
    2123   105187423 :          n = twopi*REAL(pw_grid%g_hat(3, gpt), KIND=dp)
    2124             : 
    2125   105187423 :          g(1, gpt) = l*cell_h_inv(1, 1) + m*cell_h_inv(2, 1) + n*cell_h_inv(3, 1)
    2126   105187423 :          g(2, gpt) = l*cell_h_inv(1, 2) + m*cell_h_inv(2, 2) + n*cell_h_inv(3, 2)
    2127   105187423 :          g(3, gpt) = l*cell_h_inv(1, 3) + m*cell_h_inv(2, 3) + n*cell_h_inv(3, 3)
    2128             : 
    2129             :          pw_grid%gsq(gpt) = g(1, gpt)*g(1, gpt) &
    2130             :                             + g(2, gpt)*g(2, gpt) &
    2131   105198541 :                             + g(3, gpt)*g(3, gpt)
    2132             : 
    2133             :       END DO
    2134             : 
    2135       11118 :    END SUBROUTINE pw_grid_change
    2136             : 
    2137             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    2138             : !> \brief retains the given pw grid
    2139             : !> \param pw_grid the pw grid to retain
    2140             : !> \par History
    2141             : !>      04.2003 created [fawzi]
    2142             : !> \author fawzi
    2143             : !> \note
    2144             : !>      see doc/ReferenceCounting.html
    2145             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    2146     7183654 :    SUBROUTINE pw_grid_retain(pw_grid)
    2147             :       TYPE(pw_grid_type), INTENT(INOUT)                  :: pw_grid
    2148             : 
    2149     7183654 :       CPASSERT(pw_grid%ref_count > 0)
    2150     7183654 :       pw_grid%ref_count = pw_grid%ref_count + 1
    2151     7183654 :    END SUBROUTINE pw_grid_retain
    2152             : 
    2153             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    2154             : !> \brief releases the given pw grid
    2155             : !> \param pw_grid the pw grid to release
    2156             : !> \par History
    2157             : !>      04.2003 created [fawzi]
    2158             : !> \author fawzi
    2159             : !> \note
    2160             : !>      see doc/ReferenceCounting.html
    2161             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    2162    14788156 :    SUBROUTINE pw_grid_release(pw_grid)
    2163             : 
    2164             :       TYPE(pw_grid_type), POINTER              :: pw_grid
    2165             : 
    2166             : #if defined(__OFFLOAD) && !defined(__NO_OFFLOAD_PW)
    2167             :       INTEGER, POINTER :: dummy_ptr
    2168             :       INTEGER          :: stat
    2169             : #endif
    2170             : 
    2171    14788156 :       IF (ASSOCIATED(pw_grid)) THEN
    2172     7277033 :          CPASSERT(pw_grid%ref_count > 0)
    2173     7277033 :          pw_grid%ref_count = pw_grid%ref_count - 1
    2174     7277033 :          IF (pw_grid%ref_count == 0) THEN
    2175       93379 :             IF (ASSOCIATED(pw_grid%gidx)) THEN
    2176       20978 :                DEALLOCATE (pw_grid%gidx)
    2177             :             END IF
    2178       93379 :             IF (ASSOCIATED(pw_grid%g)) THEN
    2179       33865 :                DEALLOCATE (pw_grid%g)
    2180             :             END IF
    2181       93379 :             IF (ASSOCIATED(pw_grid%gsq)) THEN
    2182       33865 :                DEALLOCATE (pw_grid%gsq)
    2183             :             END IF
    2184       93379 :             IF (ALLOCATED(pw_grid%g_hat)) THEN
    2185       33865 :                DEALLOCATE (pw_grid%g_hat)
    2186             :             END IF
    2187       93379 :             IF (ASSOCIATED(pw_grid%g_hatmap)) THEN
    2188             : #if defined(__OFFLOAD) && !defined(__NO_OFFLOAD_PW)
    2189             :                dummy_ptr => pw_grid%g_hatmap(1, 1)
    2190             :                stat = offload_free_pinned_mem(c_loc(dummy_ptr))
    2191             :                CPASSERT(stat == 0)
    2192             : #else
    2193       33865 :                DEALLOCATE (pw_grid%g_hatmap)
    2194             : #endif
    2195             :             END IF
    2196       93379 :             IF (ASSOCIATED(pw_grid%grays)) THEN
    2197       28762 :                DEALLOCATE (pw_grid%grays)
    2198             :             END IF
    2199       93379 :             IF (ALLOCATED(pw_grid%mapl%pos)) THEN
    2200       33865 :                DEALLOCATE (pw_grid%mapl%pos)
    2201             :             END IF
    2202       93379 :             IF (ALLOCATED(pw_grid%mapm%pos)) THEN
    2203       33865 :                DEALLOCATE (pw_grid%mapm%pos)
    2204             :             END IF
    2205       93379 :             IF (ALLOCATED(pw_grid%mapn%pos)) THEN
    2206       33865 :                DEALLOCATE (pw_grid%mapn%pos)
    2207             :             END IF
    2208       93379 :             IF (ALLOCATED(pw_grid%mapl%neg)) THEN
    2209       33865 :                DEALLOCATE (pw_grid%mapl%neg)
    2210             :             END IF
    2211       93379 :             IF (ALLOCATED(pw_grid%mapm%neg)) THEN
    2212       33865 :                DEALLOCATE (pw_grid%mapm%neg)
    2213             :             END IF
    2214       93379 :             IF (ALLOCATED(pw_grid%mapn%neg)) THEN
    2215       33865 :                DEALLOCATE (pw_grid%mapn%neg)
    2216             :             END IF
    2217       93379 :             IF (ALLOCATED(pw_grid%para%bo)) THEN
    2218       33865 :                DEALLOCATE (pw_grid%para%bo)
    2219             :             END IF
    2220       93379 :             IF (pw_grid%para%mode == PW_MODE_DISTRIBUTED) THEN
    2221       28770 :                IF (ALLOCATED(pw_grid%para%yzp)) THEN
    2222       28762 :                   DEALLOCATE (pw_grid%para%yzp)
    2223             :                END IF
    2224       28770 :                IF (ALLOCATED(pw_grid%para%yzq)) THEN
    2225       28762 :                   DEALLOCATE (pw_grid%para%yzq)
    2226             :                END IF
    2227       28770 :                IF (ALLOCATED(pw_grid%para%nyzray)) THEN
    2228       28762 :                   DEALLOCATE (pw_grid%para%nyzray)
    2229             :                END IF
    2230             :             END IF
    2231             :             ! also release groups
    2232       93379 :             CALL pw_grid%para%group%free()
    2233       93379 :             IF (ALLOCATED(pw_grid%para%pos_of_x)) THEN
    2234       34873 :                DEALLOCATE (pw_grid%para%pos_of_x)
    2235             :             END IF
    2236             : 
    2237       93379 :             IF (ASSOCIATED(pw_grid)) THEN
    2238       93379 :                DEALLOCATE (pw_grid)
    2239             :             END IF
    2240             :          END IF
    2241             :       END IF
    2242    14788156 :       NULLIFY (pw_grid)
    2243    14788156 :    END SUBROUTINE pw_grid_release
    2244             : 
    2245             : END MODULE pw_grids

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