LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src - qs_active_space_utils.F (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: CP2K Regtests (git:2fce0f8) Lines: 0 63 0.0 %
Date: 2024-12-21 06:28:57 Functions: 0 2 0.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
       2             : !   CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations                              !
       3             : !   Copyright 2000-2024 CP2K developers group <>                                   !
       4             : !                                                                                                  !
       5             : !   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later                                                      !
       6             : !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
       7             : 
       8             : ! **************************************************************************************************
       9             : !> \brief Contains utility routines for the active space module
      10             : !> \par History
      11             : !>      04.2023 created [SB]
      12             : !> \author SB
      13             : ! **************************************************************************************************
      14             : MODULE qs_active_space_utils
      15             : 
      16             :    USE cp_dbcsr_api,                    ONLY: dbcsr_csr_type
      17             :    USE cp_fm_types,                     ONLY: cp_fm_get_element,&
      18             :                                               cp_fm_get_info,&
      19             :                                               cp_fm_type
      20             :    USE kinds,                           ONLY: dp
      21             :    USE message_passing,                 ONLY: mp_comm_type
      22             :    USE qs_active_space_types,           ONLY: csr_idx_from_combined,&
      23             :                                               csr_idx_to_combined,&
      24             :                                               eri_type,&
      25             :                                               get_irange_csr
      26             : #include "./base/base_uses.f90"
      27             : 
      28             :    IMPLICIT NONE
      29             : 
      30             :    PRIVATE
      31             : 
      32             :    CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'qs_active_space_utils'
      33             : 
      34             :    PUBLIC :: subspace_matrix_to_array, eri_to_array
      35             : 
      36             : CONTAINS
      37             : 
      38             : ! **************************************************************************************************
      39             : !> \brief Copy a (square portion) of a `cp_fm_type` matrix to a standard 1D Fortran array
      40             : !> \param source_matrix the matrix from where the data is taken
      41             : !> \param target_array the array were the data is copied to
      42             : !> \param row_index a list containing the row subspace indices
      43             : !> \param col_index a list containing the column subspace indices
      44             : ! **************************************************************************************************
      45           0 :    SUBROUTINE subspace_matrix_to_array(source_matrix, target_array, row_index, col_index)
      46             :       TYPE(cp_fm_type), INTENT(IN)                       :: source_matrix
      47             :       REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(OUT)           :: target_array
      48             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN)                  :: row_index, col_index
      49             : 
      50             :       INTEGER                                            :: i, i_sub, j, j_sub, max_col, max_row, &
      51             :                                                             ncols, nrows
      52             :       REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: mval
      53             : 
      54           0 :       CALL cp_fm_get_info(source_matrix, nrow_global=max_row, ncol_global=max_col)
      55           0 :       nrows = SIZE(row_index)
      56           0 :       ncols = SIZE(col_index)
      57             : 
      58           0 :       CPASSERT(MAXVAL(row_index) <= max_row)
      59           0 :       CPASSERT(MAXVAL(col_index) <= max_col)
      60           0 :       CPASSERT(MINVAL(row_index) > 0)
      61           0 :       CPASSERT(MINVAL(col_index) > 0)
      62           0 :       CPASSERT(nrows <= max_row)
      63           0 :       CPASSERT(ncols <= max_col)
      64             : 
      65           0 :       CPASSERT(SIZE(target_array) == nrows*ncols)
      66             : 
      67           0 :       DO j = 1, ncols
      68           0 :          j_sub = col_index(j)
      69           0 :          DO i = 1, nrows
      70           0 :             i_sub = row_index(i)
      71           0 :             CALL cp_fm_get_element(source_matrix, i_sub, j_sub, mval)
      72           0 :             target_array(i + (j - 1)*nrows) = mval
      73             :          END DO
      74             :       END DO
      75           0 :    END SUBROUTINE subspace_matrix_to_array
      76             : 
      77             : ! **************************************************************************************************
      78             : !> \brief Copy the eri tensor for spins isp1 and isp2 to a standard 1D Fortran array
      79             : !> \param eri_env the eri environment
      80             : !> \param array the 1D Fortran array where the eri are copied to
      81             : !> \param active_orbitals a list containing the active orbitals indices
      82             : !> \param spin1 the spin of the bra
      83             : !> \param spin2 the spin of the ket
      84             : ! **************************************************************************************************
      85           0 :    SUBROUTINE eri_to_array(eri_env, array, active_orbitals, spin1, spin2)
      86             :       TYPE(eri_type), INTENT(IN)                         :: eri_env
      87             :       REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(INOUT)         :: array
      88             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), INTENT(IN)               :: active_orbitals
      89             :       INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: spin1, spin2
      90             : 
      91             :       INTEGER                                            :: i, i1, i12, i12l, i2, i3, i34, i34l, i4, &
      92             :                                                             ijkl, ijlk, irptr, j, jikl, jilk, k, &
      93             :                                                             klij, klji, l, lkij, lkji, nindex, &
      94             :                                                             nmo_active, nmo_max
      95             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(2)                              :: irange
      96             :       REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: erival
      97             :       TYPE(dbcsr_csr_type), POINTER                      :: eri
      98             :       TYPE(mp_comm_type)                                 :: mp_group
      99             : 
     100           0 :       nmo_active = SIZE(active_orbitals, 1)
     101           0 :       nmo_max = eri_env%norb
     102           0 :       nindex = (nmo_max*(nmo_max + 1))/2
     103           0 :       IF (spin1 == 1 .AND. spin2 == 1) THEN
     104           0 :          eri => eri_env%eri(1)%csr_mat
     105           0 :       ELSE IF ((spin1 == 1 .AND. spin2 == 2) .OR. (spin1 == 2 .AND. spin2 == 1)) THEN
     106           0 :          eri => eri_env%eri(2)%csr_mat
     107             :       ELSE
     108           0 :          eri => eri_env%eri(3)%csr_mat
     109             :       END IF
     110             : 
     111           0 :       CALL mp_group%set_handle(eri%mp_group%get_handle())
     112           0 :       irange = get_irange_csr(nindex, mp_group)
     113             : 
     114           0 :       array = 0.0_dp
     115             : 
     116           0 :       DO i = 1, nmo_active
     117           0 :          i1 = active_orbitals(i, spin1)
     118           0 :          DO j = i, nmo_active
     119           0 :             i2 = active_orbitals(j, spin1)
     120           0 :             i12 = csr_idx_to_combined(i1, i2, nmo_max)
     121           0 :             IF (i12 >= irange(1) .AND. i12 <= irange(2)) THEN
     122           0 :                i12l = i12 - irange(1) + 1
     123           0 :                irptr = eri%rowptr_local(i12l) - 1
     124           0 :                DO i34l = 1, eri%nzerow_local(i12l)
     125           0 :                   i34 = eri%colind_local(irptr + i34l)
     126           0 :                   CALL csr_idx_from_combined(i34, nmo_max, i3, i4)
     127             : ! The FINDLOC intrinsic function of the Fortran 2008 standard is only available since GCC 9
     128             : ! That is why we use a custom-made implementation of this function for this compiler
     129             : #if __GNUC__ < 9
     130             :                   k = cp_findloc(active_orbitals(:, spin2), i3)
     131             :                   l = cp_findloc(active_orbitals(:, spin2), i4)
     132             : #else
     133           0 :                   k = FINDLOC(active_orbitals(:, spin2), i3, dim=1)
     134           0 :                   l = FINDLOC(active_orbitals(:, spin2), i4, dim=1)
     135             : #endif
     136           0 :                   erival = eri%nzval_local%r_dp(irptr + i34l)
     137             : 
     138             :                   ! 8-fold permutational symmetry
     139           0 :                   ijkl = i + (j - 1)*nmo_active + (k - 1)*nmo_active**2 + (l - 1)*nmo_active**3
     140           0 :                   jikl = j + (i - 1)*nmo_active + (k - 1)*nmo_active**2 + (l - 1)*nmo_active**3
     141           0 :                   ijlk = i + (j - 1)*nmo_active + (l - 1)*nmo_active**2 + (k - 1)*nmo_active**3
     142           0 :                   jilk = j + (i - 1)*nmo_active + (l - 1)*nmo_active**2 + (k - 1)*nmo_active**3
     143           0 :                   array(ijkl) = erival
     144           0 :                   array(jikl) = erival
     145           0 :                   array(ijlk) = erival
     146           0 :                   array(jilk) = erival
     147           0 :                   IF (spin1 == spin2) THEN
     148           0 :                      klij = k + (l - 1)*nmo_active + (i - 1)*nmo_active**2 + (j - 1)*nmo_active**3
     149           0 :                      lkij = l + (k - 1)*nmo_active + (i - 1)*nmo_active**2 + (j - 1)*nmo_active**3
     150           0 :                      klji = k + (l - 1)*nmo_active + (j - 1)*nmo_active**2 + (i - 1)*nmo_active**3
     151           0 :                      lkji = l + (k - 1)*nmo_active + (j - 1)*nmo_active**2 + (i - 1)*nmo_active**3
     152           0 :                      array(klij) = erival
     153           0 :                      array(lkij) = erival
     154           0 :                      array(klji) = erival
     155           0 :                      array(lkji) = erival
     156             :                   END IF
     157             :                END DO
     158             :             END IF
     159             :          END DO
     160             :       END DO
     161           0 :       CALL mp_group%sum(array)
     162             : 
     163           0 :    END SUBROUTINE eri_to_array
     164             : 
     165             : #if __GNUC__ < 9
     166             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     167             : !> \brief This function implements the FINDLOC function of the Fortran 2008 standard for the case needed above
     168             : !>        To be removed as soon GCC 8 is dropped.
     169             : !> \param array ...
     170             : !> \param value ...
     171             : !> \return ...
     172             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     173             :    PURE INTEGER FUNCTION cp_findloc(array, value) RESULT(loc)
     174             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN)                  :: array
     175             :       INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: value
     176             : 
     177             :       INTEGER                                            :: idx
     178             : 
     179             :       loc = 0
     180             : 
     181             :       DO idx = 1, SIZE(array)
     182             :       IF (array(idx) == value) THEN
     183             :          loc = idx
     184             :          RETURN
     185             :       END IF
     186             :       END DO
     187             : 
     188             :    END FUNCTION cp_findloc
     189             : #endif
     190             : 
     191             : END MODULE qs_active_space_utils

Generated by: LCOV version 1.15