LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src - qs_dftb_parameters.F (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: CP2K Regtests (git:2fce0f8) Lines: 342 381 89.8 %
Date: 2024-12-21 06:28:57 Functions: 2 2 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
       2             : !   CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations                              !
       3             : !   Copyright 2000-2024 CP2K developers group <>                                   !
       4             : !                                                                                                  !
       5             : !   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later                                                      !
       6             : !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
       7             : 
       8             : ! **************************************************************************************************
       9             : !> \author JGH (27.02.2007)
      10             : ! **************************************************************************************************
      11             : MODULE qs_dftb_parameters
      12             : 
      13             :    USE atomic_kind_types,               ONLY: atomic_kind_type,&
      14             :                                               get_atomic_kind
      15             :    USE cp_control_types,                ONLY: dftb_control_type
      16             :    USE cp_files,                        ONLY: close_file,&
      17             :                                               get_unit_number,&
      18             :                                               open_file
      19             :    USE cp_log_handling,                 ONLY: cp_get_default_logger,&
      20             :                                               cp_logger_type
      21             :    USE cp_output_handling,              ONLY: cp_p_file,&
      22             :                                               cp_print_key_finished_output,&
      23             :                                               cp_print_key_should_output,&
      24             :                                               cp_print_key_unit_nr
      25             :    USE cp_parser_methods,               ONLY: parser_get_next_line,&
      26             :                                               parser_get_object
      27             :    USE cp_parser_types,                 ONLY: cp_parser_type,&
      28             :                                               parser_create,&
      29             :                                               parser_release
      30             :    USE external_potential_types,        ONLY: set_potential
      31             :    USE input_constants,                 ONLY: dispersion_uff
      32             :    USE input_section_types,             ONLY: section_vals_type
      33             :    USE kinds,                           ONLY: default_path_length,&
      34             :                                               default_string_length,&
      35             :                                               dp
      36             :    USE mathconstants,                   ONLY: pi
      37             :    USE message_passing,                 ONLY: mp_para_env_type
      38             :    USE physcon,                         ONLY: angstrom,&
      39             :                                               kcalmol
      40             :    USE qmmm_ff_fist,                    ONLY: qmmm_ff_precond_only_qm
      41             :    USE qs_dftb_types,                   ONLY: qs_dftb_atom_type,&
      42             :                                               qs_dftb_pairpot_create,&
      43             :                                               qs_dftb_pairpot_init,&
      44             :                                               qs_dftb_pairpot_type
      45             :    USE qs_dftb_utils,                   ONLY: allocate_dftb_atom_param,&
      46             :                                               get_dftb_atom_param,&
      47             :                                               set_dftb_atom_param
      48             :    USE qs_kind_types,                   ONLY: get_qs_kind,&
      49             :                                               qs_kind_type,&
      50             :                                               set_qs_kind
      51             :    USE string_utilities,                ONLY: uppercase
      52             : #include "./base/base_uses.f90"
      53             : 
      54             :    IMPLICIT NONE
      55             : 
      56             :    PRIVATE
      57             : 
      58             : ! *** Global parameters ***
      59             : 
      60             :    CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'qs_dftb_parameters'
      61             : 
      62             :    REAL(dp), PARAMETER                  :: slako_d0 = 1._dp
      63             : 
      64             : ! *** Public subroutines ***
      65             : 
      66             :    PUBLIC :: qs_dftb_param_init
      67             : 
      68             : CONTAINS
      69             : 
      70             : ! **************************************************************************************************
      71             : !> \brief ...
      72             : !> \param atomic_kind_set ...
      73             : !> \param qs_kind_set ...
      74             : !> \param dftb_control ...
      75             : !> \param dftb_potential ...
      76             : !> \param subsys_section ...
      77             : !> \param para_env ...
      78             : ! **************************************************************************************************
      79         222 :    SUBROUTINE qs_dftb_param_init(atomic_kind_set, qs_kind_set, dftb_control, dftb_potential, &
      80             :                                  subsys_section, para_env)
      81             :       TYPE(atomic_kind_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER      :: atomic_kind_set
      82             :       TYPE(qs_kind_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER          :: qs_kind_set
      83             :       TYPE(dftb_control_type), INTENT(inout)             :: dftb_control
      84             :       TYPE(qs_dftb_pairpot_type), DIMENSION(:, :), &
      85             :          POINTER                                         :: dftb_potential
      86             :       TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: subsys_section
      87             :       TYPE(mp_para_env_type), POINTER                    :: para_env
      88             : 
      89             :       CHARACTER(LEN=2)                                   :: iel, jel
      90             :       CHARACTER(LEN=6)                                   :: cspline
      91             :       CHARACTER(LEN=default_path_length)                 :: file_name
      92             :       CHARACTER(LEN=default_path_length), ALLOCATABLE, &
      93         222 :          DIMENSION(:, :)                                 :: sk_files
      94             :       CHARACTER(LEN=default_string_length)               :: iname, jname, name_a, name_b, skfn
      95             :       INTEGER                                            :: ikind, isp, jkind, k, l, l1, l2, llm, &
      96             :                                                             lmax, lmax_a, lmax_b, lp, m, n_urpoly, &
      97             :                                                             ngrd, nkind, output_unit, runit, &
      98             :                                                             spdim, z
      99             :       LOGICAL                                            :: at_end, found, ldum, search, sklist
     100             :       REAL(dp)                                           :: da, db, dgrd, dij, energy, eps_disp, ra, &
     101             :                                                             radmax, rb, rcdisp, rmax6, s_cut, xij, &
     102             :                                                             zeff
     103         222 :       REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :)             :: fmat, scoeff, smat, spxr
     104             :       REAL(dp), DIMENSION(0:3)                           :: eta, occupation, skself
     105             :       REAL(dp), DIMENSION(10)                            :: fwork, swork, uwork
     106             :       REAL(dp), DIMENSION(1:2)                           :: surr
     107             :       REAL(dp), DIMENSION(1:3)                           :: srep
     108             :       TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER                      :: logger
     109             :       TYPE(qs_dftb_atom_type), POINTER                   :: dftb_atom_a, dftb_atom_b
     110             : 
     111         222 :       output_unit = -1
     112         222 :       NULLIFY (logger)
     113         222 :       logger => cp_get_default_logger()
     114         222 :       IF (BTEST(cp_print_key_should_output(logger%iter_info, subsys_section, &
     115             :                                            "PRINT%KINDS/BASIS_SET"), cp_p_file)) THEN
     116             :          output_unit = cp_print_key_unit_nr(logger, subsys_section, &
     117           0 :                                             "PRINT%KINDS", extension=".Log")
     118           0 :          IF (output_unit > 0) THEN
     119             :             WRITE (output_unit, "(/,A)") " DFTB| A set of relativistic DFTB "// &
     120           0 :                "parameters for material sciences."
     121             :             WRITE (output_unit, "(A)") " DFTB| J. Frenzel, N. Jardillier, A.F. Oliveira,"// &
     122           0 :                " T. Heine, G. Seifert"
     123           0 :             WRITE (output_unit, "(A)") " DFTB| TU Dresden, 2002-2007"
     124           0 :             WRITE (output_unit, "(/,A)") " DFTB| Non-SCC parameters "
     125           0 :             WRITE (output_unit, "(A,T25,A)") " DFTB| C,H         :", &
     126           0 :                " D. Porezag et al, PRB 51 12947 (1995)"
     127           0 :             WRITE (output_unit, "(A,T25,A)") " DFTB| B,N         :", &
     128           0 :                " J. Widany et al, PRB 53 4443 (1996)"
     129           0 :             WRITE (output_unit, "(A,T25,A)") " DFTB| Li,Na,K,Cl  :", &
     130           0 :                " S. Hazebroucq et al, JCP 123 134510 (2005)"
     131           0 :             WRITE (output_unit, "(A,T25,A)") " DFTB| F           :", &
     132           0 :                " T. Heine et al, JCSoc-Perkins Trans 2 707 (1999)"
     133           0 :             WRITE (output_unit, "(A,T25,A)") " DFTB| Mo,S        :", &
     134           0 :                " G. Seifert et al, PRL 85 146 (2000)"
     135           0 :             WRITE (output_unit, "(A,T25,A)") " DFTB| P           :", &
     136           0 :                " G. Seifert et al, EPS 16 341 (2001)"
     137           0 :             WRITE (output_unit, "(A,T25,A)") " DFTB| Sc,N,C      :", &
     138           0 :                " M. Krause et al, JCP 115 6596 (2001)"
     139             :          END IF
     140             :          CALL cp_print_key_finished_output(output_unit, logger, subsys_section, &
     141           0 :                                            "PRINT%KINDS")
     142             :       END IF
     143             : 
     144         222 :       sklist = (dftb_control%sk_file_list /= "")
     145             : 
     146         222 :       nkind = SIZE(atomic_kind_set)
     147         888 :       ALLOCATE (sk_files(nkind, nkind))
     148             :       ! allocate potential structures
     149        5810 :       ALLOCATE (dftb_potential(nkind, nkind))
     150         222 :       CALL qs_dftb_pairpot_init(dftb_potential)
     151             : 
     152         702 :       DO ikind = 1, nkind
     153         480 :          CALL get_atomic_kind(atomic_kind_set(ikind), name=iname, element_symbol=iel)
     154         480 :          CALL uppercase(iname)
     155         480 :          CALL uppercase(iel)
     156         480 :          ldum = qmmm_ff_precond_only_qm(iname)
     157        1814 :          DO jkind = 1, nkind
     158        1112 :             CALL get_atomic_kind(atomic_kind_set(jkind), name=jname, element_symbol=jel)
     159        1112 :             CALL uppercase(jname)
     160        1112 :             CALL uppercase(jel)
     161        1112 :             ldum = qmmm_ff_precond_only_qm(jname)
     162        1112 :             found = .FALSE.
     163        1184 :             DO k = 1, SIZE(dftb_control%sk_pair_list, 2)
     164         134 :                name_a = TRIM(dftb_control%sk_pair_list(1, k))
     165         134 :                name_b = TRIM(dftb_control%sk_pair_list(2, k))
     166         134 :                CALL uppercase(name_a)
     167         134 :                CALL uppercase(name_b)
     168        1184 :                IF ((iname == name_a .AND. jname == name_b)) THEN
     169             :                   sk_files(ikind, jkind) = TRIM(dftb_control%sk_file_path)//"/"// &
     170          62 :                                            TRIM(dftb_control%sk_pair_list(3, k))
     171          62 :                   found = .TRUE.
     172          62 :                   EXIT
     173             :                END IF
     174             :             END DO
     175        1112 :             IF (.NOT. found .AND. sklist) THEN
     176             :                file_name = TRIM(dftb_control%sk_file_path)//"/"// &
     177        1050 :                            TRIM(dftb_control%sk_file_list)
     178        1050 :                BLOCK
     179             :                   TYPE(cp_parser_type) :: parser
     180        1050 :                   CALL parser_create(parser, file_name, para_env=para_env)
     181             :                   DO
     182             :                      at_end = .FALSE.
     183       15470 :                      CALL parser_get_next_line(parser, 1, at_end)
     184       15470 :                      IF (at_end) EXIT
     185       15470 :                      CALL parser_get_object(parser, name_a, lower_to_upper=.TRUE.)
     186       15470 :                      CALL parser_get_object(parser, name_b, lower_to_upper=.TRUE.)
     187             :                      !Checking Names
     188       15470 :                      IF ((iname == name_a .AND. jname == name_b)) THEN
     189        1050 :                         CALL parser_get_object(parser, skfn, string_length=8)
     190             :                         sk_files(ikind, jkind) = TRIM(dftb_control%sk_file_path)//"/"// &
     191        1050 :                                                  TRIM(skfn)
     192        1050 :                         found = .TRUE.
     193        1050 :                         EXIT
     194             :                      END IF
     195             :                      !Checking Element
     196       14420 :                      IF ((iel == name_a .AND. jel == name_b)) THEN
     197           0 :                         CALL parser_get_object(parser, skfn, string_length=8)
     198             :                         sk_files(ikind, jkind) = TRIM(dftb_control%sk_file_path)//"/"// &
     199           0 :                                                  TRIM(skfn)
     200           0 :                         found = .TRUE.
     201           0 :                         EXIT
     202             :                      END IF
     203             :                   END DO
     204        4200 :                   CALL parser_release(parser)
     205             :                END BLOCK
     206             :             END IF
     207        1112 :             IF (.NOT. found) &
     208             :                CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, &
     209             :                              "Failure in assigning KINDS <"//TRIM(iname)//"> and <"//TRIM(jname)// &
     210         480 :                              "> to a DFTB interaction pair!")
     211             :          END DO
     212             :       END DO
     213             :       ! reading the files
     214             :       ! read all pairs, equal kind first
     215         702 :       DO ikind = 1, nkind
     216         480 :          CALL get_atomic_kind(atomic_kind_set(ikind), z=z, name=iname)
     217             : 
     218         480 :          CALL get_qs_kind(qs_kind_set(ikind), dftb_parameter=dftb_atom_a)
     219         480 :          IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(dftb_atom_a)) THEN
     220         480 :             CALL allocate_dftb_atom_param(dftb_atom_a)
     221         480 :             CALL set_qs_kind(qs_kind_set(ikind), dftb_parameter=dftb_atom_a)
     222             :          END IF
     223             : 
     224             :          ! read all pairs, equal kind first
     225         480 :          jkind = ikind
     226             : 
     227         480 :          CALL get_atomic_kind(atomic_kind_set(jkind), name=jname)
     228         480 :          CALL get_qs_kind(qs_kind_set(jkind), dftb_parameter=dftb_atom_b)
     229             : 
     230         480 :          IF (output_unit > 0) THEN
     231           0 :             WRITE (output_unit, "(A,T30,A50)") " DFTB| Reading parameter file ", &
     232           0 :                ADJUSTR(TRIM(sk_files(jkind, ikind)))
     233             :          END IF
     234         480 :          skself = 0._dp
     235         480 :          eta = 0._dp
     236         480 :          occupation = 0._dp
     237         480 :          IF (para_env%is_source()) THEN
     238         240 :             runit = get_unit_number()
     239         240 :             CALL open_file(file_name=sk_files(jkind, ikind), unit_number=runit)
     240             :             ! grid density and number of grid poin ts
     241         240 :             READ (runit, fmt=*, END=1, err=1) dgrd, ngrd
     242             : !
     243             : ! ngrd -1 ?
     244             : ! In Slako tables, the grid starts at 0.0, in deMon it starts with dgrd
     245             : !
     246         240 :             ngrd = ngrd - 1
     247             : !
     248             :             ! orbital energy, total energy, hardness, occupation
     249         240 :             READ (runit, fmt=*, END=1, err=1) skself(2:0:-1), energy, &
     250         480 :                eta(2:0:-1), occupation(2:0:-1)
     251             :             ! repulsive potential as polynomial
     252         240 :             READ (runit, fmt=*, END=1, err=1) uwork(1:10)
     253         240 :             n_urpoly = 0
     254        2400 :             IF (DOT_PRODUCT(uwork(2:10), uwork(2:10)) >= 1.e-12_dp) THEN
     255          55 :                n_urpoly = 1
     256         495 :                DO k = 2, 9
     257         495 :                   IF (ABS(uwork(k)) >= 1.e-12_dp) n_urpoly = k
     258             :                END DO
     259             :             END IF
     260             : ! Polynomials of length 1 are not allowed, it seems we should use spline after all
     261             : ! This is creative guessing!
     262         240 :             IF (n_urpoly < 2) n_urpoly = 0
     263             :          END IF
     264             : 
     265         480 :          CALL para_env%bcast(n_urpoly)
     266         480 :          CALL para_env%bcast(uwork)
     267         480 :          CALL para_env%bcast(ngrd)
     268         480 :          CALL para_env%bcast(dgrd)
     269             : 
     270         480 :          CALL para_env%bcast(skself)
     271         480 :          CALL para_env%bcast(energy)
     272         480 :          CALL para_env%bcast(eta)
     273         480 :          CALL para_env%bcast(occupation)
     274             : 
     275             :          CALL set_dftb_atom_param(dftb_parameter=dftb_atom_a, &
     276             :                                   z=z, zeff=SUM(occupation), defined=.TRUE., &
     277        2400 :                                   skself=skself, energy=energy, eta=eta, occupation=occupation)
     278             : 
     279             :          ! Slater-Koster table
     280        1440 :          ALLOCATE (fmat(ngrd, 10))
     281         960 :          ALLOCATE (smat(ngrd, 10))
     282         480 :          IF (para_env%is_source()) THEN
     283      118200 :             DO k = 1, ngrd
     284      117960 :                READ (runit, fmt=*, END=1, err=1) fwork(1:10), swork(1:10)
     285     1297560 :                fmat(k, 1:10) = fwork(1:10)
     286     1297800 :                smat(k, 1:10) = swork(1:10)
     287             :             END DO
     288             :          END IF
     289         480 :          CALL para_env%bcast(fmat)
     290         480 :          CALL para_env%bcast(smat)
     291             : 
     292             :          !
     293             :          ! Determine lmax for atom type.
     294             :          ! An atomic orbital is 'active' if either its onsite energy is different from zero,
     295             :          ! or
     296             :          ! if this matrix element contains non-zero elements.
     297             :          ! The sigma interactions are sufficient for that.
     298             :          ! In the DFTB-Slako convention they are on orbital 10 (s-s-sigma),
     299             :          ! 7 (p-p-sigma) and 3 (d-d-sigma).
     300             :          !
     301             :          ! We also allow lmax to be set in the input (in KIND)
     302             :          !
     303         480 :          CALL get_qs_kind(qs_kind_set(ikind), lmax_dftb=lmax)
     304         480 :          IF (lmax < 0) THEN
     305         476 :             lmax = 0
     306        2380 :             DO l = 0, 3
     307           0 :                SELECT CASE (l)
     308             :                CASE DEFAULT
     309           0 :                   CPABORT("")
     310             :                CASE (0)
     311         476 :                   lp = 10
     312             :                CASE (1)
     313         476 :                   lp = 7
     314             :                CASE (2)
     315         476 :                   lp = 3
     316             :                CASE (3)
     317        1904 :                   lp = 3 ! this is wrong but we don't allow f anyway
     318             :                END SELECT
     319             :                ! Technical note: In some slako files dummies are included in the
     320             :                ! first matrix elements, so remove them.
     321      847648 :                IF ((ABS(skself(l)) > 0._dp) .OR. &
     322        1246 :                    (SUM(ABS(fmat(ngrd/10:ngrd, lp))) > 0._dp)) lmax = l
     323             :             END DO
     324             :             ! l=2 (d) is maximum
     325         476 :             lmax = MIN(2, lmax)
     326             :          END IF
     327         480 :          IF (lmax > 2) THEN
     328             :             CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, "Maximum L allowed is d. "// &
     329           0 :                           "Use KIND/LMAX_DFTB to set smaller values if needed.")
     330             :          END IF
     331             :          !
     332             :          CALL set_dftb_atom_param(dftb_parameter=dftb_atom_a, &
     333         480 :                                   lmax=lmax, natorb=(lmax + 1)**2)
     334             : 
     335         480 :          spdim = 0
     336         480 :          IF (n_urpoly == 0) THEN
     337         370 :             IF (para_env%is_source()) THEN
     338             :                ! Look for spline representation of repulsive potential
     339             :                search = .TRUE.
     340             :                DO WHILE (search)
     341        3885 :                   READ (runit, fmt='(A6)', END=1, err=1) cspline
     342        3885 :                   IF (cspline == 'Spline') THEN
     343         185 :                      search = .FALSE.
     344             :                      ! spline dimension and left-hand cutoff
     345         185 :                      READ (runit, fmt=*, END=1, err=1) spdim, s_cut
     346         555 :                      ALLOCATE (spxr(spdim, 2))
     347         555 :                      ALLOCATE (scoeff(spdim, 4))
     348             :                      ! e-functions describing left-hand extrapolation
     349         185 :                      READ (runit, fmt=*, END=1, err=1) srep(1:3)
     350        5884 :                      DO isp = 1, spdim - 1
     351             :                         ! location and coefficients of 'normal' spline range
     352        5884 :                         READ (runit, fmt=*, END=1, err=1) spxr(isp, 1:2), scoeff(isp, 1:4)
     353             :                      END DO
     354             :                      ! last point has 2 more coefficients
     355         185 :                      READ (runit, fmt=*, END=1, err=1) spxr(spdim, 1:2), scoeff(spdim, 1:4), surr(1:2)
     356             :                   END IF
     357             :                END DO
     358             :             END IF
     359             :          END IF
     360             : 
     361         480 :          IF (para_env%is_source()) THEN
     362         240 :             CALL close_file(unit_number=runit)
     363             :          END IF
     364             : 
     365         480 :          CALL para_env%bcast(spdim)
     366         480 :          IF (spdim > 0 .AND. (.NOT. para_env%is_source())) THEN
     367         555 :             ALLOCATE (spxr(spdim, 2))
     368         555 :             ALLOCATE (scoeff(spdim, 4))
     369             :          END IF
     370         480 :          IF (spdim > 0) THEN
     371         370 :             CALL para_env%bcast(spxr)
     372         370 :             CALL para_env%bcast(scoeff)
     373         370 :             CALL para_env%bcast(surr)
     374         370 :             CALL para_env%bcast(srep)
     375         370 :             CALL para_env%bcast(s_cut)
     376             :          END IF
     377             : 
     378             :          ! store potential data
     379             :          ! allocate data
     380         480 :          CALL get_dftb_atom_param(dftb_parameter=dftb_atom_a, lmax=lmax_a)
     381         480 :          CALL get_dftb_atom_param(dftb_parameter=dftb_atom_b, lmax=lmax_b)
     382         480 :          llm = 0
     383        1250 :          DO l1 = 0, MAX(lmax_a, lmax_b)
     384        2318 :             DO l2 = 0, MIN(l1, lmax_a, lmax_b)
     385        3212 :                DO m = 0, l2
     386        2442 :                   llm = llm + 1
     387             :                END DO
     388             :             END DO
     389             :          END DO
     390             :          CALL qs_dftb_pairpot_create(dftb_potential(ikind, jkind), &
     391         480 :                                      ngrd, llm, spdim)
     392             : 
     393             :          ! repulsive potential
     394         480 :          dftb_potential(ikind, jkind)%n_urpoly = n_urpoly
     395         480 :          dftb_potential(ikind, jkind)%urep_cut = uwork(10)
     396        5280 :          dftb_potential(ikind, jkind)%urep(:) = 0._dp
     397         480 :          dftb_potential(ikind, jkind)%urep(1) = uwork(10)
     398        1196 :          dftb_potential(ikind, jkind)%urep(2:n_urpoly) = uwork(2:n_urpoly)
     399             : 
     400             :          ! Slater-Koster tables
     401         480 :          dftb_potential(ikind, jkind)%dgrd = dgrd
     402         480 :          CALL skreorder(fmat, lmax_a, lmax_b)
     403      664440 :          dftb_potential(ikind, jkind)%fmat(:, 1:llm) = fmat(:, 1:llm)
     404         480 :          CALL skreorder(smat, lmax_a, lmax_b)
     405      664440 :          dftb_potential(ikind, jkind)%smat(:, 1:llm) = smat(:, 1:llm)
     406         480 :          dftb_potential(ikind, jkind)%ngrdcut = ngrd + INT(slako_d0/dgrd)
     407             :          ! Splines
     408         480 :          IF (spdim > 0) THEN
     409         370 :             dftb_potential(ikind, jkind)%s_cut = s_cut
     410        1480 :             dftb_potential(ikind, jkind)%srep = srep
     411       24646 :             dftb_potential(ikind, jkind)%spxr = spxr
     412       48922 :             dftb_potential(ikind, jkind)%scoeff = scoeff
     413        1110 :             dftb_potential(ikind, jkind)%surr = surr
     414             :          END IF
     415             : 
     416         480 :          DEALLOCATE (fmat)
     417         480 :          DEALLOCATE (smat)
     418        2142 :          IF (spdim > 0) THEN
     419         370 :             DEALLOCATE (spxr)
     420         370 :             DEALLOCATE (scoeff)
     421             :          END IF
     422             : 
     423             :       END DO
     424             : 
     425             :       ! no all other pairs
     426         702 :       DO ikind = 1, nkind
     427         480 :          CALL get_atomic_kind(atomic_kind_set(ikind), z=z, name=iname)
     428         480 :          CALL get_qs_kind(qs_kind_set(ikind), dftb_parameter=dftb_atom_a)
     429             : 
     430         480 :          IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(dftb_atom_a)) THEN
     431           0 :             CALL allocate_dftb_atom_param(dftb_atom_a)
     432           0 :             CALL set_qs_kind(qs_kind_set(ikind), dftb_parameter=dftb_atom_a)
     433             :          END IF
     434             : 
     435        2294 :          DO jkind = 1, nkind
     436             : 
     437        1112 :             IF (ikind == jkind) CYCLE
     438         632 :             CALL get_atomic_kind(atomic_kind_set(jkind), name=jname)
     439         632 :             CALL get_qs_kind(qs_kind_set(jkind), dftb_parameter=dftb_atom_b)
     440             : 
     441         632 :             IF (output_unit > 0) THEN
     442           0 :                WRITE (output_unit, "(A,T30,A50)") " DFTB| Reading parameter file ", &
     443           0 :                   ADJUSTR(TRIM(sk_files(ikind, jkind)))
     444             :             END IF
     445         632 :             skself = 0._dp
     446         632 :             eta = 0._dp
     447         632 :             occupation = 0._dp
     448         632 :             IF (para_env%is_source()) THEN
     449         316 :                runit = get_unit_number()
     450         316 :                CALL open_file(file_name=sk_files(ikind, jkind), unit_number=runit)
     451             :                ! grid density and number of grid poin ts
     452         316 :                READ (runit, fmt=*, END=1, err=1) dgrd, ngrd
     453             : !
     454             : ! ngrd -1 ?
     455             : ! In Slako tables, the grid starts at 0.0, in deMon it starts with dgrd
     456             : !
     457         316 :                ngrd = ngrd - 1
     458             : !
     459             :                IF (ikind == jkind) THEN
     460             :                   ! orbital energy, total energy, hardness, occupation
     461             :                   READ (runit, fmt=*, END=1, err=1) skself(2:0:-1), energy, &
     462             :                      eta(2:0:-1), occupation(2:0:-1)
     463             :                END IF
     464             :                ! repulsive potential as polynomial
     465         316 :                READ (runit, fmt=*, END=1, err=1) uwork(1:10)
     466         316 :                n_urpoly = 0
     467        3160 :                IF (DOT_PRODUCT(uwork(2:10), uwork(2:10)) >= 1.e-12_dp) THEN
     468          62 :                   n_urpoly = 1
     469         558 :                   DO k = 2, 9
     470         558 :                      IF (ABS(uwork(k)) >= 1.e-12_dp) n_urpoly = k
     471             :                   END DO
     472             :                END IF
     473             : ! Polynomials of length 1 are not allowed, it seems we should use spline after all
     474             : ! This is creative guessing!
     475         316 :                IF (n_urpoly < 2) n_urpoly = 0
     476             :             END IF
     477             : 
     478         632 :             CALL para_env%bcast(n_urpoly)
     479         632 :             CALL para_env%bcast(uwork)
     480         632 :             CALL para_env%bcast(ngrd)
     481         632 :             CALL para_env%bcast(dgrd)
     482             : 
     483             :             ! Slater-Koster table
     484        1896 :             ALLOCATE (fmat(ngrd, 10))
     485        1264 :             ALLOCATE (smat(ngrd, 10))
     486         632 :             IF (para_env%is_source()) THEN
     487      156560 :                DO k = 1, ngrd
     488      156244 :                   READ (runit, fmt=*, END=1, err=1) fwork(1:10), swork(1:10)
     489     1718684 :                   fmat(k, 1:10) = fwork(1:10)
     490     1719000 :                   smat(k, 1:10) = swork(1:10)
     491             :                END DO
     492             :             END IF
     493         632 :             CALL para_env%bcast(fmat)
     494         632 :             CALL para_env%bcast(smat)
     495             : 
     496         632 :             spdim = 0
     497         632 :             IF (n_urpoly == 0) THEN
     498         508 :                IF (para_env%is_source()) THEN
     499             :                   ! Look for spline representation of repulsive potential
     500             :                   search = .TRUE.
     501             :                   DO WHILE (search)
     502        5180 :                      READ (runit, fmt='(A6)', END=1, err=1) cspline
     503        5180 :                      IF (cspline == 'Spline') THEN
     504         254 :                         search = .FALSE.
     505             :                         ! spline dimension and left-hand cutoff
     506         254 :                         READ (runit, fmt=*, END=1, err=1) spdim, s_cut
     507         762 :                         ALLOCATE (spxr(spdim, 2))
     508         762 :                         ALLOCATE (scoeff(spdim, 4))
     509             :                         ! e-functions describing left-hand extrapolation
     510         254 :                         READ (runit, fmt=*, END=1, err=1) srep(1:3)
     511        7900 :                         DO isp = 1, spdim - 1
     512             :                            ! location and coefficients of 'normal' spline range
     513        7900 :                            READ (runit, fmt=*, END=1, err=1) spxr(isp, 1:2), scoeff(isp, 1:4)
     514             :                         END DO
     515             :                         ! last point has 2 more coefficients
     516         254 :                         READ (runit, fmt=*, END=1, err=1) spxr(spdim, 1:2), scoeff(spdim, 1:4), surr(1:2)
     517             :                      END IF
     518             :                   END DO
     519             :                END IF
     520             :             END IF
     521             : 
     522         632 :             IF (para_env%is_source()) THEN
     523         316 :                CALL close_file(unit_number=runit)
     524             :             END IF
     525             : 
     526         632 :             CALL para_env%bcast(spdim)
     527         632 :             IF (spdim > 0 .AND. (.NOT. para_env%is_source())) THEN
     528         762 :                ALLOCATE (spxr(spdim, 2))
     529         762 :                ALLOCATE (scoeff(spdim, 4))
     530             :             END IF
     531         632 :             IF (spdim > 0) THEN
     532         508 :                CALL para_env%bcast(spxr)
     533         508 :                CALL para_env%bcast(scoeff)
     534         508 :                CALL para_env%bcast(surr)
     535         508 :                CALL para_env%bcast(srep)
     536         508 :                CALL para_env%bcast(s_cut)
     537             :             END IF
     538             : 
     539             :             ! store potential data
     540             :             ! allocate data
     541         632 :             CALL get_dftb_atom_param(dftb_parameter=dftb_atom_a, lmax=lmax_a)
     542         632 :             CALL get_dftb_atom_param(dftb_parameter=dftb_atom_b, lmax=lmax_b)
     543         632 :             llm = 0
     544        1904 :             DO l1 = 0, MAX(lmax_a, lmax_b)
     545        3324 :                DO l2 = 0, MIN(l1, lmax_a, lmax_b)
     546        4260 :                   DO m = 0, l2
     547        2988 :                      llm = llm + 1
     548             :                   END DO
     549             :                END DO
     550             :             END DO
     551             :             CALL qs_dftb_pairpot_create(dftb_potential(ikind, jkind), &
     552         632 :                                         ngrd, llm, spdim)
     553             : 
     554             :             ! repulsive potential
     555         632 :             dftb_potential(ikind, jkind)%n_urpoly = n_urpoly
     556         632 :             dftb_potential(ikind, jkind)%urep_cut = uwork(10)
     557        6952 :             dftb_potential(ikind, jkind)%urep(:) = 0._dp
     558         632 :             dftb_potential(ikind, jkind)%urep(1) = uwork(10)
     559        1320 :             dftb_potential(ikind, jkind)%urep(2:n_urpoly) = uwork(2:n_urpoly)
     560             : 
     561             :             ! Slater-Koster tables
     562         632 :             dftb_potential(ikind, jkind)%dgrd = dgrd
     563         632 :             CALL skreorder(fmat, lmax_a, lmax_b)
     564      764472 :             dftb_potential(ikind, jkind)%fmat(:, 1:llm) = fmat(:, 1:llm)
     565         632 :             CALL skreorder(smat, lmax_a, lmax_b)
     566      764472 :             dftb_potential(ikind, jkind)%smat(:, 1:llm) = smat(:, 1:llm)
     567         632 :             dftb_potential(ikind, jkind)%ngrdcut = ngrd + INT(slako_d0/dgrd)
     568             :             ! Splines
     569         632 :             IF (spdim > 0) THEN
     570         508 :                dftb_potential(ikind, jkind)%s_cut = s_cut
     571        2032 :                dftb_potential(ikind, jkind)%srep = srep
     572       33124 :                dftb_potential(ikind, jkind)%spxr = spxr
     573       65740 :                dftb_potential(ikind, jkind)%scoeff = scoeff
     574        1524 :                dftb_potential(ikind, jkind)%surr = surr
     575             :             END IF
     576             : 
     577         632 :             DEALLOCATE (fmat)
     578         632 :             DEALLOCATE (smat)
     579        1744 :             IF (spdim > 0) THEN
     580         508 :                DEALLOCATE (spxr)
     581         508 :                DEALLOCATE (scoeff)
     582             :             END IF
     583             : 
     584             :          END DO
     585             :       END DO
     586             : 
     587         222 :       DEALLOCATE (sk_files)
     588             : 
     589             :       ! read dispersion parameters (UFF type)
     590         222 :       IF (dftb_control%dispersion) THEN
     591             : 
     592          88 :          IF (dftb_control%dispersion_type == dispersion_uff) THEN
     593             :             file_name = TRIM(dftb_control%sk_file_path)//"/"// &
     594          70 :                         TRIM(dftb_control%uff_force_field)
     595             :             BLOCK
     596             :                TYPE(cp_parser_type) :: parser
     597         368 :                DO ikind = 1, nkind
     598         158 :                   CALL get_atomic_kind(atomic_kind_set(ikind), name=iname)
     599         158 :                   CALL get_qs_kind(qs_kind_set(ikind), dftb_parameter=dftb_atom_a)
     600             : 
     601         158 :                   m = LEN_TRIM(iname)
     602         158 :                   CALL parser_create(parser, file_name, para_env=para_env)
     603         158 :                   found = .FALSE.
     604             :                   DO
     605             :                      at_end = .FALSE.
     606        1666 :                      CALL parser_get_next_line(parser, 1, at_end)
     607        1666 :                      IF (at_end) EXIT
     608        1666 :                      CALL parser_get_object(parser, name_a)
     609             :                      ! parser is no longer removing leading quotes
     610        1666 :                      IF (name_a(1:1) == '"') name_a(1:m) = name_a(2:m + 1)
     611        1666 :                      IF (name_a(1:m) == TRIM(iname)) THEN
     612         158 :                         CALL parser_get_object(parser, rb)
     613         158 :                         CALL parser_get_object(parser, rb)
     614         158 :                         CALL parser_get_object(parser, ra)
     615         158 :                         CALL parser_get_object(parser, da)
     616         158 :                         found = .TRUE.
     617         158 :                         ra = ra/angstrom
     618         158 :                         da = da/kcalmol
     619         158 :                         CALL set_dftb_atom_param(dftb_parameter=dftb_atom_a, name=iname, xi=ra, di=da)
     620         158 :                         EXIT
     621             :                      END IF
     622             :                   END DO
     623         386 :                   CALL parser_release(parser)
     624             :                END DO
     625             :             END BLOCK
     626             :          END IF
     627             : 
     628             :       END IF
     629             : 
     630             :       ! extract simple atom interaction radii
     631         702 :       DO ikind = 1, nkind
     632         480 :          CALL get_qs_kind(qs_kind_set(ikind), dftb_parameter=dftb_atom_a)
     633             :          radmax = (dftb_potential(ikind, ikind)%ngrdcut + 1)* &
     634         480 :                   dftb_potential(ikind, ikind)%dgrd*0.5_dp
     635         702 :          CALL set_dftb_atom_param(dftb_parameter=dftb_atom_a, cutoff=radmax)
     636             :       END DO
     637         702 :       DO ikind = 1, nkind
     638         480 :          CALL get_qs_kind(qs_kind_set(ikind), dftb_parameter=dftb_atom_a)
     639         480 :          CALL get_dftb_atom_param(dftb_parameter=dftb_atom_a, cutoff=ra)
     640        1814 :          DO jkind = 1, nkind
     641        1112 :             CALL get_qs_kind(qs_kind_set(jkind), dftb_parameter=dftb_atom_b)
     642        1112 :             CALL get_dftb_atom_param(dftb_parameter=dftb_atom_b, cutoff=rb)
     643             :             radmax = (dftb_potential(ikind, jkind)%ngrdcut + 1)* &
     644        1112 :                      dftb_potential(ikind, jkind)%dgrd
     645        1592 :             IF (ra + rb < radmax) THEN
     646           0 :                ra = ra + (radmax - ra - rb)*0.5_dp
     647           0 :                rb = rb + (radmax - ra - rb)*0.5_dp
     648           0 :                CALL set_dftb_atom_param(dftb_parameter=dftb_atom_a, cutoff=ra)
     649           0 :                CALL set_dftb_atom_param(dftb_parameter=dftb_atom_b, cutoff=rb)
     650             :             END IF
     651             :          END DO
     652             :       END DO
     653             : 
     654             :       ! set correct core charge in potential
     655         702 :       DO ikind = 1, nkind
     656         480 :          CALL get_qs_kind(qs_kind_set(ikind), dftb_parameter=dftb_atom_a)
     657         480 :          CALL get_dftb_atom_param(dftb_parameter=dftb_atom_a, zeff=zeff)
     658             :          CALL set_potential(potential=qs_kind_set(ikind)%all_potential, &
     659         702 :                             zeff=zeff, zeff_correction=0.0_dp)
     660             :       END DO
     661             : 
     662             :       ! setup DFTB3 parameters
     663         222 :       IF (dftb_control%dftb3_diagonal) THEN
     664          64 :          DO ikind = 1, nkind
     665          42 :             CALL get_qs_kind(qs_kind_set(ikind), dftb3_param=db)
     666          42 :             CALL get_qs_kind(qs_kind_set(ikind), dftb_parameter=dftb_atom_a)
     667         106 :             CALL set_dftb_atom_param(dftb_parameter=dftb_atom_a, dudq=db)
     668             :          END DO
     669             :       END IF
     670             : 
     671             :       ! setup dispersion parameters (UFF type)
     672         222 :       IF (dftb_control%dispersion) THEN
     673          88 :          IF (dftb_control%dispersion_type == dispersion_uff) THEN
     674          70 :             eps_disp = dftb_control%eps_disp
     675         228 :             DO ikind = 1, nkind
     676         158 :                CALL get_qs_kind(qs_kind_set(ikind), dftb_parameter=dftb_atom_a)
     677         158 :                CALL get_dftb_atom_param(dftb_parameter=dftb_atom_a, xi=ra, di=da)
     678         158 :                rcdisp = 0._dp
     679         544 :                DO jkind = 1, nkind
     680         386 :                   CALL get_qs_kind(qs_kind_set(jkind), dftb_parameter=dftb_atom_b)
     681         386 :                   CALL get_dftb_atom_param(dftb_parameter=dftb_atom_b, xi=rb, di=db)
     682         386 :                   xij = SQRT(ra*rb)
     683         386 :                   dij = SQRT(da*db)
     684         386 :                   dftb_potential(ikind, jkind)%xij = xij
     685         386 :                   dftb_potential(ikind, jkind)%dij = dij
     686         386 :                   dftb_potential(ikind, jkind)%x0ij = xij*(0.5_dp**(1.0_dp/6.0_dp))
     687         386 :                   dftb_potential(ikind, jkind)%a = dij*396.0_dp/25.0_dp
     688             :                   dftb_potential(ikind, jkind)%b = &
     689         386 :                      dij/(xij**5)*672.0_dp*2.0_dp**(5.0_dp/6.0_dp)/25.0_dp
     690             :                   dftb_potential(ikind, jkind)%c = &
     691         386 :                      -dij/(xij**10)*2.0_dp**(2.0_dp/3.0_dp)*552.0_dp/25.0_dp
     692         386 :                   rmax6 = ((8._dp*pi*dij/eps_disp)*xij**6)**0.25_dp
     693         544 :                   rcdisp = MAX(rcdisp, rmax6*0.5_dp)
     694             :                END DO
     695         228 :                CALL set_dftb_atom_param(dftb_parameter=dftb_atom_a, rcdisp=rcdisp)
     696             :             END DO
     697             :          END IF
     698             :       END IF
     699             : 
     700             :       RETURN
     701             : 
     702             : 1     CONTINUE
     703           0 :       CPABORT("")
     704             : 
     705         222 :    END SUBROUTINE qs_dftb_param_init
     706             : 
     707             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     708             : !> \brief   Transform Slako format in l1/l2/m format
     709             : !> \param xmat ...
     710             : !> \param la ...
     711             : !> \param lb ...
     712             : !> \par Notes
     713             : !>         Slako tables from Dresden/Paderborn/Heidelberg groups are
     714             : !>         stored in the following native format:
     715             : !>
     716             : !>         Convention: Higher angular momenta are always on the right-hand side
     717             : !>
     718             : !>         1: d - d - delta
     719             : !>         2: d - d - pi
     720             : !>         3: d - d - sigma
     721             : !>         4: p - d - pi
     722             : !>         5: p - d - sigma
     723             : !>         6: p - p - pi
     724             : !>         7: p - p - sigma
     725             : !>         8: d - s - sigma
     726             : !>         9: p - s - sigma
     727             : !>        10: s - s - sigma
     728             : !> \version 1.0
     729             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     730        2224 :    SUBROUTINE skreorder(xmat, la, lb)
     731             :       REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:, :), INTENT(INOUT)           :: xmat
     732             :       INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: la, lb
     733             : 
     734             :       INTEGER                                            :: i, l1, l2, llm, m
     735             :       REAL(dp)                                           :: skllm(0:3, 0:3, 0:3)
     736             : 
     737     1099040 :       DO i = 1, SIZE(xmat, 1)
     738     1096816 :          skllm = 0._dp
     739     1096816 :          skllm(0, 0, 0) = xmat(i, 10)
     740     1096816 :          skllm(1, 0, 0) = xmat(i, 9)
     741     1096816 :          skllm(2, 0, 0) = xmat(i, 8)
     742     1096816 :          skllm(1, 1, 1) = xmat(i, 7)
     743     1096816 :          skllm(1, 1, 0) = xmat(i, 6)
     744     1096816 :          skllm(2, 1, 1) = xmat(i, 5)
     745     1096816 :          skllm(2, 1, 0) = xmat(i, 4)
     746     1096816 :          skllm(2, 2, 2) = xmat(i, 3)
     747     1096816 :          skllm(2, 2, 1) = xmat(i, 2)
     748     1096816 :          skllm(2, 2, 0) = xmat(i, 1)
     749     1096816 :          llm = 0
     750     3102396 :          DO l1 = 0, MAX(la, lb)
     751     5524156 :             DO l2 = 0, MIN(l1, la, lb)
     752     7277056 :                DO m = 0, l2
     753     2849716 :                   llm = llm + 1
     754     5273700 :                   xmat(i, llm) = skllm(l1, l2, m)
     755             :                END DO
     756             :             END DO
     757             :          END DO
     758             :       END DO
     759             :       !
     760        2224 :    END SUBROUTINE skreorder
     761             : 
     762             : END MODULE qs_dftb_parameters
     763             : 

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