LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src - qs_scf.F (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: CP2K Regtests (git:b8e0b09) Lines: 646 707 91.4 %
Date: 2024-08-31 06:31:37 Functions: 8 8 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
       2             : !   CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations                              !
       3             : !   Copyright 2000-2024 CP2K developers group <>                                   !
       4             : !                                                                                                  !
       5             : !   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later                                                      !
       6             : !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
       7             : 
       8             : ! **************************************************************************************************
       9             : !> \brief Routines for the Quickstep SCF run.
      10             : !> \par History
      11             : !>      - Joost VandeVondele (02.2002)
      12             : !>           added code for: incremental (pab and gvg) update
      13             : !>                            initialisation (init_cube, l_info)
      14             : !>      - Joost VandeVondele (02.2002)
      15             : !>           called the poisson code of the classical part
      16             : !>           this takes into account the spherical cutoff and allows for
      17             : !>           isolated systems
      18             : !>      - Joost VandeVondele (02.2002)
      19             : !>           added multiple grid feature
      20             : !>           changed to spherical cutoff consistently (?)
      21             : !>           therefore removed the gradient correct functionals
      22             : !>      - updated with the new QS data structures (10.04.02,MK)
      23             : !>      - copy_matrix replaced by transfer_matrix (11.04.02,MK)
      24             : !>      - nrebuild_rho and nrebuild_gvg unified (12.04.02,MK)
      25             : !>      - set_mo_occupation for smearing of the MO occupation numbers
      26             : !>        (17.04.02,MK)
      27             : !>      - MO level shifting added (22.04.02,MK)
      28             : !>      - Usage of TYPE mo_set_p_type
      29             : !>      - Joost VandeVondele (05.2002)
      30             : !>            added cholesky based diagonalisation
      31             : !>      - 05.2002 added pao method [fawzi]
      32             : !>      - parallel FFT (JGH 22.05.2002)
      33             : !>      - 06.2002 moved KS matrix construction to qs_build_KS_matrix.F [fawzi]
      34             : !>      - started to include more LSD (01.2003,Joost VandeVondele)
      35             : !>      - 02.2003 scf_env [fawzi]
      36             : !>      - got rid of nrebuild (01.2004, Joost VandeVondele)
      37             : !>      - 10.2004 removed pao [fawzi]
      38             : !>      - 03.2006 large cleaning action [Joost VandeVondele]
      39             : !>      - High-spin ROKS added (05.04.06,MK)
      40             : !>      - Mandes (10.2013)
      41             : !>        intermediate energy communication with external communicator added
      42             : !>      - kpoints (08.2014, JGH)
      43             : !>      - unified k-point and gamma-point code (2014.11) [Ole Schuett]
      44             : !>      - added extra SCF loop for CDFT constraints (12.2015) [Nico Holmberg]
      45             : !> \author Matthias Krack (30.04.2001)
      46             : ! **************************************************************************************************
      47             : MODULE qs_scf
      48             :    USE atomic_kind_types,               ONLY: atomic_kind_type
      49             :    USE cp_control_types,                ONLY: dft_control_type
      50             :    USE cp_dbcsr_api,                    ONLY: dbcsr_copy,&
      51             :                                               dbcsr_deallocate_matrix,&
      52             :                                               dbcsr_get_info,&
      53             :                                               dbcsr_init_p,&
      54             :                                               dbcsr_p_type,&
      55             :                                               dbcsr_set,&
      56             :                                               dbcsr_type
      57             :    USE cp_dbcsr_operations,             ONLY: copy_dbcsr_to_fm,&
      58             :                                               dbcsr_deallocate_matrix_set
      59             :    USE cp_files,                        ONLY: close_file
      60             :    USE cp_fm_types,                     ONLY: cp_fm_create,&
      61             :                                               cp_fm_release,&
      62             :                                               cp_fm_to_fm,&
      63             :                                               cp_fm_type
      64             :    USE cp_log_handling,                 ONLY: cp_add_default_logger,&
      65             :                                               cp_get_default_logger,&
      66             :                                               cp_logger_release,&
      67             :                                               cp_logger_type,&
      68             :                                               cp_rm_default_logger,&
      69             :                                               cp_to_string
      70             :    USE cp_output_handling,              ONLY: cp_add_iter_level,&
      71             :                                               cp_iterate,&
      72             :                                               cp_p_file,&
      73             :                                               cp_print_key_should_output,&
      74             :                                               cp_print_key_unit_nr,&
      75             :                                               cp_rm_iter_level
      76             :    USE cp_result_methods,               ONLY: get_results,&
      77             :                                               test_for_result
      78             :    USE cp_result_types,                 ONLY: cp_result_type
      79             :    USE ec_env_types,                    ONLY: energy_correction_type
      80             :    USE input_constants,                 ONLY: &
      81             :         broyden_type_1, broyden_type_1_explicit, broyden_type_1_explicit_ls, broyden_type_1_ls, &
      82             :         broyden_type_2, broyden_type_2_explicit, broyden_type_2_explicit_ls, broyden_type_2_ls, &
      83             :         cdft2ot, history_guess, ot2cdft, ot_precond_full_all, ot_precond_full_single, &
      84             :         ot_precond_full_single_inverse, ot_precond_none, ot_precond_s_inverse, &
      85             :         outer_scf_becke_constraint, outer_scf_hirshfeld_constraint, outer_scf_optimizer_broyden, &
      86             :         outer_scf_optimizer_newton_ls
      87             :    USE input_section_types,             ONLY: section_vals_get_subs_vals,&
      88             :                                               section_vals_type
      89             :    USE kinds,                           ONLY: default_path_length,&
      90             :                                               default_string_length,&
      91             :                                               dp
      92             :    USE kpoint_io,                       ONLY: write_kpoints_restart
      93             :    USE kpoint_types,                    ONLY: kpoint_type
      94             :    USE machine,                         ONLY: m_flush,&
      95             :                                               m_walltime
      96             :    USE mathlib,                         ONLY: invert_matrix
      97             :    USE message_passing,                 ONLY: mp_comm_type,&
      98             :                                               mp_para_env_type
      99             :    USE particle_types,                  ONLY: particle_type
     100             :    USE preconditioner,                  ONLY: prepare_preconditioner,&
     101             :                                               restart_preconditioner
     102             :    USE pw_env_types,                    ONLY: pw_env_get,&
     103             :                                               pw_env_type
     104             :    USE pw_pool_types,                   ONLY: pw_pool_type
     105             :    USE qs_block_davidson_types,         ONLY: block_davidson_deallocate
     106             :    USE qs_cdft_scf_utils,               ONLY: build_diagonal_jacobian,&
     107             :                                               create_tmp_logger,&
     108             :                                               initialize_inverse_jacobian,&
     109             :                                               prepare_jacobian_stencil,&
     110             :                                               print_inverse_jacobian,&
     111             :                                               restart_inverse_jacobian
     112             :    USE qs_cdft_types,                   ONLY: cdft_control_type
     113             :    USE qs_charges_types,                ONLY: qs_charges_type
     114             :    USE qs_density_matrices,             ONLY: calculate_density_matrix
     115             :    USE qs_density_mixing_types,         ONLY: gspace_mixing_nr
     116             :    USE qs_diis,                         ONLY: qs_diis_b_clear,&
     117             :                                               qs_diis_b_clear_kp,&
     118             :                                               qs_diis_b_create,&
     119             :                                               qs_diis_b_create_kp
     120             :    USE qs_energy_types,                 ONLY: qs_energy_type
     121             :    USE qs_environment_types,            ONLY: get_qs_env,&
     122             :                                               qs_environment_type,&
     123             :                                               set_qs_env
     124             :    USE qs_integrate_potential,          ONLY: integrate_v_rspace
     125             :    USE qs_kind_types,                   ONLY: qs_kind_type
     126             :    USE qs_ks_methods,                   ONLY: qs_ks_update_qs_env
     127             :    USE qs_ks_types,                     ONLY: qs_ks_did_change,&
     128             :                                               qs_ks_env_type
     129             :    USE qs_mo_io,                        ONLY: write_mo_set_to_restart
     130             :    USE qs_mo_methods,                   ONLY: make_basis_simple,&
     131             :                                               make_basis_sm
     132             :    USE qs_mo_occupation,                ONLY: set_mo_occupation
     133             :    USE qs_mo_types,                     ONLY: deallocate_mo_set,&
     134             :                                               duplicate_mo_set,&
     135             :                                               get_mo_set,&
     136             :                                               mo_set_type,&
     137             :                                               reassign_allocated_mos
     138             :    USE qs_ot,                           ONLY: qs_ot_new_preconditioner
     139             :    USE qs_ot_scf,                       ONLY: ot_scf_init,&
     140             :                                               ot_scf_read_input
     141             :    USE qs_outer_scf,                    ONLY: outer_loop_gradient,&
     142             :                                               outer_loop_optimize,&
     143             :                                               outer_loop_purge_history,&
     144             :                                               outer_loop_switch,&
     145             :                                               outer_loop_update_qs_env
     146             :    USE qs_rho_methods,                  ONLY: qs_rho_update_rho
     147             :    USE qs_rho_types,                    ONLY: qs_rho_get,&
     148             :                                               qs_rho_type
     149             :    USE qs_scf_initialization,           ONLY: qs_scf_env_initialize
     150             :    USE qs_scf_loop_utils,               ONLY: qs_scf_check_inner_exit,&
     151             :                                               qs_scf_check_outer_exit,&
     152             :                                               qs_scf_density_mixing,&
     153             :                                               qs_scf_inner_finalize,&
     154             :                                               qs_scf_new_mos,&
     155             :                                               qs_scf_new_mos_kp,&
     156             :                                               qs_scf_rho_update,&
     157             :                                               qs_scf_set_loop_flags
     158             :    USE qs_scf_output,                   ONLY: qs_scf_cdft_info,&
     159             :                                               qs_scf_cdft_initial_info,&
     160             :                                               qs_scf_loop_info,&
     161             :                                               qs_scf_loop_print,&
     162             :                                               qs_scf_outer_loop_info,&
     163             :                                               qs_scf_write_mos
     164             :    USE qs_scf_post_scf,                 ONLY: qs_scf_compute_properties
     165             :    USE qs_scf_types,                    ONLY: block_davidson_diag_method_nr,&
     166             :                                               block_krylov_diag_method_nr,&
     167             :                                               filter_matrix_diag_method_nr,&
     168             :                                               general_diag_method_nr,&
     169             :                                               ot_diag_method_nr,&
     170             :                                               ot_method_nr,&
     171             :                                               qs_scf_env_type,&
     172             :                                               special_diag_method_nr
     173             :    USE qs_wf_history_methods,           ONLY: wfi_purge_history,&
     174             :                                               wfi_update
     175             :    USE scf_control_types,               ONLY: scf_control_type
     176             : #include "./base/base_uses.f90"
     177             : 
     178             :    IMPLICIT NONE
     179             : 
     180             :    PRIVATE
     181             : 
     182             :    CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'qs_scf'
     183             :    LOGICAL, PRIVATE                     :: reuse_precond = .FALSE.
     184             :    LOGICAL, PRIVATE                     :: used_history = .FALSE.
     185             : 
     186             :    PUBLIC :: scf, scf_env_cleanup, scf_env_do_scf, cdft_scf, init_scf_loop
     187             : 
     188             : CONTAINS
     189             : 
     190             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     191             : !> \brief perform an scf procedure in the given qs_env
     192             : !> \param qs_env the qs_environment where to perform the scf procedure
     193             : !> \param has_converged ...
     194             : !> \param total_scf_steps ...
     195             : !> \par History
     196             : !>      02.2003 introduced scf_env, moved real work to scf_env_do_scf [fawzi]
     197             : !> \author fawzi
     198             : !> \note
     199             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     200       17595 :    SUBROUTINE scf(qs_env, has_converged, total_scf_steps)
     201             :       TYPE(qs_environment_type), POINTER                 :: qs_env
     202             :       LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL                     :: has_converged
     203             :       INTEGER, INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL                     :: total_scf_steps
     204             : 
     205             :       INTEGER                                            :: ihistory, max_scf_tmp, tsteps
     206             :       LOGICAL                                            :: converged, outer_scf_loop, should_stop
     207             :       LOGICAL, SAVE                                      :: first_step_flag = .TRUE.
     208       17595 :       REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER            :: gradient_history, variable_history
     209             :       TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER                      :: logger
     210             :       TYPE(dft_control_type), POINTER                    :: dft_control
     211             :       TYPE(qs_scf_env_type), POINTER                     :: scf_env
     212             :       TYPE(scf_control_type), POINTER                    :: scf_control
     213             :       TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: dft_section, input, scf_section
     214             : 
     215       17595 :       NULLIFY (scf_env)
     216       17595 :       logger => cp_get_default_logger()
     217       17595 :       CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(qs_env))
     218       17595 :       IF (PRESENT(has_converged)) THEN
     219           0 :          has_converged = .FALSE.
     220             :       END IF
     221       17595 :       IF (PRESENT(total_scf_steps)) THEN
     222           0 :          total_scf_steps = 0
     223             :       END IF
     224             :       CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, scf_env=scf_env, input=input, &
     225       17595 :                       dft_control=dft_control, scf_control=scf_control)
     226       17595 :       IF (scf_control%max_scf > 0) THEN
     227             : 
     228       16953 :          dft_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(input, "DFT")
     229       16953 :          scf_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(dft_section, "SCF")
     230             : 
     231       16953 :          IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(scf_env)) THEN
     232        5377 :             CALL qs_scf_env_initialize(qs_env, scf_env)
     233             :             ! Moved here from qs_scf_env_initialize to be able to have more scf_env
     234        5377 :             CALL set_qs_env(qs_env, scf_env=scf_env)
     235             :          ELSE
     236       11576 :             CALL qs_scf_env_initialize(qs_env, scf_env)
     237             :          END IF
     238             : 
     239       16953 :          IF ((scf_control%density_guess .EQ. history_guess) .AND. (first_step_flag)) THEN
     240           2 :             max_scf_tmp = scf_control%max_scf
     241           2 :             scf_control%max_scf = 1
     242           2 :             outer_scf_loop = scf_control%outer_scf%have_scf
     243           2 :             scf_control%outer_scf%have_scf = .FALSE.
     244             :          END IF
     245             : 
     246       16953 :          IF (.NOT. dft_control%qs_control%cdft) THEN
     247             :             CALL scf_env_do_scf(scf_env=scf_env, scf_control=scf_control, qs_env=qs_env, &
     248       16627 :                                 converged=converged, should_stop=should_stop, total_scf_steps=tsteps)
     249             :          ELSE
     250             :             ! Third SCF loop needed for CDFT with OT to properly restart OT inner loop
     251         326 :             CALL cdft_scf(qs_env=qs_env, should_stop=should_stop)
     252             :          END IF
     253             : 
     254             :          ! If SCF has not converged, then we should not start MP2
     255       16953 :          IF (ASSOCIATED(qs_env%mp2_env)) qs_env%mp2_env%hf_fail = .NOT. converged
     256             : 
     257             :          ! Add the converged outer_scf SCF gradient(s)/variable(s) to history
     258       16953 :          IF (scf_control%outer_scf%have_scf) THEN
     259        3899 :             ihistory = scf_env%outer_scf%iter_count
     260             :             CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, gradient_history=gradient_history, &
     261        3899 :                             variable_history=variable_history)
     262             :             ! We only store the latest two values
     263        7828 :             gradient_history(:, 1) = gradient_history(:, 2)
     264       15656 :             gradient_history(:, 2) = scf_env%outer_scf%gradient(:, ihistory)
     265        7828 :             variable_history(:, 1) = variable_history(:, 2)
     266       15656 :             variable_history(:, 2) = scf_env%outer_scf%variables(:, ihistory)
     267             :             ! Reset flag
     268        3899 :             IF (used_history) used_history = .FALSE.
     269             :             ! Update a counter and check if the Jacobian should be deallocated
     270        3899 :             IF (ASSOCIATED(scf_env%outer_scf%inv_jacobian)) THEN
     271          64 :                scf_control%outer_scf%cdft_opt_control%ijacobian(2) = scf_control%outer_scf%cdft_opt_control%ijacobian(2) + 1
     272             :                IF (scf_control%outer_scf%cdft_opt_control%ijacobian(2) .GE. &
     273          64 :                    scf_control%outer_scf%cdft_opt_control%jacobian_freq(2) .AND. &
     274             :                    scf_control%outer_scf%cdft_opt_control%jacobian_freq(2) > 0) &
     275          50 :                   scf_env%outer_scf%deallocate_jacobian = .TRUE.
     276             :             END IF
     277             :          END IF
     278             :          !   *** add the converged wavefunction to the wavefunction history
     279       16953 :          IF ((ASSOCIATED(qs_env%wf_history)) .AND. &
     280             :              ((scf_control%density_guess .NE. history_guess) .OR. &
     281             :               (.NOT. first_step_flag))) THEN
     282       16951 :             IF (.NOT. dft_control%qs_control%cdft) THEN
     283       16625 :                CALL wfi_update(qs_env%wf_history, qs_env=qs_env, dt=1.0_dp)
     284             :             ELSE
     285         326 :                IF (dft_control%qs_control%cdft_control%should_purge) THEN
     286           0 :                   CALL wfi_purge_history(qs_env)
     287           0 :                   CALL outer_loop_purge_history(qs_env)
     288           0 :                   dft_control%qs_control%cdft_control%should_purge = .FALSE.
     289             :                ELSE
     290         326 :                   CALL wfi_update(qs_env%wf_history, qs_env=qs_env, dt=1.0_dp)
     291             :                END IF
     292             :             END IF
     293           2 :          ELSE IF ((scf_control%density_guess .EQ. history_guess) .AND. &
     294             :                   (first_step_flag)) THEN
     295           2 :             scf_control%max_scf = max_scf_tmp
     296           2 :             scf_control%outer_scf%have_scf = outer_scf_loop
     297           2 :             first_step_flag = .FALSE.
     298             :          END IF
     299             : 
     300             :          ! *** compute properties that depend on the converged wavefunction
     301       16953 :          IF (.NOT. (should_stop)) CALL qs_scf_compute_properties(qs_env)
     302             : 
     303             :          ! *** cleanup
     304       16953 :          CALL scf_env_cleanup(scf_env)
     305       16953 :          IF (dft_control%qs_control%cdft) &
     306         326 :             CALL cdft_control_cleanup(dft_control%qs_control%cdft_control)
     307             : 
     308       16953 :          IF (PRESENT(has_converged)) THEN
     309           0 :             has_converged = converged
     310             :          END IF
     311       16953 :          IF (PRESENT(total_scf_steps)) THEN
     312           0 :             total_scf_steps = tsteps
     313             :          END IF
     314             : 
     315             :       END IF
     316             : 
     317       17595 :    END SUBROUTINE scf
     318             : 
     319             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     320             : !> \brief perform an scf loop
     321             : !> \param scf_env the scf_env where to perform the scf procedure
     322             : !> \param scf_control ...
     323             : !> \param qs_env the qs_env, the scf_env lives in
     324             : !> \param converged will be true / false if converged is reached
     325             : !> \param should_stop ...
     326             : !> \param total_scf_steps ...
     327             : !> \par History
     328             : !>      long history, see cvs and qs_scf module history
     329             : !>      02.2003 introduced scf_env [fawzi]
     330             : !>      09.2005 Frozen density approximation [TdK]
     331             : !>      06.2007 Check for SCF iteration count early [jgh]
     332             : !>      10.2019 switch_surf_dip [SGh]
     333             : !> \author Matthias Krack
     334             : !> \note
     335             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     336       17255 :    SUBROUTINE scf_env_do_scf(scf_env, scf_control, qs_env, converged, should_stop, total_scf_steps)
     337             : 
     338             :       TYPE(qs_scf_env_type), POINTER                     :: scf_env
     339             :       TYPE(scf_control_type), POINTER                    :: scf_control
     340             :       TYPE(qs_environment_type), POINTER                 :: qs_env
     341             :       LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT)                               :: converged, should_stop
     342             :       INTEGER, INTENT(OUT)                               :: total_scf_steps
     343             : 
     344             :       CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER                        :: routineN = 'scf_env_do_scf'
     345             : 
     346             :       CHARACTER(LEN=default_string_length)               :: description, name
     347             :       INTEGER                                            :: ext_master_id, handle, handle2, i_tmp, &
     348             :                                                             ic, ispin, iter_count, output_unit, &
     349             :                                                             scf_energy_message_tag, total_steps
     350             :       LOGICAL :: diis_step, do_kpoints, energy_only, exit_inner_loop, exit_outer_loop, &
     351             :          inner_loop_converged, just_energy, outer_loop_converged
     352             :       REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: t1, t2
     353             :       REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(3)                        :: res_val_3
     354       17255 :       TYPE(atomic_kind_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER      :: atomic_kind_set
     355             :       TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER                      :: logger
     356             :       TYPE(cp_result_type), POINTER                      :: results
     357       17255 :       TYPE(dbcsr_p_type), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER       :: rho_ao_kp
     358             :       TYPE(dft_control_type), POINTER                    :: dft_control
     359             :       TYPE(energy_correction_type), POINTER              :: ec_env
     360             :       TYPE(kpoint_type), POINTER                         :: kpoints
     361       17255 :       TYPE(mo_set_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER           :: mos, mos_last_converged
     362             :       TYPE(mp_comm_type)                                 :: external_comm
     363             :       TYPE(mp_para_env_type), POINTER                    :: para_env
     364       17255 :       TYPE(particle_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER         :: particle_set
     365             :       TYPE(pw_env_type), POINTER                         :: pw_env
     366             :       TYPE(qs_charges_type), POINTER                     :: qs_charges
     367             :       TYPE(qs_energy_type), POINTER                      :: energy
     368       17255 :       TYPE(qs_kind_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER          :: qs_kind_set
     369             :       TYPE(qs_ks_env_type), POINTER                      :: ks_env
     370             :       TYPE(qs_rho_type), POINTER                         :: rho
     371             :       TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: dft_section, input, scf_section
     372             : 
     373       17255 :       CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
     374             : 
     375       17255 :       NULLIFY (dft_control, rho, energy, &
     376       17255 :                logger, qs_charges, ks_env, mos, atomic_kind_set, qs_kind_set, &
     377       17255 :                particle_set, dft_section, input, &
     378       17255 :                scf_section, para_env, results, kpoints, pw_env, rho_ao_kp, mos_last_converged)
     379             : 
     380       17255 :       CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(scf_env))
     381       17255 :       CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(qs_env))
     382             : 
     383       17255 :       logger => cp_get_default_logger()
     384       17255 :       t1 = m_walltime()
     385             : 
     386             :       CALL get_qs_env(qs_env=qs_env, &
     387             :                       energy=energy, &
     388             :                       particle_set=particle_set, &
     389             :                       qs_charges=qs_charges, &
     390             :                       ks_env=ks_env, &
     391             :                       atomic_kind_set=atomic_kind_set, &
     392             :                       qs_kind_set=qs_kind_set, &
     393             :                       rho=rho, &
     394             :                       mos=mos, &
     395             :                       input=input, &
     396             :                       dft_control=dft_control, &
     397             :                       do_kpoints=do_kpoints, &
     398             :                       kpoints=kpoints, &
     399             :                       results=results, &
     400             :                       pw_env=pw_env, &
     401       17255 :                       para_env=para_env)
     402             : 
     403       17255 :       CALL qs_rho_get(rho, rho_ao_kp=rho_ao_kp)
     404             : 
     405       17255 :       dft_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(input, "DFT")
     406       17255 :       scf_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(dft_section, "SCF")
     407             : 
     408             :       output_unit = cp_print_key_unit_nr(logger, scf_section, "PRINT%PROGRAM_RUN_INFO", &
     409       17255 :                                          extension=".scfLog")
     410             : 
     411       17255 :       IF (output_unit > 0) WRITE (UNIT=output_unit, FMT="(/,/,T2,A)") &
     412        8809 :          "SCF WAVEFUNCTION OPTIMIZATION"
     413             : 
     414             : ! when switch_surf_dip is switched on, indicate storing mos from the last converged step
     415       17255 :       IF (dft_control%switch_surf_dip) THEN
     416           2 :          CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, mos_last_converged=mos_last_converged)
     417           4 :          DO ispin = 1, dft_control%nspins
     418           4 :             CALL reassign_allocated_mos(mos(ispin), mos_last_converged(ispin))
     419             :          END DO
     420           2 :          IF (output_unit > 0) WRITE (UNIT=output_unit, FMT="(/,/,T2,A)") &
     421           1 :             "COPIED mos_last_converged ---> mos"
     422             :       END IF
     423             : 
     424       17255 :       IF ((output_unit > 0) .AND. (.NOT. scf_control%use_ot)) THEN
     425             :          WRITE (UNIT=output_unit, &
     426             :                 FMT="(/,T3,A,T12,A,T31,A,T39,A,T59,A,T75,A,/,T3,A)") &
     427        5836 :             "Step", "Update method", "Time", "Convergence", "Total energy", "Change", &
     428       11672 :             REPEAT("-", 78)
     429             :       END IF
     430       17255 :       CALL cp_add_iter_level(logger%iter_info, "QS_SCF")
     431             : 
     432             :       ! check for external communicator and if the intermediate energy should be sent
     433       69020 :       res_val_3(:) = -1.0_dp
     434       17255 :       description = "[EXT_SCF_ENER_COMM]"
     435       17255 :       IF (test_for_result(results, description=description)) THEN
     436             :          CALL get_results(results, description=description, &
     437           0 :                           values=res_val_3, n_entries=i_tmp)
     438           0 :          CPASSERT(i_tmp .EQ. 3)
     439           0 :          IF (ALL(res_val_3(:) .LE. 0.0)) &
     440             :             CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, &
     441             :                           " Trying to access result ("//TRIM(description)// &
     442           0 :                           ") which is not correctly stored.")
     443           0 :          CALL external_comm%set_handle(NINT(res_val_3(1)))
     444             :       END IF
     445       17255 :       ext_master_id = NINT(res_val_3(2))
     446       17255 :       scf_energy_message_tag = NINT(res_val_3(3))
     447             : 
     448             :       ! *** outer loop of the scf, can treat other variables,
     449             :       ! *** such as lagrangian multipliers
     450       17255 :       scf_env%outer_scf%iter_count = 0
     451       17255 :       iter_count = 0
     452       17255 :       total_steps = 0
     453       17255 :       energy%tot_old = 0.0_dp
     454             : 
     455         903 :       scf_outer_loop: DO
     456             : 
     457             :          CALL init_scf_loop(scf_env=scf_env, qs_env=qs_env, &
     458       18158 :                             scf_section=scf_section)
     459             : 
     460             :          CALL qs_scf_set_loop_flags(scf_env, diis_step, &
     461       18158 :                                     energy_only, just_energy, exit_inner_loop)
     462             : 
     463             : ! decide whether to switch off dipole correction for convergence purposes
     464       18158 :          dft_control%surf_dip_correct_switch = dft_control%correct_surf_dip
     465       18158 :          IF ((dft_control%correct_surf_dip) .AND. (scf_control%outer_scf%have_scf) .AND. &
     466             :              (scf_env%outer_scf%iter_count > FLOOR(scf_control%outer_scf%max_scf/2.0_dp))) THEN
     467           0 :             IF (dft_control%switch_surf_dip) THEN
     468           0 :                dft_control%surf_dip_correct_switch = .FALSE.
     469           0 :                IF (output_unit > 0) WRITE (UNIT=output_unit, FMT="(/,/,T2,A)") &
     470           0 :                   "SURFACE DIPOLE CORRECTION switched off"
     471             :             END IF
     472             :          END IF
     473      148941 :          scf_loop: DO
     474             : 
     475      148941 :             CALL timeset(routineN//"_inner_loop", handle2)
     476             : 
     477      148941 :             scf_env%iter_count = scf_env%iter_count + 1
     478      148941 :             iter_count = iter_count + 1
     479      148941 :             CALL cp_iterate(logger%iter_info, last=.FALSE., iter_nr=iter_count)
     480             : 
     481      148941 :             IF (output_unit > 0) CALL m_flush(output_unit)
     482             : 
     483      148941 :             total_steps = total_steps + 1
     484      148941 :             just_energy = energy_only
     485             : 
     486             :             CALL qs_ks_update_qs_env(qs_env, just_energy=just_energy, &
     487      148941 :                                      calculate_forces=.FALSE.)
     488             : 
     489             :             ! print 'heavy weight' or relatively expensive quantities
     490      148941 :             CALL qs_scf_loop_print(qs_env, scf_env, para_env)
     491             : 
     492      148941 :             IF (do_kpoints) THEN
     493             :                ! kpoints
     494        5190 :                CALL qs_scf_new_mos_kp(qs_env, scf_env, scf_control, diis_step)
     495             :             ELSE
     496             :                ! Gamma points only
     497      143751 :                CALL qs_scf_new_mos(qs_env, scf_env, scf_control, scf_section, diis_step, energy_only)
     498             :             END IF
     499             : 
     500             :             ! Print requested MO information (can be computationally expensive with OT)
     501      148941 :             CALL qs_scf_write_mos(qs_env, scf_env, final_mos=.FALSE.)
     502             : 
     503      148941 :             CALL qs_scf_density_mixing(scf_env, rho, para_env, diis_step)
     504             : 
     505      148941 :             t2 = m_walltime()
     506             : 
     507      148941 :             CALL qs_scf_loop_info(scf_env, output_unit, just_energy, t1, t2, energy)
     508             : 
     509      148941 :             IF (.NOT. just_energy) energy%tot_old = energy%total
     510             : 
     511             :             ! check for external communicator and if the intermediate energy should be sent
     512      148941 :             IF (scf_energy_message_tag .GT. 0) THEN
     513           0 :                CALL external_comm%send(energy%total, ext_master_id, scf_energy_message_tag)
     514             :             END IF
     515             : 
     516             :             CALL qs_scf_check_inner_exit(qs_env, scf_env, scf_control, should_stop, exit_inner_loop, &
     517      148941 :                                          inner_loop_converged, output_unit)
     518             : 
     519             :             ! In case we decide to exit we perform few more check to see if this one
     520             :             ! is really the last SCF step
     521      148941 :             IF (exit_inner_loop) THEN
     522             : 
     523       18158 :                CALL qs_scf_inner_finalize(scf_env, qs_env, diis_step, output_unit)
     524             : 
     525             :                CALL qs_scf_check_outer_exit(qs_env, scf_env, scf_control, should_stop, &
     526       18158 :                                             outer_loop_converged, exit_outer_loop)
     527             : 
     528             :                ! Let's tag the last SCF cycle so we can print informations only of the last step
     529       18158 :                IF (exit_outer_loop) CALL cp_iterate(logger%iter_info, last=.TRUE., iter_nr=iter_count)
     530             : 
     531             :             END IF
     532             : 
     533      148941 :             IF (do_kpoints) THEN
     534        5190 :                CALL write_kpoints_restart(rho_ao_kp, kpoints, scf_env, dft_section, particle_set, qs_kind_set)
     535             :             ELSE
     536             :                ! Write Wavefunction restart file
     537      143751 :                CALL write_mo_set_to_restart(mos, particle_set, dft_section=dft_section, qs_kind_set=qs_kind_set)
     538             :             END IF
     539             : 
     540             :             ! Exit if we have finished with the SCF inner loop
     541      148941 :             IF (exit_inner_loop) THEN
     542       18158 :                CALL timestop(handle2)
     543             :                EXIT scf_loop
     544             :             END IF
     545             : 
     546      130783 :             IF (.NOT. BTEST(cp_print_key_should_output(logger%iter_info, &
     547             :                                                        scf_section, "PRINT%ITERATION_INFO/TIME_CUMUL"), cp_p_file)) &
     548      130783 :                t1 = m_walltime()
     549             : 
     550             :             ! mixing methods have the new density matrix in p_mix_new
     551      130783 :             IF (scf_env%mixing_method > 0) THEN
     552      488398 :                DO ic = 1, SIZE(rho_ao_kp, 2)
     553      952717 :                   DO ispin = 1, dft_control%nspins
     554      464319 :                      CALL dbcsr_get_info(rho_ao_kp(ispin, ic)%matrix, name=name) ! keep the name
     555      879100 :                      CALL dbcsr_copy(rho_ao_kp(ispin, ic)%matrix, scf_env%p_mix_new(ispin, ic)%matrix, name=name)
     556             :                   END DO
     557             :                END DO
     558             :             END IF
     559             : 
     560             :             CALL qs_scf_rho_update(rho, qs_env, scf_env, ks_env, &
     561      130783 :                                    mix_rho=scf_env%mixing_method >= gspace_mixing_nr)
     562             : 
     563      130783 :             CALL timestop(handle2)
     564             : 
     565             :          END DO scf_loop
     566             : 
     567       18158 :          IF (.NOT. scf_control%outer_scf%have_scf) EXIT scf_outer_loop
     568             : 
     569             :          ! In case we use the OUTER SCF loop let's print some info..
     570             :          CALL qs_scf_outer_loop_info(output_unit, scf_control, scf_env, &
     571        5102 :                                      energy, total_steps, should_stop, outer_loop_converged)
     572             : 
     573             : !  save mos to converged mos if outer_loop_converged and surf_dip_correct_switch is true
     574        5102 :          IF (exit_outer_loop) THEN
     575        4199 :             IF ((dft_control%switch_surf_dip) .AND. (outer_loop_converged) .AND. &
     576             :                 (dft_control%surf_dip_correct_switch)) THEN
     577           4 :                DO ispin = 1, dft_control%nspins
     578           4 :                   CALL reassign_allocated_mos(mos_last_converged(ispin), mos(ispin))
     579             :                END DO
     580           2 :                IF (output_unit > 0) WRITE (UNIT=output_unit, FMT="(/,/,T2,A)") &
     581           1 :                   "COPIED mos ---> mos_last_converged"
     582             :             END IF
     583             :          END IF
     584             : 
     585        5102 :          IF (exit_outer_loop) EXIT scf_outer_loop
     586             : 
     587             :          !
     588         903 :          CALL outer_loop_optimize(scf_env, scf_control)
     589         903 :          CALL outer_loop_update_qs_env(qs_env, scf_env)
     590       18158 :          CALL qs_ks_did_change(ks_env, potential_changed=.TRUE.)
     591             : 
     592             :       END DO scf_outer_loop
     593             : 
     594       17255 :       converged = inner_loop_converged .AND. outer_loop_converged
     595       17255 :       total_scf_steps = total_steps
     596             : 
     597       17255 :       IF (dft_control%qs_control%cdft) &
     598             :          dft_control%qs_control%cdft_control%total_steps = &
     599         626 :          dft_control%qs_control%cdft_control%total_steps + total_steps
     600             : 
     601       17255 :       IF (.NOT. converged) THEN
     602        2094 :          IF (scf_control%ignore_convergence_failure .OR. should_stop) THEN
     603        2094 :             CALL cp_warn(__LOCATION__, "SCF run NOT converged")
     604             :          ELSE
     605             :             CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, &
     606             :                           "SCF run NOT converged. To continue the calculation "// &
     607           0 :                           "regardless, please set the keyword IGNORE_CONVERGENCE_FAILURE.")
     608             :          END IF
     609             :       END IF
     610             : 
     611             :       ! Skip Harris functional calculation if ground-state is NOT converged
     612       17255 :       IF (qs_env%energy_correction) THEN
     613         502 :          CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, ec_env=ec_env)
     614         502 :          ec_env%do_skip = .FALSE.
     615         502 :          IF (ec_env%skip_ec .AND. .NOT. converged) ec_env%do_skip = .TRUE.
     616             :       END IF
     617             : 
     618             :       ! if needed copy mo_coeff dbcsr->fm for later use in post_scf!fm->dbcsr
     619       37020 :       DO ispin = 1, SIZE(mos) !fm -> dbcsr
     620       37020 :          IF (mos(ispin)%use_mo_coeff_b) THEN !fm->dbcsr
     621        6907 :             IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(mos(ispin)%mo_coeff_b)) & !fm->dbcsr
     622           0 :                CPABORT("mo_coeff_b is not allocated") !fm->dbcsr
     623             :             CALL copy_dbcsr_to_fm(mos(ispin)%mo_coeff_b, & !fm->dbcsr
     624        6907 :                                   mos(ispin)%mo_coeff) !fm -> dbcsr
     625             :          END IF !fm->dbcsr
     626             :       END DO !fm -> dbcsr
     627             : 
     628       17255 :       CALL cp_rm_iter_level(logger%iter_info, level_name="QS_SCF")
     629       17255 :       CALL timestop(handle)
     630             : 
     631       17255 :    END SUBROUTINE scf_env_do_scf
     632             : 
     633             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     634             : !> \brief inits those objects needed if you want to restart the scf with, say
     635             : !>        only a new initial guess, or different density functional or ...
     636             : !>        this will happen just before the scf loop starts
     637             : !> \param scf_env ...
     638             : !> \param qs_env ...
     639             : !> \param scf_section ...
     640             : !> \par History
     641             : !>      03.2006 created [Joost VandeVondele]
     642             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     643       18734 :    SUBROUTINE init_scf_loop(scf_env, qs_env, scf_section)
     644             : 
     645             :       TYPE(qs_scf_env_type), POINTER                     :: scf_env
     646             :       TYPE(qs_environment_type), POINTER                 :: qs_env
     647             :       TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: scf_section
     648             : 
     649             :       CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER                        :: routineN = 'init_scf_loop'
     650             : 
     651             :       INTEGER                                            :: handle, ispin, nmo, number_of_OT_envs
     652             :       LOGICAL                                            :: do_kpoints, do_rotation, &
     653             :                                                             has_unit_metric, is_full_all
     654             :       TYPE(cp_fm_type), POINTER                          :: mo_coeff
     655       18734 :       TYPE(dbcsr_p_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER          :: matrix_ks, matrix_s
     656             :       TYPE(dbcsr_type), POINTER                          :: orthogonality_metric
     657             :       TYPE(dft_control_type), POINTER                    :: dft_control
     658             :       TYPE(kpoint_type), POINTER                         :: kpoints
     659       18734 :       TYPE(mo_set_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER           :: mos
     660             :       TYPE(scf_control_type), POINTER                    :: scf_control
     661             : 
     662       18734 :       CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
     663             : 
     664       18734 :       NULLIFY (scf_control, matrix_s, matrix_ks, dft_control, mos, mo_coeff, kpoints)
     665             : 
     666       18734 :       CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(scf_env))
     667       18734 :       CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(qs_env))
     668             : 
     669             :       CALL get_qs_env(qs_env=qs_env, &
     670             :                       scf_control=scf_control, &
     671             :                       dft_control=dft_control, &
     672             :                       do_kpoints=do_kpoints, &
     673             :                       kpoints=kpoints, &
     674       18734 :                       mos=mos)
     675             : 
     676             :       ! if using mo_coeff_b then copy to fm
     677       40181 :       DO ispin = 1, SIZE(mos) !fm->dbcsr
     678       40181 :          IF (mos(1)%use_mo_coeff_b) THEN !fm->dbcsr
     679        8013 :             CALL copy_dbcsr_to_fm(mos(ispin)%mo_coeff_b, mos(ispin)%mo_coeff) !fm->dbcsr
     680             :          END IF !fm->dbcsr
     681             :       END DO !fm->dbcsr
     682             : 
     683             :       ! this just guarantees that all mo_occupations match the eigenvalues, if smear
     684       40181 :       DO ispin = 1, dft_control%nspins
     685             :          ! do not reset mo_occupations if the maximum overlap method is in use
     686       21447 :          IF (.NOT. scf_control%diagonalization%mom) &
     687             :             CALL set_mo_occupation(mo_set=mos(ispin), &
     688       40137 :                                    smear=scf_control%smear)
     689             :       END DO
     690             : 
     691       18734 :       SELECT CASE (scf_env%method)
     692             :       CASE DEFAULT
     693             : 
     694           0 :          CPABORT("unknown scf method method:"//cp_to_string(scf_env%method))
     695             : 
     696             :       CASE (filter_matrix_diag_method_nr)
     697             : 
     698          10 :          IF (.NOT. scf_env%skip_diis) THEN
     699           0 :             IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(scf_env%scf_diis_buffer)) THEN
     700           0 :                ALLOCATE (scf_env%scf_diis_buffer)
     701           0 :                CALL qs_diis_b_create(scf_env%scf_diis_buffer, nbuffer=scf_control%max_diis)
     702             :             END IF
     703           0 :             CALL qs_diis_b_clear(scf_env%scf_diis_buffer)
     704             :          END IF
     705             : 
     706             :       CASE (general_diag_method_nr, special_diag_method_nr, block_krylov_diag_method_nr)
     707       12070 :          IF (.NOT. scf_env%skip_diis) THEN
     708       11836 :             IF (do_kpoints) THEN
     709         720 :                IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(kpoints%scf_diis_buffer)) THEN
     710         126 :                   ALLOCATE (kpoints%scf_diis_buffer)
     711         126 :                   CALL qs_diis_b_create_kp(kpoints%scf_diis_buffer, nbuffer=scf_control%max_diis)
     712             :                END IF
     713         720 :                CALL qs_diis_b_clear_kp(kpoints%scf_diis_buffer)
     714             :             ELSE
     715       11116 :                IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(scf_env%scf_diis_buffer)) THEN
     716        3146 :                   ALLOCATE (scf_env%scf_diis_buffer)
     717        3146 :                   CALL qs_diis_b_create(scf_env%scf_diis_buffer, nbuffer=scf_control%max_diis)
     718             :                END IF
     719       11116 :                CALL qs_diis_b_clear(scf_env%scf_diis_buffer)
     720             :             END IF
     721             :          END IF
     722             : 
     723             :       CASE (ot_diag_method_nr)
     724           8 :          CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, matrix_ks=matrix_ks, matrix_s=matrix_s)
     725             : 
     726           8 :          IF (.NOT. scf_env%skip_diis) THEN
     727           6 :             IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(scf_env%scf_diis_buffer)) THEN
     728           6 :                ALLOCATE (scf_env%scf_diis_buffer)
     729           6 :                CALL qs_diis_b_create(scf_env%scf_diis_buffer, nbuffer=scf_control%max_diis)
     730             :             END IF
     731           6 :             CALL qs_diis_b_clear(scf_env%scf_diis_buffer)
     732             :          END IF
     733             : 
     734             :          ! disable DFTB and SE for now
     735             :          IF (dft_control%qs_control%dftb .OR. &
     736           8 :              dft_control%qs_control%xtb .OR. &
     737             :              dft_control%qs_control%semi_empirical) THEN
     738           0 :             CPABORT("DFTB and SE not available with OT/DIAG")
     739             :          END IF
     740             : 
     741             :          ! if an old preconditioner is still around (i.e. outer SCF is active),
     742             :          ! remove it if this could be worthwhile
     743             :          CALL restart_preconditioner(qs_env, scf_env%ot_preconditioner, &
     744             :                                      scf_control%diagonalization%ot_settings%preconditioner_type, &
     745           8 :                                      dft_control%nspins)
     746             : 
     747             :          CALL prepare_preconditioner(qs_env, mos, matrix_ks, matrix_s, scf_env%ot_preconditioner, &
     748             :                                      scf_control%diagonalization%ot_settings%preconditioner_type, &
     749             :                                      scf_control%diagonalization%ot_settings%precond_solver_type, &
     750           8 :                                      scf_control%diagonalization%ot_settings%energy_gap, dft_control%nspins)
     751             : 
     752             :       CASE (block_davidson_diag_method_nr)
     753             :          ! Preconditioner initialized within the loop, when required
     754             :       CASE (ot_method_nr)
     755             :          CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, &
     756             :                          has_unit_metric=has_unit_metric, &
     757             :                          matrix_s=matrix_s, &
     758        6630 :                          matrix_ks=matrix_ks)
     759             : 
     760             :          ! reortho the wavefunctions if we are having an outer scf and
     761             :          ! this is not the first iteration
     762             :          ! this is useful to avoid the build-up of numerical noise
     763             :          ! however, we can not play this trick if restricted (don't mix non-equivalent orbs)
     764        6630 :          IF (scf_control%do_outer_scf_reortho) THEN
     765        6060 :             IF (scf_control%outer_scf%have_scf .AND. .NOT. dft_control%restricted) THEN
     766        4368 :                IF (scf_env%outer_scf%iter_count > 0) THEN
     767        1951 :                   DO ispin = 1, dft_control%nspins
     768        1068 :                      CALL get_mo_set(mo_set=mos(ispin), mo_coeff=mo_coeff, nmo=nmo)
     769        1951 :                      IF (has_unit_metric) THEN
     770         150 :                         CALL make_basis_simple(mo_coeff, nmo)
     771             :                      ELSE
     772         918 :                         CALL make_basis_sm(mo_coeff, nmo, matrix_s(1)%matrix)
     773             :                      END IF
     774             :                   END DO
     775             :                END IF
     776             :             END IF
     777             :          ELSE
     778             :             ! dont need any dirty trick for the numerically stable irac algorithm.
     779             :          END IF
     780             : 
     781        6630 :          IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(scf_env%qs_ot_env)) THEN
     782             : 
     783             :             ! restricted calculations require just one set of OT orbitals
     784        6630 :             number_of_OT_envs = dft_control%nspins
     785        6630 :             IF (dft_control%restricted) number_of_OT_envs = 1
     786             : 
     787     1095211 :             ALLOCATE (scf_env%qs_ot_env(number_of_OT_envs))
     788             : 
     789             :             ! XXX Joost XXX should disentangle reading input from this part
     790        6630 :             CALL ot_scf_read_input(scf_env%qs_ot_env, scf_section)
     791             : 
     792             :             ! keep a note that we are restricted
     793        6630 :             IF (dft_control%restricted) THEN
     794          92 :                scf_env%qs_ot_env(1)%restricted = .TRUE.
     795             :                ! requires rotation
     796          92 :                IF (.NOT. scf_env%qs_ot_env(1)%settings%do_rotation) &
     797             :                   CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, &
     798             :                                 "Restricted calculation with OT requires orbital rotation. Please "// &
     799           0 :                                 "activate the OT%ROTATION keyword!")
     800             :             ELSE
     801       14337 :                scf_env%qs_ot_env(:)%restricted = .FALSE.
     802             :             END IF
     803             : 
     804             :             ! this will rotate the MOs to be eigen states, which is not compatible with rotation
     805             :             ! e.g. mo_derivs here do not yet include potentially different occupations numbers
     806        6630 :             do_rotation = scf_env%qs_ot_env(1)%settings%do_rotation
     807             :             ! only full all needs rotation
     808        6630 :             is_full_all = scf_env%qs_ot_env(1)%settings%preconditioner_type == ot_precond_full_all
     809        6630 :             IF (do_rotation .AND. is_full_all) &
     810           0 :                CPABORT('PRECONDITIONER FULL_ALL is not compatible with ROTATION.')
     811             : 
     812             :             ! might need the KS matrix to init properly
     813             :             CALL qs_ks_update_qs_env(qs_env, just_energy=.FALSE., &
     814        6630 :                                      calculate_forces=.FALSE.)
     815             : 
     816             :             ! if an old preconditioner is still around (i.e. outer SCF is active),
     817             :             ! remove it if this could be worthwhile
     818        6630 :             IF (.NOT. reuse_precond) &
     819             :                CALL restart_preconditioner(qs_env, scf_env%ot_preconditioner, &
     820             :                                            scf_env%qs_ot_env(1)%settings%preconditioner_type, &
     821        6630 :                                            dft_control%nspins)
     822             : 
     823             :             !
     824             :             ! preconditioning still needs to be done correctly with has_unit_metric
     825             :             ! notice that a big part of the preconditioning (S^-1) is fine anyhow
     826             :             !
     827        6630 :             IF (has_unit_metric) THEN
     828        1246 :                NULLIFY (orthogonality_metric)
     829             :             ELSE
     830        5384 :                orthogonality_metric => matrix_s(1)%matrix
     831             :             END IF
     832             : 
     833        6630 :             IF (.NOT. reuse_precond) &
     834             :                CALL prepare_preconditioner(qs_env, mos, matrix_ks, matrix_s, scf_env%ot_preconditioner, &
     835             :                                            scf_env%qs_ot_env(1)%settings%preconditioner_type, &
     836             :                                            scf_env%qs_ot_env(1)%settings%precond_solver_type, &
     837             :                                            scf_env%qs_ot_env(1)%settings%energy_gap, dft_control%nspins, &
     838             :                                            has_unit_metric=has_unit_metric, &
     839        6630 :                                            chol_type=scf_env%qs_ot_env(1)%settings%cholesky_type)
     840        6630 :             IF (reuse_precond) reuse_precond = .FALSE.
     841             : 
     842             :             CALL ot_scf_init(mo_array=mos, matrix_s=orthogonality_metric, &
     843             :                              broyden_adaptive_sigma=qs_env%broyden_adaptive_sigma, &
     844        6630 :                              qs_ot_env=scf_env%qs_ot_env, matrix_ks=matrix_ks(1)%matrix)
     845             : 
     846       11273 :             SELECT CASE (scf_env%qs_ot_env(1)%settings%preconditioner_type)
     847             :             CASE (ot_precond_none)
     848             :             CASE (ot_precond_full_all, ot_precond_full_single_inverse)
     849       10243 :                DO ispin = 1, SIZE(scf_env%qs_ot_env)
     850             :                   CALL qs_ot_new_preconditioner(scf_env%qs_ot_env(ispin), &
     851       10243 :                                                 scf_env%ot_preconditioner(ispin)%preconditioner)
     852             :                END DO
     853             :             CASE (ot_precond_s_inverse, ot_precond_full_single)
     854         182 :                DO ispin = 1, SIZE(scf_env%qs_ot_env)
     855             :                   CALL qs_ot_new_preconditioner(scf_env%qs_ot_env(ispin), &
     856         182 :                                                 scf_env%ot_preconditioner(1)%preconditioner)
     857             :                END DO
     858             :             CASE DEFAULT
     859        8005 :                DO ispin = 1, SIZE(scf_env%qs_ot_env)
     860             :                   CALL qs_ot_new_preconditioner(scf_env%qs_ot_env(ispin), &
     861        2506 :                                                 scf_env%ot_preconditioner(1)%preconditioner)
     862             :                END DO
     863             :             END SELECT
     864             :          END IF
     865             : 
     866             :          ! if we have non-uniform occupations we should be using rotation
     867        6630 :          do_rotation = scf_env%qs_ot_env(1)%settings%do_rotation
     868       33347 :          DO ispin = 1, SIZE(mos)
     869       14613 :             IF (.NOT. mos(ispin)%uniform_occupation) THEN
     870           0 :                CPASSERT(do_rotation)
     871             :             END IF
     872             :          END DO
     873             :       END SELECT
     874             : 
     875             :       ! another safety check
     876       18734 :       IF (dft_control%low_spin_roks) THEN
     877          24 :          CPASSERT(scf_env%method == ot_method_nr)
     878          24 :          do_rotation = scf_env%qs_ot_env(1)%settings%do_rotation
     879          24 :          CPASSERT(do_rotation)
     880             :       END IF
     881             : 
     882       18734 :       CALL timestop(handle)
     883             : 
     884       18734 :    END SUBROUTINE init_scf_loop
     885             : 
     886             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     887             : !> \brief perform cleanup operations (like releasing temporary storage)
     888             : !>      at the end of the scf
     889             : !> \param scf_env ...
     890             : !> \par History
     891             : !>      02.2003 created [fawzi]
     892             : !> \author fawzi
     893             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     894       16999 :    SUBROUTINE scf_env_cleanup(scf_env)
     895             :       TYPE(qs_scf_env_type), INTENT(INOUT)               :: scf_env
     896             : 
     897             :       CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER                        :: routineN = 'scf_env_cleanup'
     898             : 
     899             :       INTEGER                                            :: handle
     900             : 
     901       16999 :       CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
     902             : 
     903             :       ! Release SCF work storage
     904       16999 :       CALL cp_fm_release(scf_env%scf_work1)
     905             : 
     906       16999 :       IF (ASSOCIATED(scf_env%scf_work2)) THEN
     907       11452 :          CALL cp_fm_release(scf_env%scf_work2)
     908       11452 :          DEALLOCATE (scf_env%scf_work2)
     909             :       END IF
     910       16999 :       IF (ASSOCIATED(scf_env%ortho)) THEN
     911        8784 :          CALL cp_fm_release(scf_env%ortho)
     912        8784 :          DEALLOCATE (scf_env%ortho)
     913             :       END IF
     914       16999 :       IF (ASSOCIATED(scf_env%ortho_m1)) THEN
     915          46 :          CALL cp_fm_release(scf_env%ortho_m1)
     916          46 :          DEALLOCATE (scf_env%ortho_m1)
     917             :       END IF
     918             : 
     919       16999 :       IF (ASSOCIATED(scf_env%ortho_dbcsr)) THEN
     920          58 :          CALL dbcsr_deallocate_matrix(scf_env%ortho_dbcsr)
     921             :       END IF
     922       16999 :       IF (ASSOCIATED(scf_env%buf1_dbcsr)) THEN
     923          58 :          CALL dbcsr_deallocate_matrix(scf_env%buf1_dbcsr)
     924             :       END IF
     925       16999 :       IF (ASSOCIATED(scf_env%buf2_dbcsr)) THEN
     926          58 :          CALL dbcsr_deallocate_matrix(scf_env%buf2_dbcsr)
     927             :       END IF
     928             : 
     929       16999 :       IF (ASSOCIATED(scf_env%p_mix_new)) THEN
     930       11464 :          CALL dbcsr_deallocate_matrix_set(scf_env%p_mix_new)
     931             :       END IF
     932             : 
     933       16999 :       IF (ASSOCIATED(scf_env%p_delta)) THEN
     934         228 :          CALL dbcsr_deallocate_matrix_set(scf_env%p_delta)
     935             :       END IF
     936             : 
     937             :       ! Method dependent cleanup
     938       17015 :       SELECT CASE (scf_env%method)
     939             :       CASE (ot_method_nr)
     940             :          !
     941             :       CASE (ot_diag_method_nr)
     942             :          !
     943             :       CASE (general_diag_method_nr)
     944             :          !
     945             :       CASE (special_diag_method_nr)
     946             :          !
     947             :       CASE (block_krylov_diag_method_nr)
     948             :       CASE (block_davidson_diag_method_nr)
     949          16 :          CALL block_davidson_deallocate(scf_env%block_davidson_env)
     950             :       CASE (filter_matrix_diag_method_nr)
     951             :          !
     952             :       CASE DEFAULT
     953       16999 :          CPABORT("unknown scf method method:"//cp_to_string(scf_env%method))
     954             :       END SELECT
     955             : 
     956       16999 :       IF (ASSOCIATED(scf_env%outer_scf%variables)) THEN
     957        3903 :          DEALLOCATE (scf_env%outer_scf%variables)
     958             :       END IF
     959       16999 :       IF (ASSOCIATED(scf_env%outer_scf%count)) THEN
     960        3903 :          DEALLOCATE (scf_env%outer_scf%count)
     961             :       END IF
     962       16999 :       IF (ASSOCIATED(scf_env%outer_scf%gradient)) THEN
     963        3903 :          DEALLOCATE (scf_env%outer_scf%gradient)
     964             :       END IF
     965       16999 :       IF (ASSOCIATED(scf_env%outer_scf%energy)) THEN
     966        3903 :          DEALLOCATE (scf_env%outer_scf%energy)
     967             :       END IF
     968       16999 :       IF (ASSOCIATED(scf_env%outer_scf%inv_jacobian) .AND. &
     969             :           scf_env%outer_scf%deallocate_jacobian) THEN
     970          50 :          DEALLOCATE (scf_env%outer_scf%inv_jacobian)
     971             :       END IF
     972             : 
     973       16999 :       CALL timestop(handle)
     974             : 
     975       16999 :    END SUBROUTINE scf_env_cleanup
     976             : 
     977             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     978             : !> \brief perform a CDFT scf procedure in the given qs_env
     979             : !> \param qs_env the qs_environment where to perform the scf procedure
     980             : !> \param should_stop flag determining if calculation should stop
     981             : !> \par History
     982             : !>      12.2015 Created
     983             : !> \author Nico Holmberg
     984             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     985         652 :    SUBROUTINE cdft_scf(qs_env, should_stop)
     986             :       TYPE(qs_environment_type), POINTER                 :: qs_env
     987             :       LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT)                               :: should_stop
     988             : 
     989             :       CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER                        :: routineN = 'cdft_scf'
     990             : 
     991             :       INTEGER                                            :: handle, iatom, ispin, ivar, nmo, nvar, &
     992             :                                                             output_unit, tsteps
     993             :       LOGICAL                                            :: cdft_loop_converged, converged, &
     994             :                                                             exit_cdft_loop, first_iteration, &
     995             :                                                             my_uocc, uniform_occupation
     996         326 :       REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER               :: mo_occupations
     997             :       TYPE(cdft_control_type), POINTER                   :: cdft_control
     998             :       TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER                      :: logger
     999         326 :       TYPE(dbcsr_p_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER          :: matrix_s, rho_ao
    1000             :       TYPE(dft_control_type), POINTER                    :: dft_control
    1001         326 :       TYPE(mo_set_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER           :: mos
    1002             :       TYPE(pw_env_type), POINTER                         :: pw_env
    1003             :       TYPE(pw_pool_type), POINTER                        :: auxbas_pw_pool
    1004             :       TYPE(qs_energy_type), POINTER                      :: energy
    1005             :       TYPE(qs_ks_env_type), POINTER                      :: ks_env
    1006             :       TYPE(qs_rho_type), POINTER                         :: rho
    1007             :       TYPE(qs_scf_env_type), POINTER                     :: scf_env
    1008             :       TYPE(scf_control_type), POINTER                    :: scf_control
    1009             :       TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: dft_section, input, scf_section
    1010             : 
    1011         326 :       NULLIFY (scf_env, ks_env, energy, rho, matrix_s, rho_ao, cdft_control, logger, &
    1012         326 :                dft_control, pw_env, auxbas_pw_pool, energy, ks_env, scf_env, dft_section, &
    1013         326 :                input, scf_section, scf_control, mos, mo_occupations)
    1014         652 :       logger => cp_get_default_logger()
    1015             : 
    1016         326 :       CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(qs_env))
    1017             :       CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, scf_env=scf_env, energy=energy, &
    1018             :                       dft_control=dft_control, scf_control=scf_control, &
    1019         326 :                       ks_env=ks_env, input=input)
    1020             : 
    1021         326 :       CALL timeset(routineN//"_loop", handle)
    1022         326 :       dft_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(input, "DFT")
    1023         326 :       scf_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(dft_section, "SCF")
    1024             :       output_unit = cp_print_key_unit_nr(logger, scf_section, "PRINT%PROGRAM_RUN_INFO", &
    1025         326 :                                          extension=".scfLog")
    1026         326 :       first_iteration = .TRUE.
    1027             : 
    1028         326 :       cdft_control => dft_control%qs_control%cdft_control
    1029             : 
    1030         326 :       scf_env%outer_scf%iter_count = 0
    1031         326 :       cdft_control%total_steps = 0
    1032             : 
    1033             :       ! Write some info about the CDFT calculation
    1034         326 :       IF (output_unit > 0) THEN
    1035             :          WRITE (UNIT=output_unit, FMT="(/,/,T2,A)") &
    1036         181 :             "CDFT EXTERNAL SCF WAVEFUNCTION OPTIMIZATION"
    1037         181 :          CALL qs_scf_cdft_initial_info(output_unit, cdft_control)
    1038             :       END IF
    1039         326 :       IF (cdft_control%reuse_precond) THEN
    1040           0 :          reuse_precond = .FALSE.
    1041           0 :          cdft_control%nreused = 0
    1042             :       END IF
    1043         512 :       cdft_outer_loop: DO
    1044             :          ! Change outer_scf settings to OT settings
    1045         512 :          CALL outer_loop_switch(scf_env, scf_control, cdft_control, cdft2ot)
    1046             :          ! Solve electronic structure with fixed value of constraint
    1047             :          CALL scf_env_do_scf(scf_env=scf_env, scf_control=scf_control, qs_env=qs_env, &
    1048         512 :                              converged=converged, should_stop=should_stop, total_scf_steps=tsteps)
    1049             :          ! Decide whether to reuse the preconditioner on the next iteration
    1050         512 :          IF (cdft_control%reuse_precond) THEN
    1051             :             ! For convergence in exactly one step, the preconditioner is always reused (assuming max_reuse > 0)
    1052             :             ! usually this means that the electronic structure has already converged to the correct state
    1053             :             ! but the constraint optimizer keeps jumping over the optimal solution
    1054             :             IF (scf_env%outer_scf%iter_count == 1 .AND. scf_env%iter_count == 1 &
    1055           0 :                 .AND. cdft_control%total_steps /= 1) &
    1056           0 :                cdft_control%nreused = cdft_control%nreused - 1
    1057             :             ! SCF converged in less than precond_freq steps
    1058             :             IF (scf_env%outer_scf%iter_count == 1 .AND. scf_env%iter_count .LE. cdft_control%precond_freq .AND. &
    1059           0 :                 cdft_control%total_steps /= 1 .AND. cdft_control%nreused .LT. cdft_control%max_reuse) THEN
    1060           0 :                reuse_precond = .TRUE.
    1061           0 :                cdft_control%nreused = cdft_control%nreused + 1
    1062             :             ELSE
    1063           0 :                reuse_precond = .FALSE.
    1064           0 :                cdft_control%nreused = 0
    1065             :             END IF
    1066             :          END IF
    1067             :          ! Update history purging counters
    1068         512 :          IF (first_iteration .AND. cdft_control%purge_history) THEN
    1069           0 :             cdft_control%istep = cdft_control%istep + 1
    1070           0 :             IF (scf_env%outer_scf%iter_count .GT. 1) THEN
    1071           0 :                cdft_control%nbad_conv = cdft_control%nbad_conv + 1
    1072           0 :                IF (cdft_control%nbad_conv .GE. cdft_control%purge_freq .AND. &
    1073             :                    cdft_control%istep .GE. cdft_control%purge_offset) THEN
    1074           0 :                   cdft_control%nbad_conv = 0
    1075           0 :                   cdft_control%istep = 0
    1076           0 :                   cdft_control%should_purge = .TRUE.
    1077             :                END IF
    1078             :             END IF
    1079             :          END IF
    1080         512 :          first_iteration = .FALSE.
    1081             :          ! Change outer_scf settings to CDFT settings
    1082         512 :          CALL outer_loop_switch(scf_env, scf_control, cdft_control, ot2cdft)
    1083             :          CALL qs_scf_check_outer_exit(qs_env, scf_env, scf_control, should_stop, &
    1084         512 :                                       cdft_loop_converged, exit_cdft_loop)
    1085             :          CALL qs_scf_cdft_info(output_unit, scf_control, scf_env, cdft_control, &
    1086             :                                energy, cdft_control%total_steps, &
    1087         512 :                                should_stop, cdft_loop_converged, cdft_loop=.TRUE.)
    1088         512 :          IF (exit_cdft_loop) EXIT cdft_outer_loop
    1089             :          ! Check if the inverse Jacobian needs to be calculated
    1090         186 :          CALL qs_calculate_inverse_jacobian(qs_env)
    1091             :          ! Check if a line search should be performed to find an optimal step size for the optimizer
    1092         186 :          CALL qs_cdft_line_search(qs_env)
    1093             :          ! Optimize constraint
    1094         186 :          CALL outer_loop_optimize(scf_env, scf_control)
    1095         186 :          CALL outer_loop_update_qs_env(qs_env, scf_env)
    1096         512 :          CALL qs_ks_did_change(ks_env, potential_changed=.TRUE.)
    1097             :       END DO cdft_outer_loop
    1098             : 
    1099         326 :       cdft_control%ienergy = cdft_control%ienergy + 1
    1100             : 
    1101             :       ! Store needed arrays for ET coupling calculation
    1102         326 :       IF (cdft_control%do_et) THEN
    1103         176 :          CALL get_qs_env(qs_env=qs_env, matrix_s=matrix_s, mos=mos)
    1104         176 :          nvar = SIZE(cdft_control%target)
    1105             :          ! Matrix representation of weight function
    1106         708 :          ALLOCATE (cdft_control%wmat(nvar))
    1107         356 :          DO ivar = 1, nvar
    1108         180 :             CALL dbcsr_init_p(cdft_control%wmat(ivar)%matrix)
    1109             :             CALL dbcsr_copy(cdft_control%wmat(ivar)%matrix, matrix_s(1)%matrix, &
    1110         180 :                             name="ET_RESTRAINT_MATRIX")
    1111         180 :             CALL dbcsr_set(cdft_control%wmat(ivar)%matrix, 0.0_dp)
    1112             :             CALL integrate_v_rspace(cdft_control%group(ivar)%weight, &
    1113             :                                     hmat=cdft_control%wmat(ivar), qs_env=qs_env, &
    1114             :                                     calculate_forces=.FALSE., &
    1115         356 :                                     gapw=dft_control%qs_control%gapw)
    1116             :          END DO
    1117             :          ! Overlap matrix
    1118         176 :          CALL dbcsr_init_p(cdft_control%matrix_s%matrix)
    1119             :          CALL dbcsr_copy(cdft_control%matrix_s%matrix, matrix_s(1)%matrix, &
    1120         176 :                          name="OVERLAP")
    1121             :          ! Molecular orbital coefficients
    1122         176 :          NULLIFY (cdft_control%mo_coeff)
    1123         880 :          ALLOCATE (cdft_control%mo_coeff(dft_control%nspins))
    1124         528 :          DO ispin = 1, dft_control%nspins
    1125             :             CALL cp_fm_create(matrix=cdft_control%mo_coeff(ispin), &
    1126             :                               matrix_struct=qs_env%mos(ispin)%mo_coeff%matrix_struct, &
    1127         352 :                               name="MO_COEFF_A"//TRIM(ADJUSTL(cp_to_string(ispin)))//"MATRIX")
    1128             :             CALL cp_fm_to_fm(qs_env%mos(ispin)%mo_coeff, &
    1129         528 :                              cdft_control%mo_coeff(ispin))
    1130             :          END DO
    1131             :          ! Density matrix
    1132         176 :          IF (cdft_control%calculate_metric) THEN
    1133          24 :             CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, rho=rho)
    1134          24 :             CALL qs_rho_get(rho, rho_ao=rho_ao)
    1135         120 :             ALLOCATE (cdft_control%matrix_p(dft_control%nspins))
    1136          72 :             DO ispin = 1, dft_control%nspins
    1137          48 :                NULLIFY (cdft_control%matrix_p(ispin)%matrix)
    1138          48 :                CALL dbcsr_init_p(cdft_control%matrix_p(ispin)%matrix)
    1139             :                CALL dbcsr_copy(cdft_control%matrix_p(ispin)%matrix, rho_ao(ispin)%matrix, &
    1140          72 :                                name="DENSITY MATRIX")
    1141             :             END DO
    1142             :          END IF
    1143             :          ! Copy occupation numbers if non-uniform occupation
    1144         176 :          uniform_occupation = .TRUE.
    1145         528 :          DO ispin = 1, dft_control%nspins
    1146         352 :             CALL get_mo_set(mo_set=mos(ispin), uniform_occupation=my_uocc)
    1147         584 :             uniform_occupation = uniform_occupation .AND. my_uocc
    1148             :          END DO
    1149         176 :          IF (.NOT. uniform_occupation) THEN
    1150         140 :             ALLOCATE (cdft_control%occupations(dft_control%nspins))
    1151          84 :             DO ispin = 1, dft_control%nspins
    1152             :                CALL get_mo_set(mo_set=mos(ispin), &
    1153             :                                nmo=nmo, &
    1154          56 :                                occupation_numbers=mo_occupations)
    1155         168 :                ALLOCATE (cdft_control%occupations(ispin)%array(nmo))
    1156         588 :                cdft_control%occupations(ispin)%array(1:nmo) = mo_occupations(1:nmo)
    1157             :             END DO
    1158             :          END IF
    1159             :       END IF
    1160             : 
    1161             :       ! Deallocate constraint storage if forces are not needed
    1162             :       ! In case of a simulation with multiple force_evals,
    1163             :       ! deallocate only if weight function should not be copied to different force_evals
    1164         326 :       IF (.NOT. (cdft_control%save_pot .OR. cdft_control%transfer_pot)) THEN
    1165         148 :          CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, pw_env=pw_env)
    1166         148 :          CALL pw_env_get(pw_env, auxbas_pw_pool=auxbas_pw_pool)
    1167         308 :          DO iatom = 1, SIZE(cdft_control%group)
    1168         160 :             CALL auxbas_pw_pool%give_back_pw(cdft_control%group(iatom)%weight)
    1169         308 :             DEALLOCATE (cdft_control%group(iatom)%weight)
    1170             :          END DO
    1171         148 :          IF (cdft_control%atomic_charges) THEN
    1172         256 :             DO iatom = 1, cdft_control%natoms
    1173         256 :                CALL auxbas_pw_pool%give_back_pw(cdft_control%charge(iatom))
    1174             :             END DO
    1175          84 :             DEALLOCATE (cdft_control%charge)
    1176             :          END IF
    1177         148 :          IF (cdft_control%type == outer_scf_becke_constraint .AND. &
    1178             :              cdft_control%becke_control%cavity_confine) THEN
    1179         120 :             IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(cdft_control%becke_control%cavity_mat)) THEN
    1180         110 :                CALL auxbas_pw_pool%give_back_pw(cdft_control%becke_control%cavity)
    1181             :             ELSE
    1182          10 :                DEALLOCATE (cdft_control%becke_control%cavity_mat)
    1183             :             END IF
    1184          28 :          ELSE IF (cdft_control%type == outer_scf_hirshfeld_constraint) THEN
    1185          20 :             IF (ASSOCIATED(cdft_control%hirshfeld_control%hirshfeld_env%fnorm)) THEN
    1186           0 :                CALL auxbas_pw_pool%give_back_pw(cdft_control%hirshfeld_control%hirshfeld_env%fnorm)
    1187             :             END IF
    1188             :          END IF
    1189         148 :          IF (ASSOCIATED(cdft_control%charges_fragment)) DEALLOCATE (cdft_control%charges_fragment)
    1190         148 :          cdft_control%need_pot = .TRUE.
    1191         148 :          cdft_control%external_control = .FALSE.
    1192             :       END IF
    1193             : 
    1194         326 :       CALL timestop(handle)
    1195             : 
    1196         326 :    END SUBROUTINE cdft_scf
    1197             : 
    1198             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1199             : !> \brief perform cleanup operations for cdft_control
    1200             : !> \param cdft_control container for the external CDFT SCF loop variables
    1201             : !> \par History
    1202             : !>      12.2015 created [Nico Holmberg]
    1203             : !> \author Nico Holmberg
    1204             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1205         326 :    SUBROUTINE cdft_control_cleanup(cdft_control)
    1206             :       TYPE(cdft_control_type), POINTER                   :: cdft_control
    1207             : 
    1208         326 :       IF (ASSOCIATED(cdft_control%constraint%variables)) &
    1209         326 :          DEALLOCATE (cdft_control%constraint%variables)
    1210         326 :       IF (ASSOCIATED(cdft_control%constraint%count)) &
    1211         326 :          DEALLOCATE (cdft_control%constraint%count)
    1212         326 :       IF (ASSOCIATED(cdft_control%constraint%gradient)) &
    1213         326 :          DEALLOCATE (cdft_control%constraint%gradient)
    1214         326 :       IF (ASSOCIATED(cdft_control%constraint%energy)) &
    1215         326 :          DEALLOCATE (cdft_control%constraint%energy)
    1216         326 :       IF (ASSOCIATED(cdft_control%constraint%inv_jacobian) .AND. &
    1217             :           cdft_control%constraint%deallocate_jacobian) &
    1218           4 :          DEALLOCATE (cdft_control%constraint%inv_jacobian)
    1219             : 
    1220         326 :    END SUBROUTINE cdft_control_cleanup
    1221             : 
    1222             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1223             : !> \brief Calculates the finite difference inverse Jacobian
    1224             : !> \param qs_env the qs_environment_type where to compute the Jacobian
    1225             : !> \par History
    1226             : !>      01.2017 created [Nico Holmberg]
    1227             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1228         186 :    SUBROUTINE qs_calculate_inverse_jacobian(qs_env)
    1229             :       TYPE(qs_environment_type), POINTER                 :: qs_env
    1230             : 
    1231             :       CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'qs_calculate_inverse_jacobian'
    1232             : 
    1233             :       CHARACTER(len=default_path_length)                 :: project_name
    1234             :       INTEGER                                            :: counter, handle, i, ispin, iter_count, &
    1235             :                                                             iwork, j, max_scf, nspins, nsteps, &
    1236             :                                                             nvar, nwork, output_unit, pwork, &
    1237             :                                                             tsteps, twork
    1238             :       LOGICAL                                            :: converged, explicit_jacobian, &
    1239             :                                                             should_build, should_stop, &
    1240             :                                                             use_md_history
    1241             :       REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: inv_error, step_size
    1242         186 :       REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)           :: coeff, dh, step_multiplier
    1243         186 :       REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :)        :: jacobian
    1244         186 :       REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER               :: energy
    1245         186 :       REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER            :: gradient, inv_jacobian
    1246             :       TYPE(cdft_control_type), POINTER                   :: cdft_control
    1247             :       TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER                      :: logger, tmp_logger
    1248         186 :       TYPE(dbcsr_p_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER          :: p_rmpv
    1249         186 :       TYPE(dbcsr_p_type), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER       :: rho_ao_kp
    1250             :       TYPE(dft_control_type), POINTER                    :: dft_control
    1251         186 :       TYPE(mo_set_type), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)       :: mos_stashed
    1252         186 :       TYPE(mo_set_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER           :: mos
    1253             :       TYPE(mp_para_env_type), POINTER                    :: para_env
    1254             :       TYPE(qs_energy_type), POINTER                      :: energy_qs
    1255             :       TYPE(qs_ks_env_type), POINTER                      :: ks_env
    1256             :       TYPE(qs_rho_type), POINTER                         :: rho
    1257             :       TYPE(qs_scf_env_type), POINTER                     :: scf_env
    1258             :       TYPE(scf_control_type), POINTER                    :: scf_control
    1259             : 
    1260         186 :       NULLIFY (energy, gradient, p_rmpv, rho_ao_kp, mos, rho, &
    1261         186 :                ks_env, scf_env, scf_control, dft_control, cdft_control, &
    1262         186 :                inv_jacobian, para_env, tmp_logger, energy_qs)
    1263         372 :       logger => cp_get_default_logger()
    1264             : 
    1265         186 :       CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(qs_env))
    1266             :       CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, scf_env=scf_env, ks_env=ks_env, &
    1267             :                       scf_control=scf_control, mos=mos, rho=rho, &
    1268             :                       dft_control=dft_control, &
    1269         186 :                       para_env=para_env, energy=energy_qs)
    1270         186 :       explicit_jacobian = .FALSE.
    1271         186 :       should_build = .FALSE.
    1272         186 :       use_md_history = .FALSE.
    1273         186 :       iter_count = scf_env%outer_scf%iter_count
    1274             :       ! Quick exit if optimizer does not require Jacobian
    1275         186 :       IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(scf_control%outer_scf%cdft_opt_control)) RETURN
    1276             :       ! Check if Jacobian should be calculated and initialize
    1277         118 :       CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
    1278         118 :       CALL initialize_inverse_jacobian(scf_control, scf_env, explicit_jacobian, should_build, used_history)
    1279         118 :       IF (scf_control%outer_scf%cdft_opt_control%jacobian_restart) THEN
    1280             :          ! Restart from previously calculated inverse Jacobian
    1281           6 :          should_build = .FALSE.
    1282           6 :          CALL restart_inverse_jacobian(qs_env)
    1283             :       END IF
    1284         118 :       IF (should_build) THEN
    1285          78 :          scf_env%outer_scf%deallocate_jacobian = .FALSE.
    1286             :          ! Actually need to (re)build the Jacobian
    1287          78 :          IF (explicit_jacobian) THEN
    1288             :             ! Build Jacobian with finite differences
    1289          62 :             cdft_control => dft_control%qs_control%cdft_control
    1290          62 :             IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(cdft_control)) &
    1291             :                CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, &
    1292             :                              "Optimizers that need the explicit Jacobian can"// &
    1293           0 :                              " only be used together with a valid CDFT constraint.")
    1294             :             ! Redirect output from Jacobian calculation to a new file by creating a temporary logger
    1295          62 :             project_name = logger%iter_info%project_name
    1296          62 :             CALL create_tmp_logger(para_env, project_name, "-JacobianInfo.out", output_unit, tmp_logger)
    1297             :             ! Save last converged state so we can roll back to it (mo_coeff and some outer_loop variables)
    1298          62 :             nspins = dft_control%nspins
    1299         310 :             ALLOCATE (mos_stashed(nspins))
    1300         186 :             DO ispin = 1, nspins
    1301         186 :                CALL duplicate_mo_set(mos_stashed(ispin), mos(ispin))
    1302             :             END DO
    1303          62 :             CALL qs_rho_get(rho, rho_ao_kp=rho_ao_kp)
    1304          62 :             p_rmpv => rho_ao_kp(:, 1)
    1305             :             ! Allocate work
    1306          62 :             nvar = SIZE(scf_env%outer_scf%variables, 1)
    1307          62 :             max_scf = scf_control%outer_scf%max_scf + 1
    1308         248 :             ALLOCATE (gradient(nvar, max_scf))
    1309        1310 :             gradient = scf_env%outer_scf%gradient
    1310         186 :             ALLOCATE (energy(max_scf))
    1311         594 :             energy = scf_env%outer_scf%energy
    1312         248 :             ALLOCATE (jacobian(nvar, nvar))
    1313         282 :             jacobian = 0.0_dp
    1314          62 :             nsteps = cdft_control%total_steps
    1315             :             ! Setup finite difference scheme
    1316          62 :             CALL prepare_jacobian_stencil(qs_env, output_unit, nwork, pwork, coeff, step_multiplier, dh)
    1317          62 :             twork = pwork - nwork
    1318         148 :             DO i = 1, nvar
    1319         282 :                jacobian(i, :) = coeff(0)*scf_env%outer_scf%gradient(i, iter_count)
    1320             :             END DO
    1321             :             ! Calculate the Jacobian by perturbing each Lagrangian and recalculating the energy self-consistently
    1322          62 :             CALL cp_add_default_logger(tmp_logger)
    1323         148 :             DO i = 1, nvar
    1324          86 :                IF (output_unit > 0) THEN
    1325          43 :                   WRITE (output_unit, FMT="(A)") " "
    1326          43 :                   WRITE (output_unit, FMT="(A)") " #####################################"
    1327             :                   WRITE (output_unit, '(A,I3,A,I3,A)') &
    1328          43 :                      " ###  Constraint        ", i, " of ", nvar, " ###"
    1329          43 :                   WRITE (output_unit, FMT="(A)") " #####################################"
    1330             :                END IF
    1331          86 :                counter = 0
    1332         332 :                DO iwork = nwork, pwork
    1333         184 :                   IF (iwork == 0) CYCLE
    1334          98 :                   counter = counter + 1
    1335          98 :                   IF (output_unit > 0) THEN
    1336          49 :                      WRITE (output_unit, FMT="(A)") " #####################################"
    1337             :                      WRITE (output_unit, '(A,I3,A,I3,A)') &
    1338          49 :                         " ###  Energy evaluation ", counter, " of ", twork, " ###"
    1339          49 :                      WRITE (output_unit, FMT="(A)") " #####################################"
    1340             :                   END IF
    1341          98 :                   IF (SIZE(scf_control%outer_scf%cdft_opt_control%jacobian_step) == 1) THEN
    1342          90 :                      step_size = scf_control%outer_scf%cdft_opt_control%jacobian_step(1)
    1343             :                   ELSE
    1344           8 :                      step_size = scf_control%outer_scf%cdft_opt_control%jacobian_step(i)
    1345             :                   END IF
    1346         244 :                   scf_env%outer_scf%variables(:, iter_count + 1) = scf_env%outer_scf%variables(:, iter_count)
    1347             :                   scf_env%outer_scf%variables(i, iter_count + 1) = scf_env%outer_scf%variables(i, iter_count) + &
    1348          98 :                                                                    step_multiplier(iwork)*step_size
    1349          98 :                   CALL outer_loop_update_qs_env(qs_env, scf_env)
    1350          98 :                   CALL qs_ks_did_change(ks_env, potential_changed=.TRUE.)
    1351          98 :                   CALL outer_loop_switch(scf_env, scf_control, cdft_control, cdft2ot)
    1352             :                   CALL scf_env_do_scf(scf_env=scf_env, scf_control=scf_control, qs_env=qs_env, &
    1353          98 :                                       converged=converged, should_stop=should_stop, total_scf_steps=tsteps)
    1354          98 :                   CALL outer_loop_switch(scf_env, scf_control, cdft_control, ot2cdft)
    1355             :                   ! Update (iter_count + 1) element of gradient and print constraint info
    1356          98 :                   scf_env%outer_scf%iter_count = scf_env%outer_scf%iter_count + 1
    1357          98 :                   CALL outer_loop_gradient(qs_env, scf_env)
    1358             :                   CALL qs_scf_cdft_info(output_unit, scf_control, scf_env, cdft_control, &
    1359             :                                         energy_qs, cdft_control%total_steps, &
    1360          98 :                                         should_stop=.FALSE., outer_loop_converged=.FALSE., cdft_loop=.FALSE.)
    1361          98 :                   scf_env%outer_scf%iter_count = scf_env%outer_scf%iter_count - 1
    1362             :                   ! Update Jacobian
    1363         244 :                   DO j = 1, nvar
    1364         244 :                      jacobian(j, i) = jacobian(j, i) + coeff(iwork)*scf_env%outer_scf%gradient(j, iter_count + 1)
    1365             :                   END DO
    1366             :                   ! Reset everything to last converged state
    1367         244 :                   scf_env%outer_scf%variables(:, iter_count + 1) = 0.0_dp
    1368        2026 :                   scf_env%outer_scf%gradient = gradient
    1369         878 :                   scf_env%outer_scf%energy = energy
    1370          98 :                   cdft_control%total_steps = nsteps
    1371         294 :                   DO ispin = 1, nspins
    1372         196 :                      CALL deallocate_mo_set(mos(ispin))
    1373         196 :                      CALL duplicate_mo_set(mos(ispin), mos_stashed(ispin))
    1374             :                      CALL calculate_density_matrix(mos(ispin), &
    1375         294 :                                                    p_rmpv(ispin)%matrix)
    1376             :                   END DO
    1377          98 :                   CALL qs_rho_update_rho(rho, qs_env=qs_env)
    1378         368 :                   CALL qs_ks_did_change(qs_env%ks_env, rho_changed=.TRUE.)
    1379             :                END DO
    1380             :             END DO
    1381          62 :             CALL cp_rm_default_logger()
    1382          62 :             CALL cp_logger_release(tmp_logger)
    1383             :             ! Finalize and invert Jacobian
    1384         148 :             DO j = 1, nvar
    1385         282 :                DO i = 1, nvar
    1386         220 :                   jacobian(i, j) = jacobian(i, j)/dh(j)
    1387             :                END DO
    1388             :             END DO
    1389          62 :             IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(scf_env%outer_scf%inv_jacobian)) &
    1390         102 :                ALLOCATE (scf_env%outer_scf%inv_jacobian(nvar, nvar))
    1391          62 :             inv_jacobian => scf_env%outer_scf%inv_jacobian
    1392          62 :             CALL invert_matrix(jacobian, inv_jacobian, inv_error)
    1393          62 :             scf_control%outer_scf%cdft_opt_control%broyden_update = .FALSE.
    1394             :             ! Release temporary storage
    1395         186 :             DO ispin = 1, nspins
    1396         186 :                CALL deallocate_mo_set(mos_stashed(ispin))
    1397             :             END DO
    1398          62 :             DEALLOCATE (mos_stashed, jacobian, gradient, energy, coeff, step_multiplier, dh)
    1399         186 :             IF (output_unit > 0) THEN
    1400             :                WRITE (output_unit, FMT="(/,A)") &
    1401          31 :                   " ================================== JACOBIAN CALCULATED =================================="
    1402          31 :                CALL close_file(unit_number=output_unit)
    1403             :             END IF
    1404             :          ELSE
    1405             :             ! Build a strictly diagonal Jacobian from history and invert it
    1406          16 :             CALL build_diagonal_jacobian(qs_env, used_history)
    1407             :          END IF
    1408             :       END IF
    1409         118 :       IF (ASSOCIATED(scf_env%outer_scf%inv_jacobian) .AND. para_env%is_source()) THEN
    1410             :          ! Write restart file for inverse Jacobian
    1411          55 :          CALL print_inverse_jacobian(logger, scf_env%outer_scf%inv_jacobian, iter_count)
    1412             :       END IF
    1413             :       ! Update counter
    1414         118 :       scf_control%outer_scf%cdft_opt_control%ijacobian(1) = scf_control%outer_scf%cdft_opt_control%ijacobian(1) + 1
    1415         118 :       CALL timestop(handle)
    1416             : 
    1417         372 :    END SUBROUTINE qs_calculate_inverse_jacobian
    1418             : 
    1419             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1420             : !> \brief Perform backtracking line search to find the optimal step size for the CDFT constraint
    1421             : !>        optimizer. Assumes that the CDFT gradient function is a smooth function of the constraint
    1422             : !>        variables.
    1423             : !> \param qs_env the qs_environment_type where to perform the line search
    1424             : !> \par History
    1425             : !>      02.2017 created [Nico Holmberg]
    1426             : ! **************************************************************************************************
    1427         186 :    SUBROUTINE qs_cdft_line_search(qs_env)
    1428             :       TYPE(qs_environment_type), POINTER                 :: qs_env
    1429             : 
    1430             :       CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'qs_cdft_line_search'
    1431             : 
    1432             :       CHARACTER(len=default_path_length)                 :: project_name
    1433             :       INTEGER                                            :: handle, i, ispin, iter_count, &
    1434             :                                                             max_linesearch, max_scf, nspins, &
    1435             :                                                             nsteps, nvar, output_unit, tsteps
    1436             :       LOGICAL :: continue_ls, continue_ls_exit, converged, do_linesearch, found_solution, &
    1437             :          reached_maxls, should_exit, should_stop, sign_changed
    1438         186 :       LOGICAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)                 :: positive_sign
    1439             :       REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: alpha, alpha_ls, factor, norm_ls
    1440         186 :       REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER               :: energy
    1441         186 :       REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER            :: gradient, inv_jacobian
    1442             :       REAL(KIND=dp), EXTERNAL                            :: dnrm2
    1443             :       TYPE(cdft_control_type), POINTER                   :: cdft_control
    1444             :       TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER                      :: logger, tmp_logger
    1445         186 :       TYPE(dbcsr_p_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER          :: p_rmpv
    1446         186 :       TYPE(dbcsr_p_type), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER       :: rho_ao_kp
    1447             :       TYPE(dft_control_type), POINTER                    :: dft_control
    1448         186 :       TYPE(mo_set_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER           :: mos
    1449             :       TYPE(mp_para_env_type), POINTER                    :: para_env
    1450             :       TYPE(qs_energy_type), POINTER                      :: energy_qs
    1451             :       TYPE(qs_ks_env_type), POINTER                      :: ks_env
    1452             :       TYPE(qs_rho_type), POINTER                         :: rho
    1453             :       TYPE(qs_scf_env_type), POINTER                     :: scf_env
    1454             :       TYPE(scf_control_type), POINTER                    :: scf_control
    1455             : 
    1456         186 :       CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
    1457             : 
    1458         186 :       NULLIFY (energy, gradient, p_rmpv, rho_ao_kp, mos, rho, &
    1459         186 :                ks_env, scf_env, scf_control, dft_control, &
    1460         186 :                cdft_control, inv_jacobian, para_env, &
    1461         186 :                tmp_logger, energy_qs)
    1462         186 :       logger => cp_get_default_logger()
    1463             : 
    1464         186 :       CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(qs_env))
    1465             :       CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, scf_env=scf_env, ks_env=ks_env, &
    1466             :                       scf_control=scf_control, mos=mos, rho=rho, &
    1467             :                       dft_control=dft_control, &
    1468         186 :                       para_env=para_env, energy=energy_qs)
    1469         186 :       do_linesearch = .FALSE.
    1470         186 :       SELECT CASE (scf_control%outer_scf%optimizer)
    1471             :       CASE DEFAULT
    1472             :          do_linesearch = .FALSE.
    1473             :       CASE (outer_scf_optimizer_newton_ls)
    1474          24 :          do_linesearch = .TRUE.
    1475             :       CASE (outer_scf_optimizer_broyden)
    1476         186 :          SELECT CASE (scf_control%outer_scf%cdft_opt_control%broyden_type)
    1477             :          CASE (broyden_type_1, broyden_type_2, broyden_type_1_explicit, broyden_type_2_explicit)
    1478           0 :             do_linesearch = .FALSE.
    1479             :          CASE (broyden_type_1_ls, broyden_type_1_explicit_ls, broyden_type_2_ls, broyden_type_2_explicit_ls)
    1480           0 :             cdft_control => dft_control%qs_control%cdft_control
    1481           0 :             IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(cdft_control)) &
    1482             :                CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, &
    1483             :                              "Optimizers that perform a line search can"// &
    1484           0 :                              " only be used together with a valid CDFT constraint")
    1485           0 :             IF (ASSOCIATED(scf_env%outer_scf%inv_jacobian)) &
    1486             :                do_linesearch = .TRUE.
    1487             :          END SELECT
    1488             :       END SELECT
    1489             :       IF (do_linesearch) THEN
    1490           8 :          BLOCK
    1491           8 :             TYPE(mo_set_type), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: mos_ls, mos_stashed
    1492           8 :             cdft_control => dft_control%qs_control%cdft_control
    1493           8 :             IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(cdft_control)) &
    1494             :                CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, &
    1495             :                              "Optimizers that perform a line search can"// &
    1496           0 :                              " only be used together with a valid CDFT constraint")
    1497           8 :             CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(scf_env%outer_scf%inv_jacobian))
    1498           8 :             CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(scf_control%outer_scf%cdft_opt_control))
    1499           8 :             alpha = scf_control%outer_scf%cdft_opt_control%newton_step_save
    1500           8 :             iter_count = scf_env%outer_scf%iter_count
    1501             :             ! Redirect output from line search procedure to a new file by creating a temporary logger
    1502           8 :             project_name = logger%iter_info%project_name
    1503           8 :             CALL create_tmp_logger(para_env, project_name, "-LineSearch.out", output_unit, tmp_logger)
    1504             :             ! Save last converged state so we can roll back to it (mo_coeff and some outer_loop variables)
    1505           8 :             nspins = dft_control%nspins
    1506          40 :             ALLOCATE (mos_stashed(nspins))
    1507          24 :             DO ispin = 1, nspins
    1508          24 :                CALL duplicate_mo_set(mos_stashed(ispin), mos(ispin))
    1509             :             END DO
    1510           8 :             CALL qs_rho_get(rho, rho_ao_kp=rho_ao_kp)
    1511           8 :             p_rmpv => rho_ao_kp(:, 1)
    1512           8 :             nsteps = cdft_control%total_steps
    1513             :             ! Allocate work
    1514           8 :             nvar = SIZE(scf_env%outer_scf%variables, 1)
    1515           8 :             max_scf = scf_control%outer_scf%max_scf + 1
    1516           8 :             max_linesearch = scf_control%outer_scf%cdft_opt_control%max_ls
    1517           8 :             continue_ls = scf_control%outer_scf%cdft_opt_control%continue_ls
    1518           8 :             factor = scf_control%outer_scf%cdft_opt_control%factor_ls
    1519           8 :             continue_ls_exit = .FALSE.
    1520           8 :             found_solution = .FALSE.
    1521          32 :             ALLOCATE (gradient(nvar, max_scf))
    1522         104 :             gradient = scf_env%outer_scf%gradient
    1523          24 :             ALLOCATE (energy(max_scf))
    1524          56 :             energy = scf_env%outer_scf%energy
    1525           8 :             reached_maxls = .FALSE.
    1526             :             ! Broyden optimizers: perform update of inv_jacobian if necessary
    1527           8 :             IF (scf_control%outer_scf%cdft_opt_control%broyden_update) THEN
    1528           0 :                CALL outer_loop_optimize(scf_env, scf_control)
    1529             :                ! Reset the variables and prevent a reupdate of inv_jacobian
    1530           0 :                scf_env%outer_scf%variables(:, iter_count + 1) = 0
    1531           0 :                scf_control%outer_scf%cdft_opt_control%broyden_update = .FALSE.
    1532             :             END IF
    1533             :             ! Print some info
    1534           8 :             IF (output_unit > 0) THEN
    1535             :                WRITE (output_unit, FMT="(/,A)") &
    1536           4 :                   " ================================== LINE SEARCH STARTED  =================================="
    1537             :                WRITE (output_unit, FMT="(A,I5,A)") &
    1538           4 :                   " Evaluating optimal step size for optimizer using a maximum of", max_linesearch, " steps"
    1539           4 :                IF (continue_ls) THEN
    1540             :                   WRITE (output_unit, FMT="(A)") &
    1541           2 :                      " Line search continues until best step size is found or max steps are reached"
    1542             :                END IF
    1543             :                WRITE (output_unit, '(/,A,F5.3)') &
    1544           4 :                   " Initial step size: ", alpha
    1545             :                WRITE (output_unit, '(/,A,F5.3)') &
    1546           4 :                   " Step size update factor: ", factor
    1547             :                WRITE (output_unit, '(/,A,I10,A,I10)') &
    1548           4 :                   " Energy evaluation: ", cdft_control%ienergy, ", CDFT SCF iteration: ", iter_count
    1549             :             END IF
    1550             :             ! Perform backtracking line search
    1551           8 :             CALL cp_add_default_logger(tmp_logger)
    1552          16 :             DO i = 1, max_linesearch
    1553          16 :                IF (output_unit > 0) THEN
    1554           8 :                   WRITE (output_unit, FMT="(A)") " "
    1555           8 :                   WRITE (output_unit, FMT="(A)") " #####################################"
    1556             :                   WRITE (output_unit, '(A,I10,A)') &
    1557           8 :                      " ###  Line search step: ", i, " ###"
    1558           8 :                   WRITE (output_unit, FMT="(A)") " #####################################"
    1559             :                END IF
    1560          16 :                inv_jacobian => scf_env%outer_scf%inv_jacobian
    1561             :                ! Newton update of CDFT variables with a step size of alpha
    1562             :                scf_env%outer_scf%variables(:, iter_count + 1) = scf_env%outer_scf%variables(:, iter_count) - alpha* &
    1563         144 :                                                                 MATMUL(inv_jacobian, scf_env%outer_scf%gradient(:, iter_count))
    1564             :                ! With updated CDFT variables, perform SCF
    1565          16 :                CALL outer_loop_update_qs_env(qs_env, scf_env)
    1566          16 :                CALL qs_ks_did_change(ks_env, potential_changed=.TRUE.)
    1567          16 :                CALL outer_loop_switch(scf_env, scf_control, cdft_control, cdft2ot)
    1568             :                CALL scf_env_do_scf(scf_env=scf_env, scf_control=scf_control, qs_env=qs_env, &
    1569          16 :                                    converged=converged, should_stop=should_stop, total_scf_steps=tsteps)
    1570          16 :                CALL outer_loop_switch(scf_env, scf_control, cdft_control, ot2cdft)
    1571             :                ! Update (iter_count + 1) element of gradient and print constraint info
    1572          16 :                scf_env%outer_scf%iter_count = scf_env%outer_scf%iter_count + 1
    1573          16 :                CALL outer_loop_gradient(qs_env, scf_env)
    1574             :                CALL qs_scf_cdft_info(output_unit, scf_control, scf_env, cdft_control, &
    1575             :                                      energy_qs, cdft_control%total_steps, &
    1576          16 :                                      should_stop=.FALSE., outer_loop_converged=.FALSE., cdft_loop=.FALSE.)
    1577          16 :                scf_env%outer_scf%iter_count = scf_env%outer_scf%iter_count - 1
    1578             :                ! Store sign of initial gradient for each variable for continue_ls
    1579          16 :                IF (continue_ls .AND. .NOT. ALLOCATED(positive_sign)) THEN
    1580          12 :                   ALLOCATE (positive_sign(nvar))
    1581           8 :                   DO ispin = 1, nvar
    1582           8 :                      positive_sign(ispin) = scf_env%outer_scf%gradient(ispin, iter_count + 1) .GE. 0.0_dp
    1583             :                   END DO
    1584             :                END IF
    1585             :                ! Check if the L2 norm of the gradient decreased
    1586          16 :                inv_jacobian => scf_env%outer_scf%inv_jacobian
    1587          16 :                IF (dnrm2(nvar, scf_env%outer_scf%gradient(:, iter_count + 1), 1) .LT. &
    1588             :                    dnrm2(nvar, scf_env%outer_scf%gradient(:, iter_count), 1)) THEN
    1589             :                   ! Optimal step size found
    1590          14 :                   IF (.NOT. continue_ls) THEN
    1591             :                      should_exit = .TRUE.
    1592             :                   ELSE
    1593             :                      ! But line search continues for at least one more iteration in an attempt to find a better solution
    1594             :                      ! if max number of steps is not exceeded
    1595          10 :                      IF (found_solution) THEN
    1596             :                         ! Check if the norm also decreased w.r.t. to previously found solution
    1597           6 :                         IF (dnrm2(nvar, scf_env%outer_scf%gradient(:, iter_count + 1), 1) .GT. norm_ls) THEN
    1598             :                            ! Norm increased => accept previous solution and exit
    1599             :                            continue_ls_exit = .TRUE.
    1600             :                         END IF
    1601             :                      END IF
    1602             :                      ! Store current state and the value of alpha
    1603          10 :                      IF (.NOT. continue_ls_exit) THEN
    1604          10 :                         should_exit = .FALSE.
    1605          10 :                         alpha_ls = alpha
    1606          10 :                         found_solution = .TRUE.
    1607          10 :                         norm_ls = dnrm2(nvar, scf_env%outer_scf%gradient(:, iter_count + 1), 1)
    1608             :                         ! Check if the sign of the gradient has changed for all variables (w.r.t initial gradient)
    1609             :                         ! In this case we should exit because further line search steps will just increase the norm
    1610          10 :                         sign_changed = .TRUE.
    1611          20 :                         DO ispin = 1, nvar
    1612             :                            sign_changed = sign_changed .AND. (positive_sign(ispin) .NEQV. &
    1613          28 :                                                               scf_env%outer_scf%gradient(ispin, iter_count + 1) .GE. 0.0_dp)
    1614             :                         END DO
    1615          10 :                         IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED(mos_ls)) THEN
    1616          16 :                            ALLOCATE (mos_ls(nspins))
    1617             :                         ELSE
    1618          18 :                            DO ispin = 1, nspins
    1619          18 :                               CALL deallocate_mo_set(mos_ls(ispin))
    1620             :                            END DO
    1621             :                         END IF
    1622          30 :                         DO ispin = 1, nspins
    1623          30 :                            CALL duplicate_mo_set(mos_ls(ispin), mos(ispin))
    1624             :                         END DO
    1625          10 :                         alpha = alpha*factor
    1626             :                         ! Exit on last iteration
    1627          10 :                         IF (i == max_linesearch) continue_ls_exit = .TRUE.
    1628             :                         ! Exit if constraint target is satisfied to requested tolerance
    1629          30 :                         IF (SQRT(MAXVAL(scf_env%outer_scf%gradient(:, scf_env%outer_scf%iter_count + 1)**2)) .LT. &
    1630             :                             scf_control%outer_scf%eps_scf) &
    1631           2 :                            continue_ls_exit = .TRUE.
    1632             :                         ! Exit if line search jumped over the optimal step length
    1633          10 :                         IF (sign_changed) continue_ls_exit = .TRUE.
    1634             :                      END IF
    1635             :                   END IF
    1636             :                ELSE
    1637             :                   ! Gradient increased => alpha is too large (if the gradient function is smooth)
    1638           2 :                   should_exit = .FALSE.
    1639             :                   ! Update alpha using Armijo's scheme
    1640           2 :                   alpha = alpha*factor
    1641             :                END IF
    1642          16 :                IF (continue_ls_exit) THEN
    1643             :                   ! Continuation of line search did not yield a better alpha, use previously located solution and exit
    1644           4 :                   alpha = alpha_ls
    1645          12 :                   DO ispin = 1, nspins
    1646           8 :                      CALL deallocate_mo_set(mos(ispin))
    1647           8 :                      CALL duplicate_mo_set(mos(ispin), mos_ls(ispin))
    1648             :                      CALL calculate_density_matrix(mos(ispin), &
    1649           8 :                                                    p_rmpv(ispin)%matrix)
    1650          12 :                      CALL deallocate_mo_set(mos_ls(ispin))
    1651             :                   END DO
    1652           4 :                   CALL qs_rho_update_rho(rho, qs_env=qs_env)
    1653           4 :                   CALL qs_ks_did_change(qs_env%ks_env, rho_changed=.TRUE.)
    1654           4 :                   DEALLOCATE (mos_ls)
    1655             :                   should_exit = .TRUE.
    1656             :                END IF
    1657             :                ! Reached max steps and SCF converged: continue with last iterated step size
    1658          12 :                IF (.NOT. should_exit .AND. &
    1659             :                    (i == max_linesearch .AND. converged .AND. .NOT. found_solution)) THEN
    1660           0 :                   should_exit = .TRUE.
    1661           0 :                   reached_maxls = .TRUE.
    1662           0 :                   alpha = alpha*(1.0_dp/factor)
    1663             :                END IF
    1664             :                ! Reset outer SCF environment to last converged state
    1665          32 :                scf_env%outer_scf%variables(:, iter_count + 1) = 0.0_dp
    1666         208 :                scf_env%outer_scf%gradient = gradient
    1667         112 :                scf_env%outer_scf%energy = energy
    1668             :                ! Exit line search if a suitable step size was found
    1669          16 :                IF (should_exit) EXIT
    1670             :                ! Reset the electronic structure
    1671           8 :                cdft_control%total_steps = nsteps
    1672          24 :                DO ispin = 1, nspins
    1673          16 :                   CALL deallocate_mo_set(mos(ispin))
    1674          16 :                   CALL duplicate_mo_set(mos(ispin), mos_stashed(ispin))
    1675             :                   CALL calculate_density_matrix(mos(ispin), &
    1676          24 :                                                 p_rmpv(ispin)%matrix)
    1677             :                END DO
    1678           8 :                CALL qs_rho_update_rho(rho, qs_env=qs_env)
    1679          24 :                CALL qs_ks_did_change(qs_env%ks_env, rho_changed=.TRUE.)
    1680             :             END DO
    1681           8 :             scf_control%outer_scf%cdft_opt_control%newton_step = alpha
    1682           8 :             IF (.NOT. should_exit) THEN
    1683             :                CALL cp_warn(__LOCATION__, &
    1684           0 :                             "Line search did not converge. CDFT SCF proceeds with fixed step size.")
    1685           0 :                scf_control%outer_scf%cdft_opt_control%newton_step = scf_control%outer_scf%cdft_opt_control%newton_step_save
    1686             :             END IF
    1687           8 :             IF (reached_maxls) &
    1688             :                CALL cp_warn(__LOCATION__, &
    1689           0 :                             "Line search did not converge. CDFT SCF proceeds with lasted iterated step size.")
    1690           8 :             CALL cp_rm_default_logger()
    1691           8 :             CALL cp_logger_release(tmp_logger)
    1692             :             ! Release temporary storage
    1693          24 :             DO ispin = 1, nspins
    1694          24 :                CALL deallocate_mo_set(mos_stashed(ispin))
    1695             :             END DO
    1696           8 :             DEALLOCATE (mos_stashed, gradient, energy)
    1697           8 :             IF (ALLOCATED(positive_sign)) DEALLOCATE (positive_sign)
    1698          20 :             IF (output_unit > 0) THEN
    1699             :                WRITE (output_unit, FMT="(/,A)") &
    1700           4 :                   " ================================== LINE SEARCH COMPLETE =================================="
    1701           4 :                CALL close_file(unit_number=output_unit)
    1702             :             END IF
    1703             :          END BLOCK
    1704             :       END IF
    1705             : 
    1706         186 :       CALL timestop(handle)
    1707             : 
    1708         186 :    END SUBROUTINE qs_cdft_line_search
    1709             : 
    1710          16 : END MODULE qs_scf

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