LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src - semi_empirical_expns3_methods.F (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: CP2K Regtests (git:2fce0f8) Lines: 3 102 2.9 %
Date: 2024-12-21 06:28:57 Functions: 1 2 50.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
       2             : !   CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations                              !
       3             : !   Copyright 2000-2024 CP2K developers group <>                                   !
       4             : !                                                                                                  !
       5             : !   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later                                                      !
       6             : !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
       7             : 
       8             : ! **************************************************************************************************
       9             : !> \brief Methods for handling the 1/R^3 residual integral part
      10             : !> \author Teodoro Laino (12.2008) [tlaino]
      11             : ! **************************************************************************************************
      12             : MODULE semi_empirical_expns3_methods
      13             :    USE cp_control_types,                ONLY: semi_empirical_control_type
      14             :    USE input_constants,                 ONLY: do_method_undef
      15             :    USE kinds,                           ONLY: dp
      16             :    USE qs_kind_types,                   ONLY: get_qs_kind,&
      17             :                                               qs_kind_type
      18             :    USE semi_empirical_expns3_types,     ONLY: semi_empirical_expns3_create
      19             :    USE semi_empirical_int3_utils,       ONLY: coeff_int_3,&
      20             :                                               ijkl_low_3
      21             :    USE semi_empirical_int_arrays,       ONLY: indexa,&
      22             :                                               l_index
      23             :    USE semi_empirical_types,            ONLY: semi_empirical_type
      24             :    USE semi_empirical_utils,            ONLY: get_se_type
      25             : #include "./base/base_uses.f90"
      26             : 
      27             :    IMPLICIT NONE
      28             :    PRIVATE
      29             :    LOGICAL, PARAMETER, PRIVATE          :: debug_this_module = .FALSE.
      30             :    CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'semi_empirical_expns3_methods'
      31             : 
      32             :    PUBLIC :: semi_empirical_expns3_setup
      33             : 
      34             : CONTAINS
      35             : ! **************************************************************************************************
      36             : !> \brief Setup the quantity necessary to handle the slowly convergent
      37             : !>        residual integral term 1/R^3
      38             : !>
      39             : !> \param qs_kind_set ...
      40             : !> \param se_control ...
      41             : !> \param method_id ...
      42             : !> \date 12.2008 [tlaino]
      43             : !> \author Teodoro Laino [tlaino]
      44             : ! **************************************************************************************************
      45          32 :    SUBROUTINE semi_empirical_expns3_setup(qs_kind_set, se_control, method_id)
      46             :       TYPE(qs_kind_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER          :: qs_kind_set
      47             :       TYPE(semi_empirical_control_type), POINTER         :: se_control
      48             :       INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: method_id
      49             : 
      50             :       INTEGER                                            :: i, itype, j, nkinds
      51             :       LOGICAL                                            :: check
      52             :       TYPE(semi_empirical_type), POINTER                 :: sepi, sepj
      53             : 
      54          32 :       IF (se_control%do_ewald_r3) THEN
      55           0 :          NULLIFY (sepi, sepj)
      56           0 :          nkinds = SIZE(qs_kind_set)
      57           0 :          DO i = 1, nkinds
      58           0 :             CALL get_qs_kind(qs_kind_set(i), se_parameter=sepi)
      59           0 :             check = .NOT. ASSOCIATED(sepi%expns3_int)
      60           0 :             CPASSERT(check)
      61           0 :             ALLOCATE (sepi%expns3_int(nkinds))
      62           0 :             DO j = 1, nkinds
      63           0 :                NULLIFY (sepi%expns3_int(j)%expns3)
      64           0 :                CALL semi_empirical_expns3_create(sepi%expns3_int(j)%expns3)
      65             :             END DO
      66             :          END DO
      67             : 
      68           0 :          itype = get_se_type(method_id)
      69           0 :          DO i = 1, nkinds
      70           0 :             CALL get_qs_kind(qs_kind_set(i), se_parameter=sepi)
      71           0 :             DO j = 1, nkinds
      72           0 :                CALL get_qs_kind(qs_kind_set(j), se_parameter=sepj)
      73           0 :                CALL setup_c3_coeff(sepi, sepj, i, j, itype)
      74             :             END DO
      75             :          END DO
      76             :       END IF
      77          32 :    END SUBROUTINE semi_empirical_expns3_setup
      78             : 
      79             : ! **************************************************************************************************
      80             : !> \brief For any given semi-empirical pair i,j evaluates the coefficient of
      81             : !>        the integral residual part ( 1/r^3 term )
      82             : !>        The integral expression, unfortunately, does not allow any kind of
      83             : !>        separability. It is, therefore, mandatory to compute this coefficient
      84             : !>        as a pair term, instead of as an atomic quantity.
      85             : !>
      86             : !> \param sepi ...
      87             : !> \param sepj ...
      88             : !> \param ikind ...
      89             : !> \param jkind ...
      90             : !> \param itype ...
      91             : !> \date 12.2008 [tlaino]
      92             : !> \author Teodoro Laino [tlaino]
      93             : ! **************************************************************************************************
      94           0 :    SUBROUTINE setup_c3_coeff(sepi, sepj, ikind, jkind, itype)
      95             :       TYPE(semi_empirical_type), POINTER                 :: sepi, sepj
      96             :       INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: ikind, jkind, itype
      97             : 
      98             :       INTEGER                                            :: i, ij, j, kl, kr, li, lk
      99             :       REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: core_core, e1b(9), e2a(9), r, zi, zj
     100             : 
     101             : ! Set the distance to 0 (the coefficient is anyway independent of the atomic
     102             : ! position)
     103             : 
     104           0 :       r = 0.0_dp
     105             :       ! Nuclei-Nuclei     contribution
     106           0 :       ij = indexa(1, 1)
     107           0 :       zi = -sepi%zeff
     108           0 :       zj = -sepj%zeff
     109           0 :       core_core = ijkl_low_3(sepi, sepj, ij, ij, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, r, itype, coeff_int_3)*zi*zj
     110             : 
     111             :       ! Electron(i)-Nuclei(j)   contribution
     112           0 :       kl = indexa(1, 1)
     113           0 :       e1b(1) = ijkl_low_3(sepi, sepj, kl, ij, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, r, itype, coeff_int_3)*zj
     114           0 :       IF (sepi%natorb > 1) THEN
     115           0 :          kl = indexa(2, 2)
     116           0 :          e1b(2) = ijkl_low_3(sepi, sepj, kl, ij, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, r, itype, coeff_int_3)*zj
     117           0 :          kl = indexa(3, 3)
     118           0 :          e1b(3) = ijkl_low_3(sepi, sepj, kl, ij, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, r, itype, coeff_int_3)*zj
     119           0 :          kl = indexa(4, 4)
     120           0 :          e1b(4) = ijkl_low_3(sepi, sepj, kl, ij, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, r, itype, coeff_int_3)*zj
     121             :          ! Consistency check
     122           0 :          CPASSERT(e1b(2) == e1b(3))
     123           0 :          CPASSERT(e1b(3) == e1b(4))
     124           0 :          IF (sepi%dorb) THEN
     125           0 :             kl = indexa(5, 5)
     126           0 :             e1b(5) = ijkl_low_3(sepi, sepj, kl, ij, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, r, itype, coeff_int_3)*zj
     127           0 :             kl = indexa(6, 6)
     128           0 :             e1b(6) = ijkl_low_3(sepi, sepj, kl, ij, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, r, itype, coeff_int_3)*zj
     129           0 :             kl = indexa(7, 7)
     130           0 :             e1b(7) = ijkl_low_3(sepi, sepj, kl, ij, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, r, itype, coeff_int_3)*zj
     131           0 :             kl = indexa(8, 8)
     132           0 :             e1b(8) = ijkl_low_3(sepi, sepj, kl, ij, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, r, itype, coeff_int_3)*zj
     133           0 :             kl = indexa(9, 9)
     134           0 :             e1b(9) = ijkl_low_3(sepi, sepj, kl, ij, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, r, itype, coeff_int_3)*zj
     135             :             ! Consistency check
     136           0 :             CPASSERT(e1b(5) == e1b(6))
     137           0 :             CPASSERT(e1b(6) == e1b(7))
     138           0 :             CPASSERT(e1b(7) == e1b(8))
     139           0 :             CPASSERT(e1b(8) == e1b(9))
     140             :          END IF
     141             :       END IF
     142             : 
     143             :       ! Electron(j)-Nuclei(i)   contribution
     144           0 :       kl = indexa(1, 1)
     145           0 :       e2a(1) = ijkl_low_3(sepi, sepj, ij, kl, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, r, itype, coeff_int_3)*zi
     146           0 :       IF (sepj%natorb > 1) THEN
     147           0 :          kl = indexa(2, 2)
     148           0 :          e2a(2) = ijkl_low_3(sepi, sepj, ij, kl, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, r, itype, coeff_int_3)*zi
     149           0 :          kl = indexa(3, 3)
     150           0 :          e2a(3) = ijkl_low_3(sepi, sepj, ij, kl, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, r, itype, coeff_int_3)*zi
     151           0 :          kl = indexa(4, 4)
     152           0 :          e2a(4) = ijkl_low_3(sepi, sepj, ij, kl, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, r, itype, coeff_int_3)*zi
     153             :          ! Consistency check
     154           0 :          CPASSERT(e2a(2) == e2a(3))
     155           0 :          CPASSERT(e2a(3) == e2a(4))
     156           0 :          IF (sepj%dorb) THEN
     157           0 :             kl = indexa(5, 5)
     158           0 :             e2a(5) = ijkl_low_3(sepi, sepj, ij, kl, 0, 0, 2, 2, 1, r, itype, coeff_int_3)*zi
     159           0 :             kl = indexa(6, 6)
     160           0 :             e2a(6) = ijkl_low_3(sepi, sepj, ij, kl, 0, 0, 2, 2, 1, r, itype, coeff_int_3)*zi
     161           0 :             kl = indexa(7, 7)
     162           0 :             e2a(7) = ijkl_low_3(sepi, sepj, ij, kl, 0, 0, 2, 2, 1, r, itype, coeff_int_3)*zi
     163           0 :             kl = indexa(8, 8)
     164           0 :             e2a(8) = ijkl_low_3(sepi, sepj, ij, kl, 0, 0, 2, 2, 1, r, itype, coeff_int_3)*zi
     165           0 :             kl = indexa(9, 9)
     166           0 :             e2a(9) = ijkl_low_3(sepi, sepj, ij, kl, 0, 0, 2, 2, 1, r, itype, coeff_int_3)*zi
     167             :             ! Consistency check
     168           0 :             CPASSERT(e2a(5) == e2a(6))
     169           0 :             CPASSERT(e2a(6) == e2a(7))
     170           0 :             CPASSERT(e2a(7) == e2a(8))
     171           0 :             CPASSERT(e2a(8) == e2a(9))
     172             :          END IF
     173             :       END IF
     174             : 
     175             :       ! Copy info into the semi-empirical type (i)
     176           0 :       sepi%expns3_int(jkind)%expns3%core_core = core_core
     177           0 :       sepi%expns3_int(jkind)%expns3%e1b(1:sepi%natorb) = e1b(1:sepi%natorb)
     178           0 :       sepi%expns3_int(jkind)%expns3%e2a(1:sepj%natorb) = e2a(1:sepj%natorb)
     179             :       ! Copy info into the semi-empirical type (j)
     180           0 :       sepj%expns3_int(ikind)%expns3%core_core = core_core
     181           0 :       sepj%expns3_int(ikind)%expns3%e1b(1:sepj%natorb) = e2a(1:sepj%natorb)
     182           0 :       sepj%expns3_int(ikind)%expns3%e2a(1:sepi%natorb) = e1b(1:sepi%natorb)
     183             : 
     184             :       ! Electron-Electron contribution - sepi/sepj
     185           0 :       kr = 0
     186           0 :       DO i = 1, sepi%natorb
     187           0 :          li = l_index(i)
     188           0 :          ij = indexa(i, i)
     189           0 :          DO j = 1, sepj%natorb
     190           0 :             lk = l_index(j)
     191           0 :             kl = indexa(j, j)
     192           0 :             kr = kr + 1
     193             :             sepi%expns3_int(jkind)%expns3%w(kr) = &
     194           0 :                ijkl_low_3(sepi, sepj, ij, kl, li, li, lk, lk, 0, r, do_method_undef, coeff_int_3)
     195             :          END DO
     196             :       END DO
     197             : 
     198             :       ! Electron-Electron contribution - sepj/sepi
     199           0 :       kr = 0
     200           0 :       DO i = 1, sepj%natorb
     201           0 :          li = l_index(i)
     202           0 :          ij = indexa(i, i)
     203           0 :          DO j = 1, sepi%natorb
     204           0 :             lk = l_index(j)
     205           0 :             kl = indexa(j, j)
     206           0 :             kr = kr + 1
     207             :             sepj%expns3_int(ikind)%expns3%w(kr) = &
     208           0 :                ijkl_low_3(sepj, sepi, ij, kl, li, li, lk, lk, 0, r, do_method_undef, coeff_int_3)
     209             :          END DO
     210             :       END DO
     211             : 
     212           0 :    END SUBROUTINE setup_c3_coeff
     213             : 
     214             : END MODULE semi_empirical_expns3_methods

Generated by: LCOV version 1.15