LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/shg_int - generic_shg_integrals_init.F (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: CP2K Regtests (git:b4bd748) Lines: 191 191 100.0 %
Date: 2025-03-09 07:56:22 Functions: 5 5 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
       2             : !   CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations                              !
       3             : !   Copyright 2000-2025 CP2K developers group <>                                   !
       4             : !                                                                                                  !
       5             : !   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later                                                      !
       6             : !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
       7             : 
       8             : ! **************************************************************************************************
       9             : !> \brief Initialization for solid harmonic Gaussian (SHG) integral scheme. Scheme for calculation
      10             : !>        of contracted, spherical Gaussian integrals using the solid harmonics. Initialization of
      11             : !>        the contraction matrices
      12             : !> \par History
      13             : !>      created [08.2016]
      14             : !> \author Dorothea Golze
      15             : ! **************************************************************************************************
      16             : MODULE generic_shg_integrals_init
      17             :    USE basis_set_types,                 ONLY: gto_basis_set_type
      18             :    USE kinds,                           ONLY: dp
      19             :    USE mathconstants,                   ONLY: fac,&
      20             :                                               ifac,&
      21             :                                               pi
      22             :    USE memory_utilities,                ONLY: reallocate
      23             :    USE orbital_pointers,                ONLY: indso,&
      24             :                                               nsoset
      25             :    USE spherical_harmonics,             ONLY: clebsch_gordon,&
      26             :                                               clebsch_gordon_deallocate,&
      27             :                                               clebsch_gordon_init
      28             : #include "../base/base_uses.f90"
      29             : 
      30             :    IMPLICIT NONE
      31             : 
      32             :    PRIVATE
      33             : 
      34             :    CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'generic_shg_integrals_init'
      35             : 
      36             :    PUBLIC :: contraction_matrix_shg, contraction_matrix_shg_mix, contraction_matrix_shg_rx2m, &
      37             :              get_clebsch_gordon_coefficients
      38             : 
      39             : ! **************************************************************************************************
      40             : 
      41             : CONTAINS
      42             : 
      43             : ! **************************************************************************************************
      44             : !> \brief contraction matrix for SHG integrals
      45             : !> \param basis ...
      46             : !> \param scon_shg contraction matrix
      47             : ! **************************************************************************************************
      48     5055944 :    SUBROUTINE contraction_matrix_shg(basis, scon_shg)
      49             : 
      50             :       TYPE(gto_basis_set_type), POINTER                  :: basis
      51             :       REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:, :, :), POINTER         :: scon_shg
      52             : 
      53             :       INTEGER                                            :: ipgf, iset, ishell, l, maxpgf, maxshell, &
      54             :                                                             nset
      55     5055944 :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                     :: npgf, nshell
      56             :       REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: aif, gcc
      57             :       REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :)        :: norm
      58     5055944 :       REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER            :: zet
      59             : 
      60     5055944 :       nset = basis%nset
      61     5055944 :       npgf => basis%npgf
      62     5055944 :       nshell => basis%nshell
      63     5055944 :       zet => basis%zet
      64             : 
      65     5055944 :       maxpgf = SIZE(basis%gcc, 1)
      66     5055944 :       maxshell = SIZE(basis%gcc, 2)
      67    20223776 :       ALLOCATE (norm(basis%nset, maxshell))
      68    25279720 :       ALLOCATE (scon_shg(maxpgf, maxshell, nset))
      69    34210016 :       scon_shg = 0.0_dp
      70             : 
      71     5055944 :       CALL basis_norm_shg(basis, norm)
      72             : 
      73    14770034 :       DO iset = 1, nset
      74    24486782 :          DO ishell = 1, nshell(iset)
      75     9716748 :             l = basis%l(ishell, iset)
      76    29150786 :             DO ipgf = 1, npgf(iset)
      77     9719948 :                aif = 1.0_dp/((2._dp*zet(ipgf, iset))**l)
      78     9719948 :                gcc = basis%gcc(ipgf, ishell, iset)
      79    19436696 :                scon_shg(ipgf, ishell, iset) = norm(iset, ishell)*gcc*aif
      80             :             END DO
      81             :          END DO
      82             :       END DO
      83             : 
      84     5055944 :       DEALLOCATE (norm)
      85             : 
      86     5055944 :    END SUBROUTINE contraction_matrix_shg
      87             : 
      88             : !***************************************************************************************************
      89             : !> \brief normalization solid harmonic Gaussians (SHG)
      90             : !> \param basis ...
      91             : !> \param norm ...
      92             : ! **************************************************************************************************
      93     5056208 :    SUBROUTINE basis_norm_shg(basis, norm)
      94             : 
      95             :       TYPE(gto_basis_set_type), POINTER                  :: basis
      96             :       REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:, :), INTENT(INOUT)           :: norm
      97             : 
      98             :       INTEGER                                            :: ipgf, iset, ishell, jpgf, l
      99             :       REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: aai, aaj, cci, ccj, expa, ppl
     100             : 
     101    19836928 :       norm = 0._dp
     102             : 
     103    14771910 :       DO iset = 1, basis%nset
     104    24492966 :          DO ishell = 1, basis%nshell(iset)
     105     9721056 :             l = basis%l(ishell, iset)
     106     9721056 :             expa = 0.5_dp*REAL(2*l + 3, dp)
     107     9721056 :             ppl = fac(2*l + 2)*pi**(1.5_dp)/fac(l + 1)
     108     9721056 :             ppl = ppl/(2._dp**REAL(2*l + 1, dp))
     109     9721056 :             ppl = ppl/REAL(2*l + 1, dp)
     110    19448512 :             DO ipgf = 1, basis%npgf(iset)
     111     9727456 :                cci = basis%gcc(ipgf, ishell, iset)
     112     9727456 :                aai = basis%zet(ipgf, iset)
     113    29218448 :                DO jpgf = 1, basis%npgf(iset)
     114     9769936 :                   ccj = basis%gcc(jpgf, ishell, iset)
     115     9769936 :                   aaj = basis%zet(jpgf, iset)
     116    19497392 :                   norm(iset, ishell) = norm(iset, ishell) + cci*ccj*ppl/(aai + aaj)**expa
     117             :                END DO
     118             :             END DO
     119    19436758 :             norm(iset, ishell) = 1.0_dp/SQRT(norm(iset, ishell))
     120             :          END DO
     121             :       END DO
     122             : 
     123     5056208 :    END SUBROUTINE basis_norm_shg
     124             : 
     125             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     126             : !> \brief mixed contraction matrix for SHG integrals [aba] and [abb] for orbital and ri basis
     127             : !>        at the same atom
     128             : !> \param orb_basis orbital basis
     129             : !> \param ri_basis   ...
     130             : !> \param orb_index index for orbital basis
     131             : !> \param ri_index index for ri basis
     132             : !> \param scon_mix mixed contraction matrix
     133             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     134         132 :    SUBROUTINE contraction_matrix_shg_mix(orb_basis, ri_basis, orb_index, ri_index, scon_mix)
     135             : 
     136             :       TYPE(gto_basis_set_type), POINTER                  :: orb_basis, ri_basis
     137             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :, :), POINTER               :: orb_index, ri_index
     138             :       REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:, :, :, :), POINTER      :: scon_mix
     139             : 
     140             :       INTEGER :: forb, fri, iil, il, ipgf, iset, ishell, jpgf, jset, jshell, l, l1, l2, lmax_orb, &
     141             :          lmax_ri, maxpgf_orb, maxpgf_ri, maxshell_orb, maxshell_ri, nf_orb, nf_ri, nl, nl_max, &
     142             :          nset_orb, nset_ri
     143         132 :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                     :: npgf_orb, npgf_ri, nshell_orb, nshell_ri
     144             :       REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: cjf, const, const1, const2, gcc_orb, &
     145             :                                                             gcc_ri, prefac, scon1, scon2, zet
     146         132 :       REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)           :: shg_fac
     147         132 :       REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER            :: norm_orb, norm_ri, zet_orb, zet_ri
     148             : 
     149         132 :       nset_orb = orb_basis%nset
     150         132 :       npgf_orb => orb_basis%npgf
     151         132 :       nshell_orb => orb_basis%nshell
     152         132 :       zet_orb => orb_basis%zet
     153         132 :       nset_ri = ri_basis%nset
     154         132 :       npgf_ri => ri_basis%npgf
     155         132 :       nshell_ri => ri_basis%nshell
     156         132 :       zet_ri => ri_basis%zet
     157             : 
     158         132 :       maxpgf_orb = SIZE(orb_basis%gcc, 1)
     159         132 :       maxshell_orb = SIZE(orb_basis%gcc, 2)
     160         528 :       ALLOCATE (norm_orb(nset_orb, maxshell_orb))
     161         132 :       maxpgf_ri = SIZE(ri_basis%gcc, 1)
     162         132 :       maxshell_ri = SIZE(ri_basis%gcc, 2)
     163         528 :       ALLOCATE (norm_ri(nset_ri, maxshell_ri))
     164             : 
     165         132 :       CALL basis_norm_shg(orb_basis, norm_orb)
     166         132 :       CALL basis_norm_shg(ri_basis, norm_ri)
     167             : 
     168         660 :       ALLOCATE (orb_index(maxpgf_orb, maxshell_orb, nset_orb))
     169         660 :       ALLOCATE (ri_index(maxpgf_ri, maxshell_ri, nset_ri))
     170             : 
     171             :       !** index orbital basis set
     172         132 :       nf_orb = 0
     173         308 :       DO iset = 1, nset_orb
     174         754 :          DO ishell = 1, nshell_orb(iset)
     175        3504 :             DO ipgf = 1, npgf_orb(iset)
     176        2882 :                nf_orb = nf_orb + 1
     177        3328 :                orb_index(ipgf, ishell, iset) = nf_orb
     178             :             END DO
     179             :          END DO
     180             :       END DO
     181             : 
     182             :       !** index ri basis set
     183             :       nf_ri = 0
     184        1568 :       DO iset = 1, nset_ri
     185        5430 :          DO ishell = 1, nshell_ri(iset)
     186        9924 :             DO ipgf = 1, npgf_ri(iset)
     187        4626 :                nf_ri = nf_ri + 1
     188        8488 :                ri_index(ipgf, ishell, iset) = nf_ri
     189             :             END DO
     190             :          END DO
     191             :       END DO
     192             : 
     193         308 :       lmax_orb = MAXVAL(orb_basis%lmax)
     194        1568 :       lmax_ri = MAXVAL(ri_basis%lmax)
     195         132 :       nl_max = INT((lmax_orb + lmax_ri)/2) + 1
     196         792 :       ALLOCATE (scon_mix(nl_max, nf_ri, nf_orb, nl_max))
     197     1880530 :       scon_mix = 0.0_dp
     198             : 
     199         396 :       ALLOCATE (shg_fac(0:nl_max - 1))
     200         132 :       shg_fac(0) = 1.0_dp
     201             : 
     202         308 :       DO iset = 1, nset_orb
     203         754 :          DO ishell = 1, nshell_orb(iset)
     204         446 :             l1 = orb_basis%l(ishell, iset)
     205         446 :             const1 = SQRT(1.0_dp/REAL(2*l1 + 1, dp))
     206        5784 :             DO jset = 1, nset_ri
     207       20028 :                DO jshell = 1, nshell_ri(jset)
     208       14420 :                   l2 = ri_basis%l(jshell, jset)
     209       14420 :                   const2 = SQRT(1.0_dp/REAL(2*l2 + 1, dp))
     210       14420 :                   nl = INT((l1 + l2)/2)
     211       14420 :                   IF (l1 == 0 .OR. l2 == 0) nl = 0
     212       41756 :                   DO il = 0, nl
     213       22174 :                      l = l1 + l2 - 2*il
     214       22174 :                      const = const1*const2*2.0_dp*SQRT(pi*REAL(2*l + 1, dp))
     215       32646 :                      DO iil = 1, il
     216             :                         shg_fac(iil) = fac(l + iil - 1)*ifac(l)*REAL(l, dp) &
     217       32646 :                                        *fac(il)/fac(il - iil)/fac(iil)
     218             :                      END DO
     219      187010 :                      DO ipgf = 1, npgf_orb(iset)
     220      150416 :                         forb = orb_index(ipgf, ishell, iset)
     221      150416 :                         gcc_orb = orb_basis%gcc(ipgf, ishell, iset)
     222      150416 :                         scon1 = norm_orb(iset, ishell)*gcc_orb
     223      347000 :                         DO jpgf = 1, npgf_ri(jset)
     224      174410 :                            fri = ri_index(jpgf, jshell, jset)
     225      174410 :                            gcc_ri = ri_basis%gcc(jpgf, jshell, jset)
     226      174410 :                            scon2 = norm_ri(jset, jshell)*gcc_ri
     227      174410 :                            zet = zet_orb(ipgf, iset) + zet_ri(jpgf, jset)
     228      174410 :                            cjf = 1.0_dp/((2._dp*zet)**l)
     229      174410 :                            prefac = const*cjf*scon1*scon2
     230      577228 :                            DO iil = 0, il
     231      426812 :                               scon_mix(iil + 1, fri, forb, il + 1) = prefac*shg_fac(iil)/zet**iil
     232             :                            END DO
     233             :                         END DO
     234             :                      END DO
     235             :                   END DO
     236             :                END DO
     237             :             END DO
     238             :          END DO
     239             :       END DO
     240             : 
     241         132 :       DEALLOCATE (norm_orb, norm_ri, shg_fac)
     242             : 
     243         132 :    END SUBROUTINE contraction_matrix_shg_mix
     244             : 
     245             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     246             : !> \brief ...
     247             : !> \param basis ...
     248             : !> \param m ...
     249             : !> \param scon_shg ...
     250             : !> \param scon_rx2m ...
     251             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     252           2 :    SUBROUTINE contraction_matrix_shg_rx2m(basis, m, scon_shg, scon_rx2m)
     253             : 
     254             :       TYPE(gto_basis_set_type), POINTER                  :: basis
     255             :       INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: m
     256             :       REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:, :, :), INTENT(IN)      :: scon_shg
     257             :       REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :, :, :)  :: scon_rx2m
     258             : 
     259             :       INTEGER                                            :: ipgf, iset, ishell, j, l, maxpgf, &
     260             :                                                             maxshell, nset
     261           2 :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                     :: npgf, nshell
     262           2 :       REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)           :: shg_fac
     263           2 :       REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER            :: zet
     264             : 
     265           2 :       npgf => basis%npgf
     266           2 :       nshell => basis%nshell
     267           2 :       zet => basis%zet
     268           2 :       nset = basis%nset
     269             : 
     270           2 :       maxpgf = SIZE(basis%gcc, 1)
     271           2 :       maxshell = SIZE(basis%gcc, 2)
     272          12 :       ALLOCATE (scon_rx2m(maxpgf, m + 1, maxshell, nset))
     273         742 :       scon_rx2m = 0.0_dp
     274           6 :       ALLOCATE (shg_fac(0:m))
     275           2 :       shg_fac(0) = 1.0_dp
     276             : 
     277          22 :       DO iset = 1, nset
     278          88 :          DO ishell = 1, nshell(iset)
     279          66 :             l = basis%l(ishell, iset)
     280         264 :             DO j = 1, m
     281             :                shg_fac(j) = fac(l + j - 1)*ifac(l)*REAL(l, dp) &
     282         264 :                             *fac(m)/fac(m - j)/fac(j)
     283             :             END DO
     284         152 :             DO ipgf = 1, npgf(iset)
     285         396 :                DO j = 0, m
     286             :                   scon_rx2m(ipgf, j + 1, ishell, iset) = scon_shg(ipgf, ishell, iset) &
     287         330 :                                                          *shg_fac(j)/zet(ipgf, iset)**j
     288             :                END DO
     289             :             END DO
     290             :          END DO
     291             :       END DO
     292             : 
     293           2 :       DEALLOCATE (shg_fac)
     294             : 
     295           2 :    END SUBROUTINE contraction_matrix_shg_rx2m
     296             : 
     297             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     298             : !> \brief calculate the Clebsch-Gordon (CG) coefficients for expansion of the
     299             : !>        product of two spherical harmonic Gaussians
     300             : !> \param my_cg matrix storing CG coefficients
     301             : !> \param cg_none0_list list of none-zero CG coefficients
     302             : !> \param ncg_none0 number of none-zero CG coefficients
     303             : !> \param maxl1 maximal l quantum number of 1st spherical function
     304             : !> \param maxl2 maximal l quantum number of 2nd spherical function
     305             : ! **************************************************************************************************
     306          62 :    SUBROUTINE get_clebsch_gordon_coefficients(my_cg, cg_none0_list, ncg_none0, &
     307             :                                               maxl1, maxl2)
     308             : 
     309             :       REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:, :, :), POINTER         :: my_cg
     310             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :, :), POINTER               :: cg_none0_list
     311             :       INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER                  :: ncg_none0
     312             :       INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: maxl1, maxl2
     313             : 
     314             :       INTEGER                                            :: il, ilist, iso, iso1, iso2, l1, l1l2, &
     315             :                                                             l2, lc1, lc2, lp, m1, m2, maxl, mm, &
     316             :                                                             mp, nlist, nlist_max, nsfunc, nsfunc1, &
     317             :                                                             nsfunc2
     318          62 :       REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :)             :: rga
     319             : 
     320          62 :       nlist_max = 6
     321          62 :       nsfunc1 = nsoset(maxl1)
     322          62 :       nsfunc2 = nsoset(maxl2)
     323          62 :       maxl = maxl1 + maxl2
     324          62 :       nsfunc = nsoset(maxl)
     325             : 
     326          62 :       CALL clebsch_gordon_init(maxl)
     327             : 
     328         310 :       ALLOCATE (my_cg(nsfunc1, nsfunc2, nsfunc))
     329      791168 :       my_cg = 0.0_dp
     330         248 :       ALLOCATE (ncg_none0(nsfunc1, nsfunc2))
     331       13500 :       ncg_none0 = 0
     332         310 :       ALLOCATE (cg_none0_list(nsfunc1, nsfunc2, nlist_max))
     333       81062 :       cg_none0_list = 0
     334             : 
     335         186 :       ALLOCATE (rga(maxl, 2))
     336         850 :       rga = 0.0_dp
     337         238 :       DO lc1 = 0, maxl1
     338         758 :          DO iso1 = nsoset(lc1 - 1) + 1, nsoset(lc1)
     339         520 :             l1 = indso(1, iso1)
     340         520 :             m1 = indso(2, iso1)
     341        3150 :             DO lc2 = 0, maxl2
     342       15104 :                DO iso2 = nsoset(lc2 - 1) + 1, nsoset(lc2)
     343       12130 :                   l2 = indso(1, iso2)
     344       12130 :                   m2 = indso(2, iso2)
     345       12130 :                   CALL clebsch_gordon(l1, m1, l2, m2, rga)
     346       12130 :                   l1l2 = l1 + l2
     347       12130 :                   mp = m1 + m2
     348       12130 :                   mm = m1 - m2
     349       12130 :                   IF (m1*m2 < 0 .OR. (m1*m2 == 0 .AND. (m1 < 0 .OR. m2 < 0))) THEN
     350        5660 :                      mp = -ABS(mp)
     351        5660 :                      mm = -ABS(mm)
     352             :                   ELSE
     353        6470 :                      mp = ABS(mp)
     354        6470 :                      mm = ABS(mm)
     355             :                   END IF
     356       49088 :                   DO lp = MOD(l1 + l2, 2), l1l2, 2
     357       36958 :                      il = lp/2 + 1
     358       36958 :                      IF (ABS(mp) <= lp) THEN
     359       25182 :                         IF (mp >= 0) THEN
     360       14894 :                            iso = nsoset(lp - 1) + lp + 1 + mp
     361             :                         ELSE
     362       10288 :                            iso = nsoset(lp - 1) + lp + 1 - ABS(mp)
     363             :                         END IF
     364       25182 :                         my_cg(iso1, iso2, iso) = rga(il, 1)
     365             :                      END IF
     366       49088 :                      IF (mp /= mm .AND. ABS(mm) <= lp) THEN
     367       14588 :                         IF (mm >= 0) THEN
     368        9416 :                            iso = nsoset(lp - 1) + lp + 1 + mm
     369             :                         ELSE
     370        5172 :                            iso = nsoset(lp - 1) + lp + 1 - ABS(mm)
     371             :                         END IF
     372       14588 :                         my_cg(iso1, iso2, iso) = rga(il, 2)
     373             :                      END IF
     374             :                   END DO
     375       12130 :                   nlist = 0
     376      737460 :                   DO ilist = 1, nsfunc
     377      737460 :                      IF (ABS(my_cg(iso1, iso2, ilist)) > 1.E-8_dp) THEN
     378       34354 :                         nlist = nlist + 1
     379       34354 :                         IF (nlist > nlist_max) THEN
     380           8 :                            CALL reallocate(cg_none0_list, 1, nsfunc1, 1, nsfunc2, 1, nlist)
     381           8 :                            nlist_max = nlist
     382             :                         END IF
     383       34354 :                         cg_none0_list(iso1, iso2, nlist) = ilist
     384             :                      END IF
     385             :                   END DO
     386       14584 :                   ncg_none0(iso1, iso2) = nlist
     387             :                END DO ! iso2
     388             :             END DO ! lc2
     389             :          END DO ! iso1
     390             :       END DO ! lc1
     391             : 
     392          62 :       DEALLOCATE (rga)
     393          62 :       CALL clebsch_gordon_deallocate()
     394             : 
     395          62 :    END SUBROUTINE get_clebsch_gordon_coefficients
     396             : 
     397             : END MODULE generic_shg_integrals_init

Generated by: LCOV version 1.15