Line data Source code
1 : !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2 : ! CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations !
3 : ! Copyright 2000-2025 CP2K developers group <> !
4 : ! !
5 : ! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later !
6 : !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
7 :
8 : ! **************************************************************************************************
9 : !> \note
10 : !> This module implements a modified version of the submatrix method, proposed in
11 : !> M. Lass, S. Mohr, H. Wiebeler, T. Kuehne, C. Plessl
12 : !> A Massively Parallel Algorithm for the Approximate Calculation of Inverse p-th Roots of Large Sparse Matrices
13 : !> Proc. Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC) Conference, ACM, 2018
14 : !>
15 : !> The method is extended to minimize the required data transfers and floating-point operations under the assumption that non-zero
16 : !> blocks of the matrix are close to its diagonal.
17 : !>
18 : !> Submatrices can be constructed not for single columns of the matrix but for a set of w consecutive submatrices. The underlying
19 : !> assumption is that columns next to each other have relatively similar occupation patterns, i.e., constructing a submatrix from
20 : !> columns x and x+1 should not lead to a much bigger submatrix than contructing it only from column x.
21 : !>
22 : !> The construction of the submatrices requires communication between all ranks. It is crucial to implement this communication as
23 : !> efficient as possible, i.e., data should only ever be transferred once between two ranks and message sizes need to be
24 : !> sufficiently large to utilize the communication bandwidth. To achieve this, we communicate the required blocks for all
25 : !> submatrices at once and copy them to large buffers before transmitting them via MPI.
26 : !>
27 : !> Note on multi-threading:
28 : !> Submatrices can be constructed and processed in parallel by multiple threads. However, generate_submatrix, get_sm_ids_for_rank
29 : !> and copy_resultcol are the only thread-safe routines in this module. All other routines involve MPI communication or operate on
30 : !> common, non-protected data and are hence not thread-safe.
31 : !>
32 : !> TODO:
33 : !> * generic types (for now only dp supported)
34 : !> * optimization of threaded initialization
35 : !> * sanity checks at the beginning of all methods
36 : !>
37 : !> \author Michael Lass
38 : ! **************************************************************************************************
39 :
40 : MODULE submatrix_dissection
41 :
42 : USE bibliography, ONLY: Lass2018,&
43 : cite_reference
44 : USE cp_dbcsr_api, ONLY: &
45 : dbcsr_distribution_get, dbcsr_distribution_type, dbcsr_finalize, dbcsr_get_block_p, &
46 : dbcsr_get_info, dbcsr_get_stored_coordinates, dbcsr_iterator_blocks_left, &
47 : dbcsr_iterator_next_block, dbcsr_iterator_start, dbcsr_iterator_stop, dbcsr_iterator_type, &
48 : dbcsr_put_block, dbcsr_type
49 : USE kinds, ONLY: dp
50 : USE message_passing, ONLY: mp_comm_type
51 : USE submatrix_types, ONLY: buffer_type,&
52 : bufptr_type,&
53 : intBuffer_type,&
54 : set_type,&
55 : setarray_type
56 :
57 : !$ USE omp_lib, ONLY: omp_get_max_threads, omp_get_thread_num
58 :
59 : #include "./base/base_uses.f90"
60 :
63 :
64 : CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'submatrix_dissection'
65 :
66 : TYPE, PUBLIC :: submatrix_dissection_type
67 : TYPE(dbcsr_type) :: dbcsr_mat
68 : TYPE(dbcsr_distribution_type) :: dist
69 : LOGICAL :: initialized = .FALSE.
70 : TYPE(mp_comm_type) :: group = mp_comm_type()
71 : INTEGER :: numnodes = -1, myrank = -1, nblkcols = -1, &
72 : nblkrows = -1, nblks = -1, local_blocks = -1, &
73 : cols_per_sm = -1, number_of_submatrices = -1
74 : INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: row_blk_size => NULL(), col_blk_size => NULL()
75 : INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: coo_cols, coo_rows, coo_col_offsets, coo_cols_local, coo_rows_local, &
76 : coo_col_offsets_local, submatrix_owners, submatrix_sizes
77 : TYPE(buffer_type), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: recvbufs, result_sendbufs ! Indexing starts with 0 to match rank ids!
78 : TYPE(set_type), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: result_blocks_for_rank, result_blocks_from_rank
79 : TYPE(bufptr_type), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: coo_dptr
80 : TYPE(intBuffer_type), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: result_blocks_for_rank_buf_offsets
82 : PROCEDURE :: init => submatrix_dissection_init
83 : PROCEDURE :: final => submatrix_dissection_final
84 : PROCEDURE :: get_sm_ids_for_rank => submatrix_get_sm_ids_for_rank
85 : PROCEDURE :: generate_submatrix => submatrix_generate_sm
86 : PROCEDURE :: copy_resultcol => submatrix_cpy_resultcol
87 : PROCEDURE :: communicate_results => submatrix_communicate_results
88 : PROCEDURE :: get_relevant_sm_columns => submatrix_get_relevant_sm_columns
89 : END TYPE submatrix_dissection_type
90 :
92 :
93 : ! **************************************************************************************************
94 : !> \brief determine which columns of the submatrix are relevant for the result matrix
95 : !> \param this - object of class submatrix_dissection_type
96 : !> \param sm_id - id of the submatrix
97 : !> \param first - first column of submatrix that is relevant
98 : !> \param last - last column of submatrix that is relevant
99 : ! **************************************************************************************************
100 36 : SUBROUTINE submatrix_get_relevant_sm_columns(this, sm_id, first, last)
101 : CLASS(submatrix_dissection_type), INTENT(IN) :: this
102 : INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: sm_id
103 : INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: first, last
104 : INTEGER :: i, j, blkid
105 9288 : TYPE(set_type) :: nonzero_rows
106 :
107 : ! TODO: Should we buffer the list of non-zero rows for each submatrix instead of recalculating it each time?
108 72 : DO i = (sm_id - 1)*this%cols_per_sm + 1, sm_id*this%cols_per_sm ! all colums that determine submatrix sm_id
109 108 : DO j = this%coo_col_offsets(i), this%coo_col_offsets(i + 1) - 1 ! all blocks that are within this column
110 72 : CALL nonzero_rows%insert(this%coo_rows(j))
111 : END DO
112 : END DO
113 :
114 36 : first = 1
115 36 : DO i = 1, nonzero_rows%elements
116 36 : blkid = nonzero_rows%get(i)
117 36 : IF (blkid .EQ. (sm_id - 1)*this%cols_per_sm + 1) THEN
118 : ! We just found the nonzero row that corresponds to the first inducing column of our submatrix
119 : ! Now add up block sizes to determine the last one as well
120 36 : last = first - 1
121 36 : DO j = i, nonzero_rows%elements
122 36 : blkid = nonzero_rows%get(j)
123 36 : last = last + this%col_blk_size(blkid)
124 36 : IF (blkid .EQ. (sm_id)*this%cols_per_sm) EXIT
125 : END DO
126 : EXIT
127 : END IF
128 0 : first = first + this%col_blk_size(blkid)
129 : END DO
130 :
131 36 : CALL nonzero_rows%reset
132 :
133 9288 : END SUBROUTINE submatrix_get_relevant_sm_columns
134 :
135 : ! **************************************************************************************************
136 : !> \brief initialize submatrix dissection and communicate, needs to be called before constructing any submatrices.
137 : !> \param this - object of class submatrix_dissection_type
138 : !> \param matrix_p - dbcsr input matrix
139 : !> \par History
140 : !> 2020.02 created [Michael Lass]
141 : !> 2020.05 add time measurements [Michael Lass]
142 : ! **************************************************************************************************
143 10 : SUBROUTINE submatrix_dissection_init(this, matrix_p) ! Should be PURE but the iterator routines are not
144 : CLASS(submatrix_dissection_type), INTENT(INOUT) :: this
145 : TYPE(dbcsr_type), INTENT(IN) :: matrix_p
146 :
147 : INTEGER :: cur_row, cur_col, i, j, k, l, m, l_limit_left, l_limit_right, &
148 : bufsize, bufsize_next
149 20 : INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: blocks_per_rank, coo_dsplcmnts, num_blockids_send, num_blockids_recv
150 : TYPE(dbcsr_iterator_type) :: iter
151 2580 : TYPE(set_type) :: nonzero_rows
152 : REAL(KIND=dp) :: flops_total, flops_per_rank, flops_per_sm, flops_threshold, &
153 : flops_current, flops_remaining
154 :
155 : ! Indexing for the following arrays starts with 0 to match rank ids
156 10 : TYPE(set_type), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: blocks_from_rank
157 10 : TYPE(buffer_type), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: sendbufs
158 10 : TYPE(intBuffer_type), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: blocks_for_rank
159 :
160 : ! Additional structures for threaded parts
161 : INTEGER :: numthreads, mytid
162 : ! Indexing starts at 0 to match thread ids
163 10 : TYPE(setarray_type), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: nonzero_rows_t
164 10 : TYPE(setarray_type), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: result_blocks_from_rank_t, result_blocks_for_rank_t, &
165 10 : blocks_from_rank_t
166 :
167 : LOGICAL :: valid
168 10 : REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER :: blockp
169 :
170 : CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'submatrix_dissection_init'
171 : INTEGER :: handle
172 :
173 10 : CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
174 10 : CALL cite_reference(Lass2018)
175 :
176 10 : this%dbcsr_mat = matrix_p
177 : CALL dbcsr_get_info(matrix=this%dbcsr_mat, nblkcols_total=this%nblkcols, nblkrows_total=this%nblkrows, &
178 10 : row_blk_size=this%row_blk_size, col_blk_size=this%col_blk_size, group=this%group, distribution=this%dist)
179 10 : CALL dbcsr_distribution_get(dist=this%dist, mynode=this%myrank, numnodes=this%numnodes)
180 :
181 10 : IF (this%nblkcols .NE. this%nblkrows) THEN
182 0 : CPABORT("Number of block rows and cols need to be identical")
183 : END IF
184 :
185 20 : DO i = 1, this%nblkcols
186 20 : IF (this%col_blk_size(i) .NE. this%row_blk_size(i)) THEN
187 0 : CPABORT("Block row sizes and col sizes need to be identical")
188 : END IF
189 : END DO
190 :
191 : ! TODO: We could do even more sanity checks here, e.g., the matrix must not be stored symmetrically
192 :
193 : ! For the submatrix method, we need global knwoledge about which blocks are actually used. Therefore, we create a COO
194 : ! representation of the blocks (without their contents) on all ranks.
195 :
196 : ! TODO: Right now, the COO contains all blocks. Also we transfer all blocks. We could skip half of them due to the matrix
197 : ! being symmetric (however, we need to transpose the blocks). This can increase performance only by a factor of 2 and is
198 : ! therefore deferred.
199 :
200 : ! Determine number of locally stored blocks
201 10 : this%local_blocks = 0
202 10 : CALL dbcsr_iterator_start(iter, this%dbcsr_mat, read_only=.TRUE.)
203 15 : DO WHILE (dbcsr_iterator_blocks_left(iter))
204 5 : CALL dbcsr_iterator_next_block(iter, cur_row, cur_col)
205 5 : this%local_blocks = this%local_blocks + 1
206 : END DO
207 10 : CALL dbcsr_iterator_stop(iter)
208 :
209 0 : ALLOCATE (this%coo_cols_local(this%local_blocks), this%coo_rows_local(this%local_blocks), blocks_per_rank(this%numnodes), &
210 0 : coo_dsplcmnts(this%numnodes), this%coo_col_offsets_local(this%nblkcols + 1), &
211 : blocks_for_rank(0:this%numnodes - 1), blocks_from_rank(0:this%numnodes - 1), &
212 0 : sendbufs(0:this%numnodes - 1), this%recvbufs(0:this%numnodes - 1), this%result_sendbufs(0:this%numnodes - 1), &
213 0 : this%result_blocks_for_rank(0:this%numnodes - 1), this%result_blocks_from_rank(0:this%numnodes - 1), &
214 23560 : this%result_blocks_for_rank_buf_offsets(0:this%numnodes - 1))
215 :
216 10 : i = 1
217 10 : CALL dbcsr_iterator_start(iter, this%dbcsr_mat, read_only=.TRUE.)
218 15 : DO WHILE (dbcsr_iterator_blocks_left(iter))
219 5 : CALL dbcsr_iterator_next_block(iter, cur_row, cur_col)
220 5 : this%coo_cols_local(i) = cur_col
221 5 : this%coo_rows_local(i) = cur_row
222 5 : i = i + 1
223 : END DO
224 10 : CALL dbcsr_iterator_stop(iter)
225 :
226 : ! We only know how many blocks we own. What's with the other ranks?
227 10 : CALL this%group%allgather(msgout=this%local_blocks, msgin=blocks_per_rank)
228 10 : coo_dsplcmnts(1) = 0
229 20 : DO i = 1, this%numnodes - 1
230 20 : coo_dsplcmnts(i + 1) = coo_dsplcmnts(i) + blocks_per_rank(i)
231 : END DO
232 :
233 : ! Get a global view on the matrix
234 30 : this%nblks = SUM(blocks_per_rank)
235 0 : ALLOCATE (this%coo_cols(this%nblks), this%coo_rows(this%nblks), this%coo_col_offsets(this%nblkcols + 1), &
236 100 : this%coo_dptr(this%nblks))
237 : CALL this%group%allgatherv(msgout=this%coo_rows_local, msgin=this%coo_rows, rcount=blocks_per_rank, &
238 10 : rdispl=coo_dsplcmnts)
239 : CALL this%group%allgatherv(msgout=this%coo_cols_local, msgin=this%coo_cols, rcount=blocks_per_rank, &
240 10 : rdispl=coo_dsplcmnts)
241 :
242 10 : DEALLOCATE (blocks_per_rank, coo_dsplcmnts)
243 :
244 : ! Sort COO arrays according to their columns
245 10 : CALL qsort_two(this%coo_cols_local, this%coo_rows_local, 1, this%local_blocks)
246 10 : CALL qsort_two(this%coo_cols, this%coo_rows, 1, this%nblks)
247 :
248 : ! Get COO array offsets for columns to accelerate lookups
249 10 : this%coo_col_offsets(this%nblkcols + 1) = this%nblks + 1
250 10 : j = 1
251 20 : DO i = 1, this%nblkcols
252 10 : DO WHILE ((j .LE. this%nblks))
253 10 : IF (this%coo_cols(j) .GE. i) EXIT
254 10 : j = j + 1
255 : END DO
256 20 : this%coo_col_offsets(i) = j
257 : END DO
258 :
259 : ! Same for local COO
260 10 : this%coo_col_offsets_local(this%nblkcols + 1) = this%local_blocks + 1
261 10 : j = 1
262 20 : DO i = 1, this%nblkcols
263 10 : DO WHILE ((j .LE. this%local_blocks))
264 5 : IF (this%coo_cols_local(j) .GE. i) EXIT
265 5 : j = j + 1
266 : END DO
267 20 : this%coo_col_offsets_local(i) = j
268 : END DO
269 :
270 : ! We could combine multiple columns to generate a single submatrix. For now, we have not found a practical use-case for this
271 : ! so we only look at single columns for now.
272 10 : this%cols_per_sm = 1
273 :
274 : ! Determine sizes of all submatrices. This is required in order to assess the computational effort that is required to process
275 : ! the submatrices.
276 10 : this%number_of_submatrices = this%nblkcols/this%cols_per_sm
277 30 : ALLOCATE (this%submatrix_sizes(this%number_of_submatrices))
278 20 : this%submatrix_sizes = 0
279 10 : flops_total = 0.0D0
280 20 : DO i = 1, this%number_of_submatrices
281 10 : CALL nonzero_rows%reset
282 20 : DO j = (i - 1)*this%cols_per_sm + 1, i*this%cols_per_sm ! all colums that determine submatrix i
283 30 : DO k = this%coo_col_offsets(j), this%coo_col_offsets(j + 1) - 1 ! all blocks that are within this column
284 20 : CALL nonzero_rows%insert(this%coo_rows(k))
285 : END DO
286 : END DO
287 20 : DO j = 1, nonzero_rows%elements
288 20 : this%submatrix_sizes(i) = this%submatrix_sizes(i) + this%col_blk_size(nonzero_rows%get(j))
289 : END DO
290 20 : flops_total = flops_total + 2.0D0*this%submatrix_sizes(i)*this%submatrix_sizes(i)*this%submatrix_sizes(i)
291 : END DO
292 :
293 : ! Create mapping from submatrices to ranks. Since submatrices can be of different sizes, we need to perform some load
294 : ! balancing here. For that we assume that arithmetic operations performed on the submatrices scale cubically.
295 30 : ALLOCATE (this%submatrix_owners(this%number_of_submatrices))
296 10 : flops_per_sm = flops_total/this%number_of_submatrices
297 10 : flops_per_rank = flops_total/this%numnodes
298 10 : flops_current = 0.0D0
299 10 : j = 0
300 20 : DO i = 1, this%number_of_submatrices
301 10 : this%submatrix_owners(i) = j
302 10 : flops_current = flops_current + 2.0D0*this%submatrix_sizes(i)*this%submatrix_sizes(i)*this%submatrix_sizes(i)
303 10 : flops_remaining = flops_total - flops_current
304 10 : flops_threshold = (this%numnodes - j - 1)*flops_per_rank
305 : IF ((j .LT. (this%numnodes - 1)) &
306 10 : .AND. ((flops_remaining .LE. flops_threshold &
307 10 : .OR. (this%number_of_submatrices - i) .LT. (this%numnodes - j)))) THEN
308 10 : j = j + 1
309 10 : flops_total = flops_total - flops_current
310 10 : flops_current = 0.0D0
311 : END IF
312 : END DO
313 :
314 : ! Prepare data structures for multithreaded loop
315 10 : numthreads = 1
316 10 : !$ numthreads = omp_get_max_threads()
317 :
318 0 : ALLOCATE (result_blocks_from_rank_t(0:numthreads - 1), &
319 0 : result_blocks_for_rank_t(0:numthreads - 1), &
320 0 : blocks_from_rank_t(0:numthreads - 1), &
321 100 : nonzero_rows_t(0:numthreads - 1))
322 :
323 : ! Figure out which blocks we need to receive. Blocks are identified here as indices into our COO representation.
324 : ! TODO: This currently shows limited parallel efficiency. Investigate further.
325 :
327 : !$OMP NUM_THREADS(numthreads) &
328 : !$OMP PRIVATE(i,j,k,l,m,l_limit_left,l_limit_right,cur_col,cur_row,mytid) &
329 : !$OMP SHARED(result_blocks_from_rank_t,result_blocks_for_rank_t,blocks_from_rank_t,this,numthreads,nonzero_rows_t)
330 : mytid = 0
331 : !$ mytid = omp_get_thread_num()
332 :
333 : ALLOCATE (nonzero_rows_t(mytid)%sets(1), &
334 : result_blocks_from_rank_t(mytid)%sets(0:this%numnodes - 1), &
335 : result_blocks_for_rank_t(mytid)%sets(0:this%numnodes - 1), &
336 : blocks_from_rank_t(mytid)%sets(0:this%numnodes - 1))
337 :
338 10 : !$OMP DO schedule(guided)
339 : DO i = 1, this%number_of_submatrices
340 : CALL nonzero_rows_t(mytid)%sets(1)%reset
341 : DO j = (i - 1)*this%cols_per_sm + 1, i*this%cols_per_sm ! all colums that determine submatrix i
342 : DO k = this%coo_col_offsets(j), this%coo_col_offsets(j + 1) - 1 ! all blocks that are within this column
343 : ! This block will be required to assemble the final block matrix as it is within an inducing column for submatrix i.
344 : ! Figure out who stores it and insert it into the result_blocks_* sets.
345 : CALL dbcsr_get_stored_coordinates(matrix=this%dbcsr_mat, row=this%coo_rows(k), column=j, processor=m)
346 : IF (m .EQ. this%myrank) THEN
347 : CALL result_blocks_from_rank_t(mytid)%sets(this%submatrix_owners(i))%insert(k)
348 : END IF
349 : IF (this%submatrix_owners(i) .EQ. this%myrank) THEN
350 : CALL nonzero_rows_t(mytid)%sets(1)%insert(this%coo_rows(k))
351 : CALL result_blocks_for_rank_t(mytid)%sets(m)%insert(k)
352 : END IF
353 : END DO
354 : END DO
355 :
356 : IF (this%submatrix_owners(i) .NE. this%myrank) CYCLE
357 :
358 : ! In the following, we determine all blocks required to build the submatrix. We interpret nonzero_rows_t(mytid)(j) as
359 : ! column and nonzero_rows_t(mytid)(k) as row.
360 : DO j = 1, nonzero_rows_t(mytid)%sets(1)%elements
361 : cur_col = nonzero_rows_t(mytid)%sets(1)%get(j)
362 : l_limit_left = this%coo_col_offsets(cur_col)
363 : l_limit_right = this%coo_col_offsets(cur_col + 1) - 1
364 : DO k = 1, nonzero_rows_t(mytid)%sets(1)%elements
365 : cur_row = nonzero_rows_t(mytid)%sets(1)%get(k)
366 : l = l_limit_left
367 : DO WHILE (l .LE. l_limit_right)
368 : IF (this%coo_rows(l) .GE. cur_row) EXIT
369 : l = l + 1
370 : END DO
371 : l_limit_left = l
372 : IF (l .LE. l_limit_right) THEN
373 : IF (this%coo_rows(l) .EQ. cur_row) THEN
374 : ! We found a valid block. Figure out what to do with it.
375 : CALL dbcsr_get_stored_coordinates(matrix=this%dbcsr_mat, row=this%coo_rows(l), &
376 : column=this%coo_cols(l), processor=m)
377 : CALL blocks_from_rank_t(mytid)%sets(m)%insert(l)
378 : END IF
379 : END IF
380 : END DO
381 : END DO
382 : END DO
383 : !$OMP END DO
385 :
386 : ! Merge partial results from threads
387 30 : DO i = 0, this%numnodes - 1
388 50 : DO j = 0, numthreads - 1
389 25 : DO k = 1, result_blocks_from_rank_t(j)%sets(i)%elements
390 25 : CALL this%result_blocks_from_rank(i)%insert(result_blocks_from_rank_t(j)%sets(i)%get(k))
391 : END DO
392 20 : CALL result_blocks_from_rank_t(j)%sets(i)%reset
393 25 : DO k = 1, result_blocks_for_rank_t(j)%sets(i)%elements
394 25 : CALL this%result_blocks_for_rank(i)%insert(result_blocks_for_rank_t(j)%sets(i)%get(k))
395 : END DO
396 20 : CALL result_blocks_for_rank_t(j)%sets(i)%reset
397 25 : DO k = 1, blocks_from_rank_t(j)%sets(i)%elements
398 25 : CALL blocks_from_rank(i)%insert(blocks_from_rank_t(j)%sets(i)%get(k))
399 : END DO
400 40 : CALL blocks_from_rank_t(j)%sets(i)%reset
401 : END DO
402 : END DO
403 20 : DO i = 0, numthreads - 1
404 10 : CALL nonzero_rows_t(i)%sets(1)%reset
405 0 : DEALLOCATE (result_blocks_from_rank_t(i)%sets, result_blocks_for_rank_t(i)%sets, blocks_from_rank_t(i)%sets, &
406 18080 : nonzero_rows_t(i)%sets)
407 : END DO
408 50 : DEALLOCATE (result_blocks_from_rank_t, result_blocks_for_rank_t, blocks_from_rank_t, nonzero_rows_t)
409 :
410 : ! Make other ranks aware of our needs
411 40 : ALLOCATE (num_blockids_send(0:this%numnodes - 1), num_blockids_recv(0:this%numnodes - 1))
412 30 : DO i = 0, this%numnodes - 1
413 30 : num_blockids_send(i) = blocks_from_rank(i)%elements
414 : END DO
415 10 : CALL this%group%alltoall(num_blockids_send, num_blockids_recv, 1)
416 30 : DO i = 0, this%numnodes - 1
417 30 : CALL blocks_for_rank(i)%alloc(num_blockids_recv(i))
418 : END DO
419 10 : DEALLOCATE (num_blockids_send, num_blockids_recv)
420 :
421 10 : IF (this%numnodes .GT. 1) THEN
422 30 : DO i = 1, this%numnodes
423 20 : k = MODULO(this%myrank - i, this%numnodes) ! rank to receive from
424 30 : CALL this%group%irecv(msgout=blocks_for_rank(k)%data, source=k, request=blocks_for_rank(k)%mpi_request)
425 : END DO
426 30 : DO i = 1, this%numnodes
427 20 : k = MODULO(this%myrank + i, this%numnodes) ! rank to send to
428 30 : CALL this%group%send(blocks_from_rank(k)%getall(), k, 0)
429 : END DO
430 30 : DO i = 0, this%numnodes - 1
431 30 : CALL blocks_for_rank(i)%mpi_request%wait()
432 : END DO
433 : ELSE
434 0 : blocks_for_rank(0)%data = blocks_from_rank(0)%getall()
435 : END IF
436 :
437 : ! Free memory allocated in nonzero_rows
438 10 : CALL nonzero_rows%reset
439 :
440 : ! Make get calls on this%result_blocks_for_rank(...) threadsafe in other routines by updating the internal sorted list
441 30 : DO m = 0, this%numnodes - 1
442 30 : IF ((.NOT. this%result_blocks_for_rank(m)%sorted_up_to_date) .AND. (this%result_blocks_for_rank(m)%elements .GT. 0)) THEN
443 5 : CALL this%result_blocks_for_rank(m)%update_sorted
444 : END IF
445 : END DO
446 :
447 : ! Create and fill send buffers
448 30 : DO i = 0, this%numnodes - 1
449 20 : bufsize = 0
450 25 : DO j = 1, blocks_for_rank(i)%size
451 5 : k = blocks_for_rank(i)%data(j)
452 25 : bufsize = bufsize + this%col_blk_size(this%coo_cols(k))*this%col_blk_size(this%coo_rows(k))
453 : END DO
454 20 : CALL sendbufs(i)%alloc(bufsize)
455 :
456 20 : bufsize = 0
457 20 : CALL this%result_blocks_for_rank_buf_offsets(i)%alloc(this%result_blocks_for_rank(i)%elements)
458 25 : DO j = 1, this%result_blocks_for_rank(i)%elements
459 5 : k = this%result_blocks_for_rank(i)%get(j)
460 5 : this%result_blocks_for_rank_buf_offsets(i)%data(j) = bufsize
461 25 : bufsize = bufsize + this%col_blk_size(this%coo_cols(k))*this%col_blk_size(this%coo_rows(k))
462 : END DO
463 20 : CALL this%result_sendbufs(i)%alloc(bufsize)
464 :
465 20 : bufsize = 0
466 35 : DO j = 1, blocks_for_rank(i)%size
467 5 : k = blocks_for_rank(i)%data(j)
468 5 : CALL dbcsr_get_block_p(this%dbcsr_mat, row=this%coo_rows(k), col=this%coo_cols(k), block=blockp, found=valid)
469 5 : IF (.NOT. valid) THEN
470 0 : CPABORT("Block included in our COO and placed on our rank could not be fetched!")
471 : END IF
472 15 : bufsize_next = bufsize + SIZE(blockp)
473 200 : sendbufs(i)%data(bufsize + 1:bufsize_next) = RESHAPE(blockp, [SIZE(blockp)])
474 30 : bufsize = bufsize_next
475 : END DO
476 : END DO
477 :
478 : ! Create receive buffers and mapping from blocks to memory locations
479 30 : DO i = 0, this%numnodes - 1
480 20 : bufsize = 0
481 25 : DO j = 1, blocks_from_rank(i)%elements
482 5 : k = blocks_from_rank(i)%get(j)
483 25 : bufsize = bufsize + this%col_blk_size(this%coo_cols(k))*this%col_blk_size(this%coo_rows(k))
484 : END DO
485 20 : CALL this%recvbufs(i)%alloc(bufsize)
486 20 : bufsize = 0
487 35 : DO j = 1, blocks_from_rank(i)%elements
488 5 : k = blocks_from_rank(i)%get(j)
489 5 : bufsize_next = bufsize + this%col_blk_size(this%coo_cols(k))*this%col_blk_size(this%coo_rows(k))
490 5 : this%coo_dptr(k)%target => this%recvbufs(i)%data(bufsize + 1:bufsize_next)
491 25 : bufsize = bufsize_next
492 : END DO
493 : END DO
494 :
495 30 : DO i = 0, this%numnodes - 1
496 20 : CALL blocks_for_rank(i)%dealloc
497 30 : CALL blocks_from_rank(i)%reset
498 : END DO
499 5180 : DEALLOCATE (blocks_for_rank, blocks_from_rank)
500 :
501 10 : IF (this%numnodes .GT. 1) THEN
502 : ! Communicate. We attempt to balance communication load in the network here by starting our sends with our right neighbor
503 : ! and first trying to receive from our left neighbor.
504 30 : DO i = 1, this%numnodes
505 20 : k = MODULO(this%myrank - i, this%numnodes) ! rank to receive from
506 20 : CALL this%group%irecv(msgout=this%recvbufs(k)%data, source=k, request=this%recvbufs(k)%mpi_request)
507 20 : k = MODULO(this%myrank + i, this%numnodes) ! rank to send to
508 30 : CALL this%group%isend(msgin=sendbufs(k)%data, dest=k, request=sendbufs(k)%mpi_request)
509 : END DO
510 30 : DO i = 0, this%numnodes - 1
511 20 : CALL sendbufs(i)%mpi_request%wait()
512 30 : CALL this%recvbufs(i)%mpi_request%wait()
513 : END DO
514 : ELSE
515 0 : this%recvbufs(0)%data = sendbufs(0)%data
516 : END IF
517 :
518 30 : DO i = 0, this%numnodes - 1
519 30 : CALL sendbufs(i)%dealloc
520 : END DO
521 10 : DEALLOCATE (sendbufs)
522 :
523 10 : this%initialized = .TRUE.
524 :
525 10 : CALL timestop(handle)
526 2610 : END SUBROUTINE submatrix_dissection_init
527 :
528 : ! **************************************************************************************************
529 : !> \brief free all associated memory, afterwards submatrix_dissection_init needs to be called again
530 : !> \param this - object of class submatrix_dissection_type
531 : ! **************************************************************************************************
532 10 : PURE SUBROUTINE submatrix_dissection_final(this)
533 : CLASS(submatrix_dissection_type), INTENT(INOUT) :: this
534 : INTEGER :: i
535 :
536 10 : this%initialized = .FALSE.
537 :
538 10 : IF (ALLOCATED(this%submatrix_sizes)) DEALLOCATE (this%submatrix_sizes)
539 10 : IF (ALLOCATED(this%coo_cols_local)) DEALLOCATE (this%coo_cols_local)
540 10 : IF (ALLOCATED(this%coo_rows_local)) DEALLOCATE (this%coo_rows_local)
541 10 : IF (ALLOCATED(this%coo_col_offsets_local)) DEALLOCATE (this%coo_col_offsets_local)
542 10 : IF (ALLOCATED(this%result_blocks_for_rank_buf_offsets)) THEN
543 30 : DO i = 0, this%numnodes - 1
544 30 : CALL this%result_blocks_for_rank_buf_offsets(i)%dealloc
545 : END DO
546 10 : DEALLOCATE (this%result_blocks_for_rank_buf_offsets)
547 : END IF
548 10 : IF (ALLOCATED(this%recvbufs)) THEN
549 30 : DO i = 0, this%numnodes - 1
550 30 : CALL this%recvbufs(i)%dealloc
551 : END DO
552 10 : DEALLOCATE (this%recvbufs)
553 : END IF
554 10 : IF (ALLOCATED(this%result_sendbufs)) THEN
555 30 : DO i = 0, this%numnodes - 1
556 30 : CALL this%result_sendbufs(i)%dealloc
557 : END DO
558 10 : DEALLOCATE (this%result_sendbufs)
559 : END IF
560 10 : IF (ALLOCATED(this%result_blocks_for_rank)) THEN
561 30 : DO i = 0, this%numnodes - 1
562 30 : CALL this%result_blocks_for_rank(i)%reset
563 : END DO
564 5170 : DEALLOCATE (this%result_blocks_for_rank)
565 : END IF
566 10 : IF (ALLOCATED(this%result_blocks_from_rank)) THEN
567 30 : DO i = 0, this%numnodes - 1
568 30 : CALL this%result_blocks_from_rank(i)%reset
569 : END DO
570 5170 : DEALLOCATE (this%result_blocks_from_rank)
571 : END IF
572 10 : IF (ALLOCATED(this%coo_cols)) DEALLOCATE (this%coo_cols)
573 10 : IF (ALLOCATED(this%coo_rows)) DEALLOCATE (this%coo_rows)
574 10 : IF (ALLOCATED(this%coo_col_offsets)) DEALLOCATE (this%coo_col_offsets)
575 10 : IF (ALLOCATED(this%coo_dptr)) DEALLOCATE (this%coo_dptr)
576 10 : IF (ALLOCATED(this%submatrix_owners)) DEALLOCATE (this%submatrix_owners)
577 :
578 10 : END SUBROUTINE submatrix_dissection_final
579 :
580 : ! **************************************************************************************************
581 : !> \brief generate a specific submatrix
582 : !> \param this - object of class submatrix_dissection_type
583 : !> \param sm_id - id of the submatrix to generate
584 : !> \param sm - generated submatrix
585 : ! **************************************************************************************************
586 6 : SUBROUTINE submatrix_generate_sm(this, sm_id, sm)
587 : CLASS(submatrix_dissection_type), INTENT(IN) :: this
588 : INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: sm_id
590 :
591 : INTEGER :: sm_dim, i, j, k, offset_x1, offset_x2, offset_y1, &
592 : offset_y2, k_limit_left, k_limit_right
593 1548 : TYPE(set_type) :: nonzero_rows
594 :
595 6 : IF (.NOT. this%initialized) THEN
596 0 : CPABORT("Submatrix dissection not initialized")
597 : END IF
598 :
599 6 : IF (this%myrank .NE. this%submatrix_owners(sm_id)) THEN
600 0 : CPABORT("This rank is not supposed to construct this submatrix")
601 : END IF
602 :
603 : ! TODO: Should we buffer the list of non-zero rows for each submatrix instead of recalculating it each time?
604 6 : CALL nonzero_rows%reset
605 12 : DO i = (sm_id - 1)*this%cols_per_sm + 1, sm_id*this%cols_per_sm ! all colums that determine submatrix sm_id
606 18 : DO j = this%coo_col_offsets(i), this%coo_col_offsets(i + 1) - 1 ! all blocks that are within this column
607 12 : CALL nonzero_rows%insert(this%coo_rows(j))
608 : END DO
609 : END DO
610 6 : sm_dim = 0
611 12 : DO i = 1, nonzero_rows%elements
612 12 : sm_dim = sm_dim + this%col_blk_size(nonzero_rows%get(i))
613 : END DO
614 :
615 24 : ALLOCATE (sm(sm_dim, sm_dim))
616 258 : sm = 0
617 :
618 6 : offset_x1 = 0
619 12 : DO j = 1, nonzero_rows%elements
620 6 : offset_x2 = offset_x1 + this%col_blk_size(nonzero_rows%get(j))
621 6 : offset_y1 = 0
622 6 : k_limit_left = this%coo_col_offsets(nonzero_rows%get(j))
623 6 : k_limit_right = this%coo_col_offsets(nonzero_rows%get(j) + 1) - 1
624 12 : DO i = 1, nonzero_rows%elements
625 6 : offset_y2 = offset_y1 + this%col_blk_size(nonzero_rows%get(i))
626 : ! Copy block nonzero_rows(i),nonzero_rows(j) to sm(i,j) (if the block actually exists)
627 6 : k = k_limit_left
628 6 : DO WHILE (k .LE. k_limit_right)
629 6 : IF (this%coo_rows(k) .GE. nonzero_rows%get(i)) EXIT
630 0 : k = k + 1
631 : END DO
632 6 : k_limit_left = k
633 6 : IF (this%coo_rows(k) .EQ. nonzero_rows%get(i)) THEN ! it does exist and k is our block id
634 : sm(offset_y1 + 1:offset_y2, offset_x1 + 1:offset_x2) = RESHAPE(this%coo_dptr(k)%target, &
635 270 : (/offset_y2 - offset_y1, offset_x2 - offset_x1/))
636 : END IF
637 12 : offset_y1 = offset_y2
638 : END DO
639 12 : offset_x1 = offset_x2
640 : END DO
641 :
642 : ! Free memory allocated in nonzero_rows
643 6 : CALL nonzero_rows%reset
644 :
645 1548 : END SUBROUTINE submatrix_generate_sm
646 :
647 : ! **************************************************************************************************
648 : !> \brief determine submatrix ids that are handled by a specific rank
649 : !> \param this - object of class submatrix_dissection_type
650 : !> \param rank - rank id of interest
651 : !> \param sm_ids - list of submatrix ids handled by that rank
652 : ! **************************************************************************************************
653 10 : SUBROUTINE submatrix_get_sm_ids_for_rank(this, rank, sm_ids)
654 : CLASS(submatrix_dissection_type), INTENT(IN) :: this
655 : INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: rank
657 : INTEGER :: count, i
658 :
659 10 : IF (.NOT. this%initialized) THEN
660 0 : CPABORT("Submatrix dissection not initialized")
661 : END IF
662 :
663 10 : count = 0
664 20 : DO i = 1, this%number_of_submatrices
665 20 : IF (this%submatrix_owners(i) .EQ. rank) count = count + 1
666 : END DO
667 :
668 25 : ALLOCATE (sm_ids(count))
669 :
670 10 : count = 0
671 20 : DO i = 1, this%number_of_submatrices
672 20 : IF (this%submatrix_owners(i) .EQ. rank) THEN
673 5 : count = count + 1
674 5 : sm_ids(count) = i
675 : END IF
676 : END DO
677 :
678 10 : END SUBROUTINE submatrix_get_sm_ids_for_rank
679 :
680 : ! **************************************************************************************************
681 : !> \brief copy result columns from a submatrix into result buffer
682 : !> \param this - object of class submatrix_dissection_type
683 : !> \param sm_id - id of the submatrix
684 : !> \param sm - result-submatrix
685 : ! **************************************************************************************************
686 6 : SUBROUTINE submatrix_cpy_resultcol(this, sm_id, sm)
687 : CLASS(submatrix_dissection_type), INTENT(INOUT) :: this
688 : INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: sm_id
690 :
691 1548 : TYPE(set_type) :: nonzero_rows
692 : INTEGER :: i, j, k, m, sm_col_offset, offset_x1, offset_x2, offset_y1, &
693 : offset_y2, bufsize, bufsize_next, k_limit_left, k_limit_right
694 6 : INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: buf_offset_idxs
695 :
696 6 : IF (.NOT. this%initialized) THEN
697 0 : CPABORT("Submatrix dissection is not initizalized")
698 : END IF
699 :
700 6 : IF (this%myrank .NE. this%submatrix_owners(sm_id)) THEN
701 0 : CPABORT("This rank is not supposed to operate on this submatrix")
702 : END IF
703 :
704 18 : ALLOCATE (buf_offset_idxs(0:this%numnodes - 1))
705 18 : buf_offset_idxs = 1
706 :
707 : ! TODO: Should we buffer the list of non-zero rows for each submatrix instead of recalculating it each time?
708 6 : sm_col_offset = 0
709 12 : DO i = (sm_id - 1)*this%cols_per_sm + 1, sm_id*this%cols_per_sm ! all colums that determine submatrix sm_id
710 18 : DO j = this%coo_col_offsets(i), this%coo_col_offsets(i + 1) - 1 ! all blocks that are within this column
711 12 : CALL nonzero_rows%insert(this%coo_rows(j))
712 : END DO
713 : END DO
714 :
715 6 : sm_col_offset = 0
716 6 : DO i = 1, nonzero_rows%elements
717 6 : IF (nonzero_rows%get(i) .EQ. (sm_id - 1)*this%cols_per_sm + 1) THEN
718 : ! We just found the nonzero row that corresponds to the first inducing column of our submatrix
719 6 : sm_col_offset = i
720 6 : EXIT
721 : END IF
722 : END DO
723 6 : IF (sm_col_offset .EQ. 0) THEN
724 0 : CPABORT("Could not determine relevant result columns of submatrix")
725 : END IF
726 :
727 6 : offset_x1 = 0
728 12 : DO j = 1, nonzero_rows%elements
729 6 : offset_x2 = offset_x1 + this%col_blk_size(nonzero_rows%get(j))
730 : ! We only want to copy the blocks from the result columns
731 6 : IF ((j .GE. sm_col_offset) .AND. (j .LT. sm_col_offset + this%cols_per_sm)) THEN
732 6 : offset_y1 = 0
733 6 : k_limit_left = this%coo_col_offsets(nonzero_rows%get(j))
734 6 : k_limit_right = this%coo_col_offsets(nonzero_rows%get(j) + 1) - 1
735 12 : DO i = 1, nonzero_rows%elements
736 6 : offset_y2 = offset_y1 + this%col_blk_size(nonzero_rows%get(i))
737 : ! Check if sm(i,j), i.e., (nonzero_rows(i),nonzero_rows(j)) exists in the original matrix and if so, copy it into the
738 : ! correct send buffer.
739 6 : k = k_limit_left
740 6 : DO WHILE (k .LE. k_limit_right)
741 6 : IF (this%coo_rows(k) .GE. nonzero_rows%get(i)) EXIT
742 0 : k = k + 1
743 : END DO
744 6 : k_limit_left = k
745 6 : IF (this%coo_rows(k) .EQ. nonzero_rows%get(i)) THEN ! it does exist and k is our block id
746 : CALL dbcsr_get_stored_coordinates(matrix=this%dbcsr_mat, row=this%coo_rows(k), column=this%coo_cols(k), &
747 6 : processor=m)
748 6 : DO WHILE (buf_offset_idxs(m) .LE. this%result_blocks_for_rank(m)%elements)
749 6 : IF (this%result_blocks_for_rank(m)%get(buf_offset_idxs(m)) .GE. k) EXIT
750 0 : buf_offset_idxs(m) = buf_offset_idxs(m) + 1
751 : END DO
752 6 : IF (this%result_blocks_for_rank(m)%get(buf_offset_idxs(m)) .NE. k) THEN
753 0 : CPABORT("Could not determine buffer offset for block")
754 : END IF
755 6 : bufsize = this%result_blocks_for_rank_buf_offsets(m)%data(buf_offset_idxs(m))
756 6 : bufsize_next = bufsize + this%col_blk_size(this%coo_cols(k))*this%col_blk_size(this%coo_rows(k))
757 : this%result_sendbufs(m)%data(bufsize + 1:bufsize_next) = RESHAPE( &
758 : sm(offset_y1 + 1:offset_y2, offset_x1 + 1:offset_x2), &
759 228 : (/bufsize_next - bufsize/))
760 : END IF
761 12 : offset_y1 = offset_y2
762 : END DO
763 : END IF
764 12 : offset_x1 = offset_x2
765 : END DO
766 :
767 6 : DEALLOCATE (buf_offset_idxs)
768 :
769 : ! Free memory in set
770 6 : CALL nonzero_rows%reset
771 :
772 1548 : END SUBROUTINE submatrix_cpy_resultcol
773 :
774 : ! **************************************************************************************************
775 : !> \brief finalize results back into a dbcsr matrix
776 : !> \param this - object of class submatrix_dissection_type
777 : !> \param resultmat - result dbcsr matrix
778 : !> \par History
779 : !> 2020.02 created [Michael Lass]
780 : !> 2020.05 add time measurements [Michael Lass]
781 : ! **************************************************************************************************
782 10 : SUBROUTINE submatrix_communicate_results(this, resultmat)
783 : CLASS(submatrix_dissection_type), INTENT(INOUT) :: this
784 : TYPE(dbcsr_type), INTENT(INOUT) :: resultmat
785 :
786 : INTEGER :: i, j, k, cur_row, cur_col, cur_sm, cur_buf, last_buf, &
787 : bufsize, bufsize_next, row_size, col_size
788 10 : REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: vector
789 10 : TYPE(buffer_type), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: result_recvbufs
790 :
791 : CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'submatrix_communicate_results'
792 : INTEGER :: handle
793 :
794 10 : CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
795 :
796 60 : ALLOCATE (result_recvbufs(0:this%numnodes - 1))
797 30 : DO i = 0, this%numnodes - 1
798 20 : bufsize = 0
799 25 : DO j = 1, this%result_blocks_from_rank(i)%elements
800 5 : k = this%result_blocks_from_rank(i)%get(j)
801 25 : bufsize = bufsize + this%col_blk_size(this%coo_cols(k))*this%col_blk_size(this%coo_rows(k))
802 : END DO
803 30 : CALL result_recvbufs(i)%alloc(bufsize)
804 : END DO
805 :
806 : ! Communicate. We attempt to balance communication load in the network here by starting our sends with our right neighbor
807 : ! and first trying to receive from our left neighbor.
808 10 : IF (this%numnodes .GT. 1) THEN
809 30 : DO i = 1, this%numnodes
810 20 : k = MODULO(this%myrank - i, this%numnodes) ! rank to receive from
811 20 : CALL this%group%irecv(msgout=result_recvbufs(k)%data, source=k, request=result_recvbufs(k)%mpi_request)
812 20 : k = MODULO(this%myrank + i, this%numnodes) ! rank to send to
813 30 : CALL this%group%isend(msgin=this%result_sendbufs(k)%data, dest=k, request=this%result_sendbufs(k)%mpi_request)
814 : END DO
815 30 : DO i = 0, this%numnodes - 1
816 20 : CALL this%result_sendbufs(i)%mpi_request%wait()
817 30 : CALL result_recvbufs(i)%mpi_request%wait()
818 : END DO
819 : ELSE
820 0 : result_recvbufs(0)%data = this%result_sendbufs(0)%data
821 : END IF
822 :
823 10 : last_buf = -1
824 10 : bufsize = 0
825 15 : DO i = 1, this%local_blocks
826 5 : cur_col = this%coo_cols_local(i)
827 5 : cur_row = this%coo_rows_local(i)
828 5 : cur_sm = (cur_col - 1)/this%cols_per_sm + 1
829 5 : cur_buf = this%submatrix_owners(cur_sm)
830 5 : IF (cur_buf .GT. last_buf) bufsize = 0
831 5 : row_size = this%row_blk_size(cur_row)
832 5 : col_size = this%col_blk_size(cur_col)
833 5 : bufsize_next = bufsize + row_size*col_size
834 5 : vector => result_recvbufs(cur_buf)%data(bufsize + 1:bufsize_next)
835 : CALL dbcsr_put_block(matrix=resultmat, row=cur_row, col=cur_col, &
836 15 : block=RESHAPE(vector, [row_size, col_size]))
837 5 : bufsize = bufsize_next
838 15 : last_buf = cur_buf
839 : END DO
840 :
841 30 : DO i = 0, this%numnodes - 1
842 30 : CALL result_recvbufs(i)%dealloc
843 : END DO
844 10 : DEALLOCATE (result_recvbufs)
845 :
846 10 : CALL dbcsr_finalize(resultmat)
847 :
848 10 : CALL timestop(handle)
849 10 : END SUBROUTINE submatrix_communicate_results
850 :
851 : ! **************************************************************************************************
852 : !> \brief sort two integer arrays using quicksort, using the second list as second-level sorting criterion
853 : !> \param arr_a - first input array
854 : !> \param arr_b - second input array
855 : !> \param left - left boundary of region to be sorted
856 : !> \param right - right boundary of region to be sorted
857 : ! **************************************************************************************************
858 20 : RECURSIVE PURE SUBROUTINE qsort_two(arr_a, arr_b, left, right)
859 :
860 : INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(inout) :: arr_a, arr_b
861 : INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: left, right
862 :
863 : INTEGER :: i, j, pivot_a, pivot_b, tmp
864 :
865 20 : IF (right - left .LT. 1) RETURN
866 :
867 0 : i = left
868 0 : j = right - 1
869 0 : pivot_a = arr_a(right)
870 0 : pivot_b = arr_b(right)
871 :
872 0 : DO
873 0 : DO WHILE ((arr_a(i) .LT. pivot_a) .OR. ((arr_a(i) .EQ. pivot_a) .AND. (arr_b(i) .LT. pivot_b)))
874 0 : i = i + 1
875 : END DO
876 0 : DO WHILE ((j .GT. i) .AND. ((arr_a(j) .GT. pivot_a) .OR. ((arr_a(j) .EQ. pivot_a) .AND. (arr_b(j) .GE. pivot_b))))
877 0 : j = j - 1
878 : END DO
879 0 : IF (i .LT. j) THEN
880 0 : tmp = arr_a(i)
881 0 : arr_a(i) = arr_a(j)
882 0 : arr_a(j) = tmp
883 0 : tmp = arr_b(i)
884 0 : arr_b(i) = arr_b(j)
885 0 : arr_b(j) = tmp
886 : ELSE
887 : EXIT
888 : END IF
889 : END DO
890 :
891 0 : IF ((arr_a(i) .GT. pivot_a) .OR. (arr_a(i) .EQ. pivot_a .AND. arr_b(i) .GT. pivot_b)) THEN
892 0 : tmp = arr_a(i)
893 0 : arr_a(i) = arr_a(right)
894 0 : arr_a(right) = tmp
895 0 : tmp = arr_b(i)
896 0 : arr_b(i) = arr_b(right)
897 0 : arr_b(right) = tmp
898 : END IF
899 :
900 0 : IF (i - 1 .GT. left) CALL qsort_two(arr_a, arr_b, left, i - 1)
901 0 : IF (i + 1 .LT. right) CALL qsort_two(arr_a, arr_b, i + 1, right)
902 :
903 : END SUBROUTINE qsort_two
904 :
905 0 : END MODULE submatrix_dissection