Simulation of STM and AFM images for a graphene nanoribbons adsorbed on a metallic substrate
ssh -X ssh -X hypatia
module load python/2.7.12
go to your scratch directory:
cd /mnt/scratch/your_username
and copy there the tar file of the exercise:
cp /home/cpi/exercise_12.tar ./ tar -xvf exercise_12.tar cd exercise_12
We consider two possible chemical terminations for a finite size 7-AGNR. In TASK_1 the ribbon is terminated with a C-H2 bonding while in TASK_2 the termination is C-H The additional H atom present at the termini of the ribbon of TASK_1 will suppress the spin polarized edge states that are evident in the ribbon of TASK_2
Have a look to the cp2k input file cp2k.inp used to obtain quickly the optimized geometry of a ribbon adsorbed on a Au substrate. The ribbon is modelled within DFTB (similar to tight binding) while the substrate is modelled via Embedded Atom Model. An empirical potential in teh form of C6/R^6 plus a pauli repulsion is added to couple the adsorbate/substrate systems.
Two geometry fiels are present: and The input needs both of them.
Have a look at the geometry of the system using ASE:
ipython In [1]: from import read In [2]: from ase.visualize import view In [3]: s=read("") In [4]: view(s) In [5]: exit()
qsub run
After completion of the optimization you should extract the final coordinates of the molecule and copy them in the STM directory to compute the KS orbitals and to ocmpute the STM images you can extract the coordinates running the following script:
Now go to the STM directory andsubmit the run script
qsub run
The program will compute the 10 highest and 10 lowest KS orbitals. You can produce a contour plot of each orbital on a plane ~2A above the ribbon running a pyhton script:
I will also show you how to visualize the orbitals with VMD.
To obtain teh stm images you have to combine different KS orbitals (depending on the bias voltage applied) into a single cube file:
qsub run_sumbias
you will then obtain a cube file for each desired bias voltage (see the script run_sumbias)
Now you can compuyte a constant current STM image runnong the script
qsub run_stm
Please note that we are simulating a molecule, we do not include the electrons of the substrate thus we have a disceret spectrum of energies and it is quite likely that for values of the bias voltage that fall in the HOMO-LUMO gap we will obtain an empty image
Now we can simulate for teh same ribbon a AFM image: Go the the AFM directory of TASK_1 copy there the file that you find in the STM directory and execute:
It will take ~ 5 minutes, then you will find a dir containing the AFM simulated image.
Repeat all the instructions of TASK_1 for the scripts present in the dir TASK_2
When the file is created in the STM dir (after running ./ copy it immediateli to the AFM dir. Now, before executing the instructions for the STM dir edit the file and modify it in such a way that the first three C atoms will be labelled as C1 and the C atoms from 4 to 6 will be labelled as C2
222 C1 6.0848407282 7.8280098155 21.6125989354 C1 6.0865671686 12.7633436664 21.6071222309 C1 6.1020007836 10.2957686990 21.6036624306 C2 56.3447906713 10.2958157091 21.6033852713 C2 56.3619529363 7.8280149623 21.6128774460 C2 56.3601930737 12.7634261117 21.6063533886 H 4.9837063610 7.8327959357 21.5912164696 H 4.9855872642 12.7623732365 21.5844580428