Table of Contents
How can one contribute to CP2K?
Use CP2K !
- Enabling great science is the main purpose of CP2K. Use CP2K for high quality work, and show others how to use CP2K correctly and efficiently.
- In publications, give credit to the program used, and cite original references. This helps funding further developments and maintaining the code.
- Add a summary of your work to our science page, see next section.
Contribute to the Website
The CP2K website now resides completely in a wiki. Most pages are publicly editable by anybody, just click the pencil on the right. To create a new page just open the URL (e.g. ) and click the pencil. The software we are using is called DokuWiki. It is very easy to learn. You can try it at this playground page.
Contribute to the Reference Manual
Maybe you have already noticed the small “[Edit]” links at . This is a new feature, which allows everybody to easily contribute to cp2k's documentation. The links lead to a form where you can submit text changes, after a short review the changes will appear in the official cp2k-manual.
- If you find a typo, please correct it.
- If you finally figured out how a keyword works, please clarify its description.
- If you want to make a difference, write an introductory section description.
Contribute to the Code
The source code of CP2K is publicly available. You can follow the development and send us patches. Some helpful information for new developers is also available.